Tuesday, 31 December 2013

2014, Jan.,The 2014 Taiwan Excellence Award of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)

b_290_290_16777215_00___images_news3_2014.jpgThe 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, hosted by the Taiwan Bureau of Foreign Trade, has long stood for the highest standard and role model of boutique product in Taiwan on many domains, including product development, design, quality assurance, marketing, and Made-in-Taiwan (MIT) production. It is also the only all-around award in the world, thus reflects Taiwan’s brand innovation value to rest of the globe. The country’s first green social enterprise, DA.AI Technology Corporation, was first awarded and recognized in 2012 with its iconic eco-friendly green and white non-dyed polo shirt, named DA.AI (Great Love in Chinese) Polo Shirt. The company continues to triumph in 2013 by winning awards on a total of 6 different series. Furthermore, in the recently announced 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology Corporation has once again proved itself with 10 different product series (a total of 59 products) including the Chinese traditional style Heritage Series, Fresh Sprout/Mascots (infants/kids) Series, Cultivated (leisure) Series, Vow into Action (disaster relief) Series, and the Home Gift Box Series that demonstrates the caring for environment, all living beings, and mother Earth. The company has also published numerous reports on the 2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards to tell the humanism stories behind the brand.

The DA.AI Technology’s Corporation differs from rest of the fiber textile industry in a sense that all of the company’s raw materials come from the plastic bottles that come into the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation’s recycling centers daily from all over Taiwan. Moreover, DA.AI Technology fully contributes its investment and net profit back to Tzu Chi Foundation, which is then utilized on local and international charity and disaster relief. The company is also looking to extend its product development technology into other raw materials, such as recycled paper, to better re-use all the unwanted resources.

Together with the global footprint of Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology had the chance to tag along and exhibit around the world. Thanks to this rare opportunity, people from different country and region were able to learn aboutTaiwan’s enlivened power of recycling, turning what was meant to be thrown away into useful resources. The company’s establishment is made possible by numerous recycling volunteers and entrepreneurs who contributed their time, money, and effort on theislandofTaiwan. DA.AI Technology wishes to carry out all these stories behind the brand and product to the world, and ultimately raises everyone’s awareness to love and cherish the land that we live on and to “coexist with the Earth.”

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The Heritage Series Promotes the Blessing and Wisdom Role Model Once Again. (2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards Report #1)

Caption: With its iconic and special surface finish, the Gentle Fleece fabric presents a feather-like soft and comfort texture, and together with its warm and fur-ball-less characteristics, it is the ideal material winter coat. The natural color grey provides a strong feeling of humbleness and stillness. The simple design also brings out the generous and elegant personality.(Photo by:DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)The 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, hosted by the Taiwan Bureau of Foreign Trade, has long stood for the highest standard and role model of boutique product in Taiwan on many domains, including product development, design, quality assurance, marketing, and Made-in-Taiwan (MIT) production. It is also the only all-around award in the world, thus reflects Taiwan’s brand innovation value to rest of the globe. The country’s first green social enterprise, DA.AI Technology Corporation, was first awarded and recognized in 2012 with its iconic eco-friendly green and white non-dyed polo shirt, named DA.AI (Great Love in Chinese) Polo Shirt. The company continues to triumph in 2013 by winning awards on a total of 6 different series. Furthermore, in the recently announced 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology Corporation has once again proved itself with 10 different product series (a total of 59 products) including the Chinese traditional style Heritage Series, Fresh Sprout/Mascots (infants/kids) Series, Cultivated (leisure) Series, Vow into Action (disaster relief) Series, and the Home Gift Box Series that demonstrates the caring for environment, all living beings, and mother Earth. The company has also published numerous reports on the 2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards to tell the humanism stories behind the brand.

The DA.AI Technology’s Corporation differs from rest of the fiber textile industry in a sense that all of the company’s raw materials come from the plastic bottles that come into the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation’s recycling centers daily from all over Taiwan. Moreover, DA.AI Technology fully contributes its investment and net profit back to Tzu Chi Foundation, which is then utilized on local and international charity and disaster relief. The company is also looking to extend its product development technology into other raw materials, such as recycled paper, to better re-use all the unwanted resources.

Caption: The Immaculate Product Series, with its bow-knot cuff, embroidered chest, and traditional button design, emits the beauty of classic and simplicity. The pure and clean white color also states the internal peacefulness and calmness, and reminds us of our compassion towards Mother Earth and our surroundings.(Photo by:DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)The colors from the classic Chinese style Heritage Series, including Silence Black, Immaculate White, Accommodation Grey, and Gentle Fleece, all demonstrate a sense of internal elegance and human manner. Much like the traditional Chinese culture, the Heritage Series wishes to emphasize on the elegant, simple, and dignified virtues through its design. Ingeniously combine the Chinese style design with internal humanity, the Heritage Series also proved it technically possible that recycled polyester can be made into more than just sports clothing, while such innovation is applause by the general public.

Together with the global footprint of Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology had the chance to tag along and exhibit around the world. Thanks to this rare opportunity, people from different country and region were able to learn aboutTaiwan’s enlivened power of recycling, turning what was meant to be thrown away into useful resources. The company’s establishment is made possible by numerous recycling volunteers and entrepreneurs who contributed their time, money, and effort on theislandofTaiwan. DA.AI Technology wishes to carry out all these stories behind the brand and product to the world, and ultimately raises everyone’s awareness to love and cherish the land that we live on and to “coexist with the Earth.”

DA.AI Technology Reporter, Claire Lin, Tom Yang, Taipei

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傳薪清蓮心香溢 自淨身心品高潔

圖說: 「蓮花刺繡外套」,即傳達心性的美善與清淨,誠如靜思語所言:「大愛的心猶如一朵清淨的蓮花,不論在任何環境都能散發清香。」(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技傳薪系列中國風服飾,乃回溯中國復古之美,賦予人文新意,遵循  證嚴法師《禮儀之美》的慈示,藉由服儀人文之美,回歸人性的單純樸實。其中「包容系列」的設計就是以清明心念為主,日前上市傳薪心品--「蓮花刺繡外套」,即傳達心性的美善與清淨,誠如靜思語所言:「大愛的心猶如一朵清淨的蓮花,不論在任何環境都能散發清香。」




大愛感恩科技真善美志工  胡崇惠 台北報導

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圖說: 大愛感恩科技獲頒環保署年度推廣綠色消費優良單位,由發起人之一  林家和師兄(右)代表上台受獎,由管考處 蕭慧娟處長(左)頒贈獎座。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)環保署為表揚及感謝綠色業者對於政策及環保作為的貢獻,於12月24日「102年綠色消費宣傳暨綠色採購推動計畫成果發表會」 頒贈獎座,表揚推廣綠色消費與環保推廣優良單位。大愛感恩科技今年度參與「綠色妝聘禮推廣活動」將實用又有環保標章的環保紡織品,提供民眾作為聘禮嫁妝,希望新人們從構思婚禮到組成家庭都能帶入環保”心”生活,藉此引導民眾關切環保議題,也因而獲頒102年度推廣綠色消費優良業者。


圖說: 大愛感恩科技,教育消費者以「取代」代替「消費」的綠色行動,響應環保署「綠色妝聘禮」推廣活動。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技發起人之一 林家和師兄代表上台受獎,並於會後受訪表示:「我們的衣服是原色或不用後染的寶特瓶回收的環保再生材質製成。」 資源再利用,既天然又環保,推出綠色婚禮,鼓勵結婚也要用環保標章產品,期待更多業者加入綠色消費推動的行列,提升十方大徳綠色意識,讓環保習慣生活化,共同帶動全民綠色生活時代。

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大圍環保參訪Children recycle tapes

Moving to Hong Kong, at the Tai Wai(大圍) Tzu Chi Recycling Station, Tzu Chi volunteers recently taught a group of children how to properly sort recyclables into the right categories, allowing them to gain new knowledge, as well as hands-on experience.Let`s take a look.


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大愛毛毯迎新年 寒冬溫暖幸福感

圖說: 可愛的「大愛狗/感恩貓動物毛毯」,集「布偶、毛毯、披肩」多功能,一物多用,就是減少物資浪費,不易生螨的環保材質,是陪伴孩子童年時光的最佳愛心夥伴。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技吉祥物--「大愛狗」與「感恩貓」,所象徵的意義,誠如「大愛」、「感恩」之名,旨在孕育孩子大愛胸懷,這份愛心便是造福的種子;培養孩子心生感恩,懂得感恩便能啟發善良惜福的心性。迎接2014年,新一代的大愛感恩吉祥物,更被賦予心善行—「環保」大愛狗與「素食」感恩貓,因此最受小朋友喜愛的吉祥物環保毛毯心品,也以嶄新可愛的形貌上市,貼心附上收納提袋,方便外出時隨身提著走,將成為孩子們最期盼的聖誕禮及新年禮,在寒冬給予孩子溫暖的幸福感。



大愛感恩科技真善美志工 胡崇惠 台北報導

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大愛毛毯迎新年 寒冬溫暖幸福感

圖說: 可愛的「大愛狗/感恩貓動物毛毯」,集「布偶、毛毯、披肩」多功能,一物多用,就是減少物資浪費,不易生螨的環保材質,是陪伴孩子童年時光的最佳愛心夥伴。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技吉祥物--「大愛狗」與「感恩貓」,所象徵的意義,誠如「大愛」、「感恩」之名,旨在孕育孩子大愛胸懷,這份愛心便是造福的種子;培養孩子心生感恩,懂得感恩便能啟發善良惜福的心性。迎接2014年,新一代的大愛感恩吉祥物,更被賦予心善行—「環保」大愛狗與「素食」感恩貓,因此最受小朋友喜愛的吉祥物環保毛毯心品,也以嶄新可愛的形貌上市,貼心附上收納提袋,方便外出時隨身提著走,將成為孩子們最期盼的聖誕禮及新年禮,在寒冬給予孩子溫暖的幸福感。



大愛感恩科技真善美志工 胡崇惠 台北報導

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Monday, 30 December 2013

人文愛灑科技企業 菩提林立愛心湧現

圖說:聯華電子執行長顏博文師兄(左)致贈感恩結緣品予大愛感恩科技執董李鼎銘師兄(右),致贈的涵意非禮品本身,而是無形的致意與感恩,感恩能以「品人文,涵福慧,傳大愛」的人文精神傳遞給每位在場同仁,深表肯定與讚嘆。(攝影者:聯華電子職工福利委員會)台灣電子科技大廠---聯華電子、旺宏電子,特邀大愛感恩科技分享綠色環保與企業社會責任的落實,透過執董 李鼎銘師兄生動與感動的分享,在場的高級主管與同仁參與的不只是一場講座,而是感受如同一場人文愛灑、心靈饗宴,洗滌內心與淨化人心,同時也暸解一般企業講求業績分毫必爭的激烈競爭下,還有這獨負有使命感的“ 大愛感恩科技的綠色環保社會企業“ 為台灣社會來打拼及付出。

『一切都是好因緣!』,大愛感恩科技於11月、12月分別前往聯電 (南科廠/新竹廠)與主管、同仁分享,會有如此的因緣,即是聯電執行長 顏博文的夫人( 吳玫芬師姊),於去年在社區師兄師姊的邀請下,參與了七月吉祥月的活動,看著台前由108位師兄合心組隊的「行願法船」,被其中堅定的信心與願力所震撼,因而鼓勵顏博文師兄參加新竹地區「行願法船」的演繹。唐朝鑑真大和尚的東渡日本把佛法傳到日本的堅定「行願」精神,也深深絡印在顏博文心中。

圖說:旺宏電子邀約大愛感恩科技於新竹科學園區分享,與現場互動一家親,同仁像是從地湧現的菩薩,個個主動與執董 李鼎銘師兄進行Q&A。大愛感恩科技以科技結合慈悲,以環保結合愛心,以人文結合公益,期許成為世界環保愛心品牌的典範。(攝影者:廖栗瑄)顏博文師兄在接下聯電執行長一職後,由於期盼能實踐  上人「淨化人心、社會祥和、天下無災難」的三好願,積極的定期與不定期邀請社區志工,到公司舉辦愛灑與人文講座活動,大愛感恩科技在三次的分享中,部門主管與各部同仁參與近500位,每一場的分享都是「因為你 因為我」,才能彼此共結善緣,只要現場的一個人被一句話、一個影像所感動,進而想行善入人群、回饋社會,這樣的分享就是值得了。即有一位聯華電子專職的消防大隊隊員感動的分享,希望未來能投入慈濟志工見習的行列,進入慈濟大家庭、人間菩薩招生。

圖說:大愛感恩科技公司秉持「大愛眾生,感恩大地」的精神,是個無私愛心的公益平台,從環保菩薩資源回收、到實業家發揮專業良能的愛心接力、接續回饋社會,期盼成為拋磚引玉的先鋒,帶動更多有心投入環保的實業與團體,善盡社會企業責任。(攝影者:攝影者:廖栗瑄)執董 李鼎銘師兄會進入旺宏電子分享,以“續物命 造福慧”的主題,共同“化腐朽為神奇,化不可能為可能”,將慈濟環保人文精神帶入科技業。 要拯救地球,就是要先救心,啟發人人心中的愛,發揮「心室效應」,災難時刻,正是造福時刻,啟動一分愛,恆持一念善,讓「來不及」成為「來得及」。誠如靜思語所言:「疼愛大地,就是疼愛眾生」;「人人有愛,天、地、人就能調和,萬物自然生機蓬勃」。但願人人凝聚善念,即時行善,落實低碳生活,愛護地球,天下無災,人人才能安居樂業。

大愛感恩科技真善美志工 林慧萍 台北報導

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海汙事件簿(二)洋流垃圾At sea for 15 years

Did you know that land-based discharge of human-made debris, comprises the largest source of marine debris in oceans worldwide. And in the center of the Pacific Ocean is a gyre(G-i-er) of marine debris known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The surface area of the patch is estimated to be 39 times the size of Taiwan and is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of plastics. Let`s find out more in our next report.

您知道嗎?海洋汙染 大多都來自於人類的惡意排放之外,還有丟進海洋裡的垃圾,而在全世界有一座最大的海洋垃圾島,太平洋垃圾帶,它的面積有臺灣島的39倍大,而大多數的垃圾是塑膠,我們來看接下來的報導。

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Saturday, 28 December 2013

海汙事件簿(一)毒海岸Oceans have become a dumping ground

Taiwan`s economic boom in the 1960s gave rise to the rapid growth of industrial businesses. The development of these manufacturers also led to a significant amount of industrial waste, being discharged from factories into rivers and oceans. Over time, not only has this contaminated our rivers, it has also threatened the aquatic ecosystem along Taiwan`s coastlines. Just how dirty are our waters? Here`s more in our next report.


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Friday, 27 December 2013

溫馨節慶環保心 圓滿禮盒聖誕情

圖說: 連續兩年台北101辦公大樓一樓大廳點亮由大愛感恩科技提供的大愛布所製成,打造出充滿人文馨香的巨型環保聖誕樹,讓聖誕節充滿濃濃的環保風。 (攝影者:李鼎南)每年12月溫馨聖誕季,城市街頭總簇擁著千變萬化的繽紛聖誕樹,令人目不暇給,連續兩年台北101辦公大樓一樓大廳點亮由大愛感恩科技提供的大愛布所製成,打造出充滿人文馨香的巨型環保聖誕樹,這幾天101大樓更是將這有意義的環保樹再度組裝起來,這些無不都是推廣/落實環保理念,讓聖誕節充滿濃濃的環保風,期待全球的觀光客來代表台灣的標竿101 大樓時, 也能感受到全台灣的軟實力 (環保,人文,愛心,回饋) 喔。


圖說:台北101辦公大樓巨型環保聖誕樹,此為大愛感恩科技同仁於今年再度組裝時拍攝,期待全球的觀光客來到代表台灣的標竿101 大樓時, 都能感受到全台灣的軟實力 (環保,人文,愛心,回饋) 喔。(攝影者:李明瑩)溫馨12月,是分享、傳愛的季節,心芽「圓滿系列」多元禮盒,提供寒冬送暖、分享幸福、友善地球的最佳選擇。包含「環保兒童晨袍禮盒」給孩子居家生活溫暖舒適的呵護;「環保造型坐墊毛毯」可愛造型,多元功能,展開後即成保暖蓋毯,適合居家或車內使用;「環保兒童收納椅」可收納物品玩具還可當座椅,亦可折疊收藏,不佔用空間;「環保兒童披風彌月禮盒」讓孩子外出時保暖擋風、方便穿搭;「環保室內保暖鞋」鞋底有止滑效果,二種穿法,保護腳兒暖呼呼;「環保造型防走失包」適合剛學步的寶寶或幼童使用,防止幼童走失,防走失繩可拆/裝,亦兼具背包功能。


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溫馨節慶環保心 圓滿禮盒聖誕情

圖說: 連續兩年台北101辦公大樓一樓大廳點亮由大愛感恩科技提供的大愛布所製成,打造出充滿人文馨香的巨型環保聖誕樹,讓聖誕節充滿濃濃的環保風。 (攝影者:李鼎南)每年12月溫馨聖誕季,城市街頭總簇擁著千變萬化的繽紛聖誕樹,令人目不暇給,連續兩年台北101辦公大樓一樓大廳點亮由大愛感恩科技提供的大愛布所製成,打造出充滿人文馨香的巨型環保聖誕樹,這幾天101大樓更是將這有意義的環保樹再度組裝起來,這些無不都是推廣/落實環保理念,讓聖誕節充滿濃濃的環保風,期待全球的觀光客來代表台灣的標竿101 大樓時, 也能感受到全台灣的軟實力 (環保,人文,愛心,回饋) 喔。


圖說:台北101辦公大樓巨型環保聖誕樹,此為大愛感恩科技同仁於今年再度組裝時拍攝,期待全球的觀光客來到代表台灣的標竿101 大樓時, 都能感受到全台灣的軟實力 (環保,人文,愛心,回饋) 喔。(攝影者:李明瑩)溫馨12月,是分享、傳愛的季節,心芽「圓滿系列」多元禮盒,提供寒冬送暖、分享幸福、友善地球的最佳選擇。包含「環保兒童晨袍禮盒」給孩子居家生活溫暖舒適的呵護;「環保造型坐墊毛毯」可愛造型,多元功能,展開後即成保暖蓋毯,適合居家或車內使用;「環保兒童收納椅」可收納物品玩具還可當座椅,亦可折疊收藏,不佔用空間;「環保兒童披風彌月禮盒」讓孩子外出時保暖擋風、方便穿搭;「環保室內保暖鞋」鞋底有止滑效果,二種穿法,保護腳兒暖呼呼;「環保造型防走失包」適合剛學步的寶寶或幼童使用,防止幼童走失,防走失繩可拆/裝,亦兼具背包功能。


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將大愛留給地球 綠色品牌心典範

圖說: 大愛品牌今年連續三屆成為綠色指標,精質環保再度精進,其中愛護動物毛毯系列榮獲2013年第三屆「台灣綠色典範產品獎」的殊榮,成就大愛(DA.AI)集「精品、研發、永續」於一身的領導品牌的典範。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)只要對著自動販賣機投下硬幣,就可以馬上享用到一瓶冰冰涼涼的瓶裝飲料,您是否曾經想過這種便利的生活方式所累積下來的瓶瓶罐罐,積少成多將如何衝擊我們的居存環境? 而在喝完飲料後,你是否有把留下來的寶特瓶好好做資源回收再利用呢?回收而來的寶特瓶用途非常多,其中「大愛感恩科技」便是利用環保高科技將寶特瓶轉變成許多日常生活的實用紡織品,藉此環保實踐力,成就綠色品牌心典範,發揮創意的同時,也兼顧到了永續共生精神及社會企業責任的落實。

    「大愛感恩科技」於二〇〇八年正式成立,但其實最早可追朔至一九九〇年時  證嚴法師的一句話:「用鼓掌的雙手做環保」,開始帶動了慈濟海內外與十方大德的綠色環保行動。二〇〇三年,「慈濟國際人道援助會」正式成立,成為國內外賑災與社會公益善行的馳援後盾。

    為了更進一步推廣寶特瓶回收再生與呵護地球的理念,二〇〇八年正式成立大愛感恩科技股份有限公司,同時結合眾人的良能的愛心接力來生產的大愛環保織品,也蘊含著「友善大地,關懷世界」的人文意涵,期許藉此愛心平台,集合眾人的力量,付出無所求的心,貢獻於環保品牌大愛 (DA.AI) 的推廣並落實於人們的日常生活當中, 並間接的能為減緩地球的暖化貢獻小小的心力。

圖說:  輔大生命力新聞記者林之耀(中)與顏大惟(右一)同學於12月初參訪大愛感恩科技低碳人文概念館,同仁李明瑩表示: 大愛感恩科技創造出一種新的回饋經營模式,是全球第一家百分之百回饋社會的非營利企業 (NPC : Non Profit Company) 代表,藉此推廣大愛感恩科技人文內涵與其善盡企業社會責任的永續經營理念。(攝影者:蔡知穎)集合各界力量 寶特瓶化身大愛紗
    走進一間位於內湖的慈濟環保站內,首先映入眼簾的是慈濟有名的「靜思書軒」,靜思書軒中也推廣著各式大愛感恩科技出產的環保產品。再往前深入探究,一群奉獻時間與精力的環保菩薩們正專心的將垃圾作進一步的分類與處理,擔任志工已久的 陳淑穗師姊表示,志工們通常早上八點就開始陸陸續續地抵達環保站並開始工作,分類項目有寶特瓶、電子產品等眾多回收的資源,其中寶特瓶除了剪開瓶環的動作之外,還要依照瓶子本身的顏色來做區別, 淑穗師姊說明有些瓶子本來瓶身就有色彩,因此就直接利用本身的原色來紡紗,既可以清淨無染於大地、又有節能減碳的效果。寶特瓶壓成瓶磚後,交給業者粉碎成瓶片,並經過清洗、除雜質、乾燥等步驟後,就可以塑化成再生聚脂粒,紡織業者也才能開始抽紗。大愛同仁李明瑩就表示: 要做為紡織原料的寶特瓶,必須乾淨、無雜質,不然容易在抽紗的過程中斷裂,就無法織成布,因此大愛感恩科技對於慈濟環保站回收把關的「清淨資源」非常珍惜與感恩,「唯有高品質的原料,才能抽成長纖,織成精緻毛毯,這份環保菩薩的愛與人文,正是大愛 (DA.AI) 品牌最引以為傲的DNA」,她補充道。

回饋社會新模式  永續經營心典範 
    大愛感恩科技為台灣第一家環保公益企業,也是全球第一家百分之百回饋社會NPC (Non Profit Company) 的代表,在商業的普世價值裡,企業經營無不以獲利為最終目的,但是大愛感恩科技創造出一種新的經營模式,其中最大的亮點是企業投資及盈餘全數回饋慈濟,供國際賑災與社會公益之用,創造了回饋社會的新模式。

    不僅利用寶特瓶化廢為寶,企業體所研發生產的各項環保織品更符合世界環保標準,尤其是主力商品 【灰色環保毛毯】多年來已接二連三獲得國內外環保認證獎項肯定,帶動大愛 (DA.AI) 環保品牌國際品質的優勢,大愛感恩科技針對環保再生紡織品之供應鏈製程,導入了荷蘭彼得森管制聯盟 (Control Union) 之全球回收標準驗證(Global Recycle Standard)進行嚴格品管認可;大愛環保紗也獲得環保署環保標章,在國際標章上,大愛酯粒、大愛紗、灰色環保毛毯均通過了德國萊因產品碳足跡,水足跡雙驗證,以及環保署產品碳足跡驗證,更榮獲美國C2CPII 搖籃到搖籃銀級認證CM 與日本環保標章,獎項方面亦不空過,包括經濟部台灣精品獎、中小企業創新研究獎、綠色典範獎、MIT微笑標章, 國家環境教育獎、國家永續發展獎、企業社會責任獎等皆不曾缺席,成就大愛(DA.AI)集「精品、研發、永續」於一身的領導品牌的典範。


輔大生命力新聞  林之耀、顏大惟  新北市報導

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圖說: 大愛感恩科技獲頒環保署年度推廣綠色消費優良單位,由發起人之一  林家和師兄(右)代表上台受獎,由管考處 蕭慧娟處長(左)頒贈獎座。(攝影者: 蔡知穎)環保署為表揚及感謝綠色業者對於政策及環保作為的貢獻,於12月24日「102年綠色消費宣傳暨綠色採購推動計畫成果發表會」 頒贈獎座,表揚推廣綠色消費與環保推廣優良單位。大愛感恩科技今年度參與「綠色妝聘禮推廣活動」將實用又有環保標章的環保紡織品,提供民眾作為聘禮嫁妝,希望新人們從構思婚禮到組成家庭都能帶入環保”心”生活,藉此引導民眾關切環保議題,也因而獲頒推廣綠色消費優良單位。


圖說: 大愛感恩科技教育消費者以「取代」代替「消費」的綠色行動,響應環保署「綠色妝聘禮」推廣活動。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技發起人之一 林家和師兄代表上台受獎,並於會後受訪表示:「我們的衣服是原色或不用後染的寶特瓶回收的環保再生材質製成。」 資源再利用,既天然又環保,推出綠色婚禮,鼓勵結婚也要用環保標章產品,期待更多業者加入綠色消費推動的行列,提升十方大徳綠色意識,讓環保習慣生活化,共同帶動全民綠色生活時代。

大愛感恩科技真善美志工 蔡知穎 台北報導

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馬災民賑災+馬災難屋展示Helping flood survivors

As this year marks the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi in Malaysia, volunteers have designed a pavilion at a local recycling station, highlighting various natural disasters in order to increase local residents` awareness against such tragic events. Meanwhile in Ke-ma-man, following the recent floods there, Tzu Chi volunteers launched a cash-for-work program to lead local residents in cleanup efforts. Despite being disaster survivors themselves, numerous local volunteers set aside their own problems to dedicate their efforts to helping those in greater need.


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Thursday, 26 December 2013

2013,Dec.27-2014,Jan.1,Information Technology Month (IT Month) -Kaohsiung

【EVENT】:Information Technology Month (IT Month) -Kaohsiung
【DATE & TIME】:December 27 , 2013 - January 1, 2014
【LOCATION】:Kaohsiung Kaisyuan World Exhibition Center Read more

愛護地球訴求環保 台灣 ”心” 品回歸本真 (2014年台灣精品系列報導五)

圖說: 「愛護地球毛毯」之企鵝、海豹和北極熊樣式圖案,訴說著極地動物所面臨之生存危機,倡導敬天愛地以及愛惜萬物的理念。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)<靜思語的環保人生> 闡述現代環保真義: 在此災難頻繁、氣候難民日增的時刻,要消弭地球的的命運並度過難關,除了化解惡念,並要廣結善緣,人人力行環保,就是對地球最直接的膚慰與回饋。要改變氣候,就要先改變人心,大愛感恩科技秉持對於環保訴諸生活實踐,所有產品不僅材質環保,更堅持最不傷害大地的環保製程,大幅減少耗能與水污染,其中綠白淨心禮盒和愛護地球毛毯兩系列禮盒,更因此榮獲2014年二十二屆台灣精品獎的獎項肯定。


圖說: 「綠白淨心禮盒」全系列禮品,依寶特瓶原色-綠/白雙色為主,象徵回收還原大地本真,回歸清淨心田。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)「大愛心禮盒」系列,除有產品標籤標示節能減碳數據外,亦附有產品生命卡,送禮的同時可將對方的祝福寫在產品生命卡上表達最誠摯的心意,同時附上大愛感恩吉祥物內涵之 證嚴上人靜思語環保再生書籤,平日閱讀也可以隨時吸取 上人的法水用以淨心入行。讓環保行動從自身落實起,分享「心禮盒」,就是力行環保,也間接延伸了愛的力量。透過一系列綠色「台灣精品」系列報導,品味大愛環保人文,用愛認識台灣,並讓匯集十方大德愛心的台灣精品在世界發光發熱,成為代言環保生活的「台灣”心”品」。

大愛感恩科技真善美志工 黃歆瑜、李明瑩 台北報導

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愛護地球訴求環保 台灣 ”心” 品回歸本真 (2014年台灣精品系列報導五)

圖說: 「愛護地球毛毯」之企鵝、海豹和北極熊樣式圖案,訴說著極地動物所面臨之生存危機,倡導敬天愛地以及愛惜萬物的理念。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)<靜思語的環保人生> 闡述現代環保真義: 在此災難頻繁、氣候難民日增的時刻,要消弭地球的的命運並度過難關,除了化解惡念,並要廣結善緣,人人力行環保,就是對地球最直接的膚慰與回饋。要改變氣候,就要先改變人心,大愛感恩科技秉持對於環保訴諸生活實踐,所有產品不僅材質環保,更堅持最不傷害大地的環保製程,大幅減少耗能與水污染,其中綠白淨心禮盒和愛護地球毛毯兩系列禮盒,更因此榮獲2014年二十二屆台灣精品獎的獎項肯定。


圖說: 「綠白淨心禮盒」全系列禮品,依寶特瓶原色-綠/白雙色為主,象徵回收還原大地本真,回歸清淨心田。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)「大愛心禮盒」系列,除有產品標籤標示節能減碳數據外,亦附有產品生命卡,送禮的同時可將對方的祝福寫在產品生命卡上表達最誠摯的心意,同時附上大愛感恩吉祥物內涵之 證嚴上人靜思語環保再生書籤,平日閱讀也可以隨時吸取 上人的法水用以淨心入行。讓環保行動從自身落實起,分享「心禮盒」,就是力行環保,也間接延伸了愛的力量。透過一系列綠色「台灣精品」系列報導,品味大愛環保人文,用愛認識台灣,並讓匯集十方大德愛心的台灣精品在世界發光發熱,成為代言環保生活的「台灣”心”品」。

大愛感恩科技真善美志工 黃歆瑜、李明瑩 台北報導

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澳洲店家環保Parks ruined by litter

In Australia, cigarette butts are number one on a list of trash items, in the nation`s waste management report, and within the top ten items, bottles and cans make up most of the categories. To solve this problem, Brisbane Tzu Chi volunteers continue to spread concepts of environmental protection in the area. Next, let`s take a look at how volunteers and local residents work together to safeguard our Mother Earth.


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影城推廣美與善 『看見台灣』見證愛

圖說:『看見台灣』導演齊柏林(右四)身穿大愛感恩鋪棉外套,以及神秘嘉賓「台灣原聲童聲合唱團」馬彼得校長(右五)穿著大愛感恩刷毛背心,一起現身在電影會場。(攝影者: 虞珊明)從不同的角度,重新發現台灣的美,導演齊柏林,耗時三年,從不同的高度,記錄下台灣真實面貌,也讓人看見人類的開墾造成的破壞,更印證了 證嚴上人迫切的呼籲 : 人人應該心存感恩,戒慎虔誠,保護大地。12月21日週末,在台北的今日秀泰影城,匯集了一群由文山區與新店區慈濟人邀約的社區會眾 (深坑國中小家長老師及孩子,華梵建築系師生)、慈濟師兄師姊以及家人們,以電影院包場方式一同到電影院觀看『看見台灣』。這是一部台灣空拍記錄片電影,讓大家站在鳥瞰的高度發現台灣的美,同時也看見大地之母因為人類的破壞所受的毀傷,喚醒大家珍惜環境。

因為抱著呵護大地的心,大愛感恩科技也在該場電影結束後,在現場倡導環保救地球,告訴十方大德回收的資源可以做成賑災織品與衣物。推廣過程中,有一位媽媽帶著小學的孩子,聽完解說並看到『慈援起菲』的文宣牌子,二話不說拿出千元要捐給菲律賓賑災之用。當天上午在今日秀泰影城,同步也邀請到 齊柏林導演以及神秘嘉賓「台灣原聲童聲合唱團」 馬彼得校長。兩位身穿大愛感恩環保鋪棉外套以及環保刷毛背心現身台前;大愛台編劇 張秀玲師姊更是身著大愛感恩中國風系列出席,於電影結束時與觀眾分享並感恩、及呼籲愛地球。大愛感恩科技推動環保不落人後,在影城現場推廣以及宣導環保產品的美與善。期待人人在『看見台灣』後,延續這份善念與愛心、更能發揮一己的力量,一起來護持環保產品、延續物命,愛護環境。

圖說:大愛感恩科技推動環保不落人後,在影城現場吉祥物大愛狗也一起參與推廣以及宣導環保產品的美與善。期待人人在『看見台灣』後,更能發揮一己的力量,一起來護持環保產品延續物命,愛護環境。(攝影者: 虞珊明)證嚴上人曾開示:「這一代來破壞掉了大地,下一代的子子孫孫如何能居住,真正的關懷人類生態的菩薩,能一起動員起來,好好來呼籲,好好來呵護大地。」珍惜資源,從每個人生活開始做起,降低物質欲望,用知足感恩的心,一起保護地球。難得有這樣的因緣可以與如此有意義的電影異業結盟,接續還有三場(12/29,30, 1/10)包場活動,大愛感恩科技將會持續出現在現場,擔任起環保推動的說法急先鋒,讓更多人『看見台灣』見證愛!

大愛感恩科技真善美志工 蘇怡潔 台北報導

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Wednesday, 25 December 2013

香港志工拜訪街友Tzu Chi volunteers visited the homeless in Hong Kong

At the end of the show, we stay in Hong Kong, Tzu Chi volunteers visited the homeless and brought them hot porridge and blankets to get through the cold nights. Volunteers also gathered to sing a few song, making the homeless feel like they are guests at a mini concert. Thank you for watching. See you next week.
節目最後,我們留在香港,慈濟志工拜訪無家可歸的街友,恭敬地送上熱粥以及毛毯,要讓他們 度過寒冬的夜晚,大夥還唱起歌,有街友說,好像是為他們舉辦的小型演唱會,感謝您的收看,我們下周再見。 Read more

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

港藝術節推素2-day arts festival

In Hong Kong, The 2nd Freespace Festival was held on December 14th and 15th, in the West Kowloon Cultural District. Also onsite promoting their ideal are Tzu Chi volunteers, who prepared delicious vegetarian food and successfully caught the attention of many.


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Monday, 23 December 2013

PLDT支持 TC sends HD footage

Over the past few weeks, Tzu Chi volunteers and the Da Ai TV news team have captured endless footage on Typhoon Haiyan`s immense destruction and Tzu Chi`s relief efforts in the disaster areas. As many areas were without power, Da Ai TV reporters struggled to upload their reports and images. Thankfully, with the help of a local tele-communications company, a new fiber-optic line was installed, making it possible for Tzu Chi`s relief efforts to be broadcast worldwide.


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DA.AI’s “compassion and technology” showcased at the National Innovative Information Exhibition

Caption:On the first day of the exhibition, Vice President Wu (center) listened to Tzu Chi’s Brother Jason Leou's explanation of Tzu Chi and DA.AI’s efforts in disaster relief mission and public welfare. (Photo reprinted from Tzu Chi website)This year, to highlight the Board of Science and Technology (BOST)'s “Advancing the Nation's Innovative Capacity” exhibition, Executive Yuan organized a special, large-scale area in the National Innovative Information Exhibition. Tzu Chi was offered an opportunity to showcase the “compassionate technology” it mobilizes during disaster relief missions around the world. The display included some of DA.AI Technology's eco-friendly products specifically designed for disaster relief purposes. Visitors also expressed appreciation of the ITRI Emergency Water Boat, Tzu Chi’s eco blankets, instant rice and prefab houses as examples of the love and care that Taiwan regularly sends to comfort those in need around the world—most recently, Typhoon Yolanda victims in the Philippines.

Caption:DA.AI Technology co-founder Brother Lin explained the Cradle-to-Cradle zero waste system to the General Manager of Chunghwa Telecom, and showed DA.AI’s gray scarves made of fabric scraps produced during Gray Eco Blanket assembly.Tzu Chi’s disaster relief teams are well-known for their large deliveries of DA.AI’s gray eco blankets to those in need. The success at bringing “compassionate technology” to people who often lost everything has gained international acclaim. During the exhibition's opening day, Vice President Wu paid a visit to the special Tzu Chi exhibition area. Tzu Chi Foundation's Brother Jason Leou gave details on Tzu Chi and DA.AI Technology's contributions to national and international disaster relief and public welfare programs. Nearby, DA.AI Technology co-founder Brother Fred Lin was introducing the company’s Cradle to Cradle zero-waste technology to Chunghwa Telecom General Manager Mr. Shi Mubiao. And students from Tzu Chi's College of Technology also came ready to learn.

Caption:Teacher Chen Huanghua (3rd from the right) led students from Tzu Chi College of Technology to learn green marketing. DA.AI staff member Jasmine Li explained to the students how it fits into DA.AI’s core values.“Love all creatures and show appreciation to the Earth” continues to be DA.AI’s motivation and aim. During disaster relief activities, showing how compassion and technology can overlap is a primary goal. This is only possible thanks to Tzu Chi brothers and sisters known collectively as “recycling Bodhisattvas,” business partners and many other dedicated supporters. The National Innovative Information Exhibition will travel to the North, Middle and South of Taiwan, after ending its run at Taipei International Trade Center between November 30 and December 8. DA.AI staff will be available to answer questions and give tours. See you there!

Reported by Faye Chong, Jasmine Li and Carey C. Giudici

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Saturday, 21 December 2013

師範大學末場Last distribution in Leyte Normal Univ

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. First up in the Philippines; on December 15th and 16th, Tzu Chi volunteers held large scale aid distributions at Leyte Normal University in Tacloban City. Moved by the volunteers` selfless dedication, the military officers onsite to safeguard everyone`s safety, decided to give a helping hand.


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Friday, 20 December 2013

2013,Nov.,DA.AI Technology has won SMEs’ Innovation Award

Caption:Minister Chang, of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, awarded the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” to James Lee, executive director of DA.AI Technology.DA.AI Technology strives to achieve its “green” mission by constantly improving the quality of its eco-friendly products. Its innovative approach includes actively promoting eco-fashion, using 100% recycled polyester content, and maintaining the original bottle color to reduce the need for polluting chemical treatments. DA.AI’s popular gray eco blanket was awarded the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” this year by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, in a ceremony held on November 22 at Taipei International Convention Center. Minister Chang, a Ministry official, was on hand to present award. In his comments he urged all corporations to try to follow DA.AI’s example and continuing to move forward toward a greener tomorrow.

In order to support innovative research efforts as a part of strategic business management, the SME’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, has been presenting the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” since 1982. Over those 20 years, 20th year, it has been recognized as the hallmark or key indicator for SME success. After a series of audits, DA.AI Technology was presented with this award for its green innovation.

Caption:DA.AI Technology deeply appreciates this honor, and will continue finding ways to create a sustainable green role model.  This national award has proven to be an effective government incentive for corporations. In addition to sustaining a social welfare platform and serving as a role model, DA.AI Technology will continue improving on its famous product quality. And by deciding to donate its NT 300,000 in prize money for Philippines relief, the company once more demonstrates a commitment to address the effects of human disasters. Perhaps even more importantly, it constantly strives to raise consciousness and encourage more people everywhere to contribute to their societies.

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興華中學發放 Donating spare change to TC

On December 14th,Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers held a large-scale relief distribution at Leyte Progressive High School to help Typhoon Haiyan survivors in Tacloban. Apart from the relief items, residents also received blankets, condolence cash, and a letter from Tzu Chi Founder, Master Cheng Yen. This marks one of the largest distributions ever held in the country in which more than 10,000 households were the recipients of Tzu Chi`s aid. Seeing the humility and respect of volunteers as they handed out the aid supplies, disaster survivors deeply felt the warmth and love of Tzu Chi.


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Thursday, 19 December 2013

東山再起(四)Tzu Chi volunteers invited Yang and his mother to the local Tzu Chi Office to sort recyclables and learn how to cook vegetarian food

In China, after returning home, Xiamen Tzu Chi care recipient Yang Xiaodong has been receiving therapy and following through with rehabilitation programs. Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers invited Yang and his mother to the local Tzu Chi Office to sort recyclables and learn how to cook vegetarian food.


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Wednesday, 18 December 2013

市府耶誕點燈Images of the Tacloban city's special christmas tree lighting ceremony

We brought you the story of Tacloban city’s special christmas tree in the beginning of the show, now, we bring you images of the lighting ceremony as the tree was completed Tuesday night. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


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市府廣場現況Tacloban city government erects a Christmas tree made from used plastic bottles in the middle of the city hall square

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Mary Lee. Thank you for joining us. As Christmas draws near, many Typhoon Haiyan survivors in the Philippines yearn to feel the holiday atmosphere. Hearing the pleas of residents, a local TV station and the Tacloban city government joined together to erect a Christmas tree made from used plastic bottles in the middle of the city hall square.


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Tuesday, 17 December 2013

垃圾變燃料Tzu Chi uses a rocket-oven modified by Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute

In order to prepare hot meals for Typhoon Haiyan victims in Tacloban, Tzu Chi volunteers rely on gas ovens, powered by propane. However, often in a disaster area, access to natural gas may be cut off, and for such occasions, Tzu Chi uses a rocket-oven, modified by Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute. Here’s more.


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Monday, 16 December 2013

DA.AI moves towards Cradle to Cradle zero waste system

Caption:The C2C Strategic Alliance's 2013 Annual Meeting was held at DA.AI Technology on November 27. The photo shows C2C Strategic Alliance members, joined by DA.AI’s two mascots, saying “Bravo!”Each year, Taiwan's Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Strategic Alliance organizes preparatory meetings to give members a progress report on collaborative projects with Taiwan EPA. This year's C2C Annual Meeting was convened in DA.AI Technology's newly completed R&D laboratory and eco-concept exhibition center. Government, corporate, research center and university representatives were invited to discuss future collaborations with DA.AI aimed at creating a low-carbon economy.

C2C focuses on products' ecological benefits more than their eco efficiency, in order to avoid having corporate growth become the primary consideration. For example, the DA.AI gray eco blanket reflects the heartfelt love of volunteers from all of Taiwan and their spirit of giving without asking for anything in return.
Thanks to technical support from business partners, this popular blanket's 100% green nature led to its being Cradle to Cradle Silver certifiedCM in recognition of the minimal amount of waste generated during production. Scraps produced during the manufacturing process are also utilized to make gray eco shawls and gray eco scarves.

Caption:DA.AI Technology Executive Director James Lee opened the meeting with an inspiring video, which explains the importance of regenerating garbage, and DA.AI’s ongoing efforts to put garbage to meaningful use. The C2C Annual Meeting was hosted by DA.AI Technology for the first time. Dr. Chai Zhenqiu of ITRI Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, now serving as C2C Alliance President, thanked DA.AI Technology for its hospitality and tour of the eco-concept exhibition store. DA.AI Executive Director James Lee also shared the company’s core values, urging every attendee to actively participate in this circle of love. Attendees, who included Mr. Zhou Youjie (representing Taiwan EPA) and Miss Kathrin Hirth (of O’right), expressed appreciation for DA.AI’s outstanding efforts to promote environmental protection.

Caption:Dr. Ting Hung, DA.AI’s R&D Department Manager, summarizing future projects scheduled for the newly built R&D laboratory, including the regeneration of PET bottles, plastic bags and other recyclables. Thanks to growing international interest in the Cradle to Cradle concept, Dr. Chai said he looks forward to collaborating with DA.AI Technology on a future sustainability project that would transform discarded plastic bags into oil, in the process inspiring more companies to move towards a sustainable future. Mr. Huang Zongjun, Taiwan C2C Strategic Alliance Manager, said “DA.AI Technology not only actively promotes green living, but also positive human interaction. Its core values are aligned with the spirit of the C2C Strategic Alliance and its hopes to implement a variety of ecological advances. This memorable gathering has greatly encouraged all of us to move forward.” Through learning and freely sharing knowledge, we hope to inspire new corporate collaborations as a way to promote the “humanitarian Cradle to Cradle” concept on the global stage.

Reported by Faye Chong, Jasmine Li and Carey C. Giudici

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廢棄堆尋寶To scavenge through trash for what they need

Thanks to the success of Tzu Chi’s cash-for-work program, many residents in Tacloban, now have money to repair their homes. Unfortunately, some still can’t afford to buy all the supplies they need, and are forced to scavenge through trash for what they need.


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感恩五年回顧DA.AI Technology celebrates its 5th Anniversary

DA.AI Technology is now five years old. Founded on the spirit of environmental and spiritual conservation, the company continues to make environmental friendly products with the help of Tzu Chi’s recycling volunteers. The company also donates all profit to support Tzu Chi’s work.

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Sunday, 15 December 2013

約旦冬令發放Tzu Chi volunteers organized winter aid distributions in Jordan

To help the needy in Jordan, on November 29, local Tzu Chi volunteers organized winter aid distributions at four different locations. Among the recipients of this aid are the Bedouins, a local tribe that Tzu Chi volunteers have been caring for over the past 10 years. Despite living in poverty, many female tribe members also donated some money to Tzu Chi’s Haiyan disaster relief, when they heard volunteers were collecting funds to help.


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Saturday, 14 December 2013

代賑善足跡Tzu Chi's cash-for-work program

We now take you back earlier in the week when Tzu Chi’s cash-for-work program was working its magic to revive Tacloban’s liveliness. Inspired, many participants donated part of their earnings to Tzu Chi to continue the circle of love while some made posters to express their gratitude. One police officer even returned the extra consolidation cash he received from Tzu Chi, as he knew the money could be used to help other people. It’s stories like this, that really radiates the goodness of people.


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Friday, 13 December 2013

匯愛心援菲 Drink coffee for charity

Thanks to Tzu Chi, love from 34 countries are coming together to help the Philippines cope with Typhoon Haiyan. In Taiwan`s Kaohsiung, an 80-year-old volunteer decided to make traditional treats for charity sale while a coffee shop decided to donate its one-day earning to Haiyan disaster relief.


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Thursday, 12 December 2013

菲災難省思(二) Local Red Cross fully mobilized

As the Philippines is listed by the World Bank as one of the nations most affected by climate change, the country previously established a new agency and passed new laws to deal with problems resulting from climate change. However, in the face of Typhoon Haiyan, all preparations were for naught. Thus, scholars suggested that fortifying each community and raising its emergency response awareness might be possibly a better solution.


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Wednesday, 11 December 2013

通加發放 Help has finally come

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. We kick of the show in the Philippines, on December 1st, local Tzu Chi volunteers, joined their counterparts from Taiwan, the United States, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, to successfully carry out the first aid distribution in Tun-ga. The disaster survivors were overjoyed, to receive blankets, mosquito nets, straw mats and other daily necessities from Tzu Chi.


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Tuesday, 10 December 2013

2013,Dec.13-18,Information Technology Month (IT Month) -Taichung

【EVENT】:Information Technology Month (IT Month) -Taichung
【DATE & TIME】:December 13 - December 18, 2013
【LOCATION】:The Greater Taichung International Expo Center  Read more

(時光機)台有機茶溯源 First certified organic tea farmer

Staying in Taiwan, organic tea farming has become more popular over the past decade, thanks to the efforts of the Tea Research and Extension Station. Today, we meet the first tea farmer in Taiwan, to receive an official organic certification for his tea field, Liang Jinyi, who says organic tea farming probably won`t make one rich, but the spiritual fulfillment and connection to the land that comes with the job, is more than enough.

在臺灣有機茶的種植,在過去十年來十分流行,這都要歸功於,農委會茶業改良場,積極輔導茶農轉型,今天我們一起來認識,當年第一位獲得有機茶,認證的茶農 梁金義,他說種有機茶,雖然無法賺大錢,心靈卻是富足的,和大地之間的情感,對他而言已經足夠。

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Monday, 09 December 2013

Monetary relief aid to Typhoon survivors in Philippines

Caption:Minister Chang, of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, awarded the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” to James Lee, executive director of DA.AI Technology.DA.AI Technology strives to achieve its “green” mission by constantly improving the quality of its eco-friendly products. Its innovative approach includes actively promoting eco-fashion, using 100% recycled polyester content, and maintaining the original bottle color to reduce the need for polluting chemical treatments. DA.AI’s popular gray eco blanket was awarded the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” this year by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, in a ceremony held on November 22 at Taipei International Convention Center. Minister Chang, a Ministry official, was on hand to present award. In his comments he urged all corporations to try to follow DA.AI’s example and continuing to move forward toward a greener tomorrow.

In order to support innovative research efforts as a part of strategic business management, the SME’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, has been presenting the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” since 1982. Over those 20 years, 20th year, it has been recognized as the hallmark or key indicator for SME success. After a series of audits, DA.AI Technology was presented with this award for its green innovation.

Caption:DA.AI Technology deeply appreciates this honor, and will continue finding ways to create a sustainable green role model.This national award has proven to be an effective government incentive for corporations. In addition to sustaining a social welfare platform and serving as a role model, DA.AI Technology will continue improving on its famous product quality. And by deciding to donate its NT 300,000 in prize money for Philippines relief, the company once more demonstrates a commitment to address the effects of human disasters. Perhaps even more importantly, it constantly strives to raise consciousness and encourage more people everywhere to contribute to their societies.

Reported by Faye Chong and Jasmine Li 

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創新淨水艇 TC`s water purification system

To provide clean drinking water to disaster survivors, the Tzu Chi Foundation has teamed up with Taiwan`s Industrial and Technology Research Institute, to develop boats equipped with water purification devices. In addition, the research team also modified one of the boats to provide hot water, so that Tzu Chi volunteers will be able to prepare hot meals to disaster victims in the aftermath of any tragic event.


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Sunday, 08 December 2013

大愛組合屋Tzu Chi's prefabricated classrooms

In the aftermath of the 9/21 Earthquake in Taiwan, Tzu Chi built more than 1,000 prefabricated buildings, to give disaster survivors a temporary place to call home. To make sure students around the disaster areas, could continue their education, some of these prefabs were later transformed into classrooms. What is so special about Tzu Chi’s prefabricated classrooms? All of them are made with eco-friendly concepts in mind. Next, let’s learn more about these prefab classrooms.


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Saturday, 07 December 2013

蘇州義賣Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to attend a charity sale organized by a shopping mall at the Suzhou Industrial Park

We go to China at the end of the show; Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to attend a charity sale, organized by a shopping mall at the Suzhou Industrial Park. During the event, volunteers seized the chance, to promote environmental concepts to passersby. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


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Friday, 06 December 2013

抗癌心觀念(2)治療篇A new type of anti-cancer technology

Currently, the most common treatments for cancer both in Taiwan and worldwide, involve chemo-therapy and radiation therapy. However, such methods are most often, only effective for patients, with early-stage cancer, and will also kill off healthy cells in the body. Thus, the medical profession, has long sought to develop a treatment, which only targets cancer cells, without harming normal cells. In this direction, the Academia Si-ni-ca have recently developed, a new type of anti-cancer technology, whereby sugar molecules, from the surface of cancer cells, are syn-the-sized into anti-gens. Such anti-gens then allow the body’s immune system, to produce anti-bodies which can fight off cancerous cells.


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Thursday, 05 December 2013

菲助軍警+醫療團返台Thank the hard working Philippines soldiers for their dedication

In the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, many survivors continue to be in need of medical assistance. To help, on November 22nd, 55 medical staff from Taiwan’s Tzu Chi Hospitals and volunteers, traveled to the disaster zones, to conduct a five-day free clinic. Meanwhile, to thank the hard working Philippines soldiers for their dedication, Tzu Chi volunteers provided them with eco-friendly blankets, consolation cash and the much needed emotional support.


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Wednesday, 04 December 2013

杜絕反式How some food-makers in Taiwan have voluntarily restricted their use of trans fat

Over the past two days, we have learned how detrimental trans fat can be for our human body and how labeling of trans fat is a current issue here in Taiwan. In today’s report, we see how the general public has become more aware of the food they eat, how some food-makers in Taiwan have voluntarily restricted their use of trans fat, as well as ways to opt for a healthier diet.


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Tuesday, 03 December 2013

陝西物資發放Tzu Chi volunteers carry out a series of winter aid distributions in Shanxi

Moving to China, to help impoverished families get through the harsh winter, Tzu Chi volunteers from six regions gathered, to carry out a series of winter aid distributions. The first stop was in Shanxi Province, where they not only offered relief items but also free health checks for local residents.


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Monday, 02 December 2013

Touching hearts filled with love to help rebuild the Philippines

Caption:The Typhoon Haiyan caused devastation in the Philippines, leaving thousands of families homeless. DA.AI Technology, gratefully combining technology with compassion also took immediate action to alleviate problems in the Philippines. (Photo reprinted from DA.AI TV) The Typhoon Haiyan that recently devastated the Philippines destroyed massive buildings and entire towns, leaving thousands of citizens homeless. To assess the extent of this disaster's impact, a team of volunteers inspected the disaster area and offered free emergency medical treatment. DA.AI Technology, gratefully combining technology and compassion to help address the effects of such human disasters, especially on disaster victims, also took immediate action to alleviate problems in the Philippines.

Caption:DA.AI Technology hopes to raise consciousness and encourage more people everywhere to assist the Philippines' rebuilding efforts.Scheduled to receive the Ministry of Economic Affairs' “Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Innovation Research Prize” with $300,000 NTD in prize money, DA.AI Tech announced its intention to donate the prize money for Philippines relief. It is also launching a campaign to donate all retail sales revenue to a new “Touching hearts filled with love to help rebuild the Philippines” campaign. This is intended to raise consciousness and encourage more people everywhere to assist the Philippines' rebuilding efforts.

Reported by Faye Chong and Jasmine Li

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看見台灣欣賞Taiwan from Above by Qi Bolin

Back to Taiwan, the movie, "Taiwan from Above", by Qi Bolin, recently won the 50th Golden Horse Award for "Best Documentary". During the time it was broadcast in cinemas around the island, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taipei’s Xinyi District, seized the opportunity to promote environmentalism outside the movie theatre to the general public. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


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Sunday, 01 December 2013

反式脂肪(1)Why is trans fat so detrimental?

As people nowadays have become more aware of what they eat, food safety is a hot topic among consumers. This includes questions regarding trans fat which have sparked worldwide concern, due to the fact that it is widely used in processed food and is unhealthy. Why is trans fat so detrimental? And why have the United States and other countries, either completely banned or regulated the use of trans fat in food products? Let’s find out in our next report.


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Saturday, 30 November 2013

波蘭性別日(2)Honor the women present at the climate change conference

To celebrate Gender Day, at the 19th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held this month in Warsaw, Poland, a day was set aside to honor the women present at the climate change conference. The purpose was to remind everyone that not only are we the ones most affected by climate change and natural disasters, but that in many cases, we can also be the solution to these problems.


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Friday, 29 November 2013

2013,12/13-12/18, 102資訊月(台中場)

【活動地點】大台中國際會展中心 (台中市烏日區高鐵五路161號)

大愛心聞: 創新資訊台中接力 慈悲科技感動遠播
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撿回來的綠金(4)Asia's first carbon capture plant

According to the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, in 2012, the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere broke all previous records. To tackle global warming as a result of greenhouse gas emissions, the Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan and the Taiwan Cement Corporation, have joined hands to construct Asia’s first carbon capture plant.


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Thursday, 28 November 2013

2013,Nov.30-Dec.8,Information Technology Month (IT Month) -Taipei

【EVENT】:Information Technology Month (IT Month) -Taipei
【DATE & TIME】:November 30 - December 8, 2013
【LOCATION】:Taipei World Trade Center-Exhibition Hall 1、3 Read more

金門訪佳佐Staff members of the Environmental Protection Bureau in Kinmen County visited the Tzu Chi Jiazuo Recycling Station

In Taiwan’s Pingtung County, staff members of the Environmental Protection Bureau in Kinmen County recently visited the Tzu Chi Jiazuo Recycling Station. During their visit, staff members not only learned how to sort recyclables thoroughly, but also realized many things are reusable.


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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

幼兒蔬食上街Kaohsiung Da Ai Kindergarten took to the street to promote vegetarianism

The energetic students from Taiwan’s Kaohsiung Da Ai Kindergarten recently took to the street to promote vegetarianism to the general public and their determination inspired many to go meatless.


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Tuesday, 26 November 2013

昆山環保站+東莞環保Risheng Recycling Station and Kunshan Recycling Station

In China, ninth grade students visited Risheng Recycling Station to help keep the place tidy. Meanwhile, visitors to the Kunshan Recycling Station learned the importance of safeguarding Mother Earth. Here’s more.


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Monday, 25 November 2013

校外教學環保行 體驗實作收穫豐

八十多位來自苗栗的國小學生,第一次來到靜思堂,志工熱情歡迎。 Read more

撿回來的綠金(3)廢水An unique water treatment system

In the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, disaster survivors have been struggling without food, shelter or safe drinking water. To help, Tzu Chi volunteers have sent three water purification systems to the disaster zones. Next, we learn more about the Q water purification system, which was designed and produced by Taiwan`s own Water Resource Agency and Industrial Technology Research Institute.

菲律賓遭海燕颱風重創,受災民眾缺乏食物、避難所及乾淨的飲用水,為了幫忙災民,慈濟志工運送三台Q water淨水器到災區,下一則新聞,我們來認識台灣水利署與工研院合作研發的Q water 淨水器。

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Sunday, 24 November 2013

美德州水患發放+北加冬令發放Tzu Chi volunteers to the rescue

In the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers are busy carrying out winter aid distributions and relief work to help the needy. In San Jose, California, volunteers held a winter aid distribution for the homeless, to fight the cold winter months ahead, while in Austin, Texas, volunteers returned to help flood survivors move on with their lives by handing out cash cards and blankets.


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Saturday, 23 November 2013

撿回來的綠金(2)生質酒精 A new kind of renewal energy

In light of the soaring oil prices around the globe, researchers worldwide have been working to develop alternate and renewable energy sources, and one such example is bio-ethanol. However, the production of bio-ethanol still emits a significant amount of C02 and uses agricultural feedstock as raw material. Looking to solve the problem, Taiwan`s Industrial Technology Research Institute has come up with a new technology, that can produce a more efficient form of biofuel, with less carbon emissions and less drain on the world`s food supply.

眼前的油價 一直往上漲,各國研究人員,積極發展生質燃油,其中一種生質燃油,是生質酒精,但是,生質酒精其實沒有想像中減碳,而且現行的生質燃油,因為使用糧食作物,引發與民爭糧,爭地爭議,為了解決這個問題,工研院研發出了一種,不但能減少溫室氣體的排放,還能減少使用食用原料,讓我們來看看。

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Friday, 22 November 2013

撿回來的綠金(1)豬糞 Turn pig waste into biogas

According to research done by Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, there has been a significant increase, in global temperatures over the past 30 years. Among the causes that contribute to global warming, is the meth-ane produced by animal waste. To slow the pace of global warming, Taiwan`s Bureau of Energy, has joined hands with pig farmers across the island, to turn pig waste into biogas.


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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

氣候變遷會議 NGO疾呼:來不及了

在波蘭首府華沙舉行的聯合國氣候變遷會議(UNFCCC),進入第二個星期。各國政府及許多非政府組織,齊聚一堂,探討全球氣候變化的嚴重性,並對二氧化碳排放量的限制,做討論。來自台灣和美國的慈濟代表團也參與了討論。 Read more

Monday, 18 November 2013

DA.AI Technology receives the National Environmental Education Award

Caption: DA.AI Technology receives the National Environmental Education AwardDA.AI Technology’s gained recognition for its environmental promotion efforts, when it bested four other enterprises to win the National Environmental Education Award for private enterprise. This was the second year the National Environment Council has bestowed this award, to emphasize the importance of using education and promotion to improve the environment in order to increase awareness of environmental issues among private enterprises and government agencies. Participants of these nationwide competitions were audited by various government agencies.

National Environment Promotion Award committee auditors visited DA.AI Technology in early October, after DA.AI was chosen as a finalist among Taipei firms. One major criterion they considered was how well DA.AI promotes environmental protection awareness nationwide. Committee members were impressed by DA.AI Technology’s innovative approach to manufacturing as well as socially responsible business practices, and combining them to create a platform for enhanced environmental protection. They visited plants where disaster relief blankets are manufactured using recycled PET bottles, and got first-hand experience at a recycling station where the bottles are processed.

DA.AI Technology helped recycle over 300 million PET bottles in its first five years, saving the amount of gasoline it would take to drive around Taiwan 30 thousand times. Its educational programs, which introduce principles of manufacturing, management and research, have featured more than 300 sharing sessions and participation in 40 exhibitions. To strengthen the brand’s educational impact, product labels summarize the manufacturing process, and life stories of recycling volunteers. DA.AI websites include “heart” news reports (updated daily), a new Jing Si Aphorism desktop wallpaper graphic each month, quarterly Green Bodhi magazines, and the KIOSK/APP platform.

DA.AI Technology is wholeheartedly committed to humanitarian activism and environmental protection, without regard to potential profit. In gratefully accepting this award, it dedicates itself to becoming a leading model for other enterprises or organizations that might consider adding environmental protection to their mission statements.

Reported by Jasmine Li and Carey Giudici

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Sunday, 17 November 2013

寶島我的家(一) Sharing his passion

Beginning today, in a new series of feature reports, we meet some foreigners, who have fallen in love with Taiwan, for different reasons. In the first of our report, we take a look at the story of Mark Wilkie, a wildlife photographer from South Africa, who now lives in Yunlin County, due to the large variety of birds to be found there.

從今天開始我們的新專題,要帶您來認識熱愛,居住在臺灣的外國人,第一集報導要認識的,是來自南非的生態影像工作者 韋馬克,目前居住在雲林,因為當地有豐富的鳥類,讓我們一起來看看。

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Saturday, 16 November 2013

慈濟物資援菲 Packing instant rice in Hualien

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines, I am Helen Liao, Thank you for joining us. We kick off today`s program in the Philippines, where Super Typhoon Haiyan made land-fall last weekend, and has caused widespread deaths and destructions in Leyte Province. Tzu Chi Foundation has since been on the move, to pack instant rice and noodles, as well as environmental blankets, in both Hualien and Taipei, as they hope to deliver these relief items, to the typhoon survivors, as soon as possible.


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Friday, 15 November 2013

多國發制服Tzu Chi volunteers visited the Tzu Chi La Romana School to carry out a distribution

We go to the Dominican Republic at the end of the show, Tzu Chi volunteers recently visited the Tzu Chi La Romana School, to carry out a distribution. Volunteers handed out uniforms provided by DA.AI Technology as well as stationery to students. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


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Thursday, 14 November 2013

義烏博覽會 Showcasing TC`s products

In China, the Tzu Chi Foundation was invited to attend the 2013 Yiwu International Forest Products Fair in Zhejiang Province. The serenity atmosphere of the Tzu Chi`s booths attracted numerous fairgoers to learn more about the Buddhist NGO.


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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

澎湖幼兒環保 students at a kindergarten in Penghu visited the local Tzu Chi recycling station

We stay in Taiwan at the end of the show, students at a kindergarten in Penghu visited the local Tzu Chi recycling station, to get some hands-on experience on how to sort recyclables. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye. 
節目的最後留在臺灣,澎湖一間幼兒園,來到當地環保站,讓孩子親身體驗垃圾分類,讓我們一起來看看。(2013.11.12) Read more

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

菲掃墓環保 All Saints` Day celebrations

All Saints` Day which falls on November 1st, is observed by Catholics around the globe, and it is a time when people come together to commemorate their lost loved ones. In the Philippines, the day is, however, a festive occasion that brings families together at cemeteries throughout the nation. Yet these gatherings also create piles of garbage, thus Tzu Chi volunteers have been promoting recycling on this day since 2010, hoping local residents will pitch in to do their part in keeping our planet clean.

11月1日諸聖節,是全球天主教的節慶,這天, 是大家一起紀念過世親人的日子,不過在菲律賓,這一天全家人會齊聚在墓地,一起度過這個節日,因此會製造很多垃圾,慈濟志工從2010年開始,每年都會到墓地推動環保,希望鼓勵更多人,也能為地球盡心力。

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Monday, 11 November 2013

National Sustainable Development Award – Soft Power Innovation

Caption: DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd has won its 2013 National Sustainable Development Award. Auditors (from The National Executive Council’s National Development committee) visited DA.AI’ showroom earlier.To recognize DA.AI Technology's efforts to develop eco-friendly products and management, The Plastic Industry Technology Development Center has nominated DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd and won its 2013 National Sustainable Development Award. The National Executive Council’s National Development committee gives these awards to industries and organizations that continue to develop their potential, to advance localization within daily life.

DA.AI continuously invests in its product R&D program. First, it enthusiastically promotes its eco-brand regenerated products that were produced from recycled PET bottles. This helps with environmental protection and nature resource ecological action. Each year Taiwan recycles enough PET bottles, to be squashed and stacked up to 1,600 meters high, or equal to three Taipei 101 building. Such PET bottles won’t degrade in landfill for some 1,000 years. Incinerated, they will pollute the environment and speed up globe warming. In its five years, DAI.AI has helped transform over 300 million drinking water PET bottles into eco-friendly products. The energy saving is equivalent to growing 90,000 20-year trees; and saves enough water to satisfy the needs of 1.68 million Taiwanese people.

Through innovation, sustainable development and gaining environmental protection certificates, DA.AI's brand has earned a world-wide reputation for quality. DA.AI carefully followed Netherlands Peterson Control Union standards to process eco-product textiles, and received the Globe Recycle Standard (GRS) certificate. After years of effort, DA.AI’s eco-polyester received EPA’s environmental protection mark. This international mark means that DA.AI’s recycled poly chips, polyester and grey eco blankets have received water and carbon footprint certification from Germany’s TÜV Rheinland and Japan’s EPA. The company also received Cradle to Cradle Silver CertifiedCM by Cradle To Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII). More than 400 DA.AI eco-products have been certified with Taiwan MIT Smile Mark—more than any other textile brand in Taiwan. And as of this September, DI.AI’s quality control and site facilities are successfully BSI ISO 9001/14001 certified: proof that DA.AI technology fully meets the international standard.

With its focus on environmental, social responsibility and green generation missions, the corporation must constantly be upgraded to reflect the concept of “Small is beautiful, Beauty is practical.” and keep pace with bigger corporations.

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Friday, 08 November 2013

2013,Nov.,DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd has won its 2013 National Sustainable Development Award

20131210.jpgTo recognize DA.AI Technology's efforts to develop eco-friendly products and management, The Plastic Industry Technology Development Center has nominated DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd and won its 2013 National Sustainable Development Award. The National Executive Council’s National Development committee gives these awards to industries and organizations that continue to develop their potential, to advance localization within daily life.

Through innovation, sustainable development and gaining environmental protection certificates, DA.AI's brand has earned a world-wide reputation for quality. DA.AI carefully followed Netherlands Peterson Control Union standards to process eco-product textiles, and received the Globe Recycle Standard (GRS) certificate. After years of effort, DA.AI’s eco-polyester received EPA’s environmental protection mark. This international mark means that DA.AI’s recycled poly chips, polyester and grey eco blankets have received water and carbon footprint certification from Germany’s TÜV Rheinland and Japan’s EPA. The company also received Cradle to Cradle Silver CertifiedCM by Cradle To Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII). More than 400 DA.AI eco-products have been certified with Taiwan MIT Smile Mark—more than any other textile brand in Taiwan. And as of this September, DI.AI’s quality control and site facilities are successfully BSI ISO 9001/14001 certified: proof that DA.AI technology fully meets the international standard.

With its focus on environmental, social responsibility and green generation missions, the corporation must constantly be upgraded to reflect the concept of “Small is beautiful, Beauty is practical.” and keep pace with bigger corporations.

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澎湖環保宣導 From fruit peels to cleaning agent

Moving to the offshore island of Penghu, the county government recently invited Tzu Chi volunteers to introduce recycling concepts to their community volunteers. During the meeting, volunteers encouraged everyone to reduce the use of plastic bags, and also demonstrated how to make a natural cleaning agent out of fruit peels.

轉到臺灣離島 澎湖,當地政府社會局,邀請慈濟志工來教導社區志工環保概念,過程中,提醒大家少用塑膠袋,慈濟志工也教導大家,用果皮製作酵素清潔劑的方式。

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Tuesday, 05 November 2013

齊柏林看見台灣A view from above

Have you ever seen Taiwan from above? Qi Bolin(齊柏林), an aerial photographer who originally worked at the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, was in charge of recording highway construction from the air, and had since fallen in love with the job. Over the past two decades, the man has captured over 400,000 photos of Taiwan but was shocked by the images he recorded after Typhoon Morakot in 2009. It was then he was inspired to quit his job and spend the next three years to make a documentary on Taiwan. Here`s more.


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Monday, 04 November 2013

馬部落推環保 Promoting recycling

Staying in Malaysia, recently Tzu Chi volunteers visited a tribal village in Kampung Sugund to teach local residents of the many benefits of recycling and environmentalism.

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屈尺素食推廣 Xindian’s Quchi community

In Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers and medical staff of the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital have been organizing regular free clinics and home visitations to Xindian’s Quchi community. Recently, the volunteers arrived at the community with delicious and healthy vegetarian food as they hope to encourage local residents to go meatless.  Read more

DA AI Technology Fulfills ISO Spirit: An Exemplary Enterprise

Caption: The consultant Mr. Wu Ji-Feng (bowing), was there when DA.AI Technology received its ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification. DA.AI Technology Executive Director Mr. Ding-Ming Lee (standing at the head of the table) reminded the room that “DA AI Technology hopes to leverage ISO certification to help us promote Tzu Chi’s spirit and great love. The certificate also encourages DA.AI staff members to continue making every effort to maintain high quality management standards.” Having successfully passed ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audits on September 25 and 26, DA.AI Technology received both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification, for quality management and environmental management systems respectively. ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for quality management practices. After the two-day audits--including BSI (British Standard Institute) on-the-spot checks—DA.AI Technology received high praise from three auditors. The team invited DA.AI Technology to share its experience at BSI's annual conference, and plans to recommend DA.AI's green products to international companies seeking ISO certification.

DA.AI Technology wishes to express the company's sense of great love and immense gratitude to sentient beings and the Earth. Led by consultant Mr. Wu Ji-Feng, it spent two years establishing a quality management system to meet ISO 9001 standards. The system includes establishing quality policies, writing quality documentation (a quality manual, procedures and forms), training staff members, and maintaining detailed improvement records.

Caption: External auditor Assistant Manager Xin-Zuo Lin (far left) and consultant Mr. Ji-Feng Wu (to his right) helped deliver DA AI Technology's ISO 9001 and ISO 14004 certification.ISO requires companies to demonstrate that they actually implement quality practices described in their documentation, in a way that promotes ISO certification aims by emphasizing team spirit and continuous improvement of quality systems and products as well as services. Mr. Ding-Ming Lee, Executive Director of DA.AI Technology, stated that “DA AI Technology hopes to promote Tzu Chi’s spirit and great love by being granted ISO certification. Certificate will also encourage DA.AI’s staff members to make quality management an ongoing goal of our company.” “It’s simply an entrance, not a graduate certification,” he stated. Huei-Ling Liao of the Design Department added, “Establishing standard operating procedures (SOP), providing constant internal training, producing quality green products and transforming DA.AI into an international Green brand are our achievable goals.”

Caption: Through establishing ISO quality systems, DA.AI staff members have learned about the concepts and implementation of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Over the five-year auditing process, their strong determination and efficiency has become the DA AI “brand.”  External Auditors: Manager Yu-Zhong Guo (on the far right) and Assistant Manager Xin-Zuo Lin (to his right). DA.AI Technology Internal Auditors: Brother Tsan-Kuo Chen (far left) and Brother San-Ming Yu (to his left). During the audit process, DA.AI Technology received many valuable suggestions and comments. As QC staff member Teng-Yu Hu put it, “My workload temporarily increased as a result of meeting ISO quality management standards; but going through the process allowed me to learn about SOP concepts and implementation. Workplace efficiency and quality control soon improved—along with internal cooperation. To more quickly reach the goal of ‘Co-exist with Mother Earth,’ we also promote the ISO 14001 standard for an environmental management system. Our staff's strong determination and practical approach throughout the five years to “do what DA.AI Tech says'--served as an inspiring sutra.”

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Sunday, 03 November 2013

有機綠屋頂+DIY綠屋頂The benefits of solar panels and green roofs

Moving to Kaohsiung, as the city gets an average of nearly 2,000 hours of sunshine per year, to ease the what is known as the urban heat island effect and reduce carbon emissions, the local government has been promoting the installation of solar panels and green roofs on buildings. To encourage members of the public to embrace this new concept, starting from next year, the government will provide subsidies to buildings interested in installing these green roofs. Next, we learn more about the benefit of solar panels and green roofs.


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Saturday, 02 November 2013

餘姚物資打包Tzu Chi volunteers are holding the aid distributions in Yuyao City

We go China at the end of the show, to help those devastated by Typhoon Fi-tow, Tzu Chi volunteers are currently, holding the second-round of aid distributions, at the Far East Industrial Park in Zhejiang ’s Yuyao City. It is estimated that, more than 5,000 households will receive Tzu Chi ’s help, in the three-day event. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


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Friday, 01 November 2013

美靜思語監獄 Tzu Chi volunteers are planning to bring words of wisdom into the prisons of Los Angeles County in California

Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States, continue to bring Jing Si Aphorisms into hotels throughout the US. Recently volunteers expanded the scope of their mission, by planning to bring these words of wisdom, into the prisons of Los Angeles County in California. Meanwhile, several members of the Los Angles Police Force, visited the Tzu Chi US Headquarters, to learn more about the buddhist NGO.


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Thursday, 31 October 2013

菲保和膚慰 Tzu Chi volunteers arrived Loon, Bohol Island with relief items

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. First up in the Philippines, it has been more than a week since a strong quake devastated the lives of countless residents in Loon, Bohol Island. As aftershocks continue, most of the survivors have decided to stay in tents that were set up at a local school. To help, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived with relief items, consolation cash and emotional support.


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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

印尼環保動土 Tzu Chi volunteer donated a piece of land to set up a recycling station in North Sumatra

We go to Indonesia at the end of today’s show; to promote recycling to all communities, a Tzu Chi volunteer donated a piece of land to Tzu Chi in North Sumatra, to set up a recycling station there. Apart from solving the litter issue, local residents were also encouraged to sort recyclables. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for joining us. Goodbye.


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2013,Oct.,DA.AI Technology has won National Environmental Education Award

Caption: DA.AI Technology has won National Environmental Education Award. The award aims to promote the awareness among the private enterprises and government agencies in environment promotion.DA.AI Technology effort in environmental promotion was rewarded as it beat four other listed enterprises in winning the National Environmental Education Award in the private enterprise category, by the National Environment council. This is the second year that this award was given to the public. The award aims to promote the awareness among the private enterprises and government agencies in environment promotion. Participants of these nationwide competitions were audited by various government agencies.

Auditors from the National Environment Promotion Award committee visited DA.AI Technology in early Oct. The criteria for the awards are to promote environmental protection awareness nationwide. The committees were impressed by DA.AI Technology, its effort not only on manufacturing, but also emphasis on humanities enterprising. Thus became a platform for environmental protections. It includes the visits to their manufacturing of the blankets for disaster relief with recycled PET bottles, hands on experience at their recycling station.

DA.AI Technology promotes humanities and environmental protection wholeheartedly regardless of whether it has made any profits. Its objective in gaining this award is to promote environmental awareness nationwide, as a leading model for other enterprises or organizations.

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

靜思創意料理Creative cooking event of Jing Si food products

Back to Taiwan; in New Taipei City, to encourage more residents to go meatless, Banqiao District Tzu Chi volunteers prepared more than 50 delicious vegetarian dishes during their most recent training seminar. But first, we go to the Tzu Chi Taipei Eastern District Liaison Office, to join their Jing Si food product creative cooking event.


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Monday, 28 October 2013

生機飲食指南+生熟食迷思 How to balance the consumption of raw and cooked food

Over the years, the consumption of raw food have become a popular dietary trend, as supporters believe that raw food has a higher nutritional value than ones that have been cooked. In today’s report, we teach you how to balance the consumption of raw and cooked food.


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PwC and DA.AI Tech. uphold giving back to society

Caption: In the five years since DA.AI Technology’s establishment, the company has received countless recognition from government and public sectors. Besides being nominated for an award from Ministry of Economic Affair’s award for reliability and business models and the 7th annual Global Views magazine award for social responsibilities, recently DA.AI Technology has received the 3rd annual Small and Middle Enterprise CSR award.DA.AI Technology is the first enterprise in Taiwan to incorporate corporate social responsibility into their eco-friendly business model. Knowing the importance of upholding a CSR model, in the past few years, DA.AI Technology has been promoting the concept inside their company and out in society. Since its establishment five years ago, the company has received recognition both by members of the public and government officials. One example is being nominated for a Ministry of Economic Affair’s award for reliability and business models. In the past, DA.AI Technology have received first prize in the 7th annual Global Views magazine’s award for social welfare category. Most recently, the company has received the magazine, Manager Today’s award for 3rd Taiwan’s small to medium businesses’ corporate social responsibility award. DA.AI Technology has also inspired many likewise businesses and partner vendors to examine and take on corporate social responsibility.

DA.AI Technology acts not only as a platform to connect technical expertise with compassionate deeds, but also influencing other corporations who they’ve worked with to safeguard social welfare responsibilities as well. One such company is PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan(PwC). PwC not only assists DA.AI Technology with their annual audits, but instead of billing for their service, PwC donates their audit fees to Tzu Chi Foundation through DA.AI Tech., hoping their tiny efforts will inspire others to follow in Master Cheng Yen’s footsteps and help others in need all over the world.

Caption: PriceWaterhouse Cooper Taiwan’s spirit of giving back to society by donating part of their proceeds through DA.AI Tech., hoping that by donating funds, they can support Tzu Chi’s Great Love to help others in need.PwC upholds giving back to society, by successfully participating in the Green Procurement campaign introduced by Taiwan’s EPA and employing disadvantaged workers. They also serve as consultant for middle-market companies in Asia and have received a “without deficiency” rating inspected by Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PACOB). PwC expresses their desire to transform their gestures through Tzu Chi’s unconditional loving kindness and universal compassion and empathy into borderless and powerful Great Love, giving a bit of warmth to those who need help in society. It’s this type of selfless giving that inspires like-minded people in society to give of one-self without asking for anything in return.

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Friday, 25 October 2013

環保找回憶 Creating more memories through doing good deeds

Since its opening in August of this year, the Kaohsiung Jing Si Hall has attracted many nearby residents. One such person is 63-year-old Du Meizhu who has been practicing recycling for more than a decade. Recently Du went to help out at the environmental education center and reconnected with her childhood friend, Zhou Shanzhu, whom she has not seen for over 50 years. Now, the pair practices recycling together each day, hoping to create more fond memories through doing good deeds.


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Thursday, 24 October 2013

汶川感恩行Government officials from Sichuan brings Tzu Chi's green concepts back home

Recently, a group of government officials from Sichuan’s Nga-wa Prefecture, visited the Kaohsiung Jing Si Hall in Taiwan, to express their gratitude to the Tzu Chi Foundation, for their continuous help to the Sichuan Earthquake survivors. As well, the group seized the opportunity to exchange ideas with the volunteers, in the hope of bringing Tzu Chi’s green concepts back home.


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Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Do you know how to distinguish artificial honey from pure honey? According to research, 50 percent of the honey in the market is artificial, and is mixed with fruit sugars, artificial flavor and food coloring. In our next report, we’ll see if there is a way to distinguish artificial and pure honey and look at the hard work behind raising honeybees.


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Monday, 21 October 2013

高輻射水外漏 恐已汙染海洋

日本又傳出輻射水外洩,而且還是新的原因,之前的還沒處理好,意想不到的問題卻不斷發生。難怪日本原子力規制委員長田中俊一說,現在的福島核電廠,就像個「鬧鬼的房子」,問題一件一件的發生。而在日本發生核災後,原本擁核的德國總理,在兩個月後抵不過民間社會壓力,毅然放棄之前所擬定的延役計畫,將八座核電廠關門,並宣布2022年進入零核國家。德國的作法給了各國希望,但是德國可是準備了至少十年。德國早在10年前就發展再生能源,並升級電網配制,輔導工業轉型或省電設備。 Read more

Industrial technology continues add up energy and improves its skills to cherishing our resources

Caption: Material and Chemical Research Laboratories Mr. Huang Shi-Kuang(2nd from the Right), Dr. Hsiao Kai-Jen(3rd from the Right) and Taiwan Textile Research Institute’s representative Dr. Chen Heng-Yi(1st from the Right) visited the R&D department of DA. AI TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Assistant vice president Dr. Hung Shuo-Ting(middle) and the research team members(1st to 4th from left) excepted to cooperate with each other in order to implement the research project smoothly. DA AI TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. is not only a company that recycles and transforms PET materials into eco-fabric, but also a brand that uphold Master Cheng Yen’s philosophy of “coexist with the earth” on developing products with “environmental friendly, functional, elegance and simplicity" concepts. DA AI TECHNOLOGY remakes the recycled PET bottles into PET Polyester; this process creates an extended life cycle of PET bottles and also achieved DA AI's goal of 100% environmental friendly. All of its products are qualified for the environmental performance recognition and various other environmental recognitions or certification awards.

Recently, in order to refine the manufacturing process to total environmental protection, it has proceeded to construct specialized laboratory and invested a lot of resources and manpower to enhance its research capacity and ability to fulfill environment protection. DA AI TECHNOLOGY creates a good mutual relationship with different domestic institutions, such as Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan Textile Research Institute, Taiwan Textile Federation, Plastics Industry Development Center, and academic institutions. Such close interactions with these professional institutions also let DA AI Technology gained assistant when necessary. Hence, DA AI Technology took the chance to integrate it's research teams resources and submit its “Policy project for Industrial basic technology” application to Ministry of Economic Affairs for research counseling and sponsorship. The project cooperates with government's policy on improving industry, elevates economic efficiency and demonstrates the government's commitment to support the green industry.

This project begins with recycle thrown-away PET bottles. After these bottles being cleaned, they will be remake into eco PET fabric. This action not only hit the target of reduce waste, but also can be replacement a part of demands on original PET. These eco PET fabrics can also being further developed into functional textile. By this, not only reducing the consumption of petroleum so resulting in energy saving and lowering carbon emission, but also successfully reaches the mission of environmental protection refinement. All the finished products will be promoted and sold by DA.AI TECHNOLOGY globally. It is expected to inspired people around the world to pay more attention on the consequences of PET bottle recycling.

Assistant vice president of DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. R&D department, Hung Shuo Ting indicated, “when a private company wants to establish a specialized lab with in house R&D capability, it usually needs large investment of resources, but no guaranteed on the results they expect. And this time, it is fortunate for us to receive government supports on DA AI Technology's project on the environment protection refinement research plan.” DA.AI TECHNOLOGY’s grey Eco blanket for international relief purposes has being awarded with C2C (cradle to cradle) Silver certification. It symbolized it fulfill the first step of completely recycle and reuse circle. In the future DA AI will extend the research result to other textile products. In another words, not only recycle PET bottles can be remade into eco PET Polyester, but finished good that made of eco PET Polyester can be remaking in different products or use for different field. Therefore, the goal of “reducing waste” can be improved to “zero waste”, the truly fulfill the concept of “cherishing our resources and creates blessings”.

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Saturday, 19 October 2013

台北紡織展 2013 TITAS

Staying in Taiwan, the 2013 Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show was held in the Nangang Exhibition Hall, between October 15th to 17th. Among the 333 exhibitors, DA.AI Technology was also invited to take part. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


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Friday, 18 October 2013

食在好味道(2)有機茶的困境 A wake up call

In the aftermath of Typhoon Morakot in 2009, many tea fields in Chiayi County`s Meishan Township were destroyed. It was then that many tea farmers realized that the conventional method of growing tea, has made it difficult for the tea roots to hold on to the soil and water. Since then, many tea farmers have embraced the idea of growing organic tea. Let`s take a look.


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Thursday, 17 October 2013

菲三寶顏物資 Helping rebuild Zamboanga

The political uprising in Zamboanga City of the Philippines, recently came to an end; however, torrential rains and floods which followed, forced more than 10,000 residents to flee their homes. To help, with the assistance of the navy, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at Zamboanga, with rice, blankets and necessities, ready to help those in greater need.
菲律賓三寶顏的政治衝突才剛剛結束,又遭逢大雨侵襲,一萬多人被迫住在收容所,馬尼拉慈濟志工在海軍的協助下,運送四千包大米 、三千條毛毯到三寶顏,幫助這裡的居民。 Read more

Monday, 14 October 2013

Quick Drying Knitted Fabric in White receives Functional Textiles Certification

During Master Cheng Yen’s morning session with volunteers, she appealed to the public to be prudent and pious, treasuring earth’s resources to reduce global warming. DA.AI Technology participated in the Bureau of Energy (BoE) “Cool Style” campaign. Combining the strengths of Taiwan’s textile and fashion industry and using functional textiles with optimal absorption and sweat dissipation qualities, the BoE showcased its Cool Style clothing line. Recently, DA.AI Technology’s Quick Drying Knitted Fabric in White received a Functional Textiles Certification, because of its ability to dissipate perspiration, making the wearer feel cool and reducing the need for air-conditioning.  The Jing Si Aphorism notes: “A compassionate heart is a clear and cool place.” The same can be said of DA.AI Technology’s Eco Clothing Series products, being manufactured from recycled PET bottles. They transform the efforts and devotion of recycling activists into eco friendly apparel – manifesting their love and appreciation for our planet. One product in this series is a stylish casual shirt that embodies the principles of simplicity, elegance, and cleanliness.   To help you get through hot summer months, DA.AI Technology also launched a new “Cultivated Product” Series. It includes a selection of casual shirts made from cooling fabrics, and “cool release” vests. Made of polyester fabric produced from recycled PET bottles, the garments easily absorb moisture, reduce odor and eliminate stains. Most customers say these products offer comfort and versatility: during the weekdays, it can be worn as business apparel, while on weekends it can be worn casually. During Master Cheng Yen’s morning session with volunteers, she appealed to the public to be prudent and pious, treasuring earth’s resources to reduce global warming. DA.AI Technology participated in the Bureau of Energy (BoE) “Cool Style” campaign. Combining the strengths of Taiwan’s textile and fashion industry and using functional textiles with optimal absorption and sweat dissipation qualities, the BoE showcased its Cool Style clothing line. Recently, DA.AI Technology’s Quick Drying Knitted Fabric in White received a Functional Textiles Certification, because of its ability to dissipate perspiration, making the wearer feel cool and reducing the need for air-conditioning.

The Jing Si Aphorism notes: “A compassionate heart is a clear and cool place.” The same can be said of DA.AI Technology’s Eco Clothing Series products, being manufactured from recycled PET bottles. They transform the efforts and devotion of recycling activists into eco friendly apparel – manifesting their love and appreciation for our planet. One product in this series is a stylish casual shirt that embodies the principles of simplicity, elegance, and cleanliness.

Caption: Using special polyester yarn, this fabric is designed to absorb sweat and humidity, spreading it onto the fabric surface for faster evaporation, leaving the wearer cool and comfortable.To help you get through hot summer months, DA.AI Technology also launched a new “Cultivated Product” Series. It includes a selection of casual shirts made from cooling fabrics, and “cool release” vests. Made of polyester fabric produced from recycled PET bottles, the garments easily absorb moisture, reduce odor and eliminate stains. Most customers say these products offer comfort and versatility: during the weekdays, it can be worn as business apparel, while on weekends it can be worn casually.

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Saturday, 12 October 2013

印在你(尼)心(三) The story of Angke River

In 2002, Jakarta experienced one of its worst floods, with waters surging pass the river banks of the Angke River, leaving the thousands of residents living along the river homeless. In response, Tzu Chi volunteers came together to clean up the river and also build Da Ai villages to relocate residents to safer grounds. Over the years, volunteers have successfully raised the level of environmental awareness among these villagers, and even inspired local governments to use the Da Ai village, as an example for future public housings. Let`s take a look.


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Friday, 11 October 2013

星慈濟二十年(7) A convenient system

In Singapore, prior to 1999, local residents had not yet realized, the importance of environmentalism, and simply threw their garbage into collective bins, without sorting them into categories. However, since 1999, after Tzu Chi volunteers, set up the country`s first recycling point, local residents have gradually, developed proper recycling habits. So far, there are 29 recycling points, and over 1,100 recycling volunteers in Singapore, who work in cooperation with local residents, and the government, to ensure a sustainable environment, for the generations to come.


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Wednesday, 09 October 2013


We go to South Africa at the end of today`s show; and join Tzu Chi volunteers in Cape Town who held an aid distribution at the end of last month, and handed out 20kg bags of rice as well as Tzu Chi`s environmental blankets to impoverished families. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


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Tuesday, 08 October 2013

小社區大改造(三) Flooded land turned to wetland

In Chenglong Village of Yunlin County, Taiwan, ground sub-si-dence has led to seawater intrusion, which has left the surrounding farmland submerged underwater for the past 20 years. To better use the flooded areas, Kuan-Shu Educational Foundation, in cooperation with local residents, worked to transform the fields into an ecology wetland. Now, local residents and members of the public, both have the opportunity to enjoy Mother Nature`s beauty.


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Monday, 07 October 2013


As environmental topics have become a global issue, Tzu Chi volunteers in China held tea gatherings in Beijing and Fujian to promote the concept of recycling. Let`s take a look.


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大愛感恩科技 連鎖賣場設攤義賣


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人文志業合心營 環保回收親體驗


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International environmental volunteers gathered in Hualien for recycling coordinator training

Caption: Dharma Master Cheng Yen showed her support and encouraged the staffs including sister Hong Rohn-Tresn, who carefully introduced DA.AI’s upgraded ECO blanket to her.Every environmental protection volunteer may resemble a tiny ant, but together they form a force to be reckoned with. More than 300 environmental volunteers from 12 countries including the Philippines, China, Japan, and Europe recently gathered in Hualien for recycling coordinator training. They were all inspired by the experience, and vowed to take what they had learned back home with them.

During the seminar they shared their experience promoting environmental protection awareness in their respective countries. DA.AI Technology took this opportunity to set up a “Household Eco Friendly Space,” where volunteers could reflect on humanitarian ideals as reflected in fabric products. Dharma Master Cheng Yen personally showed her support and encouragement of the staff. Full time staff Sister Hong Rohn-Tresn introduced DA.AI’s upgraded ECO blanket to Master.

Caption: Dharma Master Cheng Yen received a craft item made by Sister Ya-Ling from Tainan (third from Left), whom Master Cheng Yen praised for her creativity. Mr. Lee Ding-Ming, Director of DA.AI Technology, explained the concept of humanitarian activism and social responsibility as presented in Tzu Chi Environmental protection efforts. Staff members and two Tzu Chi College also helped the volunteers understand. Pei-Ling, a staff member, was moved by Brother Ding-Ming‘s sharing to join him and the volunteers in singing “To hold your Hand.” Sister Xiao-Hui learned from Professor Wang He-Zhong the effect of global warming, and the important of the work being done to prevent it. The camp also strengthened the commitment of all volunteers from different countries to advance the cause locally.

Caption: The exhibit included various household products made of recycled PET bottles, demonstrating how environmental protection efforts start at home.DA.AI’s intern, Wei-Zou from Tzu Chi College, was impressed that a 90 year old volunteer in Suzhou, China would still volunteer at such an age. He was very touched by the elderly volunteer’s commitment as an example of Master’s teaching: “Believe in your commitment, and do the right thing.” Chen Chun Ming vowed to do everything possible to reduce the volume of garbage in his community when he returns to Malaysia.

The volunteers were moved by the exhibits, and excited to learn how recycled PET bottles can be made into so many kinds of fabric products. They recorded everything they learned and were shown, then enthusiastically shared their experience. They vowed to implement what they have learned when they return to their countries.

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Friday, 04 October 2013

國際氣候變遷峰會 專家齊聚瑞典

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Thursday, 03 October 2013

小社區大改造(一)Community regeneration of Daqi Village

In recent years, Taiwan has seen a vibrant community regeneration movement, especially in the rural areas, where the ageing population can be found. To revitalize these areas with energy, students from the Tainan(台南) National University of the Arts, carried out a community regeneration project in Daqi(大崎) Village, Guantian(官田) District of Tainan(台南), where they invited local senior residents, to join their effort in rebuilding their community.


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Wednesday, 02 October 2013


We go back to Taiwan at the end of the show, the recent typhoons, have left the coastline, around Yilan(宜蘭) County`s Juangwei(壯圍) Township with massive amount of garbage. To clean up the area, the local township office, has invited local residents and charity organizations, to lend a helping hand, including Tzu Chi. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watch Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


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Monday, 30 September 2013

2013,Sep.,DA.AI Technology received both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification

Caption: Having successfully passed ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audits on September 2013, DA.AI Technology received both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certificationHaving successfully passed ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audits on September 2013, DA.AI Technology received both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification, for quality management and environmental management systems respectively. ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for quality management practices. The system includes establishing quality policies, writing quality documentation (a quality manual, procedures and forms), training staff members, and maintaining detailed improvement records.

ISO requires companies to demonstrate that they actually implement quality practices described in their documentation, in a way that promotes ISO certification aims by emphasizing team spirit and continuous improvement of quality systems and products as well as services. Mr. Ding-Ming Lee, Executive Director of DA.AI Technology, stated that “DA AI Technology hopes to promote Tzu Chi’s spirit and great love by being granted ISO certification. Certificate will also encourage DA.AI’s staff members to make quality management an ongoing goal of our company.” “It’s simply an entrance, not a graduate certification,” he stated.

During the audit process, DA.AI Technology received many valuable suggestions and comments. As QC staff member Teng-Yu Hu put it, “My workload temporarily increased as a result of meeting ISO quality management standards; but going through the process allowed me to learn about SOP concepts and implementation. Workplace efficiency and quality control soon improved—along with internal cooperation. To more quickly reach the goal of ‘Co-exist with Mother Earth,’ we also promote the ISO 14001 standard for an environmental management system. Our staff's strong determination and practical approach throughout the five years to “do what DA.AI Tech says'--served as an inspiring sutra.”

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Friday, 27 September 2013

燒烤不環保 Spike in discarded items

Right after the Mid-Autumn Festival, large amounts of discarded barbeque equipment, firecracker packaging and cans, caused a spike in materials needing to be recycled. Right now, all Tzu Chi recycling stations can easily see the carbon footprint, left by the public. Although fewer barbeque grills were discarded this year, than in the past, every effort must still be made, to appeal to the public, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, that add to global warming.


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Thursday, 26 September 2013

九二一幸福起點三(環保護地篇)Seize each opportunity to recycle

Another inspiring story that rose from the 921 Earthquake, is a couple who lives in Mt. Li(梨) of Central Taiwan. Though the path to recovery has been filled with challenges and difficulties, Qiu Zhenbo(邱振波) and his wife have, over each day of the past 14 years, committed themselves to recycling work, to preserve the beauty of their mountain. Here`s their story.


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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

垃圾山的奇蹟(一) Children`s big dreams

With 13 percent of the population in the Dominican Republic illiterate, problems such as child labor, low school enrollment rates, or drug abuse have emerged over the years. To help, Tzu Chi established a school on “Garbage Mountain” in La Romana Province 14 years ago, giving youngsters in the area an option to receive education. Today, the children of the “Garbage Mountain” have dreams of finally escaping poverty.


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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

921幸福起點一 山林保育篇 Living with the forests

Although over 2,400 lives were lost on September 21st, 1999, in one of the nation`s most catastrophic earthquakes, it also demonstrated the willingness of Taiwan`s citizens to help one another in times of crises. Now 14 years on, we take a look at how some mountain forests which were left barren and desolate after the tremor, have been restored back to life.

雖然,1999年 9月21日在這場全國最大的災難之一,奪走2400多人生命卻也激發出台灣人互助互愛的精神,十四年後的今天,我們帶您深入曾經被九二一地震破壞的山林,現在已經恢復生機有幸福的結果。

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Monday, 23 September 2013

Guangzhou International Fashion Show deepening environmental vitality

Caption: Guangzhou Mayor Mr. Chen Jian-hua visited the exhibition site. DA.AI Chairman Mr. Huang Hua-Te introduced him to DA.AI Technology’s environmental technology and humanitarian core values and commitment.The Guangzhou International Fashion Show at the Chinese Export Commodities Fair Pazhou Complex was held last month. More than twenty fashion companies participated. DA.AI Technology company was the only company to exclusively showcase an environmentally friendly renewable textile brand, in support of the " science and technology, environmental protection, and sustainable" features being promoted by the Taiwan Garment industry Association.

Guangzhou Mayor Mr. Chen Jian-hua visited the exhibition site. DA.AI Chairman Mr. Huang Hua-Te introduced him to DA.AI Technology’s environmental technology and humanitarian core values and commitment. Following this year's theme of “love and the environmental lifestyle,”DA.AI Technology focuses on brand vitality, and the design and practical value of gift boxes. DA.AI hopes to promote the greater use of recycled items among Guang Zhou’s manufacturers. Visitors were touched and fascinated by the story behind DA.AI garments. “Taiwan Excellence Award” and the “Green Classics Product Award” attest to DA.AI Technology product quality. 

Caption: Ms.Hong Ruo-chen and an enthusiastic volunteer team were at the exhibition to encourage visitors to become Tzu Chi volunteers (40 new volunteers were recruited during the 3-day exhibition). She gave interviews to media including Guangdong TV 13 to promote greater environmental consciousness. Ms.Hong Ruo-chen and an enthusiastic volunteer team were at the exhibition to encourage visitors to become Tzu Chi volunteers (40 new volunteers were recruited during the 3-day exhibition). She gave interviews to media including Guangdong TV 13 to promote greater environmental consciousness. Chairman Mr. Huang and design director Ms. Hung led the DA.AI exhibition team’s efforts to promote the brand’s cultural relevance, taking every opportunity to explain the DA.AI’s innovative manufacturing process as a way to remind the public of the importance of recycling, and the need to avoid using PET bottles whenever possible. 

The Guangzhou International Fashion show exhibitions should enable more people to support the budding environmental protection industry, and the Taiwan Environmental Protection movement’s cultural vitality!

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DA.AI Tech awarded Manager Today’s CSR award for industry leadership in environmental protection and green technology.

Caption: DA.AI Technology has won praise for “shouldering corporate social responsibility (CSR) and implementing a full range of sustainability.”DA.AI Technology has won praise for “shouldering corporate social responsibility (CSR) and implementing a full range of sustainability.” By awarding DA.AI with the 2013 CSR Award for “Environmental protection and green technology development,” Manager Today recognized the non-profit for bringing new life to plastic waste material, and promoting environmental education. DA.AI Technology’s has always demonstrated its commitment to creating a sustainable future by nurturing a more balanced relationship with the environment. Corporate profit is considered a means to that end.

The “Environmental protection and green technology development” award recognizes a company’s activities and impact on preservation of natural resources. Such activities might include:
• reducing environmental pollution,
• evaluating suppliers’ environmental protection efforts,
• promoting an ecological mindset, and
• helping reduce carbon footprints in daily life.

Caption: By awarding DA.AI with the 2013 CSR Award for “Environmental protection and green technology development,” Manager Today recognized the non-profit for bringing new life to plastic waste material, and promoting environmental education.DA.AI Technology does more than lessen the waste of natural resources. It also focuses on social care and building better communities. This award is a sign of appreciation for the many volunteers, supporters and business partners who have actively participated in the DA.AI “Circle of Love.”

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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

離島浩劫(8) 蘭嶼野溪整治 Progress vs. nature

Continuing with our series of reports on the offshore island of Lanyu(蘭嶼), otherwise known as the Pearl of the East, which has long been celebrated for its pristine natural environment and the abundant wildlife that inhabits here. The island of Lanyu has countless criss-crossed small creeks, that serve as the gathering points for the island`s wild and plant life. However, as part of the government`s reconstruction plans after Typhoon Tembin, many of these previously untouched creeks are now being dredged and fitted with cement dikes to prevent flooding in the face of future typhoons. Yet, the work are considered by many residents as overly invasive and destructive to both the land and the animals and vegetation that live nearby.

今天我們持續關注,天秤風災肆虐過後在蘭嶼進行的大型重建計畫,蘭嶼 台灣的「東方明珠」,擁有原始天然環境以及豐富的動植物生態,地形上,蘭嶼沒有大河流過,但卻有錯綜複雜的小溪交織,許多地方都是動植物的棲地,然而政府的重建計畫,使得原本為開發的小溪流都被挖掉了 ,避免未來颱風的淹水危機,雖然政府聲稱這是一項必要的工程,但就生態的考量上,在當地人的眼裡,這麼做是在破壞土地以及無數動植物的棲息地。

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Monday, 16 September 2013

ECO Mark Certification of Japan – DA.AI’s Blanket Shines Internationally

Caption: DA.AI Technology's environmental fabrics (notably its world famous “Gray blanket”) have been certified to meet world environmental standards. Over the years, it has been honored with numerous environmental awards, at home and abroad. In July 2013, Japan officially approved DA.AI’s use of its ECO trademark.DA.AI Technology's environmental fabric--particularly its “Gray blanket” – has received another important award for meeting world environmental standards.Over the years it has received numerous environmental awards at home in Taiwan and abroad, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Trademark, German TÜV Rhineland’s water footprint and carbon footprint certification, Netherlands’ GRS "global recycling standards" certification, and Cradle to Cradle(C2C) Products Innovation Institute grade C2C silver certificationCM from the United States etc. In April of this year,  DA.AI Technology’s gray environmental blanket, with its 100% recycled PET bottle material that causes no pollution from dyeing or manufacturing, was submitted to the Japanese Environment Association for certification. After undergoing extensive assessment of the material, greenhouse gas emissions, ozone emissions, ecological destruction, pollution, gas emissions, water pollution, waste disposal, hazardous materials handling / use, and numerous other environmental factors; and based on environmental management standards and guidelines set forth in ISO14020/14024, in July 2013 Japan officially approved the use of the ECO trademark on consumer products sold in Japan.

With an eye toward saving energy, reducing carbon footprints and promoting environmental sustainability, the Japan Environment Association began to assess various products’ life cycles to determine if they meet minimum environmental standards. It decided to introduce “Eco-labels” to promote reduction in the waste of precious environmental resources. For the first time this year, DA.AI Technology’s household products were certified by Japan based on their use of environmentally friendly recycled fiber. The stringent quality checks and internationally recognized certification proves that DA.AI Tech fabric is manufactured with high environmental awareness. It also illustrates DA.AI Tech’s determination to promote green energy in everyday life.Based on such international third-party certification, consumers can be assured of product safety and be encouraged to help save the Earth and our environment. Read more


After Typhoon Tembin left a trail of destruction in Lanyu Township last year, the government began a series of construction works this March to help rebuild the island. With a huge amount of cement needed for the 24 projects planned, residents here have begun to wonder of the damage these concrete roads and buildings might do to their island. Here’s more.


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2013,Sep.,DA.AI Technology made it a “three-peat” with the “3rd Taiwan Green Classics Awards”

20140113_3.jpgDA.AI Technology, which won the “1&2nd Taiwan Green Classics Awards” for the past two years, this year made it a “three-peat” with three eco-friendly series products (Polar Animals Blanket Series, Eco Solar Backpack, and Non-dyed Felt Series). This achievement is possible thanks to ongoing cooperation from its many partners and supporters.

DA.AI Technology, Taiwan’s first environment-friendly company, enthusiastically follows Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s principles of “Co-existing with the Earth” by tapping into the efforts of over 200,000 Tzu Chi volunteers, manufacturers’ eco-friendly production strategies, and recycled resources as raw materials to manufacture uniquely eco-friendly products. This means a powerful new role for non-biodegradable PET bottles, as well as less consumption of virgin resources. This adds up to a massive reduction in the volume of recycled plastics.

first such certification to any company in Asia’s recycled textiles industries.

Building on the good start made by Taiwan’s recycled textile industry, DA.AI Technology actively promotes the green image and model, raising the success of valued collaborators and brands to the next level. Future projects include continually developing new recycled textiles and products and satisfying the specific needs of other companies or the industry as a whole. By persuasively sharing the principle “Savor humanitarian culture, cultivate wisdom, and spread great love” to deepen and widen the customer relationship net, DA.AI also helps introduce Taiwan’s innovative Green Loving brand to international audiences. DA.AI Technology’s ultimate goal? To become the world’s number one “eco brand.”

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圖說: 大愛感恩科技自去年榮獲「第二屆台灣綠色典範獎」後,今年共計有3系列及13項產品(極地動物毛毯系列、Eco太陽能後背包、無染毛氈布系列)再次榮獲2013年第三屆「台灣綠色典範產品獎」的殊榮肯定。(攝影者:蔡知穎)大愛感恩科技自去年榮獲「第二屆台灣綠色典範獎」後,今年共計有3系列及13項產品(愛護地球動物_極地動物毛毯系列、Eco太陽能後背包、無染毛氈布系列)再次榮獲2013年第三屆「台灣綠色典範產品獎」的殊榮肯定,感恩各界支持與愛護才能讓品牌逐年成長及精進。

大愛感恩科技為全世界第一家環保公益企業,秉持慈濟 證嚴法師「與地球共生息」的理念,整合來自全省無私奉獻的20萬餘名慈濟環保菩薩細心分類的寶特瓶,並藉由紡織業上、中、下游愛心實業家,共同發揮良能與愛心接力而製成富有愛心的環保織品,並將盈餘回饋慈濟做為國內外賑災及社會公益使用。


相關心聞:連續三屆綠色指標 永續善機成就典範 Read more


圖說: 大愛感恩科技自去年榮獲「第二屆台灣綠色典範獎」後,今年共計有3系列及13項產品(極地動物毛毯系列、Eco太陽能後背包、無染毛氈布系列)再次榮獲2013年第三屆「台灣綠色典範產品獎」的殊榮肯定。(攝影者:蔡知穎)大愛感恩科技自去年榮獲「第二屆台灣綠色典範獎」後,今年共計有3系列及13項產品(愛護地球動物_極地動物毛毯系列、Eco太陽能後背包、無染毛氈布系列)再次榮獲2013年第三屆「台灣綠色典範產品獎」的殊榮肯定,感恩各界支持與愛護才能讓品牌逐年成長及精進。

大愛感恩科技為全世界第一家環保公益企業,秉持慈濟 證嚴法師「與地球共生息」的理念,整合來自全省無私奉獻的20萬餘名慈濟環保菩薩細心分類的寶特瓶,並藉由紡織業上、中、下游愛心實業家,共同發揮良能與愛心接力而製成富有愛心的環保織品,並將盈餘回饋慈濟做為國內外賑災及社會公益使用。


相關心聞:連續三屆綠色指標 永續善機成就典範 Read more


圖說: 大愛感恩科技自去年榮獲「第二屆台灣綠色典範獎」後,今年共計有3系列及13項產品(極地動物毛毯系列、Eco太陽能後背包、無染毛氈布系列)再次榮獲2013年第三屆「台灣綠色典範產品獎」的殊榮肯定。(攝影者:蔡知穎)大愛感恩科技自去年榮獲「第二屆台灣綠色典範獎」後,今年共計有3系列及13項產品(愛護地球動物_極地動物毛毯系列、Eco太陽能後背包、無染毛氈布系列)再次榮獲2013年第三屆「台灣綠色典範產品獎」的殊榮肯定,感恩各界支持與愛護才能讓品牌逐年成長及精進。

大愛感恩科技為全世界第一家環保公益企業,秉持慈濟 證嚴法師「與地球共生息」的理念,整合來自全省無私奉獻的20萬餘名慈濟環保菩薩細心分類的寶特瓶,並藉由紡織業上、中、下游愛心實業家,共同發揮良能與愛心接力而製成富有愛心的環保織品,並將盈餘回饋慈濟做為國內外賑災及社會公益使用。


相關心聞:連續三屆綠色指標 永續善機成就典範 Read more

Friday, 13 September 2013


In Taiwan’s Kinmen, with the establishment of the Little Three Links and the boost of tourism in its wake, the government here plans to build a road to connect Shuitou Wharf to the Wujiang River estuary, to ease traffic congestion. However, this same road will also pass through the island’s largest wetland, bringing irreversible damage to its ecology. In our next report, we find out what residents think of this new and controversial project.


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Staying on the topic of vegetarianism, the director of Tzu Chi’s Medical Mission and cardiologist, Dr. Lin Junlong is another member of the medical community that is promoting the benefits of a vegetarian diet. In talks, and even when consulting with patients, the doctor will discuss the benefits of eating more vegetables, which includes lower blood pressure and a decreased chance of dementia.


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Thursday, 12 September 2013


Back to Asia, but moving to Malaysia, in a village on the outskirts of Kota Kinabalu, lives a 43-year-old single mother Mary Enting. Being a recipient of Tzu Chi’s care, the mother has begun recycling to reciprocate the love she has received. Now that she and her daughter are getting by financially, her dream is to get the other residents in the village, to join her in making recycling a daily habit.


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As part of their continuing care, for quake survivors in Haiti, Tzu Chi volunteers regularly distributed hot meals, at a local hospital, three days a week. As well, the volunteers also organized workshops, to teach local residents, how to turn plastic bottles and recycled clothing, into Tzu Chi’s bamboo coin banks.

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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

離島浩劫(3)養殖復育Returning balance to the ocean

It is estimated that Taiwan`s offshore island of Penghu(澎湖) attracts close to 1 million tourists each year, however, this also means that the large amount of human activities have brought destruction to the oceans, causing coral reefs to degrade at an alarming rate. Next, we meet a group of professionals who are devoted to restoring these coral reefs and returning the ocean to its original beauty.


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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

惜福地毯Carpets turned into protector pads

At the recently opened Taichung(台中) Jing Si Hall, we join Tzu Chi volunteers who transformed old carpets into hand-made flooring protector pads, as they give these unused items a second lease of life. Let`s take a look.


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Monday, 09 September 2013

百年水患苦無援 藍天白雲送愛來


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2013,Aug.,DA.AI Technology: The 2013 Shining Green Rising Star

Caption: On behalf of everyone at DA.AI Technology, executive director Lee Ding Ming (right) received the 16th Rising Star Award from Premier Jiang Yi Huah(left). The award reaffirms the importance of DA.AI’s Green brand, and the untiring efforts of countless environmental activists.The 16th Rising Star Award Ceremony took place on August 28, 2013. Representing DA.AI Technology, executive director Lee Ding Ming accepted the Rising Star Award from Premier Jiang Yi Huah. This award aims to honor highly competitive and innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This year DA.AI was the only enterprise honored with the Service Award. DA.AI Technology has become known for bringing its motto “limited natural resources but unlimited love” to life in a simple, elegant and frugal way. It has enhanced this eco-brand reputation by producing many low-carbon “Green” products, and by donating 100% of its net profits to charity.

All award recipients’ innovative products (textiles, iron and steel, semi-conductors etc.) are globally well known. Applying professional management principles, DA.AI Technology is able to control critical materials, develop and improve on its R&D techniques, maintain Production Traceability Systems and devote itself to the betterment of society. These factors clearly demonstrate a “backbone enterprise’s” versatility. Mr. Yeh Yun Lung, Director General of SME Administration, agreed that DA.AI Technology deserves the Service Award in part because of its great love and solid contributions to society. He also affirmed that DA.AI’s green products, as an expression of Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s “Coexist with the Earth” enhance the reputation of all Green enterprises and serve as an example to the entire industry.

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We go to the United States at the end of the show, with disasters becoming ever more frequent, Tzu Chi volunteers in California visited local businesses in Fresno, Los Angeles and Santa Clara, to promote vegetarianism, recycling as well as Tzu Chi`s bamboo coin banks. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


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DA.AI Technology: The 2013 Shining Green Rising Star

Caption: On behalf of everyone at DA.AI Technology, executive director Lee Ding Ming (right) received the 16th Rising Star Award from Premier Jiang Yi Huah(left). The award reaffirms the importance of DA.AI’s Green brand, and the untiring efforts of countless environmental activists.The 16th Rising Star Award Ceremony took place on August 28, 2013. Representing DA.AI Technology, executive director Lee Ding Ming accepted the Rising Star Award from Premier Jiang Yi Huah. This award aims to honor highly competitive and innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This year DA.AI was the only enterprise honored with the Service Award. DA.AI Technology has become known for bringing its motto “limited natural resources but unlimited love” to life in a simple, elegant and frugal way. It has enhanced this eco-brand reputation by producing many low-carbon “Green” products, and by donating 100% of its net profits to charity.

Mr. Wang Chih-Kang, Minister of Economic Affairs, explained that under new evaluation guidelines, at least 25 percent of an enterprise’s total sales must come from export sales for it to qualify for this award; it must also have a strong balance sheet and offer products that meet the market’s demands. A nominated enterprise must also satisfy requirements such as document review, several on-site visits and strict final assessments. Much credit for DA.AI Technology’s unique position among more than one million SMEs must go to selfless environmental activists and fellow members for their tireless effort and enthusiastic support. Environmental volunteer Chang Lu Chien spoke on their behalf during the ceremony, “I admire the thousands of environmental activists who do their best to save Mother Earth by engaging in outdoor recycling work under various adverse conditions, and DA.AI Technology, for making the optimal use of various kinds of recyclable resources.”

Caption: DA.AI Technology distinguishes itself from more than one million Taiwanese SMEs, in large part thanks to the commitment and efforts of tens of thousands of selfless Tzu Chi environmental activists and other supporters.All award recipients’ innovative products (textiles, iron and steel, semi-conductors etc.) are globally well known. Applying professional management principles, DA.AI Technology is able to control critical materials, develop and improve on its R&D techniques, maintain Production Traceability Systems and devote itself to the betterment of society. These factors clearly demonstrate a “backbone enterprise’s” versatility. Mr. Yeh Yun Lung, Director General of SME Administration, agreed that DA.AI Technology deserves the Service Award in part because of its great love and solid contributions to society. He also affirmed that DA.AI’s green products, as an expression of Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s “Coexist with the Earth” enhance the reputation of all Green enterprises and serve as an example to the entire industry.

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Friday, 06 September 2013

離島浩劫(2)排水污染The ocean is our spiritual mother

In our continuing reports on the endangerment of Taiwan`s offshore islands, today we take a look at the sewage problem in Penghu(澎湖)`s Magong(馬公) City, which does not have its own water treatment facilities. With an estimated 10,000 tons of waste water discharged into the ocean each day, the county government therefore, has built two experimental sewage treatment plants here, marking a positive step in reducing further destruction to the surrounding ocean.

繼續我們離島浩劫的報導,今天帶您來關心澎湖的污水排放問題,馬公市沒有大型的汙水處理廠 ,一天要排放估計約一萬噸的廢水,這些水通通流入海洋,因此縣政府蓋了兩座實驗性質的小型汙水處理場,為減少海洋汙染,跨出了成功的第一步。

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新生環保First vegetarian campaign

As a new semester has begun in schools and universities around Taiwan, in Taipei, Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to Bailing(百齡) High School in Shilin(士林) District to share with students their environmental ideals. Meanwhile, their counterparts in Hsinchu(新竹), also arrived at the National Hsinchu University of Education, to prepare 700 meatless lunchboxes for teachers and students.


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國際青年環保Learning TC`s recycling work

Back in Taiwan, some girl scouts from Malaysia and another group of overseas students attending the International Youth Culture and Study Tour in Taiwan, visited Tzu Chi`s recycling stations respectively in Guandu(關渡) and Neihu(內湖). Tzu Chi volunteers hoped through these visits that the youths will take what they have learned back home and spread the environmental message forward.


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Thursday, 05 September 2013

薩摩亞環保Shredding plastic bottles

After the water supply system was damaged by an earthquake and tsunami in American Samoa, in 2009, local residents have been drinking imported bottled water, and thus, creating millions of plastic bottles in waste each year. The manager of a local recycling center, Ralph, met Tzu Chi two years ago, and has since followed Tzu Chi`s footsteps in protecting the environment. Recently, Tzu Chi donated a plastic bottle shredder to Ralph, to help him continue his good work. Let`s take a look.


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Wednesday, 04 September 2013

資源再生續物命 完全回饋立典範


分享中藉由公司核心價值理念的延伸,以「品人文、涵福慧、傳大愛」的內涵意境藉物傳法,喚起更多人重視與投入環保、推動環保。講者也深深感念 證嚴上人一生的心血、奉獻付出,創立慈濟世界,從慈善、醫療、教育、人文、環境保護、社區關懷、國際賑災、骨髓捐贈,四大志業、八大法印的工作,眞正對我們眾生、社會、國家做出具體的貢獻,使大愛感恩科技公司才會信念堅定的一定要「推動環保人文、整合愛心接力、以及落實完全回饋」

怡德師兄熱忱地為這群新的見習培訓學員們分享,期望大愛這個無私的環保平台能廣為十方大徳認同,進而參與環保的推動,即使是小小個購買行為,於背後也有滿滿的參與慈濟大愛行善行列的意義存在,因而帶出 證嚴上人所說的「『如是我聞』不如『如是我做』;聽了法,身體力行。」他更希望透過環保人文教育,能將這些好的理念與這個好的品牌傳遞出去,「資源再生續物命、創造心品造福慧;節能減碳護大地、行動護持綠生活。」的結語,再次提醒大德們環保意識,生活取代的綠色消費中教育學員「珍惜資源、延續物命」就在日常生活裡。

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Tuesday, 03 September 2013

國慶日做環保 香港阿嬤感觸深


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Monday, 02 September 2013

Well Established Taiwanese Environmental Brand Leads the Globe with MIT Certification

Caption: DA.AI technology’s many “MIT Smile Mark” certifications are for products that comply with different government requirements. While introducing its products’ Taiwanese origin, it shows that each product has achieved national testing standards. Such certifications prove DA.AI products’ quality, so discerning consumers can look for quality domestic products every time they see the MIT “Smile Mark”. This helps introduce Taiwanese brands to the international market, and present the soft power of Taiwan’s R&D and innovation to an appreciative global market.DA.AI is a genuine Taiwanese brand known to support and promote the government’s “Made In Taiwan” (MIT” program. DA.AI is also committed into creating a new direction for brands that touch people’s hearts by design.  MIT has expanded its focus from manufacturing to quality, innovation, value creation, and other factors which contribute to brand success.  A deeper purpose is improving Taiwan’s economy, and sustaining the nation’s long-term industrial vitality.  Ever since undertaking active promotion of MIT production process and product certification in 2010, the agency has reinforced its product values, building brand image and reputation. DA.AI currently has over 300 MIT-certified products, and is not only the “first of equals” among Taiwan’s textile brands, but also the “only” when it comes to many popular brands.

The Taiwanese map featured in MIT’s “Smile Mark” affirms Taiwan as the origin of a product, while the smiling face represents the Product Excellence verification system, reassuring consumers that it’s “safe, healthy, and trustworthy.”  MIT certification of DA.AI products tells each consumer that products are definitely made in Taiwan, so their manufacturing processes and materials comply with rigorous national testing and safety standards.  DA.AI insists on using only pure eco-friendly sources, to help eliminate pollution, reduce carbon emission and limit water consumption. Thanks to the MIT Smile Mark’s high visibility in retail stores everywhere, DA.AI can communicate its status as an R&D innovator and trend setter, hopefully expanding on consumers’ support of DA.AI products.

DA.AI Technology sees “attentive effort” as the key to quality. One important effort is “Building a culture of environmental protection, fostering the circle of love, and contributing to society,” with a loving heart. Implementing this core value has garnered the company lots of recognitions, including the Green Classic Award sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, along with Taiwan Excellence Award and CSR Award from Global Views Monthly.  The company has also received many environmental certifications from domestic and international organizations such as the “Global Recycling Standards” (GSR) from Netherlands’ Peterson Control Union. Such certification was created to provide consumers with healthy, safe and high quality products.

Master Cheng Yen also compassionately advised us, “Working collaboratively and in mutual love, turn up your love and turn on hope for the Earth.”  DA.AI Technology functions as a bellwether by initiating meaningful social enterprise to promote the MIT spirit, while upgrading product quality for the green textile industry in Taiwan.  The innovative non-profit company works hard to establish a world-class boutique brand, so the world will see the green value, the love, and the “soft power” of Taiwan’s brands.  DA.AI Technology turns “trash into gold, gold into love, and love into a pure stream that encircles the world.” It also promotes the concept of “green environmental protection, purifying people’s minds” through its eco-friendly textile products.  Taiwan brands will thus flourish, and the Taiwan Island’s green miracle will be globally recognized.

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Sunday, 01 September 2013

聾啞身殘又喪親 做環保覓得歸屬


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板橋車站清掃 Safeguarding the environment

Since 1998, Tzu Chi volunteers have regularly shown up to clean up the surrounding area of the Banqiao(板橋) Station. This time around, volunteer Qiu Yuying(邱育瓔) brought her grandson along, as the two spent the day together protecting the environment. 

從1998年開始,慈濟志工定期維護板橋車站,周遭的環境整潔,這一次的清掃,志工邱育瓔特地,帶著孫子一同來保護地球。 Read more

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

屏東志工做環保 落實社區在地化


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風災水患家園毀 發放物資解愁眉


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Monday, 26 August 2013

A Humble Warrior Treasures His Karma: Great Love in the Territory of Islam

Caption: Brother Chi-Hui, head of the Tzu Chi Jordan Branch, shared his experiences of relief work in Jordan with colleagues; many in the audience shed tears during his touching stories."We’ve just received a container of 6,300 neatly compressed blankets--thank you, the blankets were so warm and comfortable!” As he began his sharing,  Brother Chiu-Hua Chen (Buddhist name Chi-Hui), a Kudan (9th degree) Black Belt Taekwondo coach, prostrated himself in front of the audience and said, “In the compassionate teachings of Master Cheng Yen, I have no ‘dan,’ and can only set aside my ego. I thank Buddha for letting me grow up in Taiwan, I thank Master Cheng Yen for creating the Tzu Chi world, and I thank Tzu Chi for teaching me that only when we witness suffering, will we appreciate our blessings.”  Brother Chi-Hui is grateful for all karma in life. Thirty-nine years ago, his Taekwondo skills enabled Brother Chi-Hui to become bodyguard and Taekwondo coach of Jordan’s Prince Hassan.  Trusted by the royal family, during the many years he spent in Jordan, he devoutly followed the Islamic fasting life.  Sixteen years ago, Master Cheng Yen’s teaching of “respect life” touched his heart, and he decided to shed his warrior glory and begin doing good deeds by offering help to the people suffering in that exotic Islamic land with different ethnicity and religion. As the head of a group of volunteers, he brought the great love of Tzu Chi to the Arab sand.

Brother Chi-Hui leads the Tzu Chi Jordan Branch. When he returned to Taiwan, DA.AI Technology invited him to share his experiences with relief work in Jordan. Neighboring Syria, although affluent, is in the midst of a tragic civil war now in its third year of constant strife. Its miserable citizens have fled for survival to Jordan.  Brother Chi-Hui, introducing precious video and photo documentaries, spoke movingly about how the civil war of Syria created so many refugees, and how Jordan Tzu Chi volunteers provide ongoing emergency aid and comfort to their bodies and souls. He spoke in detail of the long-term care provided to the Bedouins and others who fled without hope from the brutal and merciless country without any hope for the future. Many audience members shed tears. “I could finally feel at ease when the last blanket was distributed during the relief project, and put gratefully into the hands of a victim.”  Brother Chi-Hui once again thanked DA.AI Technology and Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide for the strong support of Jordan’s disaster relief work.

Caption: Most Syrian refugees are women and children. Tzu Chi volunteers could not bear to see the children walking barefoot in such cold weather so they purchased shoes for the children. The 10th certified Tzu Chi volunteer, Jameel (Buddhist name: Chi-Din), providing immediate care and love to the children. (Photo provided by Brother Chi-Hui)Brother Chi-Hui sincere humility so touched Prince Hassan, his wife, and fellow citizens, the prince visited Taiwan twice, even putting aside his ego to do recycling work with volunteers. He learned to care for the refugees with gratitude and respect, and become a person whose palms face down.  This year’s winter has been bitterly cold, so refugees needed a lot of clothes and food. The Tzu Chi Jordan Branch has already provided over 10,000 blankets and all sorts of supplies and cash to refugees, even offering the refugees paying jobs to so they can help themselves.  Such incredible experiences turned Brother Chi-Hui, whose life filled with guns and violence, had already transformed him, into a humble, tender, and compassionate new man. Walking firmly on the grounds of thekingdom of Allah, he can begin implementing the teachings and Dharma of Buddha.  Brother Chi-Hui will soon return to Jordan, to continue his long term care for suffering beings in the Islamic kingdom.

After the presentation Brother James Lee of DA.AI Technology also encouraged his colleagues. Although they are unable to offer front-line care to the refugees, “as long as you do your work and take your work seriously, you are doing it for the world.”  DA.AI Technology is a platform for the circle of love; it repays Tzu Chi Foundation with everyone’s love, and gives it to the suffering people by supporting Tzu Chi volunteers.  With blessings from Master Chen Yen and Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide Syrian refugees, Bedouins, and other local disadvantaged groups will benefit from this great love that went beyond ethnicity and religion.

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Friday, 23 August 2013

福鼎祈福會+精舍祈福會Burning joss paper = more merits?

On August 21st, which was also the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, a blessing ceremony was held at Hualien`s(花蓮) Jing Si Abode in Taiwan, where dharma masters, Tzu Chi volunteers and foundation staff joined in prayers for a world free from disasters. Meanwhile in Fuding(福鼎), China, Tzu Chi volunteers organized a blessing ceremony at a local recycling station, and promoted the concept of no burning of joss paper and ways to cherish our planet to local residents.

8月21日,也是農曆七月十五,在花蓮靜思精舍舉辦祈福會,靜思精舍法師與慈濟志工、基金會同仁,以虔誠的心為世界祈福,而在中國福鼎,慈濟志工在當地環保站舉辦吉祥月祈福會,宣導不燒紙錢,愛護地球的理念 。

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Thursday, 22 August 2013

海外環保參訪Impressed with recycling practices

Moving back to Taiwan, more than 300 recycling volunteers from 12 countries around the globe recently arrived in Taiwan, to attend a recycling coordinator training seminar which took place from August 16th. Volunteers were all inspired by what they saw and vowed to take what they have learned back home.


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Wednesday, 21 August 2013


We stay in Taiwan at the end of the show, on August 18th, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the Tianmu(天母) Baseball Stadium in Taipei City, to encourage baseball fans to sort their garbage and not litter. The money collected from selling the recycables from the baseball stadium, were later donated to Tzu Chi to help those in greater need. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


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大馬二十年(7)Recycling takes off locally

In June of 1997, following the opening of the first Tzu Chi overseas office in Malaysia, volunteers soon began, introducing the practice of recycling into communities in and around Penang. Today, there a total of 344 Tzu Chi recycling stations throughout Malaysia, at which thousands of volunteers, both young and old, work each day, to not only save the earth, but also cultivate their body and mind.


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Monday, 19 August 2013

0816普度善原由Burning of joss paper is forbidden

As Pudu(普渡) Festival which falls on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, is just around the corner, for the next three days, we will bring you stories related to this traditional holiday. In the first of our report, we learn how this long standing tradition is celebrated by both Buddhists and Taoists and the origin behind the festival.


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都市森呼吸(四)Happy to see tree friends

Trees are the oldest living thing on this planet, however due to economic development in the past century, the world`s tree population has been reduced by 50 percent. Next, we meet Zhang Meihui(張美惠), who set aside her job in the financial world to be the voice of trees in her community, and eventually all of Taiwan. Here`s more.


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菲發大米Rice for needy families

Moving to the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers continue to distribute rice from Taiwan to needy families all around the nation. In Navotas City, residents who turned up to receive rice from Tzu Chi, also brought PET bottles to donate. While in Tondo District, Manila, the 2-day rice distribution saw over 1,300 families receive the much needed aid.


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Three Industries, Four Reforms, and Lots of Big Ideas: Environmental Technology That Can Sow Seeds in A Heart

Caption: The Taiwan Garment Industry Association held its regular meeting at the Taiwan Textile Federation hall.  Hosted by TGIA chairman, Walter Huang, guests and presenters included the Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Mr. Shi-Chao Cho.The Taiwan Garment Industry Association (TGIA) is a service industry group comprised of 319 fine garment manufacturers. It designs and develops brands to satisfy discerning garment consumers from around the world. The second session of its 14th Annual Congressional Meeting was held at Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF), and hosted by TGIA chairman Walter Huang.  Special guests and presenters included the Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Shi-Chao Cho.  Leading TGIA member company DA.AI Technology actively participated.  As a leading eco-friendly brand, it was able to solidify its relationships with the industry, the government, and schools.

Taiwan's current GDP is close to that of Germany, Italy, and France in the year 2000. Their ten-year growth trajectory between 2000 and 2010 provides Taiwan with a development blueprint for the decade to come.  Since 2000 the garment industries of Italy, Germany, and France have experienced major growth, primarily due to the ability of designer and branding executives to capture the high-end market with superior value-added products.  Garment exports overtook textile export totals for France in 2003 and Italy in 2007; while the export of textile products from Italy, Germany, and France has continued to grow steadily since 2000.  This appears to be the result of strides in their research and development, innovation and quality control segments compared to other countries.  Garment export growth also seems to have been a significant growth factor for textiles.

Caption: After the meeting, DA.AI Microfiber Cool Blankets were presented to members and guests to encourage them to use green products, and add the concept of environmental protection to their daily lives.Mr. Rong-Chun Shen, Director-General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Industrial Development Bureau, outlined the government’s “Three Industries and Four Reforms” strategy.  The industries include a service-oriented manufacturing industry, an internationalized high-tech services industry and traditional industry that manufactures specialty products. The Ministry of Economic Affairs will focus on developing these key industries.  Director-General Shen pointed out that the export value of Taiwan’s garment and accessories industry had been in steeper decline since 1990 than Germany, Italy, France, etc.  Taiwan and South Korea have lagged behind in design enhancements and brand development.  Nor have any successful international brands helped boost domestic garment and accessories industry development.  Taiwan, recognizing this problem, is now committed to support of research and development efforts, and building a world-class supply center able to develop new functional and industrial textiles.
DA.AI Technology’s commitment to brand management is obvious in more effective marketing of environmental protection, technology, public service, and humanitarianism. It actively supports environmental education and green consumption programs.  DA.AI also promotes Taiwan’s “soft power of love” initiative by introducing its products to world markets.  To inspire members to use “green” products and advance the concept of environmental protection, a DA.AI Microfiber Cool Blanket was given to every members and guests after the meeting.  The soft, dye free, and 100% recycled polyester material is mite resistant, and less likely to trigger allergic reactions .  It’s also a great summer bedding item.  Given the importance of research and development, innovation, and quality, DA.AI Technology will continue collaborating with other companies, the government, and schools to expand on the concept of “extending articles’ life, to create blessings and wisdom.”  This means expanding its R&D capabilities and developing more comfortable green products that embody the brand’s pure and natural humanistic values.

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Saturday, 17 August 2013

【草根菩提】20130801 山上的家


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Friday, 16 August 2013

都市森呼吸(三)Trees help cool temperature

Trees are living things with their own way of sustaining life; however, humans not only like to transplant trees at will, but will also often use the wrong methods to do so, thus causing harm to the sustainability of the trees. This is especially true for non-native plants, as they often have a hard time adapting to an environment not suitable to their growth. Let`s take a look.


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靜思堂環保站+環保站睦鄰Environmental education ctr opens

Moving to Taiwan, Tzu Chi`s second largest environmental education center opened at the Kaohsiung(高雄) Jing Si Hall. On the day of the opening ceremony, Tzu Chi volunteers, recycling volunteers, the foundation staff and local residents all gathered at the environmental education center to celebrate the occasion.


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Thursday, 15 August 2013

2013,Jul.,ECO Mark Certification of Japan – DA.AI’s Blanket Shines Internationally

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DA.AI Technology's environmental fabric--particularly its “Gray blanket” – has received another important award for meeting world environmental standards.

Over the years it has received numerous environmental awards at home in Taiwanand abroad, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Trademark, German TÜV Rhineland’s water footprint and carbon footprint certification, Netherlands’ GRS "global recycling standards" certification, and Cradle to Cradle(C2C) Products Innovation Institute grade C2C silver certificationCM from the United States etc. In April of this year,  DA.AI Technology’s gray environmental blanket, with its 100% recycled PET bottle material that causes no pollution from dyeing or manufacturing, was submitted to the Japanese Environment Association for certification. After undergoing extensive assessment of the material, greenhouse gas emissions, ozone emissions, ecological destruction, pollution, gas emissions, water pollution, waste disposal, hazardous materials handling / use, and numerous other environmental factors; and based on environmental management standards and guidelines set forth in ISO14020/14024, in July 2013 Japan officially approved the use of the ECO trademark on consumer products sold in Japan.

With an eye toward saving energy, reducing carbon footprints and promoting environmental sustainability, the Japan Environment Association began to assess various products’ life cycles to determine if they meet minimum environmental standards. It decided to introduce “Eco-labels” to promote reduction in the waste of precious environmental resources. For the first time this year, DA.AI Technology’s household products were certified byJapanbased on their use of environmentally friendly recycled fiber. The stringent quality checks and internationally recognized certification proves that DA.AI Tech fabric is manufactured with high environmental awareness. It also illustrates DA.AI Tech’s determination to promote green energy in everyday life.Based on such international third-party certification, consumers can be assured of product safety and be encouraged to help save the Earth and our environment. 


Caption: DA.AI Technology's environmental fabrics (notably its world famous “Gray blanket”) have been certified to meet world environmental standards. Over the years, it has been honored with numerous environmental awards, at home and abroad. In July 2013,Japanofficially approved DA.AI’s use of its ECO trademark.


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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

都市森呼吸(1)樹與都市The best plum tree in Taipei

For many who live in the city, large old trees are a rare sight, but those living near Huaguang(華光) community, in Taipei, can enjoy such sights, without having to travel long distances. This community, with over a decade of history, is facing the end of its days. As Taiwan conducts urban renewal projects, trees are being cut down, and houses flattened, leaving these residents, with a sense of loss, not only for their homes, but for the trees as well.


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開齋外傭環保Caregiver`s recycling work

There are many foreign caregivers from a Muslim background here in Taiwan, and, although it was the Eid-al-Fitr Festival last week, not all of them celebrated the occasion. We go to Kaohsiung(高雄), and meet caregiver, Lina, to see how she instead, spent the day caring for a senior resident at home, and also sorted recyclables.

台灣有許多外傭都信奉伊斯蘭教,前幾天是他們的開齋節,但並不是所有穆斯林都大肆慶祝,我們前往高雄認識外籍看護莉娜 ,她不僅留在家照護長輩,也在這天做環保回收。

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Monday, 12 August 2013

吉祥月(時代篇) No paper money here

For hundreds of years residents of Taiwan had the wrong idea of the 7th lunar month. However, times and attitudes are changing and, as a result, more and more people are seeing this month as a time for the display of thanks and filial piety, as well as a chance to do good deeds.


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Environmental Volunteers was Eulogized while DA.AI Technology Became Literary-2

Rhythms Monthly is a leading magazine in its category. Its recently published book “The Recyclers and the Recyclables” introduces over 20 environmental volunteers, describes their spiritual journeys, and shares useful information on recyclables. Many readers will consider the book a banquet of environmental protection essence.  The environmental volunteers' frugality and kindness help convey the concept of “give with joy, cherish the Earth,” even as chapters provide practical environmental protection strategies in everyday life. Showing the natural connection between action and charity, they allow readers to “savor humanistic culture, cultivate our wisdom, and spread great love.”

The book also shows readers the fountainhead of DA.AI’s raw material: the hard work and love of environmental volunteers. It is in deed a good book rich with humanitarian inspiration as well as environmental protection knowledge.

Ongoing cooperation between DA.AI Technology and Rhythms Monthly allows readers to get “up close and personal” with high tech eco-friendly textiles, so they see how these products can be as close as our everyday lives. Readers may go to participating DA.AI stores to pick up one of the following gifts as a token of our gratitude for their interest:
A: Rhythms Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Bag
B: Rhythms Eco-Friendly Card Holder
C: Rhythms Eco-Friendly Cell Phone Case

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Saturday, 10 August 2013

船運回收資源 馬公環保獨有景象


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Friday, 09 August 2013

南非社區冬令Love in the rainbow nation

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. We kick off today`s program in South Africa, and join Tzu Chi volunteers who continue to distribute aid to impoverished families, to help them get through the harsh winter days. Tzu Chi volunteers in Bloemfontein have, since mid-June, carried out 11 distributions across schools and communities, helping some 6,000 residents in total. And this year, they were joined by many local volunteers who, despite not having much themselves, were all willing to help those less fortunate.

歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是陳美瑾,感恩您的收看。一開始來到南非,跟著南非慈濟志工持續發放的腳步,幫助貧困的居民渡過寒冷冬天 ,布魯芳登慈濟志工從六月中旬開始,到校園及幾個大小社區發放,完成了11場發放,幫助了近六千人,今年也有許多本土志工,儘管大家經濟能力有限,都很樂意幫助比它們更苦的人 。

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Wednesday, 07 August 2013

廟前推慈濟Temple becomes a kitchen

In Taiwan, traditional 7th lunar month activities, in Taoist temples, include providing meat offerings and burning joss paper, but a temple in Taipei`s Xinyi(信義) District, is defining the odds. The owner of the temple, saw Tzu Chi volunteers in his community, practicing night-time recycling, and was so moved by their action that he decided to set up a recycling point in the temple.


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We stay in Taiwan at the end of the show, Kaohsiung(高雄) Tzu Chi volunteers, arrived at the Lu Shu(路竹) Senior High School, to educate students, the differences between plastic bags. At the end of the event, students all go home, with pencil holders, made out of recycled materials and the knowledge on, sorting different plastic bags. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


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Tuesday, 06 August 2013


We go back to Taiwan at the end of the show, last year Tzu Chi`s Hewei(和緯) Recycling Station in Tainan(台南) City, purchased a new recycling truck, with a rooftop that can adjust to any height, and prevent recyclables from falling down. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

節目最後 一起到臺灣,去年,和緯環保站在去年添購了一部新的環保車,不但車頂可以隨環境升高下降,改善東西從車上掉落的情形。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。

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Monday, 05 August 2013

Environmental Volunteers was Eulogized while DA.AI Technology Became Literary-1

Caption: Gifts that come with purchase of the book Recyclers and the Recyclables. (Three great choices!)  The cooperation between DA.AI Technology and Rhythms Monthly allows readers to bring high tech eco-friendly textiles into their daily lives!Twenty-three years ago, during a “Happy Life Seminar” at Shin-min Commercial and Industrial Vocational High School in Taichung, Master Cheng Yen urged her audience to “use the hands you're applauding with to protect the environment!”  Since then, the environmental “Refine Environmental Conservation from the Source” movement has steadily spread, as volunteers establish recycling stations and centers across Taiwan.

Nearly 200,000 volunteers--many of them full-time--have joined the ranks of environmental protection enthusiasts at 300 large scaled recycling education centers, and over 5,400 recycling stations in Taiwan today. Tzu Chi’s process of promoting environmental protection has encouraged many environmental volunteers to touched people’s hearts. These pioneers of the recycling mission devote themselves selflessly and cherish our Earth. Responding to their spirit and action, DA.AI Technology cooperated with Rhythms Monthly to bear witness to this unfolding history.

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Monday, 29 July 2013


In Taichung, Taiwan, lives a husband and wife pair, both of whom suffer from life threatening diseases. Facing the pain and inconvenience of their respective illnesses, instead of supporting each other through this difficult time, they grew farther apart. Fortunately, Tzu Chi came into their lives, bringing the couple together once again through love, wisdom and the power of recycling.


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Showcasing eco-friendly products

In China`s Tianjin(天津) City, DA.AI Technology is taking part.In China`s Tianjin(天津) City, DA.AI Technology is taking part,  in the 4th Taiwan Trade Fair, that runs from July 15th to 18th. Other than showcasing products, made from recycled plastic bottles, recycling volunteers, also seized the chance, to promote environmental concepts, to exhibitors. Furthermore, with the help of a Taiwanese businessman, many exhibitors, decided to donate their recyclables to Tzu Chi, to show their support.

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Sunday, 28 July 2013

2013,Nov.28-Dec.2,Shenzhen HongKong& Taiwan Commodity Trade Fair

【EVENT】:Shenzhen HongKong& Taiwan Commodity Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:November 28 - December 2, 2013
【LOCATION】:China South City (Shenzhen) Read more

Saturday, 27 July 2013

2013,Nov.6-7,PanTextiles Osaka

【EVENT】:PanTextiles Osaka
【DATE & TIME】:November 6 - November 7, 2013
【LOCATION】:OMM Building 2F,  1-7-31, Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka Japan Read more

2013,Nov.1-Nov.3,2013 MAANSHAN Electronic Expo

【EVENT】:2013 MAANSHAN Electronic Expo
【DATE & TIME】:November 1 - November 3, 2013
【LOCATION】:HaiwaihaiAutomobile Exhibition Center,Maanshan City, Anhui Province, China Read more

2013,Oct.30-Nov.2,Taiwan International Green Industry Show (TiGiS)

【EVENT】:5th Taiwan International Green Industry Show
【DATE & TIME】:October 30 - November, 2013
【LOCATION】:Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC) (Area B)(5 Hsin-yi Rd., Sec.5, Taipei 11011, Taiwan) Read more

Friday, 26 July 2013

一念心生活(三)邱碧緞A story of love and commitment

Next we travel to Nantou (南投), Taiwan, to learn the story of Tzu Chi volunteers Liu Guozhang(劉國璋) and Qiu Biduan(邱碧緞). Several years ago, the elderly couple turned part of their orange tree orchard, into a community recycling station. There, the couple could be found everyday, sorting the recyclables that were brought in from around the community. Unfortunately in May of this year, Liu Guozhang(劉國璋) suffered a stroke that left him without the ability to talk or even walk. Thus, Qiu Biduan(邱碧緞) quit her job to take care of her husband full time, and even considered closing down their recycling station. However, local volunteers stepped in, to run the station in the couples` absence and are awaiting the day when Liu(劉) can come home and once again work in his beloved recycling station. Here`s more on this touching story of love and commitment.


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2013,Oct.15-17,Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show (TITAS)

【EVENT】:2013 Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show
【DATE & TIME】:October 15 - 17, 2013
【LOCATION】:Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall (No. 1, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei, Taiwan)

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廣東普寧環保Great first experience

Moving to China, every month, Guangdong`s(廣東) Puning(普寧) Tzu Chi volunteers hold a recycling day, not only to keep the planet clean, but also as an opportunity to recruit more recycling volunteers to join their cause. This month`s recycling day saw 32 volunteers participate, and over 60 percent of them were first-timers. Although new at categorizing recyclables, everyone enjoyed the experience and even vowed to keep up with the practice once back home.


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Thursday, 25 July 2013

一念心生活(二)平先生A fairytale story

Back to Taiwan; in Taichung`s(台中), Fengyuan (豐原) lives Tzu Chi care recipient Mr. Ping(平), who was formerly a truck driver. 13 years ago, he was left with severe spinal injuries following a car accident. Although he once attempted suicide following his injuries, worried about how his girlfriend, a stroke victim, could support herself, Ping decided to give his life another try. Now thanks to Tzu Chi, not only does the couple make a living from recycling, but have also become volunteers themselves.


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學開車做環保Filling in as a driver


Next, we meet Tzu Chi volunteers Zhou Xingyu(周倖如) and You Meiyu(游美玉) who recently overcame their fear of driving, and have both successfully pass their driving license exam, in order to fill in as a driver for their community`s recycling truck. Let`s take a look.


接著,來認識慈濟志工 周倖如與游美玉,她們為了載運社區資源回收物,克服心中恐懼,考取駕照,兩人因為做慈濟後,讓他們的圓滿了生命缺口,一起來看看。

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Monday, 22 July 2013

New York's Fateful Disaster-Warm Blankets Are Tokens of Great Love

 (From left to right) DA.AI Technology CEO James Lee; Design Director, Cathy Hong; wife of the CEO of Tzu Chi New York Chapter, Hui-Fen Chang; CEO of Tzu Chi New York Chapter, Chi-To Chang. DA.AI deeply appreciates their active promotion of DA.AI’s environmental humanitarianism concept in New York.In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy slammed into theU.S.East Coast; New York Chapter CEO Chi-To Chang promptly organized Tzu Chi volunteers into emergency relief teams; their record-breaking efficiency received tremendous official and community praise. DA.AI Technology recently invited Brother Chi-To and his wife, Sister Hui-Fen, to share their experiences and suggest ways to provide disaster relief and supplies in a timely manner. Brother Chi-To explained that the “super storm” affected about one-third of the nation’s area, and 17 million residents. Eight million households lost power. In a pertinent comment, Master Cheng Yen has compassionately advised that people in rich countries should be self-disciplined and prudent to create blessings and avoid disasters. The overwhelming response of many Bodhisattvas after Hurricane Sandy generated love that affectedU.S.communities.

Caption: Brother Chi-To shares his disaster relief experiences with dramatic pictures of the damage and examples of volunteers fearlessly helping their neighbors in a cooperative effort that transcended ethnic and religious differences. Many DA.AI Technology staff members, deeply touched, could be seen wiping away their tears.In a striking coincidence, Joseph Champagne (Mayor of South Toms River New Jersey) played Venerable Ananda in the Tzu Chi New York Chapter’s musical, “Sutra of Profound Gratitude toward Parents.” His spirited performance even earned him the honorary title “Mayor Ananda.”  The musical production’s costumes, from DA.AI’s Chinese Heritage Series, enhanced the show’s solemn beauty.

Just a few weeks later Hurricane Sandy hit the U.S. East Coast, devastating much of “Mayor Ananda’s” town. Luckily, emergency help from Tzu Chi wasn’t long in coming. In February 2013 Mayor Ananda traveled toTaiwanto personally thank Tzu Chi and take refuge in the Tzu Chi School of Buddhism.

Caption: Sister Hui-Fen (right), sharing how she used DA.AI’s products to deliver the spirit of environmental humanitarianism across the U.S., demonstrated gratitude towards the Earth in her daily life, and became an exemplary promoter of the Tzu Chi spirit.Brother Chi-To told Tzu Chi’s staff that without water or electricity, and with temperatures near zero, getting blankets and warm food to affected residents was critical. DA.AI blankets provided quick physical warmth to victims, and deeply touched them. One old lady, for example, was living alone in an upper-story apartment and couldn’t walk down her stairs. Trapped in her home, she put on every heavy coat she owned; once but wrapped in a DA.AI blanket, she suddenly had all the warmth she needed. Sister Hui-Fen remembered that during the relief, standing in line near victims waiting for cash cards, she used the time to promote the DA.AI eco-friendly clothes she was wearing, and introducing the concept of using recycled PET bottles to “extend articles’ life and create blessings and wisdom.”  “Innumerable ways of striving for enlightenment, become clear before our eyes and we shall…” Every DA.AI Technology product, an easy path to the gate of an enlightened state, expresses the spirit of Tzu Chi’s love and purifying power.

"The first to lead, the last to leave” is Brother Chi-To’s guiding principle. Whatever their short or long term objectives, or the number of living Bodhisattvas, Tzu Chi international organizations should remain deeply rooted in their communities. DA.AI Technology is proud to back up our international “first responder” teams, while promoting environmental concepts and Tzu Chi’s humanitarian initiatives to deliver love through products and blankets to everyone in need. "To save the world, environmental protection is a must – protecting the mental environment, the social environment, and the global environment too.” DA.AI Technology’s mission is to promote environmental humanitarianism; therefore, it puts its heart into promoting humanitarianism, spreading gratitude, respect, and love around the world, and proactively coexisting with the Earth.


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Sunday, 21 July 2013

夜間環保當運動 邀約鄰里響應


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Friday, 19 July 2013


We stay in Taiwan at the end of today`s program; a group of teachers and students from Hong Kong`s Ping Shek Estate Catholic Primary School, recently visited the Tzu Chi Neihu Recycling Station,

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板橋培訓環保 Volunteers learn recycling

Recently, a Tzu Chi volunteer training seminar was held in Banqiao, New Taipei City. As part of the training, volunteers took the trainees on a visit to a community recycling event.

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台商小學環保 Using reusable bags?

In Taiwan, a Tzu Chi summer camp for elementary school students from Shenzhen and Taiwan kicked off on July 12th, and the theme of the 8-day camp was focused on ecology and environment. The event gave these students hands-on experiences in sorting recyclables and a message that they can spread once back home.

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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

2013,Jul.,DA.AI Tech awarded Manager Today’s CSR award for industry leadership in environmental protection and green technology

DA.AI Tech awarded Manager Today’s CSR award for industry leadership in environmental protection and green technology.DA.AI Technology has won praise for “shouldering corporate social responsibility (CSR) and implementing a full range of sustainability.” By awarding DA.AI with the 2013 CSR Award for “Environmental protection and green technology development,” Manager Today recognized the non-profit for bringing new life to plastic waste material, and promoting environmental education. DA.AI Technology’s has always demonstrated its commitment to creating a sustainable future by nurturing a more balanced relationship with the environment. Corporate profit is considered a means to that end.

The “Environmental protection and green technology development” award recognizes a company’s activities and impact on preservation of natural resources. Such activities might include:
• reducing environmental pollution,
• evaluating suppliers’ environmental protection efforts,
• promoting an ecological mindset, and
• helping reduce carbon footprints in daily life.

DA.AI Technology does more than lessen the waste of natural resources. It also focuses on social care and building better communities. This award is a sign of appreciation for the many volunteers, supporters and business partners who have actively participated in the DA.AI “Circle of Love.”

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Tuesday, 16 July 2013

環保站畫心靈 Drawing is fun

In Taiwan, to help recycling volunteers, express their inner feelings, the Tzu Chi Hualien Environmental Education Center, recently established the “Simplicity of Art” class. Let`s take a look at their work.

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曉東母做環保 Praticing recycling = gain better health

Nearly two months ago, Xiamen Tzu Chi care recipient Yang Xiaodong from China, arrived in Taiwan with his mother Zhu Jinchai, to receive medical treatment. Currently, Yang is still recovering from his 3rd surgery. While his mother has decided to become a recycling volunteer.

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Monday, 15 July 2013

鳥嶼環保Recyclables collected on other islands

In Taiwan, in preparation of Typhoon Soulik, Penghu recycling volunteers who were worried that the recyclables collected on other islands, won`t be delivered to Magong, Read more

馬腎友倡環保 Getting to know Tzu Chi & recycling

In Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers and nurses from the Tzu Chi Dialysis Center in Kedah, recently traveled to to a remote village, to thank the residents there for their continual commitment to recycling.

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Taiwan--A world leader in “boutique enterprise” products-2

[Caption] DA.AI's “Back To Frugal” design concept encourages consumers to  return to the basics, while promoting traditional virtues of cherishing all things. By purifying minds and behavior, it helps us return to a traditional lifestyle that emphasizes good manners; greater economy in thought, design, and personal choices; and calls on more of us to make significant contributions to the health of “Spaceship Earth.”

For example, DA.AI’s Chinese Heritage Series designs exemplified the “innovative value” and “environmental protection spirit” of Taiwanese brands. The design of the DA.AI Chinese Heritage Series was inspired by urns traditionally used by early Taiwanese women to preserve fruits and vegetables. The design employed the urn shape to reflect the principles of being frugal and

 “extending articles’ life to create blessings and wisdom” and helping remind consumers of the importance of spiritual and environmental protection through the use of environmentally friendly clothing. DA.AI Technology's ultimate goal is to develop its brand into a leading proponent of  “environmental protection, technology, humanitarianism, and social responsibilit

Raw materials for DA.AI Technology products all originated in 5,413 Tzu Chi Recycling Stations around Taiwan. Specifically PET bottles reclaimed by nearly 200,000 selflessly dedicated environmental volunteer “Bodhisattvas” are regenerated with modern technology to become newly useful recycled materials. Behind every DA.AI product is a touching story, and the example of a rich humanistic life, which combine to represent Taiwan’s “soft power” of environmental protection. As DA.AI Technology CEO Walter Huang puts it: “In addition to DA.AI’s bringing Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s concept of “coexisting with the Earth” to life, we celebrate the loving efforts of all our front-line “environmental Bodhisattvas” cooperating partners. They make it possible for DA.AI to gain this international recognition for our products. On their behalf, we must actively promote environmentally friendly products to consumers through the DA.AI brand, “refine environmental conservation from the source,” and encourage people to use more green products to help reduce carbon emissions, create a more sustainable environment, and foster more love for the Earth.
y” on a truly global scale.

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Friday, 12 July 2013

昆山十周年 Happy birthday TC Kunshan Office

Moving to China, Tzu Chi was first established in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province in 2003, with the help of a few Taiwanese businessmen. Since then, the organization`s seeds of love has flourished and now has nearly 500 local volunteers.

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少年體驗環保 First timers at recycling

In Changhua County, 9 junior high school students while attending a 3-day cycling event organized by the China Youth Corps, had the opportunity to involve themselves in social work.

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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

馬校園推環保 Environmental awareness session

In Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Batu Pahat Liaison Office, organized an environmental awareness session, which teachers and principals of more than 30 schools were invited to participate.

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新店學童環保 Kindergartners practice recycling

As it is the summer holidays here in Taiwan, teachers and parents have come up with various ideas, to make the summer break a meaningful and fulfilling one for children.

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Tuesday, 09 July 2013

賴索托大米發放 Rice distributions for the needy

First up in Lesotho, a landlocked country inside South Africa, Tzu Chi has carried out distributions since 2007, to hand out rice to help underprivileged families.

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Monday, 08 July 2013

深圳環保宣導 Let`s safeguard our planet

In China`s Guangdong Province, Shenzhen Tzu Chi volunteers, were invited by local government officials, to promote environmentalism at Dongmen Street, a popular shopping district.

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Taiwan--A world leader in “boutique enterprise” products-1

[Caption] At the 21st Taiwan Excellence Award Ceremony, DA.AI Technology Chairman Walter Huang (right) was presented with a “Taiwan Excellence Award” certificate from Foreign Trade Association Chairman Chih-Kang Wang(left). Taiwan's “boutique enterprises” are growing multi-dimensional identities, in the global lifestyle, technology, and textile markets. For 21 years the “Taiwan Excellence” award program, sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Foreign Trade Association, has acknowledged leaders in each of these areas. The Association's review committee evaluates nominee enterprises' R&D, design, quality, marketing, and production (MIT). It then presents the “value of innovation” awards to Taiwanese brands. The 21th Taiwan Excellence Award Ceremony, held on April 2 at the Taipei International Convention Center, honors the “best of the best” produced by the Taiwanese people. These award-winning products then represent Taiwan on the international stage of “Boutique Enterprise” industries.

 [Caption] A total of six product series and fifteen products--the eco-friendly animal blankets series, the gray eco-friendly blanket, the Cute Baby eco-friendly baby gift set, the Chinese Heritage Series, the fleece coat “Pure” series, and microfiber blanket gift set--received recognition for product excellence. DA.AI received recognition for the most products of all competitors, and received a number of awards.

Following up on the Taiwan Excellence Award awarded last year to the “Great Love Polo Shirt,” DA.AI Technology was honored again this year for six series and fifteen products. This year's DA.AI entries were recognized for both quality and quantity, and its products proved to be the competition’s most diverse and nominated.

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Friday, 05 July 2013

Tea gathering for recycling volunteers

In New Taipei City`s Xinzhuang(新莊) District, Tzu Chi volunteers organized a tea gathering at the Fuying(福營) recycling station, to thank the recycling volunteers for their selfless dedication. As the recycling station is situated on a major road, Tzu Chi volunteers took the chance to remind recycling volunteers, to be aware of their own safety when volunteering. Read more

Friday, 28 June 2013

2013,Jul.,DA.AI Technology: Quick Drying Knitted Fabric in White receives Functional Textiles Certification

DA.AI Technology participated in the Bureau of Energy (BoE) “Cool Style” campaign. Combining the strengths of Taiwan’s textile and fashion industry and using functional textiles with optimal absorption and sweat dissipation qualities, the BoE showcased its Cool Style clothing line. Recently, DA.AI Technology’s Quick Drying Knitted Fabric in White received a Functional Textiles Certification, because of its ability to dissipate perspiration, making the wearer feel cool and reducing the need for air-conditioning.

Caption: DA.AI Technology’s white knitted absorbent fabric has been recognized by the Taiwan Textile Federation and received a Functional Textiles Certification. By keeping the wearer cool, it reduces the need for air conditioning.  

Caption: Using special polyester yarn, this fabric is designed to absorb sweat and humidity, spreading it onto the fabric surface for faster evaporation, leaving the wearer cool and comfortable.

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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Foreign media visits Tzu Chi

In Taiwan, foreign media de-le-gations from 11 Read more

Wednesday, 26 June 2013



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Monday, 24 June 2013

“Top Green Brands Award” affirms DA.AI’s culture of environmental protection-2

[Caption] DA.AI Technology representatives at the award ceremony, with EPA minister, Mr. Stephen Shen (third from left).One judge, Mr. Leo Chang, director of the Sustainable Enterprise Group at the Plastics Industry Development Center, noted: “DA.AI Technology combines recycled PET bottles with textile technology to produce practical eco products, which promote the Green spirit in our everyday life. This green product experience enables people to show their appreciation of a green lifestyle.”

After nominations for this prestigious award were announced, Dr. Lori Chen of DA.AI Technology's RD Department was interviewed by Business Next magazine. “DA.AI Technology's ultimate goal is to go from reducing waste to generating zero waste,” she said. “We analyze an eco product's life cycle in order to reduce energy use, as well as the environmental impact of raw material development, design, production and the recycling process. “All of us at DA.AI Technology hope that consumers will get into the habit of finding new ways to conserve energy and ultimately reduce the volume of carbon emissions in their daily lives.”

The reporter was impressed by DA.AI Technology's accomplishments, especially the fact that over 300 products had received Made in Taiwan (MIT) certification. This is possible thanks to the company’s emphasis on integrating the company's upstream, midstream and downstream manufacturers or suppliers; a strong commitment to earning eco labels and international third-party certification; its commitment to fostering a culture of environmental protection; etc. He also commented on DA.AI Technology’s ongoing efforts to promote recycled products. By finding new ways to combine textile and environmental protection industries, it can better support consumers both at home and abroad. “Most amazing is DA.AI's deep humanistic culture.” The reporter added.

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Friday, 21 June 2013

Environmental education center

In Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, China, on June 18th, the Tzu Chi Kunshan(昆山) Environmental Education Center was officially established.  The some 1,652 square meters space is filled with environmental concepts and an area in which members of the public can get hands-on experience in practicing recycling.  

江蘇昆山,慈濟環保教育基地在十八號正式啟用,占地近1652平方公尺的環保教育基地,除了有許多環保資訊,還有一個場地讓民眾可以動手做環保。 Read more

Tzu Chi was on site to set up a recycling point at a middle school in Malacca, Malaysia

At the end of the show, we return to Malaysia, where a middle school in Malacca celebrated its centennial anniversary. As large gatherings also resulted in an equally large amount of trash left over, the school established sorting bins on each floor, as well, Tzu Chi was on site to set up a recycling point. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. See you tomorrow.


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Thursday, 20 June 2013

DA.AI’s Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty Become Trademark to Support the Company’s Mission to Protect the Earth

CAPTION: In June, 2013, DA.AI Technology’s mascots, Loving Puppy & Blessing Kitty, became officially registered trademark to help promote company’s environmental protection and vegetarianism ideologies.In June, 2013, DA.AI Technology’s mascots, Loving Puppy & Blessing Kitty, became officially registered trademark to help promote company’s environmental protection and vegetarianism ideologies. Carrying on DA.AI’s mission to protect the Earth, the Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty wish to bring up the awareness of the younger generations with their cute appearances, as well as to remind everyone of DA.AI’s philosophy of “Compassionate Great Love to all living beings, and be Grateful of Mother Nature.”

CAPTION: The cute appearances of Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty are not only attractive, but also acts as angels of environmental protection, wish to bring up everyone’s awareness to do recycling and become vegetarian.The origin of Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty comes from an Old English Sheepdog and a Persian Cat that lived in Tzu Chi’s JingSi Abode. The two animals came and resided in JingSi Abode in the early years, and followed the masters’ daily living schedule ever since. They both became vegetarian and showed compassion while living in the Abode; the English Sheepdog even helped with fundraising on several disaster relief occasions. Although they have passed away, DA.AI wishes to continue their spirits, and designed them into the company’s mascots to further help promoting environmental protection and vegetarianism. Also, Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty’s cute appearances hope to attract kids and shape their compassionate hearts and grateful attitudes starting from young age.

CAPTION: The Mascot Series of DA.AI Technology is full of product varieties, wishes to accompany children throughout their growth, and reminds them to become the protector of the Earth along the way.The Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty mascot wish to accompany kids throughout their growing stages, and plant the seed of goodness since childhood. The DA.AI staff and mascot designer, Ya-Li, shared “perhaps in the beginning, the parents and grandparents are the ones buying the Mascot Series products for their children, but eventually the kids will learn the meaning of ‘identify blessing, cherish blessing, and further create more blessings’ for themselves, and return such wishes to their elders.” This then becomes a cycle of love and goodness, which is one of DA.AI’s core philosophies the company wishes to carry out through its products, and to remind everyone that, behind every product, DA.AI wants to communicate a deeper meaning of compassion and environmental protection to all age groups. 
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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

拾荒化環保 彎腰成謙卑

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Monday, 17 June 2013

“Top Green Brands Award” affirms DA.AI’s culture of environmental protection-1

 [Caption] Business Next magazine, sponsor of “Top Green Brands Award,” which promotes more green values in various brands.Business Next magazine has covered “green” stories for a long time, and by sponsoring the fourth “Top Green Brands Award”, demonstrate their commitment to increasing the green values of various brands. They look at three aspects of nominated businesses: Green products and services; Corporate policy and Implementation; as well as Green reputation.
Winners receive scores that combine experts’ evaluations and online voting. Top green brands are named for each business category. Green cities are also acknowledged. This year's award ceremony, held on March 29th 2013, named the Top 30 enterprises in 10 categories and the Top three “Green Cities.”  

This year's winning green brands and enterprises are all famous in their respective industries. The brands nominated for Lifestyle Products category are also familiar to most Taiwanese consumers. This is the first time DA.AI technology (the smallest nominated company) has applied to be considered for a Top Green Brands Lifestyle Product award. We were rated just behind international giants IKEA and P&G. Taiwanese EPA Minister Mr. Stephen Shen was on hand to award some of the prizes. Its prize validates DA.AI’s culture and environmental protection strategy.

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Sunday, 16 June 2013

2013,Oct. 10-13,The 8th China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair

【EVENT】:The 8th China Xiamen International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair
【DATE & TIME】:October 10~13, 2013
【LOCATION】:Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center

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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Recycling volunteer, Sun Fulian

In Malaysia, volunteer Sun Fulian(孫福廉) lost his wife in a car accident in 2008. Be-reaved with sadness, it wasn`t until hearing Master Cheng Yen`s teachings on Da Ai TV , that he finally came to terms, with his wife`s death. Since then, Sun has devoted himself wholeheartedly, to practicing recycling.

在馬來西亞,志工孫福廉,在2008年的一場車禍痛失妻子,無法釋懷的他,直到透過大愛台,聽到證嚴上人的開示,才走出喪妻之痛,之後,他便積極參與環保。 Read more

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Promoting environmentalism

In Japan, local Tzu Chings organized a campaign, to promote environmentalism, at a Tzu Chi Chinese class. They not only designed props to spark the children`s interests, but also created catchy slogans, to help the adults, remember the practice of energy conservation, and carbon reduction.


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Monday, 10 June 2013

First recycling experience

In Batam, Indonesia, under the invitation of Tzu Chings, a group of youngsters, recently volunteered at the local recycling station, to learn how to sort recyclables. This experience proved to be rewarding, as the youngsters, learned how to reduce, re-use and recycle.


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Shoulder Social Responsibility with Great Love

Photo: Many in the audience understood the importance of entrepreneurs' accepting responsibility for social viability. They actively support the three core values of DA.AI Technology – Building a culture of environmental protection, Fostering the cycle of love, and Contributing to society. Everyone should urge well-to-do individuals and entrepreneur volunteers to become involved in to join a “well-diggers” team, and foster a never-ending stream of love.Every year, entrepreneur volunteers from different countries participate in a global Tzu Chi entrepreneurs’ spiritual training camp on “Educating the rich to relieve the poor, and inspiring the poor to realize their riches.” This year’s camp brought together 661 participant entrepreneurs from the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, China and Taiwan representing various races, cultures and faiths. Each was committed to advancing Tzu Chi’s four missions and eight footprints in a multicultural way. “Be a down-to-earth noble person by engaging to public service and significantly assisting and encouraging each other,” the participants were advised by Master Cheng Yen. She expressed hope that they would work to strengthen their societies after returning home.

One featured presenter was James Lee, co-founder and executive of DA.AI Technology. He shared personal experiences as a Tzu Chi entrepreneur and volunteer to “Accepting Social Responsibility.” James supports Tzu Chi by turning volunteering into a full-time career as one of five entrepreneur “well-diggers” who established DA.AI Technology to promote global environmental protection in a sustainable enterprise.

Photo: At the 2013 Global Entrepreneurs’ Spiritual training camp has gathered 661 community leaders and entrepreneur volunteers from seven countries, eager to inspire more people to fulfill their social responsibilities.The best mentor and role model for humanity
James also introduced a short film named “Contemplating The Sea,” produced by DA.AI TV ten years ago, about his late father and inspiration Zong-ji Lee. Unable to finish school, Zong-ji persevered against adversity and finally devoted himself to Master Cheng Yen as a Tzu Chi entrepreneur. James always considered his father--who taught him to be diligent, thrifty and morally upright and good son--a mentor and role model for humanity. James considers these values the greatest inheritance for future generations.
He is also proud that his example has prompted his own son to become a certified Tzu Chi member.

Just go ahead and do good deeds
In commemorate his father’s dedication, James follows Master’s steps, sparing no effort to fulfill Tzu Chi missions. Following Master’s heartfelt advice 1990 to “do recycling with the hands you applaud with today,” James and four other entrepreneur members of the Tzu Chi International Humanitarian Aid Association (TIHAA) established DA.AI Technology. Their non-profit business brings new life to waste materials as a practical application of Tzu Chi’s great love missions. “Actively promoting the importance of extending articles and materials’ useful life is a significant way to create blessings and wisdom” he asserts. And he practices what he preaches, since DA.AI Technology reclaims used resources collected by Tzu Chi, turns them into raw materials for various eco-friendly products, and donates all net proceeds to domestic and international relief and charity projects.

Infinity is one, and one is infinity
In his presentation James also mentioned the noteworthy example of American investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist Warren Buffett, who donates much of his wealth to charity and urges other wealthy individuals to do the same. “This reminds us that material wealth never has to conflict with self-cultivation,” he pointed out. By “coexisting with the Earth,” DA.AI Technology provides a good example and infrastructure platform to create a cycle of love driven by the efforts of everyone from volunteers and supporters to business partners. They are showing their dedication to the protection of our environment, and contributing to the long-term health of society. In his conclusion, James said that “Good actions require all our effort, especially if our goal is to create a continuous stream of love. Even one seed can grow and generate hundreds and thousands of new seeds; each of which in turn generates millions more seeds. We hope what we do inspire a growing worldwide community of people ready to join our mission of coexisting with the Earth.”

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Saturday, 08 June 2013

Monday, 03 June 2013

Australian volunteers relieve suffering and accept responsibility with love and without fear-2

Photo: Wu Zhao-Feng share her experience in promoting environmental protection in Australia with a quotation from Jing-Si Aphorism “Blessed are those with a good heart; and that hope is powerful. One should create their own field of fortune wherein he gets the benefit of his effort” to encourage everyone in the audience. Participants were touched by this oversea Bodhisattva and promised to follow her courage and spirit in support of the missions.It has been said, “Blessed are those with good hearts, whose hope is powerful. We should create our own field of fortune to enjoy the full benefit of our efforts.” Ever since their relief effort after a major 2011 flood, Tzu Chi volunteers in Australia have found it easier to promote the Tzu Chi view on environmental protection by partnering with the government in what has become a long-term cooperative relationship with civil authorities. Sister Zhao-Feng described the experience and struggles that came with promoting Tzu Chi in Australia. She explained her efforts by quoting: “The benevolent has no enemy, while the courageous has no fear.”

Tapping into the power of Master Cheng Yen’s Dharma and wisdom, she eventually managed to pave the way to wider acceptance in Australia. Now she can affirm her pride in DA.AI Tech accomplishments; as well as investing all profits after expenses back into Tzu Chi, DA.AI Tech is totally dedicated to protecting Mother Earth. The love from every volunteer, woven into every piece of fabric, enables volunteers to provide comfort at the right moment, touching the hearts and impressing Australian community members. As a result, relationships between Tzu Chi volunteers and the Australian population have never been stronger, as the environmentally friendly fabrics and environmental education they undertake in Australia has continued to flourish, encouraging more people to implement environmental protection practices in their lives and bringing new peace of mind to local residents.

Sister Zhao-Feng reminded DA.AI Tech colleagues that environmental protection is fast becoming a major topic of discussion everywhere. This presents DA.AI Tech great leverage as it expresses its commitment to save the earth. It is a blessing that each of us has an opportunity to meet this once-in-a-million-years opportunity to be in such a place and doing such meaningful work. Everyone should take advantage of the opportunity by actively supporting DA.AI Tech's “positive industry” and “positive livelihood,” as part of the Eight Positive Path. Oversea volunteers' unwavering hard work and courage is touching the hearts of our colleagues, as everyone collaborates on accomplishing Tzu Chi missions. By helping achieve peace and prosperity in their communities, they give essential encouragement to DA.AI Tech colleagues. By attracting more individuals to support in this movement, built on love and spreading compassion and kindness to every corner of the world.

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Monday, 27 May 2013

2013,Sep. 17-20,NanJing Taiwan Trade Fair

【EVENT】:NanJing Taiwan Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:September 20~23, 2013
【LOCATION】:NanJing International Expo Centre

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2013,Sep. 16-18,Green Architecture Exhibition

【EVENT】:4th Green Architecture Exhibition
【DATE & TIME】:September 16~18, 2013
【LOCATION】:Poly World Trade Center

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2013,Sep. 12-15,Dongguan Taiwan Trade Fair

【EVENT】:Dongguan Taiwan Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:September 12~15, 2013
【LOCATION】:Dongguan International Conference & Exhibition Center (Cross Junction of DongGuan Road and Hong Fu Road)

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Australian volunteers relieve suffering and accept responsibility with love and without fear-1

Photo: DA.AI Tech CEO director Lee Ding-Ming (left) with Gold Coast Australia Liaison Office CEO Wu Zhao-Feng (center) and her entourage, he thanks them for actively promoting humanities on environmental protection in Australia.Some twenty Tzu Chi volunteers from Gold Coast, Australia are working without fanfare yet tirelessly within the community to promote the missions of environmental protection, education, humanitarianism and vegetarian lifestyles. They spread seeds of love in the belief that "Good deeds won't happen without me.”  As the head of Gold Coast Liaison Office Sister Wu Zhao-Feng asserted: “Our personal vows to make a difference must be more powerful than any disaster; then they'll lift our wholehearted commitment to actively promote Tzu Chi's four missions and eight Dharma footprints.” Such vows become especially important when volunteers are in foreign lands, working in totally different cultures.  On March 22nd, DA.AI Technology invited these Australian volunteers, led by Sister Zhao-Fen, to Taiwan so they could share their experience in Australia supporting environmental protection.

The Australian volunteers' shared videos of a Thanksgiving tea party organized by the Australian State Emergency Service (SES) to show appreciation for their disaster relief efforts and exemplary spirit born of great wisdom. Volunteers prepared delicious vegetarian meals during the tea party, then distributed DA.AI Tech scarves so all attendees might feel Tzu Chi-style love and compassion. Mayor Paul Pisasale also came to speak on behalf of DA.AI Tech, introducing the story behind several products to the audience. Tzu Chi volunteers do everything, regularly explaining the humanitarian principles behind environmental protection to government officials. They also visit a local school campus and demonstrate recycling in order to engage with Ipswich high school students increasingly interested in cherishing resources and protecting Mother Earth. After years of constant giving and caring to the residents of Ipswich, Queensland, Tzu Chi has been warmly recognized by municipal government. So the next stop, to introduce the Dharma’s idealism, was to public servants in the police and military.

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Friday, 24 May 2013

LavaLava編織愛心 薩摩亞點石成金





當地的志工伊芙琳表示:「我們把礦泉水瓶集中運到台灣,熔解後變成不同顏色的塑膠顆粒做成纖維,然後編織成這個,叫做LavaLava的服飾,包在身上是薩摩亞人人日常所穿著的。」薩摩亞與慈濟的緣分始於2009年的大海嘯,當時國際救災組織帶來大量的瓶裝水,事後卻成了這美麗島嶼揮之不去的夢魘。因此隔年,美國聯邦緊急事務管理局一行人,前往花蓮精舍拜訪 證嚴法師,希望能夠將慈濟環保理念帶回當地生根,此行不僅解決島嶼上逾50萬支寶特瓶的污染,並且藉此建立「清淨在源頭」的與「生態永續」的觀念。


由寶特瓶織成當地特有的薩摩亞傳統服飾,上面印著薩摩亞的花、草及島上原住民領袖才有的刺青圖騰。當地的織品設計師表示:「這些織染的圖案,提醒我們要敬愛大自然,如同  證嚴法師的教導,要愛我們的大地。」由此可見,當地的環保種子在眾人的愛心播種下,已經逐漸發芽,並帶動當地的居民一起投入環保的行列。慈濟在賑災的過程中,不僅救人、救心,更持續將永續救災的環保理念植入心田,並開啟愛的接力,運用回收當地本來會污染大地的垃圾,點石成金,教育薩摩亞人體驗並實踐「續物命,造福慧」的精神,透過海內外馳援,共同成就愛的循環,啟發當地人心中的善念,讓「與地球共生息」透過行動成為可以成就的事實,守護我們的大地。
大愛感恩科技同仁胡毓昇師兄,正親自測試操作要與薩摩亞當地民眾結緣的粉碎機,讓當地的當地的志工能夠運用這部機器將回收分類的寶特瓶粉碎成瓶片後運送回台灣製成紡織品。(照片來源:慈濟美國總會、夏威夷分會 ) 薩摩亞電力局長Andra Samoa穿上由大愛感恩科技的修賢系列服飾,直讚美觀又舒適,開啟了當地與大愛感恩科技的好因緣。(照片來源:慈濟美國總會、夏威夷分會 )

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Monday, 20 May 2013

Love relay to South Africa-Cultivating a field of blessing by burning the midnight oil

[Caption] Supporting the Tzu Chi Foundation’s winter distribution in June in South Africa, DA.AI Technology staff members joined Tzu Chi volunteers to prepare Gray Eco Blankets for South African cities of Cape Town and Durban.In March the northern hemisphere celebrates the arrival of spring flowers, but the southern hemisphere is braces for another cold winter. Tzu Chi people were typically busy with energetic preparations for winter distribution to South Africans. As with Tzu Chi Foundation’s June winter distribution, on March 11 DA.AI Technology staff members joined Tzu Chi volunteers in preparing DA.AI Gray Eco Blankets for shipment to Cape Town and Durban. “Having a will without action is like farming without sowing; life will just pass by in vain.” In contributing to Tzu Chi’s four missions, all volunteers came directly from work to Tzu Chi's Neihu Recycling Station to help load blankets into large shipping containers and send their message of love overseas.
Even at 7 PM, Neihu Recycling Station was ablaze with light. Over 40 volunteers had gathered to help load nearly 25,000 DA.AI ECO blankets into large containers for shipment to South Africa for winter distribution. Happily sharing the workload with Tzu Chi volunteers were nine DA.AI Technology staff members. A senior Tzu Chi volunteer, Brother Liang Liandeng, divided the volunteers into four groups, each responsible for one container. For many people, including several DA.AI Technology employees, this was their first experience of such an event. Brother Liang Yicheng of DA.AI Technology said “This is a great opportunity that I would do again if time permits. These blankets will bring warmth to the residents in South Africa, and I hope that such shipments will become unnecessary as the world one day becomes disaster free.”
[Caption] “Count me in when doing good deeds and show the volunteer spirit in daily work.” DA.AI Technology staffs celebrate every opportunity to show their love at events like this, hoping to spread their great love around the globe.Another DA.AI Technology staffer, sister Jasmine Li, brought her sister to be part of the action. “Master Cheng Yen's dharma is all-encompassing as love in practice, based on her deep compassion for the world. My family is too busy caring for their own families and careers to get involved personally in every domestic and international aid efforts. But when a special opportunity like this comes, they can show their love and compassion,” says Jasmine. This has also been a special experience for her sister Ruby, “I am so grateful for this activity. Witnessing the professionalism and efficiency of Tzu Chi volunteers and DA.AI staff as they fill four 40-foot shipping containers with nearly twenty-five thousands blankets in about one hour really amazed me! I have participated in international fundraising a number of other times, but this time is especially moving because I have made my wishes a reality.”

“Good actions require everyone’s effort.” DA.AI Technology staff members demonstrate Master’s teachings in their actions, seizing every opportunity to contribute by making DA.AI Gray Eco Blankets and other materials, each filled with blessings. The huge global village is really one community of life. There is little strength in the efforts of a few people; but by converging everyone’s team-spirited love and compassion, suffering of the poor can be partly relieved. This year the cold winter for Maseru of Lesotho, Ladybrand, Bir Taba or other poor isolated villages in South Africa, will be alleviated as love and blessings are delivered with our hopes that they'll be physically and mentally healthy and safe. It brings these suffering beings hope and encouragement.

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Friday, 17 May 2013

垃圾屋大變身 環保福田招募菩薩


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Monday, 13 May 2013

Eco-brand to Build Taiwan's Future: DA.AI Technology Earth Protection, Mind Purification, and Sustainable Management

This group photo commemorates the fourth annual DA.AI Technology celebration on Dec. 9, 2012. Far left: Ding-Ming Lee, Executive Director of DA.AI Technology. Next to him is Ms. Kai-Ting He, General Manager of EPEA Taiwan Branch. Third from the left is Brother Jia-He Lin, a corporate Founding Member. Next to him is Mr. Bodo Kretzschmar, Chief Operating Officer of the TÜV Rheinland Group's Taiwan Branch. In the center is Mr. Du, Zi-Jun, Deputy Chief of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs. To his left is Walter Huang, DA.AI Technology Chairman. And on the far right is Director Tang of Da Ai TV, representing the Tzu Chi Foundation.Great Love: Giving Without Asking for Anything In Return

Gratitude: Constant Cultivation of Wisdom 

On Dec. 9 DA.AI Technology, the world's first non-profit “Green” socially responsible enterprise, celebrated its fourth anniversary with volunteers and representatives from Tzu Chi Foundation, business partners, guests of honor and government officials. DA.AI Technology's core mission is to protect the environment and support international charity, donating 100% of net proceeds to Tzu Chi Foundation disaster relief and charitable work. Once several founding members told Master Cheng Yen that more funds should be raised for the company and she said with a smile: “Giving, not making profits, should be your goal.” DA.AI Tech was established to help many people give with a grateful heart, without expecting anything in return. That's why Master Cheng Yen named the company “DA AI” (“Great Love” in Chinese).

Mr. Walter Huang, company chairman, shared three wishes at the anniversary celebration party: (1) That everyone help protect Mother Earth, (2) That everyone adopt Tzu Chi Masters’ missions as their own missions and devote themselves to mind purification, and (3) That everyone actively promote and support DA.AI's efforts to make sure the eco-brand thrives--both as a business and as part of Tzu Chi's global movement. Combining eco-technology and charity, DA.AI Tech promotes Taiwan’s soft power on the global stage. In addition to donating all company net proceeds, a 2012 CSR annual report has been presented to a representative of Master Cheng Yen to reiterate its core mission— environmental protection and charity. DA.AI is already making a difference. Between 2009 and November 2012, DA.AI recycled 250 million PET bottles to produce eco-textile fabrics and products, reduced carbon emissions up to 16 million kilograms and energy usage equivalent to 4 million liters of oil, as well as saved 673 million liters of water.

An Eco-Brand That Enhances Taiwan's Global Reputation

The “Green” Movement Gets a New Role Model   

During the anniversary celebration party, DA.AI joined with leading-edge designers to showcase eco-friendly apparel made of recycled PET bottles. DA.AI products' unique combination of elegance, simplicity, environmental protection value and eco-education mean consumers can use eco-friendly apparel that also contributes to mind purification and a more peaceful society. Mr. Du, Zi-Jun, the Deputy Chief of Ministry of Economic Affairs, stated, “In the past, major barriers to Taiwan’s enterprises included the lack of raw materials, technology, product plan and branding. Now DA.AI is systematically implementing a compelling strategic brand and product plan. Every foreign guest to Taiwan who receives DA.AI’s eco-friendly products as gifts can come to know Taiwan’s tradition of humanism and personal warmth. DA.AI Tech is indeed the pride of Taiwan’s industry.”

Mr. Ming-Shui Yeh, Executive Vice President of Taiwan External Trade Development Council, added: “DA.AI Technology, Taiwan's own eco-brand, produces outstanding eco-friendly apparel as a valued representative of Taiwan. Because each product meets stringent R&D, design, marketing and quality control standards, we can proudly promote DA.AI’s eco-friendly apparel all over the world. Each polo shirt, for example, has kept twelve PET bottles out of landfill. This is a clear sign of Tzu Chi eco-love. “DA.AI’s apparel is more than another high-quality Taiwan product. It also serves as a 'Green' industry role model. While applauding DA.AI Technology's eco-spirit, we urge Taiwanese industry to keep offering the world more eco-friendly products, kind hearts and humanistic spirit. Together they add to Taiwan's reputation as a world leader in more than one important area.”

Green Miracle: Gray Eco Blanket 

Sustainable Value: International Certificate

DA.AI's Gray Eco Blanket plays an important role in Tzu Chi's international relief efforts. This ground-breaking product recently received both the Water Footprint and Carbon Footprint Certifications from the TÜV Rheinland Group—making it the world’s first textile product to receive the coveted Water Footprint Certification. And this year the the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) also presented DA.AI with its own Carbon Footprint Certification. Some 600 thousand Gray Eco Blankets have already been delivered to disaster victims in nearly 30 countries, making it Taiwan’s true “Green” miracle and lifesaver.

Gray Eco Blanket fabric's use of recycled PET bottles and recycled fabric scraps promotes resource sustainability. DA.AI's sustainable closed-loop process has advanced industry recycling processing, so such scraps are easier to recycle, achieving the goal of “Cradle to Cradle ®” 

A beginning: Eco-friendly Apparel Made from PET bottles 

Tzu Chi Recruitment of Living Bodhisattvas

Mr. Ding-Ming Lee, DA.AI Technology Executive Director, has said: “Every DA.AI product brings consumers the story of Tzu Chi recycling volunteers' love and dedication. But we also remind the public that not using PET bottles at all is even better than recycling. DA.AI discourages consumption, encouraging people to protect the planet by using eco-friendly products. In addition to PET bottles, DA.AI also promotes the widespread recycling of six other types of materials including other plastic, paper, household appliances, and 3C products. We hope to recruit more Living Bodhisattvas to join our worldwide selfless celebration of human potential. Taiwan, just a small island, is overflowing with love. Everyone at DA.AI is committed to supporting Taiwan's global position by vigorously promoting its eco-brand around the world.”

After the anniversary celebration event, in response to Master Cheng Yen’s great compassion, DA.AI Technology has kept appealing for help to disaster victims in the Eastern United States. Everyone who makes this effort will become “a Bodhisattva on the spot.” DA.AI founding members, on behalf of the entire group, also matched dollar-for-dollar all revenue from the sale of DA.AI’s eco-friendly product on that day to increase relief donations, and wholeheartedly prayed as a group for each and every Hurricane Sandy victims.
Photo: Funding members along with Tzu Chi Representative and Director Tang renew their commitment to help recover natural materials and cultivate good fortune and wisdom, by preparing the 2012 Annual Report of Socially Responsibility especially for Master Cheng Yen. 

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Friday, 10 May 2013

2013,Sep.5-7, EMMA EXPO INDIA

【DATE & TIME】:September 5~7, 2013
【LOCATION】:Chennai Trade Centre Hall 3(Tamilnadu Trade Promotion Organisation, CTC Complex, Nandambakkam, Chennai, Chennai,India)

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2013,Aug. 30-Sep. 2,Dalian Taiwan Trade Fair

【EVENT】:Dalian Taiwan Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:August 30~September 2, 2013
【LOCATION】:Dalian World Expo Centre

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2013,Aug.29-31, Japan DIY HomeCenter Show

【EVENT】:Japan DIY HomeCenter Show
【DATE & TIME】:August 29~31, 2013
【LOCATION】:MAKUHARI MESSE Hall 4, 5, 6 (tentative)
                        2-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku,
                        Chiba-shi, Chiba 261-0023 JAPAN

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2013,Aug.10-12,2013 Guangzhou International Fashion Week

【EVENT】:2013 Guangzhou Fashion Week
【DATE & TIME】:August 10~12, 2013
【LOCATION】:Chinese Export Commodities Fair Pazhou Complex

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2013,Jul. 5-8,TianJin TaiwanTrade Fair

【EVENT】:TianJin Taiwan Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:July 5~8, 2013
【LOCATION】:Tianjin MeiJiang Convention and Exhibition Center

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2013,Jun. 5,『Summer light shirts』COOL STYLE Opening ceremony

【EVENT】:『Summer light shirts』COOL STYLE Opening ceremony
【DATE & TIME】:June 5, 2013
【LOCATION】:NTUH International Convention Center

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2013,7/5-8, 天津台灣名品博覽會

相關心聞:台灣名品「津」益求精 環保織品人文清流 
                  素食香積難掩感動 “津”進護持盡在大愛

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Wednesday, 08 May 2013

教學計畫競卓越 產學合作育菁英

圖說: 慈濟技術學院獲得教育部「教學卓越計畫」獎助成立的辦公室,在眾人的祝福下,「教學卓越計畫辦公室」正式揭牌,並正式落成啟用。慈濟技術學院獲得教育部「教學卓越計畫」獎助,成立辦公室,並正式與八間企業進行簽約儀式,建立長期產學合作關係,包括大愛感恩科技、和心傳媒、乒乓話網、東森購物、德式馬企業、崑洲實業、智邦科技、新光紡織等企業代表,包括慈濟基金會代表副總執行長陳紹明總亦到場見證並共襄盛舉。在眾人的祝福下,「教學卓越計畫辦公室」正式揭牌,慈濟技術學院董事蔡堆表示:「期待我們技術學院,將來在改科技大學的過程當中,因為加入業界這份建教合作計畫的力量,為學院注入一股強而有力的後盾。」


長期以來,大愛感恩科技一直是認同慈濟人文者夢寐以求的愛心平台,同仁視此圖說: 跨足了紡織業、資訊、科技、傳媒等各界實業家們不餘遺力用心投入「產學建教合作計畫」,藉此建立起一個互惠的平台,共創校園與企業共榮的契機。不單是一份職業,也是一份志業,堅守崗位即是為眾生付出,也能於此落實職志合一的精神。因此,藉由大愛感恩科技與慈濟技術學院的長期合作,不僅是提供實習的機會,也是人文志業體(大愛感恩科技)護持與回饋教育志業體(慈濟技術學院)的最好見證,希望藉此讓即將成為社會新鮮人的學子,提早適應且取得市場和國際競爭力,同學們也將應用學校所學,發揮良能、回饋社會,藉此建立起一個互惠的平台,共創校園與企業共榮的契機。

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Monday, 06 May 2013

Fuzhou Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair Promotes Environmental Protection-Local Volunteers Spirit Supports “Great Love”

Caption: The DA.AI Technology booth’s simple and elegant style, designed to encourage every visitor to reestablish a frugal lifestyle, purify their thoughts during daily life, and show their love to the Earth.The China Fuzhou International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair was held at Fuzhou’s International Convention and Exhibition Center from April 19 to 22, 2013. It was the first time in Fuzhou, and was organized as an extension of the Xiamen exhibition. It attracted many manufacturers as well as crowds of individual visitors. DA.AI, invited by Fuzhou Tzu Chi volunteer exhibitors, saw it as a chance to introduce environmental protection concepts to the local population, while hopefully recruiting new volunteers for Fuzhou.

Tzu Chi volunteers filled with LOVE and WILL. LOVE means making sure the heart is at the center of all emotions (the Chinese character “love,”, has “heart” as a core component), and WILL is considered “life’s original title page” (the Chinese character, “will,” includes “original” and “page”).Enrolling living Bodhisattvas is a primary goal at the exhibition-- passionate and enthusiastic volunteers ready to actively demonstrate great love and achieve Tzu Chi’s spiritual missions through the practice of environmental protection, thus continuing Master Cheng Yen’s original altruistic vision of “compassion fostering selfless minds.” 

Caption: A steady stream of enthusiastic visitors crowded the exhibit, stopping to listen to volunteers describing how a lowly PET bottle could be transformed into DA.AI clothes, hats, and bags. Full-time DA.AI Technology volunteer Cathy Hong, using her own clothes as examples, said, “Fabric dyes are major pollutants, so we’ve designed an environmentally benign manufacturing process. Our products received Taiwan Excellence Awards, and all were certified GREEN. Hoping this concept will gain wide acceptance in China, we encourage everyone to reduce their use of PET bottles and generate less trash." The speaker’s earnest presentation drew lots of appreciative feedback.

Many local Tzu Chi volunteers helped support and accommodate the DA.AI booth’s visitors. One Tzu Chi volunteer Yue-Mei Huang was such an enthusiastic DA.AI promotional volunteer, she took time off her work and even helped set up the booth. During a break from introducing the love- and technology-filled DA.AI clothes, Sister Yue-Mei noted, “We’re primarily promoting Master Cheng Yen’s concept of environmental protection; although these products are fairly new in the Fuzhou market, they were pretty well accepted. To dispel any concern about possible toxicity, we explained carefully to reassure them and invite them into the “circle of love” that underlies eco-friendly products as well as Tzu Chi’s humanistic and green values behind the DA.AI brand.

Caption: These young environmental volunteer Bodhisattvas shared a simple sign language song with pure voices, in a moving presentation filled with love and environmental concern. Their appreciative audience called them the most convincing show of purity of the day’s activities. (Photo: Yan-Feng Zhuang)This was new volunteer Sister Ai-Qin Zhu’s first experience of Tzu Chi volunteer activities, and she was very grateful and touched. “Giving without asking for anything in return, and giving strangers an opportunity to collaborate on a meaningful environmental protection activity also filled me with the joy of dharma.” Volunteer Sister Shu-Qing Zhou also took a day off work to help out at the exhibit. She considers such volunteer work more fulfilling than her own work, and vowed to enthusiastically shoulder her responsibility to promote environmental protection to the public.

Boston volunteer Hsiang-Da Chen cut short a trip out of town to participate, spending the entire three days there before returning to the United States the next day so he wouldn’t miss the great opportunity of all the rewarding work. This illustrates the promise “A field of blessings awaits cultivation by all benevolent people in the world.” DA.AI is very pleased to recruit Bodhisattvas to volunteer at such exhibits and related activities because “where there’s a will there’s a way.” In good times or bad, such work can change lives. DA.AI’s promotional activities nourish the spirit of volunteerism, purify participants’ minds, and can ultimately create peace in every society.

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Thursday, 02 May 2013

2013,Jan.,The DA.AI World of Environmental Protection

[caption] DA.AI Technology’s “Gray eco blanket” was honored with the first “Cradle-to-Cradle Certified Silver” certificate in Asia.DA.AI Technology Co.--established in December, 2008—has a small name with a big meaning: “Great Love.” Love, after all, is all about appreciation—and a passion for improving the quality of life is what drives us to excel. Committed to loving all beings and appreciating the Earth, the group of entrepreneurs who started DA.AI came up with the idea of developing new environmental technology to recycle discarded water bottles to support charity activities and personal cultivation. As recyclables move from thousands of volunteers to manufacturers in a unique “love relay,” everyone can contribute more effectively to society in a way that helps redefine environmental protection and the social responsibility of corporations.

After just four years, 256 DA.AI products had been certified with MIT—a unique accomplishment that brings many of its eco-friendly textile products to industry prominence. Consumers can be reassured that as products from Taiwan, they contain no hazardous substances, passed national tests and meet high safety standards. Consumers can feel good about every product purchased, use them with confidence, and make significant contributions to the environment.

At the end of 2012, DA.AI’s “Gray eco blanket” was honored with the first “Cradle-to-Cradle Certified Silver” in Asia. DA.AI continues its original commitment to develop cutting-edge recyclable textile products for “RE-PET Cradle-to-Cradle,” manufacturing materials from recyclables that are themselves fully recyclable and going from “waste reduction” to “zero waste.”

 [caption] Inspiring consumers to use more “green” lifestyle products, to leave a clean Earth for future generations, and plant the seeds of good deeds in their minds.In 2012 and 2013, DA.AI Technology products received prestigious “Taiwan Excellence Awards” from the Bureau of Foreign Trade, and began upholding Taiwan’s international reputation as the home of excellent products. The company has also received “Green Classics Awards” for environmental protection from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2011 and 2012. This emphasis on environmental protection is intended to inspire more consumers to support environment protection as an expression of their love for the Earth, using more eco-friendly textile products and leaving a clean Earth for future generations.


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台灣名品博覽 大愛感恩科技設攤




慈濟志工 蔡榮城:「推廣我們證嚴上人,用鼓掌的雙手來做環保,這個




真善美志工 廖凰束 範揚漢 郭志娟 安徽報導(2013.04.30)


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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

大愛共攜學子情 愛心平台展良能

圖說:產學合作共識啟始會議。大愛感恩科技承志慈濟 證嚴法師的期許,期待成為慈濟四大志業八大法印的一股活泉,自詡為一個深耕的掘井人,每一步都希望能發揮並以使命為責任。日前花蓮慈濟技術學院羅校長帶領教務長等團隊來訪,大愛感恩科技黃華德董事長同時也是北區榮董/人援會召集人商邀共計10家跨紡織業/電子資訊產業/飯店觀光業/食品業高階經理人與會,一同來商討企業和學校間產學與建教合作啟始共識會。



圖說:大愛感恩科技邀集跨界產業,共商與慈濟教育志業達成產官學合作計劃。大愛感恩科技早已開始與大學院校間有產學的合作,包含有輔大、世新大學、銘傳大學、政治大學、慈濟大學...等,團隊希望能找到具有『責任感』『積極度』『使命感』的同仁,相信專業的能力建構於基礎條件上,『態度』仍是一個能夠堅持下去的關鍵;同時走入校園,讓大家暸解『大愛感恩科技』的『環保 科技 人文 回饋』的核心價值,以及『續物命 造福慧』的願景,並完全落實社會企業責任。

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2013,Jan.,Cradle to Cradle CertifiedCM Silver

b_290_290_16777215_00___images_news2_c2c.jpgThe「Gray Eco Blanket」produced by DA.AI (meaning“Great Love”in Chinese) has been Cradle to Cradle CertifiedCM  Silver. This achievement is the first for a textile company inAsia. The next goal for DA.AI is to improve its five-tier system by ensuring its products are easy to recycle in a sustainable closed-loop process in industry, thus achieving a complete recycling system, and gradually moving towards the goal from "less" waste to "zero" waste within the life cycle of the products and services in the future.

DA.AI Technology, who desires to become the paragon of the industry, is creating a global environmental-friendly brand. Through our brand, eco productions, and marketing, we are implementing Master Cheng Yen’s philosophy of coexisting with the Earth.

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Monday, 29 April 2013


Staying in the United States, the White House regularly recognizes individuals, businesses and organizations, for making a difference Read more

International APEC Summit Highlights Love In the Implementation of Carbon Reduction-2

“The APEC Carbon Labeling Workshop” has helped DA.AI Tech gain key support from other delegates active in environmental protection. DA.AI Technology will continue to support the government's commitment to fostering an environmental protection industry; science and technology research and development; and building on its innovative R&D advantage. This will help APEC enhance interaction between various nations' environmental protection groups, and promote Taiwan's long-term international visibility. “Promoting environmental protection, science and technology, the humanities, and productive interaction” is a fundamental goal of DA.AI Technology. The DA.AI brand is built on its environmental mission, which focuses on energy saving and carbon reduction to fulfill. As active citizens of the world, we nurture international cooperation and exchange.

During this conference we were moved by the Japanese delegate Dr. Ken Yamagishi (山岸健) repeated expressions of gratitude for Taiwan's distribution of many Tzu-Chi Eco blankets and Master Cheng Yen bookmarks and aphorisms following the 2011 tsunami. He said that this not only helped stricken Japanese residents begin healing physically and mentally. It also highlighted the beauty and kindness of Tzu Chi's humanitarian disaster relief mission. The warm interaction between Taiwanese and Japanese scholars in a far away country continued the cycle of love. Master Cheng Yen and Tzu Chi volunteers' work in international disaster relief does more than highlight the goodness of human nature. It also introduces Buddhist principles of love and compassion to the international economic and social stage. Building on innate affinity, this gained Taiwan more foreign friends and good will in a powerful form of individual diplomacy.”

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Friday, 26 April 2013

竹科感恩科技 Introducing recycling concepts to businesses

Back to Taiwan, United Micro-electronics Corporati Read more

Thursday, 25 April 2013

佛事展開幕 International Buddhist Fair concludes

The 2013 China Fuzhou(福州) International Buddhist Items Read more

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

川備物資關懷+名山一中打包 Struck by 7.0 magnitude earthquake

We start today`s show in Sichun(四川) Province, China; Read more

歐洲傳心傳法 Spreading Tzu Chi`s ideals far & wide

The volunteers training seminar in France, was also attended by Taiwan Tzu Chi volunteers, where they shared their experiences with their counterparts. Read more

Monday, 22 April 2013

International APEC Summit Highlights Love In the Implementation of Carbon Reduction-1

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (or APEC) promotes regional cooperation in Trade & Investments. This includes Economic and Technical Cooperation (ECOTECH) to address emerging issues such as the mitigation of climate change through SME cooperation, energy efficiency, food security etc. At the 36th APEC, SME held a major Working Group Meeting in Manila, Philippines. Taiwan's delegation was led by Deputy Commissioner of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Lin Mei-Shue. DA.AI Technology was honored to be the only non-governmental organization invited to participate in this prestigious meeting. DA.AI Tech assistant general manager Hung Shuo-Ting was on hand to explain how recyclables fit into production of the kind of environmentally responsible fabric which was unanimously accepted and affirmed at the assembly.

Delegates of many member nations have expressed support for DA.AI Technology's environmental philosophy, dedicated to eliminating any carbon footprint from its product pre-production through implementation. Dr. Hung noted: “I’m grateful to the Economic Affairs Ministry for allowing DA.AI Tech to join them at this international summit. We have explored the different economic divisions of APEC, the United Kingdom’s energy saving and carbon reduction efforts.” The opportunity to share with delegates from other countries on various of energy saving and carbon reduction applications and its practice has inspired our company with new approaches to carbon footprint reduction and energy development.

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Friday, 19 April 2013

加火災發放Helping fire victims in Langley

First up in Canada, in the city of Langley, British Columbia, a fire in the Elm Seniors` Apartment left 99 rooms ruined, and one casualty. Upon hearing the news, volunteers quickly prepared warm clothing and cash cards for the victim Read more

Thursday, 18 April 2013

企業愛灑籲環保 社會脈動齊護持

圖說:大愛感恩科技受邀到侑泓科技做愛灑並推廣環保理念,研發協理 洪碩廷博士(左二) 分享大愛感恩科技的環保製程與品牌生命力之價值。國內建築材料近年來隨著環保意識的抬頭及公共安全的觀念日益重視之下,對於防火建材的應用範圍也從政府機關指定之公共場所,逐漸普及到社會各界。日前因一筆訂單的合作,讓大愛感恩科技與侑泓科技開啟了另一段善因緣,期許往後能夠更密切攜手,善盡社會企業責任。

侑泓科技的負責人 湯鈺環師姐,本身也是慈濟委員,基於這樣更深一層的緣份下,大愛感恩科技受邀到該公司做愛灑並推廣環保理念,由研發協理 洪碩廷博士代表分享大愛感恩科技的環保製程與品牌核心價值。侑泓科技員工陳先生表示:過去得知能用寶特瓶製成柔軟舒適的環保織品,深感驚奇,常以環保愛地球的心,護持並推廣大愛感恩科技環保織品的他,在向別人推廣時,往往解釋到商品是由寶特瓶製成的,接下來的環保製程便無從說起,但是透過此次分享,使他更了解大愛感恩科技之環保產品的科技硬實力及愛心人文軟實力,讓他往後能夠學理並重,並且更深具信心來推廣大愛品牌豐沛的人文價值。


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雪隆環保展 10 day environmental exhibition

In Malaysia, starting from April 13th to April 22nd, Tzu Chi volunteers will be holding an exhibition at the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Read more

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

武者謙遜惜因緣 伊斯蘭境行大愛

圖說:慈濟約旦分會負責人 濟暉師伯前來與大愛感恩科技,與大愛感恩科技同仁分享在約旦賑災的點滴故事,讓在場不少的同仁都紛紛落下感動的淚水。「之前才收到一貨櫃6,300條整齊壓縮的毛毯,感恩你們,你們的毯子好溫暖好棒」分享的一開始,黑帶九段的跆拳道教練  陳秋華師兄(法名:濟暉)在眾人的面前跪下頂禮台下的聽眾,「在  上人慈悲的教誨中,末學沒有段數,唯有『放下身段』」「感恩菩薩,讓我生長在台灣,感恩  證嚴法師創造慈濟世界,感恩慈濟,讓我可以見苦知福。」濟暉師伯謙卑地感恩一切因緣。39年前因為跆拳道的因緣, 濟暉師伯在約旦成為哈山親王的護衛兼跆拳道教練,深獲皇室的信賴,在約旦這麼多年,也都是很虔誠的依照回教的齋戒禮儀生活,16年前因 證嚴法師的一句「尊重生命」觸動他柔軟而慈悲的心,毅然決然褪去武者榮耀,在一個種族與宗教信仰截然不同的伊斯蘭國度及時行善救濟苦難,帶領一群志工,讓慈濟大愛在阿拉伯黃沙上滾滾奔馳。

慈濟約旦分會負責人 濟暉師兄返台,大愛感恩科技把握這個難得的因緣,邀請他前來分享在約旦賑災的點滴經驗。敘利亞本是一個物資富裕的國家,但因人心不調而發生了內戰,戰亂已經延續三個寒暑,烽火連年,人民的生活苦不堪言,紛紛逃難到相鄰的約旦。濟暉師兄帶來了珍貴的記錄影片、照片,分享敘利亞內戰所造成的難民潮,以及約旦慈濟志工所做的緊急救助與人心膚慰。他細細分享長期關懷貝都因游牧民族與鄰近國家難民,他們如何從兇殘無情的國度逃離、他們沒有希望的人生,讓現場不少同仁落下感動的眼淚,「在元月28號的發放,直到圖說:從敘利亞逃難出來的難民大多都是以婦人為小孩居多,在難民營的生活物資匱乏,慈濟志工不捨小朋友在寒冷的天氣中赤腳行走,因此主動出資購買,讓小朋友有穿鞋子的機會,身為約旦第十位受證的慈濟志工 傑米(右一:Jameel,法號: 濟定),提供孩子即時的服務與關懷。(照片來源: 濟暉師伯提供)把最後一條毛毯交到災民的手中,我才真正的安心!」他感恩再感恩大愛感恩科技與全球慈濟人作為約旦賑災馳援有力的後盾。

因為他的謙卑誠懇與謙卑,也感動了哈山親王夫婦與當地的老百姓,約旦親王兩度來台並參訪環保站,伊斯蘭族學習放下民族的自我性格,進而彎腰做環保,學習以感恩、尊重的心關懷難民,做一個手心向下的人。今年的冬天又特別冷,在衣食住方面,災民都有很大的需求,約旦慈濟分會已經提供了萬條的賑災毛毯、各項物資與救急金,並用以工代賑的方法來協助難民。不可思議的因緣,讓前半生充滿武力、槍桿與部隊的 濟暉師兄,後半生內化成謙遜、柔軟、慈悲的勇者,在真主的國度中踏實地走在慈善的道路上,實踐  證嚴法師的教誨與佛陀法義,不久他也即將再度返回約旦,繼續伊斯蘭國度中、長期的關懷,為當地苦難的眾生付出。

分享結束後,大愛感恩李鼎銘師兄也勉勵全體同仁,雖然無法到前線關懷,但「只要堅守工作崗位,其實就是在做天下事」,因為大愛感恩科技正是這樣一個愛心接力的平台,將眾人的愛心回饋慈濟基金會,再交由各地的慈濟志工撫慰所有需要的人。但在 證嚴法師與全球慈濟人的祝福下,除了敘利亞難民以外,貝都因牧民、貧戶與當地弱勢族群,將因這份跨越種族與宗教的大愛,而身心安頓。

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Earth Day 2013 The Face of Climate Change

Every year on April 22, more than one billion people take part in Earth Day. Across the globe, individuals, communities, organizations, and governments acknowledge the amazing planet we call home and take action to protect it.

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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

慈大就業博覽會 積極使命責任心



在慈大的就業博覽會中,除了慈濟大學的應屆畢業生外,慈濟大學傳播系一年級圖說:在慈大的就業博覽會中,除了慈濟大學的應屆畢業生外,慈濟大學傳播系一年級學生鄭彩霞同學(左二) 早已知大愛感恩科技是台灣第一家環保公益企業,也是全球第一家百分之百回饋社會的公司,於是把握大愛同仁推廣期間,與其社區報編輯群(左一、右一與右二) 特別前來對大愛感恩科技同仁進行採訪,為社區報增添多元的環保人文元素。學生鄭彩霞同學,早已知大愛感恩科技是台灣第一家環保公益企業,也是全球第一家百分之百回饋社會的公司,於是把握大愛同仁推廣期間,與其社區報編輯群特別前來對大愛感恩科技同仁進行採訪,為其社區報增添多元的環保人文元素。而對於前來了解市場需求的在學生或訪問者,大愛感恩科技的同仁更是把握機會,介紹公司核心價值與理念,讓更多人能夠了解大愛感恩之餘,更在他們的心中埋下美善的種子,並鼓勵他們積極地面對與承擔社會責任,接受職場挑戰,在壓力越來越大,節奏越來越快、與競爭力日益激烈的環境中,仍時時不忘「以出世之心,做入世之事」,並時常保持「積極度、使命感與責任心。」

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Monday, 15 April 2013

專業人文齊並重 職志合一顯良能

圖說:大愛台節目部經理 靳秀麗師姐以生動有趣的方式分享她的人生故事,藉此希望能夠勉勵眾人把職業與志業相結合,落實職志合一。大愛感恩科技公司的成立是秉持 證嚴法師推動「與地球共生息」的環保理念,善盡社會企業責任,是個綠色的環保公益企業將環保與慈善緊密結合,期許全體同仁在工作崗位上,除了能夠發揮所學的專長外,更能夠力行慈濟人文,落實「職志合一」,因此,特別邀請了大愛台節目部經理 靳秀麗師姐,以「職志合一,看慈濟人文之美」為主題,分享她的人生故事。期許大愛感恩科技的同仁都能夠不斷的精進,固守在自己的崗位,盡心力,「對的事,做就對了」,把職業與志業相結合,真正的落實職志合一的精神。

「每個人都是一部經典,每件事都是一個法門。」 秀麗師姐以簡單的一句話,表達她自身落實職志合一的感想。當初,秀麗師姐因感受到  證嚴法師「報真導正」的感召,進而加入了慈濟大愛台。那時候的她已是知名的媒體人,因此是抱著為慈濟貢獻的心情,一份職業與事業的心態而前來。然而,在面對與過去截然不同的職場經驗所帶來的困境與考驗,漸漸地轉換心態,讓自己能夠藉由身邊的人、事、物修行,學習放下身段,為人服務。她有感而發表示,「職業」是付出多少,就要收回多少,是為生活而工作、「事業」是有大能力而經營之,卻易生功利之心、然而「志業」卻是啟發人人本具的愛心良知,使人付出無所求。

大愛感恩科技就是這份「志業」,而各位也有非常大的福報,能在這個人文的團隊中工作;專業與人文的關係,就好比如任督二脈,唯有兩者相輔相成才能完全發揮一個人的良能。 秀麗師姐在加入慈濟後,有感於慈濟人的善解、包容、付出無所求,在工作中感受到感恩、尊重、愛,進而深深理解了惟有將「我」歸零到「真空」才能發揮「妙有」的大力量,一步一腳印的印證了職志合一的重要,化企圖心轉為使命感,樂於接受任何挑戰,發揮為人服務的價值觀。大愛感恩科技的同仁妙誌師姐從 秀麗師姐的分享中也有很深的感觸,並表示:「慈濟真的是一個大家庭,不僅是佩服,也感受到『付出無所求』與『縮小自我』的重要性。」

秀麗師姐以「職場即道場,修行六度波羅蜜」勉勵同仁,「服務他人即是佈施,遵守職業道德即是持戒,承擔責任即是忍辱,工作盡心盡力即是精進,靜思檢討改進即是禪定,採行最佳決策即是智慧」鼓勵同仁將六度波羅密的精神運用於職場中。證嚴法師曾在「人間菩提」中慈示,「在職場,有『職』就有責任,這是『使命』。發揮了使命,這都是我們人生的志向,所以『職志合一』,結合自己過去的志願及志向,現在已經從事你的職業,那不都是職志合一嗎?不要為了一點的困難,就打退堂鼓。」最後, 秀麗師姐更感恩慈濟提供了這樣一個道場,並以「慈濟宗門一家人、志同道合是法親、法髓相傳長慧命」與全體同仁深刻提攜與共勉。

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Monday, 08 April 2013

Chinese New Year Greeting Party to Extend Great Love and Mercy Technology

Photo: Tzu Chi Four Major Missions and Eight Footprints also assigned their representatives to play the roles of Eight Immortals and present lucky phrase for Chinese New Year. This Chinese New Year Greeting Party is also a Chinese New Year Appreciation Tea Party. Not only bless for the world, but also extend the effect of love and virtue aroused from combined mercy and technology in the future.The Lantern festival celebrates the last day of Chinese New Year holiday, and the long-awaited arrival of spring. As usual, Tzu Chi International Humanitarian Aid Association (TIHAA) marked this festive occasion with a Chinese New Year Greeting Party. TIHAA members welcomed Honorary Board Members and business leaders from north Taipei, scientists from the Industrial Technology Research Institute, noted musician Mr. Shou-Quan Li, and other community leaders to this event. TIHAA took the opportunity to share blessings to all people of the world, and commit itself to keep spreading love and virtue by combining mercy and technology into the future.

A performance of the popular play “Endowed by Heavenly Officers with Happiness” was the highlight in Greeting Party, and brought down the house. Actors representing three celestial beings “Fu”, “Lu”, “Shou”--Fortune, Prosperity and Longevity—reminded the audience of the endless desires and afflictions that have shaped human history from ancient times. These three celestials were very up-to-date, however. They wore DA.AI eco polo shirts and carried bamboo banks as they recited the Sutra of Infinite Meaning to awaken humans so they can transform their afflictions into “bodhi minds” and find new happiness from their work and communities.  Other performers representing Tzu Chi's Four Major Missions and Eight Footprints, appearing as the Eight Immortals, then inspired the audience with Chinese New Year greetings.

In addition to celebrating the Chinese New Year, audience members received a special teaching on “wealth” from Master Cheng Yen. “Being able and willing to give is true wealth; praising others gives us dignity. Those who make charitable offerings with joyful hearts are truly wealthy.” This Still Thought aphorism reminded anyone in a position to give more that they should gladly shoulder their responsibilities, and ease the suffering of all beings. TIHAA Chairman Walter Huang told DAAI TV: “This Greeting Party is also a Chinese New Year Appreciation Tea Party, so everyone has a chance to share their gratitude.” Five conveners of TIHAA are also major supporters of DA.AI Technology. They are living examples of Master Cheng Yen’s message that the wealthier we are, the more responsibilities we should courageously accept as personal challenge.

Through disaster relief and suffering compassion, TIHAA volunteers not only learned to treasure our own happiness but also used empathic concern to develop materials for disaster relief. TIHAA is exactly the platform of great love combing mercy and technology. One convener of TIHAA, Brother Wei, Ying-chun said: “TIHAA is Tzu Chi’s support for emergent disaster, when world disasters occurred. That is our position and mission.” For the new year’s coming, anticipate that DA.AI Technology is continually devoted to environmental protection education for purification of human mind, and carries out the mission of “coexist with the earth”. Furthermore, DA.AI also can be the backing of mercy to enroll more volunteers to extend and deliver love and virtue all over the world. Read more

Wednesday, 03 April 2013

台灣精品展實力 環保織品綻光彩

第21屆台灣精品獎表揚大會上,大愛感恩科技董事長 黃華德從對外貿易發展協會董事長 王志剛手中接獲「台灣精品獎」的證書。由經濟部國際貿易局委託外貿協會辦理之台灣精品選拔,今年已邁入第21屆,經過審查委員依照「研發」、「設計」、「品質」、「行銷」及「台灣產製」(M.I.T.)五大審查項目進行評選,旨在展現台灣品牌的「創新價值」。「第21屆台灣精品獎表揚大會」於4月2日在台北國際會議中心隆重舉辦,此獎是台灣人心目中首驅精品的最高榮耀,獲獎產品即為代表台灣推上國際舞台的優質形象精品。

大愛感恩科技繼去年「大愛衫」得到「台灣精品獎」後,今年再度榮獲「台灣精品獎」的殊榮,在精質且嚴格的標準下脫穎而出,更不遑虛讓地囊括六項系列與15件產品獲獎,今年不論在質化與量化上皆有亮眼的表現,參與競爭的紡織業界者中,以大愛環保品牌獲獎商品最多元也最多量的廠家,以甫獲台灣精品獎的【中國服飾傳薪系列】為例,設計理念便充分展現台灣品牌的「創新價值」與「環保精神」,其中設計師更以『甕』為靈感(『甕』早期為台灣女性醃製蔬果的器皿) 藉由『甕』的外型傳達『儉樸』與『續物命、造福慧』的意涵,秉持推廣心靈與環保的教育理念,讓更多人了解環保人文衣著的重要性,矢志將「環保.科技.人文.回饋」的品牌價值發展成為全球的環保典範。

大愛感恩科技環保產品原料除結合科技製成再生原料,讓物品重獲新生,每件產品背後都有環保菩薩無私奉獻感人故事,並賦予產品豐富的人文生命,代表著台灣愛心環保的軟實力,大愛感恩董事長黃華德表示:「能夠有這麼多產品獲得肯定,除了是因為大愛感恩科技徹底的落實 證嚴法師 『與地球共生息』的理念外,最重要的還是因為前端有眾多的環保菩薩與愛心廠商的共同努力」。因此我們一定要將此環保愛心的產品,藉大愛環保品牌,推廣落實是在人們的日常生活中「清淨在源頭,環保精緻化」的理念,積極推動「環保商品,生活取代」的綠色消費觀念,真正做到節能減碳、永續環境、珍愛地球。」
圖說:大愛感恩科技今年共有6個系列、15項產品(環保動物毛毯污染系列、灰色環保毛毯、Cute Baby環保嬰兒禮盒、中國服飾傳薪系列、刷毛大衣淨心系列、超細纖維機能毛毯禮盒)獲獎,也是紡織業界中環保品牌的典範。

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Tuesday, 02 April 2013

綠色品牌大調查 環保人文受肯定


此次獲獎的綠色企業,皆是各領域知名的品牌,而日常生活類入選品牌如IKEA、寶僑、舒潔等更是大家耳熟能詳的日常用品品牌,大愛感恩科技今年以中小企業的黑馬之姿,首度進榜便拿下日常生活類的特優獎,對我們環保人文價值與實踐給予最大的肯定,環保署長 沈世宏並特別前來頒獎。評審之一的塑膠工業技術發展中心品質環境安全部企業永續組長張家淵說:「大愛感恩科技利用回收寶特瓶結合紡織科技做成各式環保織品,讓綠色精神能持續深入人們的生活中,透過生活的體驗,大家都能了解綠生活的意義。」

圖說: 大愛感恩科技以中小企業的黑馬之姿,首度進榜便拿下日常生活類的特優獎,相當於此類別的第三名,對我們環保人文價值與實踐給予最大的肯定,環保署長 沈世宏(右二)特別前來頒獎,發起人之一  林家和師伯與大愛感恩科技同仁參與受獎。大愛感恩科技在被告知獲得入選日常用品類綠色品牌時,《數位時代》雜誌的記者即拜訪了大愛感恩科技並進行採訪。「我們的終極目標是從減廢邁向零廢,使產品於生命週期裏,從原料、設計、到生產與回收的過程中降低能源的耗用與對環境的衝擊。」大愛感恩研發同仁 意容師姐再次補充說明:「這無非是希望讓大家於日常生活中貫徹節能減碳。」記者對於大愛感恩科技研發回收寶特瓶再生環保紡織品的技術與背景,以及如何開發許多MIT產品、如何整合上中下游的協力廠商、同時通過綠色商品標章與第三方國際認證的綠色行動力,以及對環保人文推廣不遺餘力皆感到相當驚訝與認同,也讚譽大愛感恩科技致力推廣環保再生產品,以及串聯紡織業、環保業與國內外消費者所做的貢獻,並對背後深厚的人文底蘊感到佩服與肯定。

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Monday, 01 April 2013

慈濟志業齊協力 落實品牌生命力

圖說:大愛電視台同仁以自身對環保織品的護持,進而成為最佳的代言人,覺醒年代主持人靳秀麗師姊所呈現的服儀人文之美,正是今年度甫榮獲台灣精品獎的作品「傳薪-甕系列作品」(節錄自大愛節目: 覺醒年代)。慈濟宣導「心寬念純」正是要以戒慎虔誠的心,回歸人性中的善良,回復到大同時代知禮守禮的祥和社會。  證嚴法師慈示:「禮就是理」「若想知道社會的變遷,只要看大眾的穿著就能知道,如果希望社會很純真、樸素、端正,就要從個人的形象、穿著來表達,因此個人的禮節儀容很重要。」




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Friday, 29 March 2013

2013北京CHIC展 綠色生命豔四方

圖說:入口處左側大愛感恩科技形象海報。第21屆中國國際服裝服飾博覽會 (CHIC2013) 於3月26日至29日在北京中國國際展覽中心盛大展出。本屆展會以“力煉”為主題,大愛感恩科技受台灣製衣工業同業公會之邀參與此次博覽會展出。 展館分為環保主題區及科技主題區,在全球環保意識高漲的年代,將環保與科技結合,相信是未來的一大趨勢。


展覽期間台灣貿易中心北京代表處的吳政典首席代表亦特地參觀大愛感恩科技的攤位,對於大愛感恩科技的成立緣由和核心價值無不表示最高的敬佩和感動。大愛感恩科技董事長 黃華德也親自替吳政典首席代表圍上灰色圍巾,讓對方感受全台灣所有環保菩薩的愛心。在場許多參訪的廠商贊歎於大愛感恩所落實與推動的社會企業責任。紛紛表示大愛感恩科技是許多廠商的典範,同時也鞭策自己一定要更落實社會企業責任。去年遼寧官方領導即表示對大愛感恩科技非常感興趣,因此今年特別再度前來拜訪,希望知悉更多訊息提供遼寧地方政府參考,也能夠在遼寧推廣大愛感恩科技品牌。除此之外,中國當地的媒體CCTV也前往大愛感恩攤位訪問大愛感恩科技董事長,希望能夠藉由當地媒體的力量,把美善的種子散播出去。

圖說:中央電視台(CCTV)前往大愛感恩攤位訪問大愛感恩科技董事長,希望能夠藉由國營媒體的力量,把真美善的種子散播出去。相信每一次的足跡,都能留下令人感動的記憶。希望藉由每一個的展覽,經由慈濟志工和大愛感恩科技同仁的解說下,喚起每一位參訪著心中那顆愛護地球的種子。地球只有一個,愛護它是站立在這片土地上每一個人的責任。如同 證嚴法師慈示:「人依止在大地之上、為地球盡一分心、是本分事也是使命。」為了留給我們下一代美好的環境,您是不是今天開始就捲起衣袖一起做環保呢?

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Thursday, 28 March 2013

環保運動衣輕盈 綠色時尚潮流

強化國際競爭力,要跟上時代的潮流、國際趨勢。現在講環保,國際體育用品展(3/19-3/22),大愛感恩科技設計運動衣系列,用回收的寶特瓶製作 而且環保製程沒有汙染。 Read more

Monday, 25 March 2013

感恩首入企業Joining forces to spread recycling concepts

Moving to Kaohsiung, a local company dedicated to designing and manufacturing recycling equipment often receives visitors from abroad Read more

DA.AI is enthusiastically participating in Spring Festival Shopping Boulevard

Photo: After a brief presentation by Tzu Chi volunteers, visitors enthusiastically responded to DA.AI's message of environmental protection and latest eco-friendly products.It's time to welcome the Chinese New Year in style. Dihua Street, a century-old street full of historical buildings, was transformed with celebratory decorations to host Taipei's annual Spring Festival Shopping Boulevard (January 25 until February 7). To support worldwide environmental protection and related educational efforts, DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd. (“DA.AI”) is enthusiastically participating in Spring Festival Shopping Boulevard and DA.AI introducing some eye-catching culture elements to this historical thoroughfare.   

Following Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s original concept and strong commitment to making environmental protection part of everyone's daily lives, DA.AI is undertaking a “Coexist with the Earth” campaign. The company's laudable achievements and efforts of DA.AI have made it a unique pioneer in the textile industry. DA.AI's unique business philosophy includes donating 100% of net proceeds to the Tzu Chi Foundation for their international humanitarian aids and charity. It has also gained recognition and many public honours. (See http://www.daait.com/index.php/en/certification)

DA.AI's booth in Spring Festival Shopping Boulevard was a popular destination for the stream of visitors. After being introduced by Tzu Chi's Datong District volunteers, visitors lingered and enjoyed many surprising facts and products. They came to appreciate the close connection between environmental protection and new eco-friendly products. Many Tzu Chi members also took the opportunity to purchase DA.AI products in the booth and participate in the cycle of pure love. DA.AI plans to continue developing new ways to promote environmental protection in days and years to come. The DA.AI family looks forward to seeing readers at Dihua Street, and to the growth of this broader movement to save Mother Earth.

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Friday, 22 March 2013

澳洲志工入苦難 直下承擔愛無懼

大愛感恩執行董事 李鼎銘(左一)與來自澳洲黃金海岸聯絡處的負責人吳照峰(中)一行七人合影留念,同時也感恩他們在澳洲積極推廣大愛感恩環保人文的意涵。在澳洲的黃金海岸,有一群約20人的慈濟志工團隊,秉持著「做善事不能少我一人」的精神,以自己的力量一步一腳印,胼手胝足,積極配合在社區內推動環保、教學、愛灑與素食推廣,默默地推動著環保與人文, 吳照峰師姊感恩地說: 當經歷災難時,一定要強過災難的願力,而且必然昇起直下無悔的承擔,方能將慈濟四大志業與八大法印傳播出去,尤其在一個不同文化背景的異鄉社群。因此,大愛感恩科技把握澳洲志工回台尋根的好因緣,特別在3月22日邀請慈濟黃金海岸聯絡處的負責人 照峰師姊與志工團隊前來分享在澳洲推動環保人文的心路歷程。

澳洲師兄姊透過影片,分享慈濟志工為澳洲國家緊急救難服務處(SES)舉辦的感恩茶會,感恩他們過在災難發生的瞬間都義不容辭地前往第一現場救災,讚揚其大智、大勇的大無畏精神。茶會上,不僅提供了美味的素食料理,志工們更以感恩的心,奉上了大愛感恩科技的環保圍巾,希望他們未來在工作的時候,也能過感受到慈濟人的愛心與祝福,就連市長 保羅(Paul Pisasale),也親自代言大愛感恩的產品,向眾人介紹其背後的意涵,除了在政府機關推廣環保人文外,慈濟志工們更走入校園,從一開始的彎腰做環保,到後來成功走入伊普市高中的學生生活,教導他們愛惜資源,守護地球。也正因為這數年來不間斷的無私付出與關愛,不僅獲得昆士蘭伊普市(Ipswich)當地居民的認同,同時也得到市政府的肯定,下個階段他們更要將  上人的大愛與法脈,藉由公部門傳入軍警界。


照峰師姊分享在澳洲推廣慈濟難行能行的歷程,秉持著仁者無敵、勇者無懼的堅定信念,以  證嚴法師的法與智慧,成功地將慈濟大愛一點一滴在澳洲鋪路。照峰師姊鏗鏘有力、激昂的表示,他們是大愛感恩科技的見證,深以大愛感恩科技為榮,大愛感恩科技是慈濟強大的後盾,除了將投資盈餘完全回饋慈濟基金會,更全心守護著大地,這些匯聚眾人的愛所交織成的環保織品,及時發揮膚慰人心的力量,不僅感動、折服澳洲人,更促使澳洲慈濟志工與當地民眾的關係更緊密合和,而這些環保織品及環保教育正在澳洲持續蔓延發酵,帶動大家落實生活環保、心靈環保。


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大愛感恩科技 進駐企業推廣理念

高雄一家環保設備公司,平常就有很多境外觀光團前往參訪,董事長林文章自己本身是慈濟人,因為認同寶特瓶回收製成衣服,於是他特地把公司的展示廳,用來展示環 Read more

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

大愛感恩受證DA.AI Technology awarded

In the process of producing clothing, the dyes and ch Read more

Monday, 18 March 2013

落實減碳譽國際 APEC高峰會議彰顯愛

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APEC第36屆中小企業工作小組會議3月12日於菲律賓馬尼拉盛大舉行,我國由經濟部率團參加,參與「APEC碳標章」研討會。「亞太經濟合作組織」(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,簡稱 APEC)推動之合作領域從貿易暨投資、經濟技術合作(ECOTECH)領域擴增至影響區域經濟之重要新興議題,例如: 減緩氣候變遷,涵蓋中小企業合作、能源效率、及糧食安全等領域之落實與改革等。APEC第36屆中小企業工作小組會議日前於菲律賓馬尼拉盛大舉行,我國由經濟部中小企業處林副處長 美雪率團參加,大愛感恩科技深感榮幸,是獲得政府力邀的唯一國家產業代表,由我司研發部協理 洪碩廷博士代表台灣參與此次盛會。會中,大愛感恩科技分享如何利用創新技術將回收物品再利用,生產相關環保織品等,獲得與會者一致認同與肯定。

大愛代表台灣產業與APEC各國於環保創新研發等議題上意見交流,以增進國與國各會員體的學習與合作,有效提升台灣國際能見度。「APEC碳標章」研討會與會代表: 英國(左上順時針起)、泰國、韓國、日本、印尼、俄羅斯、新加坡以及美國與越南代表等。APEC為亞太地區機制最完善、層級最高的經濟合作組織,各國對於大愛感恩科技能夠將碳足跡真正從源頭開始落實,感動之於也紛紛對於其環保理念表達支持。洪博士有感而發表示:「感恩經濟部給予機會能夠參與國際高峰會議,藉由此次會議看到看到APEC各經濟體及英國在節能減碳議題上所做的努力,以及能和世界各國代表分享交流並了解到各經濟體節能減碳的應用與實踐,啟發我司在碳足跡與能源開發上的新思維。」相信經過APEC碳標章研討會,大愛感恩科技在碳足跡的實行上和環保理念的堅持上已經獲得各國代表的支持。未來大愛感恩科技也將配合政府,持續致力於環保產業科技研發,協助APEC在環保創新研發等具優勢的領域中作出貢獻,以增進國與國各會員體的互動及交流,有效提升台灣在國際上的能見度。

大愛感恩科技 洪碩廷博士,代表台灣產業出席「APEC碳標章」研討會,分享如何利用創新技術將回收物品再利用。「環保、科技、人文、回饋」是大愛感恩科技的核心價值,大愛品牌以環保為使命,為節能減碳盡最大努力並徹底落實,善盡世界公民的角色,參與國際合作與交流。令我司與會者相當感動的是: 研討會後與餐敘期間,日本代表山岸健博士兩度特地前來致意,對於2011年日本大海嘯後,台灣給予日本最大的關懷以及幫助深表感謝,尤其慈濟的灰色賑災毛毯與 證嚴上人書箴,及時且持續地幫助了無數受災的日本居民,使其安頓身心,更以人道救援彰顯美善,這段台、日學者在他鄉的良好互動,延續這份愛的循環,  證嚴上人領著慈濟人參與國際賑災,不僅彰顯了人性中的善良,更著實將佛法入世的愛與慈悲,推向國際經濟、社會平台。由此結下的善緣,也使台灣在有形及無形之中得到更多國外朋友的助力,算是另一種隱性的國民外交。

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用心環保愛接力 承擔使命護大地

鳳山聯絡處的大愛感恩服務據點是由慈濟志工自願承擔的推廣點,志工們與大愛感恩執行董事 李鼎銘(下排左一),正以「愛與使命」寫歷史,也藉此落實  證嚴上人 “ 續物命, 造福慧 ” 的環保人文。(攝影:陳延盛)大愛感恩科技在大家努力默默地耕耘,現在全台共有50多個實體通路據點,其中有些服務站更是由社區志工們無私的付出,自願承擔肩負起推廣環保人文的使命。在高雄的鳳山聯絡處就是其中一個由慈濟志工自願承擔的推廣點,而且也是大愛感恩第一個由志工團隊自發性每天輪班推廣的服務據點,這其實也根源於大愛的企業核心價值「愛心接力」之實踐,慈濟自  證嚴上人鼓勵人們:「用鼓掌的雙手做環保」 迄今已有23年,力行環保資源回收的環保菩薩也已增至76,000多名,更為台灣紀錄一場最美的綠色寧靜革命。

鳳山聯絡處的大愛感恩服務據點成立後志工們皆深深感受到  證嚴上人欲延續物命、守護大地的「心」環保運動,也深知要有實際行動落實才能接力這份使命,不只在社區大力推廣環保,更積極地進行人間菩薩大招生。因此鳳山聯絡處的服務據點從早期只有4位慈濟志工承擔推廣,至今已經逐步發展成是一個約有20位志工的團隊。為了能夠更加精進,鳳山聯絡處的人文推廣窗口楊師姊也藉由人文推廣志工精進分享的機會特別邀約了大愛感恩執行董事 李鼎銘以「愛與使命」為主軸,與鳳山地區的人文推廣志工團隊共同分享投入慈濟的因緣及喜悅。

一句「對的事,做就對了!」成為推廣的志工們的無私付出的動力,金英師姊分享:「感恩有大愛感恩科技這個無私的平台,可以讓大家愛心接力並為社會奉獻。」一句簡單的「感恩」,給予大愛感恩科技莫大的鼓勵與肯定,更期許透過這些推廣志工的努力,散播美善的種子,讓延續物命與愛惜地球資源的精神遍佈各角落,深入人們的生活中。就是有這群慈濟環保菩薩,手牽手、心連心承傳使命,如螞蟻雄兵般地不斷實踐,方能將台灣的環保志業做出引領社會風氣並受國際矚目的成果,大愛與社區志工們,正以「愛與使命」寫歷史,也藉此落實 證嚴上人 “ 續物命, 造福慧 ” 的環保人文理念。

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Fabulous Fabrics

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Byline:OSCAR CHUNG /Publication Date:03/01/2013

Three textile enterprises exemplify the sector’s effort to stand out through innovation.

An exhibition in Taipei in 2012 displays products from 10 local enterprises that make fabric from PET bottles. The practice is a growing trend in Taiwan. (Photo by Chang Su-ching)A visit to the showroom of Singtex Industrial Co. would not be complete without experiencing its coffee. It is not the drink that impresses, however. Instead, this advice refers to a special line of fabrics made from the company’s S.Café yarn, which is infused with microscopic particles of coffee. The S.Café brand “is based on the raw material inside the clothing, just like Intel chips inside computers,” says Chris Chiang (江伯威), manager of Singtex’s Branding and Yarn Department.

The coffee grounds used in S.Café yarn are currently sourced from 30-odd convenience stores near Singtex’s headquarters inNewTaipeiCity, northernTaiwan, where workers process the spent foodstuff. “We help the stores dispose of the dregs which are just waste in their eyes. They’re happy to give the raw materials to us for free,” Chiang notes.

Established in 1989, Singtex began to focus on high-value waterproof fabrics in the mid-1990s. It was a time when most local businesses in the sector had departed to mainlandChinato take advantage of that country’s cheap land and labor followingTaiwan’s decision to ease restrictions on the ability of Taiwanese-owned enterprises to invest there in 1992. Singtex’s decision was a smart one because companies remaining inTaiwanhad to find ways to stay competitive against the low-cost, mass-produced goods that were being churned out in mainlandChina. “Power looms were as good as banknote printing machines in Taiwan 30 years ago,” Justin Huang (黃偉基), secretary-general of the Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF), says of the boom for Taiwan’s textiles during the 1980s. At the time,Japan,South KoreaandTaiwanwere three major global powers in textiles, withJapanproviding medium-to-high-end fabrics and the other two churning out medium-to-low-end products. As mainlandChinaand Southeast Asia rose rapidly in the field throughout the 1980s, however,Taiwan’s fabric mills felt the pressure to change and most, like Singtex, moved to high-tech production in order to stay ahead.

Power of Coffee
The ability to fuse odor-absorbing coffee grounds with yarn has been the most important breakthrough made by Singtex in recent years. The idea occurred to Jason Chen (陳國欽), the founder of the company, about eight years ago, and in the past three years the enterprise has invested between 2 and 3 percent of its annual revenue to enhance the performance of its unique odor-absorbing fiber. Over time, the firm’s researchers have been able to eliminate the smell and color of coffee from the final product. They have also improved the material’s performance by extracting more of the naturally occurring oil from the coffee grounds, which in turn enhances the effectiveness of the numerous tiny holes in the dregs that absorb odors. The fabric is also easy to dry since the added matter creates more surface area, which means greater contact with the air. The S.Café production process is one of 34 patents owned by Singtex, with the company registering it inTaiwanand mainlandChinaand awaiting approval in Europe and theUnited States.

In line with its moves toward green manufacturing, Singtex spent NT$250 million (US$7.9 million) on the construction of a dyeing and finishing plant that helped the company win Bluesign certification in 2008. A strict set of standards for environmentally friendly fabric-making, the Bluesign system was created in 2000 by representatives from European academia, consumer organizations and industry. Since Formosa Taffeta Co. gained certification in 2001, some 120 enterprises in Taiwan’s textiles sector have been granted the right to use the Bluesign mark.

Singtex’s efforts to innovate and become greener have paid off by enabling the company to win orders from international sportswear and outdoor clothing brandsPatagoniaand The North Face as well as others that put a high premium on fabrics that are both green and high-performance. According to Chiang, 30 percent of the NT$1.2 billion (US$40 million) in revenue created by the company in 2012 came from S.Café yarn, on which the company’s branding effort is focused.

Meanwhile, BeBe Cotton Knitting Co., a relatively small enterprise with earnings of around NT$80 million (US$2.67 million) in 2012, is also endeavoring to create a niche in the green market by developing natural dyes from plant extracts. “I’d polluted the earth too much,” BeBe founder and managing director Harch Hong (洪清峰) says of the chemical dyes used in the fabrics sold by his company. “Now it’s time to repent and make up for the harm I did to the environment.” Part ofTaiwan’s textiles sector for 38 years, BeBe began to invest in research on natural dyes in2008 inhopes of developing fabrics that are healthier for both the environment and the human body. “Why not nip pollution in the bud instead of spending money building facilities for treating wastewater?” Hong asks.

BeBe has since spent more than NT$40 million (US$1.4 million) on related research, NT$9 million (US$310,000) of which has come from subsidies granted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In August 2012, the company started to produce large quantities of plant-based dyes at its dyeing mill in Taoyuan, northern Taiwan. “Plant dyeing actually has a long history throughout the world as well as in Taiwan—the indigo dyeing for which Sanxia [a suburban neighborhood in New Taipei City] is famous being one major example here. But I’m the pioneer in industrializing production,” Hong says. In addition, the company purchases natural plant dyes from abroad in order to offer a wider range of colors.

Following environmentally friendly practices is becoming a trend in the local textile sector, and without a doubt DA.AI Technology Co. is one of the leaders in this respect. An affiliate of the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, a nonprofit religious organization known for its charity work around the world, DA.AI was founded by five Taiwanese entrepreneurs in December 2008 with the aim of developing environmentally friendly products. It does so by recycling used PET bottles into fabrics, and is now a major player among eco-friendly textile manufacturers inTaiwan.

A volunteer sorts bottles at a recycling depot in Taipei managed by the Tzu Chi Foundation. (Photo by Chang Su-ching)By the end of 2012, DA.AI, which means “great love,” had recycled more than 250 million used PET bottles to produce fabric. It takes around 130,000 liters of oil to produce that many bottles, according to DA.AI, a resource that would otherwise have gone to waste if the bottles were simply discarded after their first use.

James Lee (李鼎銘), one of the company’s founders, says DA.AI has moved one step further by introducing the cradle-to-cradle (C2C) concept to its production line. Now a world trend, C2Crefers to designing products that are easily recycled at the end of their life. In 2010, the Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency, a consultancy company based in Germany, set up a branch in Taiwan and helped form an alliance of C2C-conscious organizations including the Cabinet-level Environmental Protection Administration and various businesses. DA.AI is one of eight companies inTaiwan’s textile sector that takes part in the group.

In 2012, DA.AI won C2Csilver-level certification from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, a nongovernmental organization based in theUnited States. The Taiwanese firm received the accreditation for its pollution-free reuse of materials as its products are made only from recycled bottles and are dyed without additional chemicals or water. DA.AI was Asia’s first enterprise that uses recycled PET bottles as a raw material to win accreditation from theUSinstitute. The next goal for DA.AI is to improve its rating in the group’s five-tier system by ensuring its own products are easy to recycle.

76,000 Volunteers
Despite DA.AI’s effort to make the most of waste materials, however, Lee emphasizes that the company is noteworthy mainly because of the way in which it operates. While the firm is only a medium-sized venture in terms of revenue among local textile manufacturers, DA.AI relies on about 76,000 volunteers who prepare the waste bottles for reuse at some 5,400 stations around the island that are managed by the Tzu Chi Foundation. “When you wear clothing bearing the DA.AI brand, you feel the selfless love of the many Taiwanese volunteers. That’s something missing in other enterprises,” Lee says. In addition, the some 50 businesses involved in turning the bottles into finished clothing products offer their services at a discount. “They contribute their expertise to partner with DA.AI because they identify with Tzu Chi and its charity work,” Lee adds. In 2012 the company earned revenue of NT$300 million (US$10 million), with its net profit donated to the Tzu Chi Foundation. In 2011, within just three years of its formation, DA.AI won the top corporate social responsibility award in the category of public interest promotion from Global Views Monthly, a well-known Chinese-language business magazine inTaiwan.

To build closer links with its customers, DA.AI attaches quick response codes to its clothing to enable consumers to access a short video featuring several of the volunteers who handle the used bottles. Clothing items are also tagged with information about where and when the bottles were recycled. This is a significant step in building consumer trust, as some companies manufacture bottles solely in order to “recycle” them into fabric, TTF’s Huang says. In this way, companies are able to use new plastic, which presents fewer problems during production, but retain the appearance of making eco-friendly products.

Thanks to DA.AI and the growing number of local enterprises devoted to producing fabrics made from recycled bottles, such fabrics have improved in performance and are becoming better known worldwide. At the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, for example, of the 32 national soccer teams playing in one of the world’s most important sporting events, the nine teams sponsored by Nike Inc. wore uniforms made in Taiwan from recycled PET bottles processed by Far Eastern New Century Corp., a major local fabric maker.

Fabric made from recycled plastic bottles can create chic and fashionable clothing. Models display garments by DA.AI at the 2012 Taipei IN Style show in October that year. (Photo Courtesy of DA.AI Technology Co.)In 2012, DA.AI hosted 309 presentations and exhibitions throughoutTaiwanand abroad promoting its eco-friendly goods in order to expand their appeal among the general public, as Lee acknowledges that currently most of the company’s products are bought by Tzu Chi followers. The company also invited local fashion designers to work with its in-house design team to produce a line of clothing. The designs were exhibited at the Taipei IN Style fashion show organized by TTF in mid-October that year, and the company plans to put some of the styles into production.

Colors of Nature
BeBe Cotton hopes the growing environmental consciousness among consumers will boost sales of its products. According to Hong, fabrics colored with plant dyes are about 30 percent more expensive than those dyed by conventional methods. In addition, it is easier for such fabrics to fade after long exposure to sunlight, which explains why they are mostly used for underwear and indoor clothing. The company is banking on consumers’ concern about the environment outweighing such considerations. For now, naturally dyed fabrics account for more than 10 percent of the company’s income, but Hong expects sales to grow, adding that several of the company’s clients, after making exploratory initial purchases, have already placed second orders.

Looking to the future, Singtex is poised to step up its S.Café branding effort while expanding applications of the yarn. Currently, its odor-resistant fabric is used by about 60 brands at home and abroad to make a range of products from handbags, shoe insoles and lingerie to clothing for cyclists. “MainlandChinais catching up at a faster pace than you’d imagine,” Chiang says of the improved quality and performance of fabrics manufactured there, explaining that the need to remain competitive is another reason for building the S.Café brand. The company hopes to become more visible by also marketing coffee oil, the major by-product of the yarn-making process, as an additive for shampoo, soap and other cosmetics products.

TTF’s Huang says Taiwan was capable of making only single-function fabrics about six years ago, but today all of the large players in the sector can produce multi-functional textiles that are simultaneously waterproof, ultrathin and have a high ultraviolet protection factor, for example. Moreover, although enterprises in mainlandChinaare followingTaiwanclosely, Huang notes that the defect rate for mainland Chinese multi-functional fabrics is relatively high. Still, to stay competitive, he saysTaiwan’s fabric mills have tried to add even more value to their products by offering design services for their clients, a trend that has become especially evident since 2008. “Function plus fashion—that’s the catchphrase in the sector today,” says Huang, noting that nearly all local fabric makers now employ in-house fashion designers.

“There’re so many fabric makers across the world. How can you attract serious attention from buyers in such a competitive environment?” he asks. Known for their ability to adapt to world trends, Taiwanese businesses certainly have the answer.

COPIED FROM Taiwan Review issue March 2013 http://taiwanreview.nat.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=201775&CtNode=1446

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Friday, 15 March 2013

新衣的祕密(3)水汙染 How polluted are the rivers?

According to statistics, Taiwan`s produces some 60,000 metric tons and uses up to 10,000 metric tons of no-nyl-phe-nol a year. Read more

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As Xinpu(新埔) Elementary School in New Taipei City is under Read more

齊心『拾福』你我他 落實責任日不落

   雖然部分員工曾經參訪過內湖環保教育園區,但年度舉辦的環保教育課程還是讓大家驚喜萬分。環保站貫徹紙類、瓶罐、玻璃、塑膠的分類與回收、拆解區電器用品回收與惜福屋再利用,這些和生活息息相關的每一小步,都啟發著參訪的同仁。他們很難想像平時隨手一扔的空寶特瓶,竟能轉化成國內外救援用的環保毛毯、衣物以及實用的環保織品,對於內湖環保教育園區把每一個資源回收做的如此徹底,無不表達讚嘆和欽佩。環保實做更讓大家體恤到環保菩薩平日作資源回收的辛苦,更反思自己在無形中消費與生活習慣對地球造成的傷害與負擔,圖說:大愛感恩科技協理 珊明師兄幽默風趣且專業的分享下,帶領大家認識大愛感恩科技和環保的重要性,也讓在場的興采實業員工們對於自己能在如此有環保意識的公司裡就業,深感幸福與珍惜。《靜思語》中『你丟我撿,丟者消福,撿者拾福』的概念,透過解說的過程,相信已烙印在參訪者的心中。
   除了開發環保布料製成服飾、生活織品外,大愛更整合紡織業上、中、下游,導入環保理念於生產中,興采實業亦是大愛感恩科技合作廠商之一,在大愛感恩科技協理 珊明師兄幽默風趣且專業的分享下,讓在場的興采實業員工們深感:『身為此愛心平台接力的一環,亦感幸福與珍惜』。半天的活動下來,深刻體會到社會公民力量,大至國家的力量,其根源都源自於每個人發心來做,許多員工們都意猶未盡,紛紛表示此趟參訪真的不虛此行。興采實業副總 賴美惠也藉此勉勵同仁:「希望此次的教育課程不只是感動,更要化感動為行動,一起為地球付出一己之力。」誠如 證嚴法師慈示:「做環保的手、是最美的手。」希望每個人從此時此刻起,皆能捲起衣袖,從日常生活中確實做好環保,為我們的下一代留下青山綠水,許下一代一個乾淨的地球。

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齊心『拾福』你我他 落實責任日不落 (2)

   雖然部分員工曾經參訪過內湖環保教育園區,但年度舉辦的環保教育課程還是讓大家驚喜萬分。環保站貫徹紙類、瓶罐、玻璃、塑膠的分類與回收、拆解區電器用品回收與惜福屋再利用,這些和生活息息相關的每一小步,都啟發著參訪的同仁。他們很難想像平時隨手一扔的空寶特瓶,竟能轉化成國內外救援用的環保毛毯、衣物以及實用的環保織品,對於內湖環保教育園區把每一個資源回收做的如此徹底,無不表達讚嘆和欽佩。環保實做更讓大家體恤到環保菩薩平日作資源回收的辛苦,更反思自己在無形中消費與生活習慣對地球造成的傷害與負擔,圖說:大愛感恩科技協理 珊明師兄幽默風趣且專業的分享下,帶領大家認識大愛感恩科技和環保的重要性,也讓在場的興采實業員工們對於自己能在如此有環保意識的公司裡就業,深感幸福與珍惜。《靜思語》中『你丟我撿,丟者消福,撿者拾福』的概念,透過解說的過程,相信已烙印在參訪者的心中。
   除了開發環保布料製成服飾、生活織品外,大愛更整合紡織業上、中、下游,導入環保理念於生產中,興采實業亦是大愛感恩科技合作廠商之一,在大愛感恩科技協理 珊明師兄幽默風趣且專業的分享下,讓在場的興采實業員工們深感:『身為此愛心平台接力的一環,亦感幸福與珍惜』。半天的活動下來,深刻體會到社會公民力量,大至國家的力量,其根源都源自於每個人發心來做,許多員工們都意猶未盡,紛紛表示此趟參訪真的不虛此行。興采實業副總 賴美惠也藉此勉勵同仁:「希望此次的教育課程不只是感動,更要化感動為行動,一起為地球付出一己之力。」誠如 證嚴法師慈示:「做環保的手、是最美的手。」希望每個人從此時此刻起,皆能捲起衣袖,從日常生活中確實做好環保,為我們的下一代留下青山綠水,許下一代一個乾淨的地球。

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Thursday, 14 March 2013

職志合一耕福田 南非送愛聚善念


晚上七時,內湖環保園區內,卻燈火通明,40多位的慈濟志工齊聚一堂,要把將近兩萬五千條的灰色賑災毛毯分裝入4大貨櫃中,運到南非作為冬令發放的物資。因大愛感恩科技與灰色賑災毛毯有很深的淵源,因此也特別鼓勵公司同仁前來協助。秉持著職志合一的精神,共有9位大愛感恩科技的同仁,在下班後主動前來,與慈濟志工們一起將賑災毛毯裝櫃。在資深的慈濟志工  梁連登師兄的指揮下,大家合和互協,分成四小組進行裝櫃。不少大愛感恩科技的同仁都是第一次參與裝櫃,其中大愛感恩的同仁  益誠師兄分享說:「這是難得的因緣,有時間當然就要來參與,也希望這些毛毯能夠成為南非居民溫暖的依靠,當然還是希望天下能夠無災無難。」

圖說:秉持著「做好事不能少我一人與職志合一」的精神,大愛感恩科技同仁與慈濟志工們把握好因緣耕種福田,珍惜每一個付出的機會,讓每一條灰色毛毯、每份物資都充滿了愛與祝福。另外,還有一位同仁不只是自己把握因緣前來耕種福田,就連自己的姐姐也一同前來支援,明瑩師姐表示:「  上人所傳的法這麼好,深切的悲憫裡,有對世人實踐中的愛,因為見到親人屢屢忙於家庭與事業,無法參與國內外賑災親力親為的工作,希望親人亦能把握機會,常養慈悲慧命」 姐姐幸如感動地說:「有緣參與大愛與內湖園區賑災毛毯裝櫃工作,見證到大愛同仁與社區志工在約一小時多的時間完成了四個40呎大貨櫃的工作,將近兩萬五千條南非冬令發放毛毯整齊迅速地裝入貨櫃,更見識到慈濟志、職工們的專業與效率。」曾經多次參與國際勸募,「但此次最為感動,因為身體力行。」


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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

新衣的祕密(1)新衣有毒 The alarming truth behind fashion

According to statistics, roughly 80 billion garments are manufactured annually worldwide. Studies conducted by environmental organizations at the end of 2012 show, of the samples collected, 60 percent of the garments contained toxic chemicals. Let`s take a look, at the hidden danger, behind the clothing we wear. 

根據統計,全世界每年大約生產800億件服裝,環保團體在去年底,抽查品牌成衣,竟然發現六成以上,竟然都帶有有毒化學物質,一起來看看隱藏在衣服背後的危機。 Read more

致理師生環保 Knowing recycling & doing recycling

In Taiwan, students at Chihlee(致理) Institute of Technology from Banqiao(板橋) of New Taipei City, recently visited Taipei`s Bade(八德) Recycling Station, to learn more about the practice of sorting recyclables. Everyone found the event helpful and vowed to continue to protect the environment in the days ahead. 

在台灣,新北市板橋致理技術學院的學生,前往台北市的八德環保站,體驗做環保的甘苦,這群大學生認為,這樣的活動很有幫助,並且發願要保護地球。 Read more

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

2013, 4/12, 慈濟大學校園徵才就業博覽會

相關心聞:慈大就業博覽會 積極使命責任心

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Monday, 11 March 2013

內在美綠色風潮 安全無染行國際

隨著民眾環保意識的逐漸提高,就連女性貼身內衣領域也掀起了一陣綠色環保的風潮,大愛感恩科技擴大織品領域,與兩岸廠商合作,利用環保大愛紗製作一系列環保無染貼身系列產品,並在著名國際展覽進行展示,反應熱烈,甚至吸引不少歐洲廠商詢問合作的可能性!主要產品為高透氣三層布、高針密精緻布與其獨特的創意設計。合作夥伴都是歐美著名的內衣品牌商,包括美國維多利亞的秘密(Victoria Secret)、德國黛安芬(Triumph)、與法國仙黛爾(Chantelle)等。


貼身衣物的服裝設計,關係著材料、服裝力學、人體功學與造型美學等多種綜合圖說:在國外推廣由寶特瓶製成的內衣時,也不忘告知大眾使用回收紡製品對於環境友善的程度,發揮自身的影響力,教育消費者「環保大愛紗」無染色、無漂白的材質處理過程,減少碳足跡的排放,也大量減少紡織界染色過程大量水、電、石油等自然資源浪費。的專業,由於合作廠商發揮專業良能,深知貼身衣物的重要性,更致力於創新材質的運用,除保留聚酯纖維,疏濕、透氣、易清洗的特質,更重要的是「環保大愛紗」無染色、無漂白的材質處理過程,減少碳足跡的排放,也大量減少紡織界染色過程大量水、電、石油等自然資源浪費。保留飲用水瓶原色色紗織造出蘋果綠(apple green)與象牙白(ivory white)兩種無添加為訴求的環保內衣,考量健康、機能、環保並重的需求,讓女性消費者輕鬆無負擔地享受內在美,同時正以行動實踐環保。


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International Elite Students Plant Bodhi Seeds in Heart Fields DA.AI Tech Educates Them with Gratitude and Great Love-2

[Caption]Students as Bodhi seeds from the Joint Master of Global Entrepreneurship and Management Program visited Tzu Chi Nei-Hu Recycling Center. Through a comprehensive presentation, self-experience in recycling, and the promotion of DA.AI’s core values, they hope to understand and learn the management of the non-profit organization.Through the DA.AI presentation, students had their first exposure to a Taiwanese non-government organization and Taiwan’s first socially responsible green enterprise. They also learned that DA.AI  donates 100% of its net proceeds to charity. The students were surprised and impressed. 
Other businesses may be in the business of making huge profits; but DA.AI Technology places more emphasis on core values: Culture of Environmental Protection, Cycle of Love, and Contribution to Soy. DA.AI hopes the visitors will study business management and further dedicate themselves to the development of non-profit businesses and organizations in the future from a different viewpoint.

During their introduction to DA.AI’s eco-friendly apparel, students touching it for the first time greatly admired and supported DA.AI, although they hadn’t heard about it before. DA.AI hopes that these future leaders will not only plant Bodhi seeds in their heart fields, but also influence other people after the visit to Nei-Hu Recycling Center. They should also be able to promote Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s concept of “Coexist with the Earth” and encourage more and more people all over the world to jointly protect Mother Earth—our only home!

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Saturday, 09 March 2013

大愛服儀人文美 感念親恩護大地

圖說:大愛感恩的傳薪系列以「甕」為設計概念,外行圓融,內藏儉樸。 十年前,在台灣慈濟志工的協助下,菲律賓慈濟人首度把《父母恩重難報經》搬上舞台公演;十年後,美善的力量已經在菲律賓生根發芽,由菲律賓的慈濟人自行規劃與承擔,再度把這部孝道經典以音樂手語劇的方式呈現,跨過語言與宗教的障礙,讓當地的民眾皆感動不已。


傳薪系列的服飾設計以「甕」為靈感,是早期台灣女性醃製蔬果的器皿。設計師藉由「甕」的外型傳達「儉樸」與「續物命 造福慧」的意涵。藉由高雅儉約的中國風服飾,把演出者內在的自然氣質和修為襯托出來,煥發出歷久彌新的服儀人文之美,讓整個演出更為端莊優雅。


圖說:100%以大愛環保再生布料無後染,造型簡約,散發清逸婉約的衣著之美,讓整個演出更為端莊。就如同 證嚴法師所說,「修行,主要是『修心於內而顯於外』。心在內沒人看得見,惟有藉行於外的整齊以顯示內在的清淨。」大愛感恩科技將全省環保菩薩回收的一號飲用水瓶,轉換成一絲一縷的環保服飾,在細節中展現由內而外的禮儀風度,設計出「淨化人心、祥和社會」的人文服儀之美,讓穿衣服的人不僅穿出對他人與他人的尊重,更傳遞了愛護地球的觀念。

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Friday, 08 March 2013

Hsinchu County Community Director Thanks to the Volunteers of 2013 Taiwan Lantern Festival

The 2013 Taiwan Lantern Festival is held in Hsinchu(新竹) this year, and recruited volunteers from schools, businesses and Tzu Chi to join in, to help keep the festival grounds clean. Volunteers ranged from 16-year-old students to an 83-year-old retired teacher, with all united in the goal of promoting environmental concepts to festival-goers.



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看大愛做環保+90歲做環保 The Seniors Safeguard The Planet By Sorting Recyclables

In our next report, we meet two senior recycling volunteers, 90-year-old Hong Huowang(洪火旺) and 87-year-old Ruan Chengcai(阮成財). In spite of their advanced age, the seniors say that, they will continue to safeguard the planet by sorting recyclables. 

下一則新聞,我們來認識90歲的洪火旺,還有87歲的阮成財,特別的是,兩個人都是環保志工,雖然高齡,但他們說會繼續做環保,來保護我們的大地之母。 Read more

承擔大愛的善緣 實業家的社會責任

圖說:鼎銘師兄分享「實業家的社會責任」,藉由分享大愛感恩科技「環保人文、愛心接力、完全回饋」的核心價值,拋磚引玉,呼籲更多社會菁英及實業家志工,共同成為掘井人。    「實質且腳踏實地利益人群、做公益,互相激勵,做為一位富中貴人。」是    證嚴上人對於參加全球實業家靜思生活營的學員所做的期許。每年一次的營隊秉持著「教富濟貧、濟貧教富」之理念,期待能為這群帶動社會經濟脈絡的實業家開啟一扇方便法門。慈濟志業超越種族、國界,以及宗教信仰,此次參與的學員八方雲集,分別有來自馬來西亞、美國、新加坡、澳洲、中國大陸、臺灣等七個國家,共661位的實業家,透過精心設計的課程,將慈濟四大志業、八大法印以多元化的方式烙印於學員的心中。
   大愛感恩科技公司發起人之一鼎銘師兄,以實業家及慈濟志工身份應邀出席分享,以「實業家的社會責任」為題,參與慈濟到全身投入慈濟公益企業的心路歷程。  因為加入慈濟得以發揮良能,由企業轉志業,與其他四位慈濟實業家志工創立了大愛感恩科技公司,推廣環保科技織品守護地球,擔起掘井人的角色。 

品德典範  傳家之寶
   鼎銘師兄的父親是影響他一生最深的長者。分享的一開始,鼎銘師兄便以父親的故事描繪他心中的品德典範。鼎銘師兄的父親李宗吉菩薩是位發願一生追隨 證嚴上人,從一而終的實業家,短短的影片分享了十年前大愛電視台拍攝的「望海」,父親的故事,一位自幼失學的年輕學子,如何於逆境中逆爭上游成就事業,加入慈濟後,更終生護持慈濟志業。父親為人謙和、奉獻大愛,從小受到父親身教的影響,鼎銘師兄學習著孝順與勤儉克己的家風,他堅信品德身教這是留給後輩最無價的寶。 也分享著兒子願追隨自己的腳步參與培訓,立願成為授證委員,他感恩的說道,這就是最好的傳承。

對的事情  做就對了
   鼎銘師兄秉持父親的一念心跟隨  證嚴上人,對於護持慈濟志業,做  證嚴上人所期望做的事,從來都是不遺餘力。1990年  證嚴上人提倡用鼓掌的雙手做環保。  為了積極推廣「續物命,造福慧」的環保人文教育理念,同時也為了護持慈濟四大志業,「慈濟國際人道援助會」的五位實業家志工在  證嚴上人慈準下合力發起成立大愛感恩科技公益企業,整合/購買全省環保菩薩回收的飲用水寶特瓶,結合有愛心專業的實業家運用科技製成各項環保產品,讓這些物命展現愛的光輝。並且將投資及盈餘完全捐為慈濟基金會做慈善、國內外賑災及社會公益之用。

一生無量  無量一生
   鼎銘師兄也以美國投資家、企業家及慈善家巴菲特將其資產捐獻給慈善機構為例,分享這位大企業家所領悟到的智慧。「做好事不能少我一人」在日不落的慈濟世界中,不只是慈善志業,四大八法都需要每一個人的投入與護持。藉由大愛感恩科技平台, 從實業家志工捐資發起、環保菩薩無私付出到合作夥伴的愛心/專業接力,再藉由慈濟回饋社會,期盼成為拋磚引玉的先鋒,從一生百千萬,一生無量帶動更多善的種子投入環保志業,一起與地球共生息。

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Thursday, 07 March 2013

逛燈會 老少盡興而歸






文章轉載自:慈濟全球社區網 2013/02/27 |◎詹明珠、柯瑪琍/臺北市報導
http://tw.tzuchi.org/community/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=41180:3DDB0482935414DC48257B200055E0FB&catid=90:2009-12-21-02-51-46&Itemid=290 Read more

燈會說環保 臺北愛心傳永續





圖左 : 志工親切地請小朋友觸摸回收寶特瓶再製抽紗,並說明環保志工很用心的清潔回收瓶,才能織出好紗來做質感好的衣物、毛毯。[攝影者:謝木華]


撰文擷錄:慈濟全球社區網 ◎陳秋容/臺北市報導

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At the Hsinchu(新竹) Lantern Festival, in Taiwan, which will continue till March 10th, Tzu Chi volunteers are on site to promote recycling concepts. Students and parents from Tzu Chi’s parent-and-child class joined the volunteers at the event, in raising environmental awareness among festival-goers. 

新竹的台灣燈會會持續進行到3月10日,慈濟志工在燈會現場宣導垃圾不落地,親子成長班的學員跟家長也一起來參加,要提升大眾環保意識。  Read more

Wednesday, 06 March 2013

齊心做環保+林口社區環保 Safeguard the planet

Recently, Taiwan Tzu Chi volunteers, held an event to raise recycling awareness within the community of Linkou(林口), New Taipei City. While in Hualien, over 100 Tzu Chi volunteers were mobilized, to assist with the large volume of recyclables, accumulated during the Chinese New Year, at the Hualien Recycling Station. Here`s more. 

最近台灣的慈濟志工,在新北市的林口,舉辦環保宣導活動,而在花蓮 超過百位志工,協助花蓮,環保教育站的回收分類,一起來看看。 Read more

菲嘉年華慈濟車 TC invited to Sorteo Festival

In the Philippines, the Sor-teo Festival, is held every 3 years, in Ca-mona of Ca-vite Province. This year, Tzu Chi was invited to attend the event. Tzu Chi volunteers used recyclables, to decorate the Tzu Chi float, taking the opportunity to promote recycling as well. And, at the conclusion of the festival, Tzu Chi volunteers took the lead, and began carrying out regular recycling work, within communities. 

菲律賓的甲美地省卡莫納市,每三年會舉一次嘉年華慶典,今年慈濟也受邀請參加,志工利用回收資源,裝飾慈濟花車,也藉此宣導環保,同時也在慶典過後,開始在卡莫納市的社區裡,推動資源回收工作。 Read more

Tuesday, 05 March 2013

新竹燈會回收Hsinchu(新竹) Lantern Festival

In Taiwan, at the Hsinchu(新竹) Lantern Festival which will conclude on March 10th, a total of 2,000 Tzu Chi volunteers are mobilized, and will continue to promote recycling. The government also carried out a survey, and found that most participants were impressed by the volunteers’ actions. 

在台灣,新竹燈會將於3月10日結束,這段時間慈濟志工總共動員了兩千人,透過實際行動來宣導環保,新竹縣政府也為環境維護滿意度做調查,發現許多人對現場有志工宣導環保印象深刻。 Read more

台北燈節環保Taipei Lantern Festival

Last Sunday, March 3rd, was the last day of the Taipei Lantern Festival. On site, Tzu Chi volunteers seized the opportunity to remind passersby of the importance of environmentalism. Meanwhile, Tzu Chi volunteer Chen Shenglong(陳勝隆) was also present, to display his works of art, made out of recycled materials. 

上個星期天三月三日是台北燈節的最後一天,活動上,慈濟志工利用機會提醒民眾環保的重要性,同時,慈濟志工陳勝隆更展示自己用回收物做出的藝術品。 Read more

Monday, 04 March 2013

International Elite Students Plant Bodhi Seeds in Heart Fields DA.AI Tech Educates Them with Gratitude and Great Love-1

[Caption] In her presentation Ming-Ying (right) DA.AI Technology staff member, introduced the way DA.AI Technology was founded and shared the concept of environmental protection with students from the Joint Master of Global Entrepreneurship and Management ProgramSince being founded, DA.AI Technology has welcomed each opportunity to promote environmental protection. Working with the Government, the industry, and academic circles, DA.AI has aggressively devoted itself to sharing experience and promoting the concept of saving the earth. This concept has been conveyed to various audiences in appropriate fashion.
Last year, over 300 DA.AI speeches were warmly received. For example, early in 2013 Associate Professor and Dean of Student Affairs at Fu-Jen University Bai-Chuan Yang met with students from the US, Spain, France, China, Israel, Honduras, and Taiwan in The Joint Master of Global Entrepreneurship and Management Program, or JMGEM). This group of forty two people visited Tzu Chi’s Nei-Hu Recycling Center.

While enjoying DA.AI’s thought-provoking presentation and hands-on experience of recycling, these students got to know the eco-friendly products, principles and social responsibilities of DA.AI Technology--the first non-profit green socially responsible enterprise.
Professor Yang--a veteran student of and lecturer on “Human Resources and Management”--helped nurture the students’ potential as international seeds for solutions to pressing global issues, as they experienced the Recycling Center.  

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Saturday, 02 March 2013

人文推廣心感恩 勇猛承擔志合一

大愛感恩科技執行董事 李鼎銘在「第六聯區人文推廣志工聯誼感恩茶會」分享自己與慈濟因緣故事及承擔大愛感恩科技志工的心得,讓在場的每一位都因他付出無所求,勇猛精進的精神打動。為回饋與感恩社區志工們全年度的愛心付出,慈濟三大志業體-靜思書軒、經典人文雜誌、大愛感恩科技於2月24日在板橋園區聯合舉辦「第六聯區人文推廣志工聯誼感恩茶會」,現場共邀請了八十多位志工菩薩共襄盛舉。2012年板橋園區舉辦大型活動的次數之多,居全省慈濟前三名一場場愛心接力的活動,整合了社區志工的應變規劃能力及團結凝聚力。由靜思小志工及社區大學國樂社演奏優美的音樂為這場感恩茶會拉開序幕,接著由板橋靜思書軒、三峽靜思書軒、經典人文雜誌以及大愛感恩科技等志職工代表,輪流上台分享「好事,需要你、我、他共同來成就。」


這場充滿愛與感恩的志工聯誼感恩茶會,匯聚海內外社區志工們的熱心支持與護持,在眾人彼此的祝福下圓滿結束,每位參與者的在心靈上都獲得清流洗滌、法喜充滿,並成為未來精進的動力,啟發志工們職志合一的心念。「廣邀天下善士,大家同耕一方大福田」,以此自勉並期許會眾能夠發揮眾人的力量,借力使力,傳播美善,接引更多人投入人文志業志工的行列,不僅僅是耕種福田增長智慧,更是為守護我們的地球盡一分力,實踐  證嚴法師對大愛感恩科技的期勉,要以掘井人的精神,不斷深入掘出活泉,並以此清流淨化人心。

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Friday, 01 March 2013

Tzu Chi Volunteer Lin Zhengzhong

Tzu Chi Volunteer Lin Zhengzhong

Taoyuan Tzu Chi volunteer Lin Zhengzhong(林正忠) used to smoke, drink, and gamble. With his marriage close to the breaking point, Lin decided to turn over a new leaf and together the couple later joined Tzu Chi. Now Lin is, in every aspect, the model husband, and was even awarded the Senior Model Award by Taoyuan County for his efforts.


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搬家先找環保站 七旬培訓發心不遲


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菲繹恩重難報經 心靈環保護孝行

圖說:建築師 帕拉佛克斯:「真的很令人感動,也從中學到行善付出,是我們回報父母恩的方式。」(影像來源:擷取自大愛電視台)慈濟菲律賓分會於2月24日,在新港城藝術劇院(Newport Performing Arts Theater) 公演音樂手語劇《父母恩重難報經》。這次演繹,凝聚了各行各業的人士投入。最令人感動的是,演繹的場地是由劇院老闆免費提供,希望透過護持能夠為傳播的善法儘一份心力。緣起於2009年在凱莎娜風災中受創嚴重的馬利僅那市,經由慈濟志工的幫助,市容恢復迅速,也因而帶動馬利僅那市投入環保工作,學習慈濟經驗與人文,馬利僅那市長古茲曼因此也深悟 證嚴法師所殷切教導世間上有兩件事不能等,一是行孝,二是行善。他有感而發:「這個公演讓我們知道,如何做個好父母,要當孩子的模範。」此中看似簡單卻意寓深刻的道理。


圖說:慈濟菲律賓分會執行長 李偉嵩:「大家都在流眼淚,我們有達到啟發他們,對父母的愛心,啟發他們的孝心。」 流傳千年的佛陀智慧,跨越語言,宗教,再次得到共鳴。(影像來源:擷取自大愛電視台) Read more

新春團拜愛延續 慈悲科技善遠播

圖說:慈濟四大志業、八大法印各代表,化身為八仙報喜,獻上一句新春吉祥話。新春團拜也是一個感恩的春節茶會,不僅是為世界各地祈福,同時也希冀慈悲與科技結合所發揮出來愛與善的效應,在未來能夠持續綿延。【攝影:魏國林】元宵節,象徵著春天的到來,也是傳統春節定義的最後一天。慈濟國際人道援助會--Tzu Chi International Humanitarian Aid Association(簡稱「人援會」,--TIHAA)以祈福與感恩的心,邀請北區榮董實業家們、工研院、資深音樂人李壽全老師與各界先進,共聚一堂,舉辦新春團拜活動。透過新春團拜,為世界各地祈福,同時也希冀慈悲與科技結合所發揮出來愛與善的效應,在未來能夠持續綿延。


業界先進與榮董實業家們,歡慶新春、拜晚年外,更實踐 證嚴法師對於「富貴」的教誨「能付出力量就是富,能讚嘆他人就是貴,見善隨喜力行布施,才是真正富貴之人」,歡慶之餘亦提醒有福之人,不忘承擔天下事,造福苦難人群之使命。慈濟人援會總召黃華德在接受大愛電視台的訪問時表示,其實新春團拜也是一個感恩春節的茶會,藉由茶聚表達出眾人的感恩心。其實人援會的五位召集人皆是大愛感恩科技的發起人,因謹記 證嚴法師的叮嚀,在富有之餘,亦能奉獻己力,為人群付出,提點自身越是富有的人,要勇於承擔利益眾生的重責大任。

透過賑災與慈悲救援,見苦知福之餘更要設身處地,以疼惜災民的心研發賑災物資。人援會正是這樣一個融合慈悲與科技的愛心平台,身兼召集人之一的慈濟志工 魏應充師兄亦表示:「人援會就是我們慈濟在全球發生災難的時候,當為我們一個緊急災難的後盾,這是我們現在的定位跟使命。」迎接新的一年,期許大愛感恩科技能夠持續透過這個愛心平台,除了善盡環保教育推廣,清靜大地、淨化人心,落實「與地球共生息」的使命外,更化身為慈悲的後盾,接引更多菩薩加入,發揮各自的良能,延續並傳遞愛與善到世界各角落。 Read more

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Cleaning up following Lantern Festival

北元宵環保Cleaning up following Lantern Festival

In Taiwan, on the day of the Lantern Festival, local residents in Neihu(內湖) District of Taipei, attended a parade, in which they bombard the Earth God with firecrackers, as a part of the traditions. After the event, over 60 Tzu Chi volunteers arrived to clean up the garbage left behind, and also promoted recycling ideals to parade-goers.



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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Environmentalism at Lantern Festival

Taiwan`s annual lantern festival was held this year in Hsinchu(新竹), and saw over 10,000 visitors participating. To keep the festival site clean, Tzu Chi mobilized 2,000 shifts of volunteers, to clean up and promote environmentalism. To encourage members of the public to join Tzu Chi`s ranks, Tzu Chings invented a catchy slogan and made sign-boards with eco-friendly LED bulbs. Let`s take a look. 

台灣燈會今年在新竹舉行,賞燈人潮超過萬人,慈濟志工將動員二千人次,投入環境清潔以及宣導環保,為了鼓勵民眾加入慈濟行列,慈青發明了標語,利用環保LED燈製作看板,還設計名牌和大頭娃娃,一起來看看。 Read more

New recycling station in Selangor of Malaysia

馬環保站啟用New recycling station in Selangor of Malaysia

Following a year of negotiation, the Tzu Chi Bu-kit Je-lu-tong Recycling Station, in Selangor of Malaysia, finally received government approval to begin operations. The site, which was once full of garbage, was transformed into a recycling station, to take on the responsibility of protecting the environment. On the day of the opening ceremony, the mayor of Shah A-lam City also attended. 


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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Musical of Buddhist sutra

Last weekend, on February 24th, the Philippines Tzu Chi Chapter put on the musical ren-dition of the Sutra of Profound Gratitude to Pare Read more

Rejoining the ranks of Tzu Chi


反轉手心(郭順正)Rejoining the ranks of Tzu Chi 

In Fengyuan(豐原) District, Taichung(台中), regressed Tzu Chi volunteer Guo Shunzheng(郭順正) had met with some difficulties in his business, that left him depressed; however, after a devastating fire last year, Tzu Chi once again became part of his life. Now, Guo(郭) is back to Tzu Chi and happily doing recycling.


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Recycling at lantern festival

台灣燈會環保+高雄燈會成果Recycling at lantern festival 
The annual lantern festivals held throughout Taiwan, are an event not to miss, However, with the large crowds also come large amount of garbage. Hence, the organizing committees of the lantern festival, in both Kaohsiung (高雄) and Hsinchu (新竹) invited Tzu Chi volunteers, to promote environmental awareness at the festival. 
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父母恩重難報經 菲國志工演繹

慈濟菲律賓分會,公演音樂手語劇父母恩重難報經,有三百零二位志工走入經藏,有二千四百多位觀眾參與,十年前這部孝道經典,就曾在菲律賓公演過,當年的演繹的慈青現在擔任父母角色,當年 Read more

Monday, 25 February 2013

國際植福培心田 大愛感恩育菁英

圖說:大愛感恩科技同仁明瑩師姊 (右二),詳細解說大愛成立緣由予「三聯國際企管碩士學程」國際企管碩士生們,藉此傳達與推廣環保教育。大愛感恩科技自成立以來,珍惜每一次對外推廣環保理念的機會,不管是官方、產業界、或學術界等邀請,必定把握任何因緣積極分享,藉此推廣並傳達環保理念,深植人心,去年即完成 309場的推廣分享。22日上午,來自美國、西班牙、法國、中國大陸、以色列、宏都拉斯以及台灣本地的「三聯國際企管碩士學程」(The Joint Master of Global Entrepreneurship and Management Program, jMGEM)學生們,一行四十二人,齊聚慈濟內湖環保園區,在輔仁大學企業管理學系副教授兼學務長楊百川帶領下,藉由慈濟人文講解、體驗環保實做,與大愛品牌核心價值推廣,使其了解公益型社會企業的經營理念及社會責任;長期研究人力資源管理,並為台灣多家知名企業授課的楊教授嘗試讓這群國際種子,在環保站找答案,從參訪體驗中領略經營管理哲學!

在大愛感恩科技員工的詳細解說下,學生們首次接觸真正從臺灣本土所發展的NGO (Non-Governmental Organization),認識大愛感恩科技為台灣第一家環保公益企業,也是全球第一家百分之百回饋社會的NPC (Non Profit Company) 代表之典範,均感到不可思議。在商業的普世價值裡,企業經營無不以獲利為最終目的,但是大愛感恩科技的核心價值「環保人文、愛心接力、完全回饋」,啟發他們用慈悲善心轉智慧良能,也希冀透過這個啟蒙的過程,讓這群環保菁英對企業經營產生不同的見解,並反饋於自身往後企業體、或國家非營利事業機構的發展,進而產生不同的省思與做法。

圖說:「三聯國際企管碩士學程」這群菩提種子來到慈濟內湖環保教育站參訪, 藉由慈濟人文講解、體驗環保實做、與大愛品牌核心價值推廣,希望了解非營利組織的經營管理。當介紹大愛感恩科技的環保織品時,有些學生雖然早已聽聞,但是當第一次親自觸摸其織品的觸感,無不對大愛感恩科技給予高價的讚賞和護持。期許這群來自國內外的學生們,在經過在參訪內湖環保教育園區的洗禮下,心中已種下菩提種子,當這群地球村的社會菁英日後在各行各業、各個角落萌芽茁壯後,延續這份善念的影響力,必定能將 證嚴法師「與地球共生息」的理念,散佈到世界各地,並藉由他們的實踐並推廣至週遭社群與團體,讓更多人共同守護我們唯一的地球。 Read more

台日交流續環保 遠渡重洋傳遞愛

圖說:日本針織工業聯合會理事長 中島建一(中)一行四人在製衣公會秘書長 駱春梅(左三)的陪同下到大愛感恩科技參訪,並與大愛感恩董事長 黃華德(右三)及執行董事 李鼎銘(左二)合影留念。日本針織工業連合會理事長 中島建一與東京針織工會理事 伊東敏明等一行四人在董事長 黃華德的邀約下,於2月22日前來大愛感恩科技參訪。藉由參觀大愛回收礦泉水瓶製成之紡織用品,進而了解大愛感恩科技成立背後的精神與意涵,並希冀藉此整合跨國產業資源,規劃環保織品推廣,促進環保紡織之發展。

透過影片的分享與簡介,執行董事 李鼎銘詳細地解說慈濟基金會四大志業之實踐與大愛感恩科技之品牌價值,緣起於 證嚴法師23年前,懇切地呼籲世人「用鼓掌的雙手做環保」,慈濟人開始積極投入環保志業,也因此促成大愛感恩科技的成立。對於大愛感恩科技秉持著「續物命,造福慧」的精神,運用回收的礦泉水瓶製成環保紡織品,讓遠到來訪的日本貴賓皆感到深厚的興趣,並深受啟發。



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Saturday, 23 February 2013

天官賜福傳法繹 「心寬念純」現人文

「天官賜福」的福祿壽三仙,由大愛感恩的 黃華德董事長擔任福星(中)、吉緻工程的 魏良旭董事長擔任祿星(右),以及昶和纖維的 陳明澤董事長擔任壽星(左)。台灣區製衣公會新春聯誼晚宴,二月二十日晚上於台北 W Hotel宴會廳舉行。會中貴賓雲集,製衣公會在黃理事長華德先生,同時也是大愛感恩科技公司董事長的帶領之下,凝具共識方向、整合業界資源、發展共同品牌、突破經濟局勢。同時,也期勉公會的企業家們,一起朝向幸福企業的經營與落實企業社會責任的方向來精進努力。

這一次的晚宴,黃理事長特別邀請日本針織工業連合會理事長 中島建一,以及東京針織工會理事 伊東敏明等四人來台進行交流合作。會中除經濟部次長杜紫軍先生與紡拓會董事長葉義雄先生給與鼓勵及祝福外,為了增添新春晚宴的喜慶氣氛與意義性,特別邀請頗受好評的慈濟「真愛演劇團」演出表演一場寓教於樂「天官賜福」的短劇,將 證嚴法師「三求.三不求」的精神理念深刻地表達出來,期許大家「不求身體健康,但求精神敏銳;不求事事如意,但求毅力勇氣;不求減輕責任,但求增加力量」,在新的一年裡,將這分心放在志業與事業上,必能順心如意。



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父母恩重難報經 志工演繹終圓願

慈濟菲律賓分會,明天(2/24)將在新港城藝術劇院(Newport Performing Arts Theater),演繹父母恩重難報經,音樂手語劇。這是他們第二次演繹。第一次有台灣志工幫忙,這次菲律賓志工,承擔起所有的工作,再次把孝道的精神,帶給民眾(2/17)
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Friday, 22 February 2013

推菜籃做回收 迎接晨曦心地光明


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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

2013,Jan.,The 2013 Taiwan Excellence Award of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)

It is the indicator of "boutique" product award in the hearts of Taiwanese people, the four basic core spirits are R&D, design, quality, and marketing. In addition, innovation value is set as another important penetrating indicator. Following last year's recognition from the 20th Taiwan Excellence Award, an even better work is achieved this year with 6 award-winning product series, given the substantial encouragement of this love relay platform. Read more

2012,Oct.,The 2012 Green Classics Award of the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs

The Green Classics Award is the highest honor for Taiwan eco-branded products, and the judging criteria include: corporate social responsibility, green value of the product or service, green supply chain management, and innovative technology, as well as green marketing. Since obtaining the "Green Classics Service Award" and "Green Classics Product Award" in 2011, DA.AI was able to once again win the "Green Classics Product Award" in 2012. Five product series had received the highest honor from the second Green Classics Award. Read more

2010,Apr.,MIT Smile Label of the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs

b_290_290_16777215_00___images_news2_mit.jpgThe "Made in Taiwan MIT Smile Label" represents that the process from manufacture to production are all done in Taiwan. In addition, the materials are in line with national testing and safety standards, and the mark is a guarantee of quality products. DA.AI Technology is the only eco-branded company in Taiwan, and has already received MIT Smile Label for 256 different items. Read more

Monday, 18 February 2013

2013,4/27-30, 安徽(合肥)台灣名品博覽會

相關心聞:台灣名品博覽 大愛感恩科技設攤


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2013,4/19-22, 福州佛事展

相關心聞:福州佛事淨人心 法喜感恩展大愛
                  福州佛事推環保 志工精神護大愛

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2013,4/18-21, 杭州電子信息博覽會

相關心聞:昆山商會環保考察 綠色智慧實地取經

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2013,Apr. 27-30,Anhui TaiwanTrade Fair

【EVENT】:Anhui Taiwan Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:April 27~30, 2013
【LOCATION】:Anhui Exhibition & Conference Center

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2013,Apr.19-22,China Fuzhou International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair 2013

【EVENT】:China Fuzhou International Buddhist Items & Crafts Fair 2013
【DATE & TIME】:April 19~22, 2013
【LOCATION】:FuZhou Strait International Conference & Exhibition Center

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2013,Apr.18-21,The 7th Electronics & Information Fair, Hangzhou, CHINA 2013

【EVENT】:The 7th Electronics & Information Fair, Hangzhou, CHINA 2013
【DATE & TIME】:April 18~21, 2013
【LOCATION】:HangZhou Peace International Exhibition & Conference Hall

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演繹經典說親恩 老少志工同承擔

慈濟菲律賓分會,2/24將在新港城藝術劇院,公演父母恩重難報經,音樂手語劇。兩個場次,預計將有三千人觀賞。投入演繹的,包括慈青,志工等。其實慈濟菲律賓分會,在十年前也曾公演父母恩重難報經,這次再度演繹,希望能喚起社會對孝道的重視。 Read more

Friday, 08 February 2013

2013,3/26-29, 北京CHIC展(第21屆中國國際服裝服飾博覽會)

相關心聞:2013北京CHIC展 綠色生命豔四方

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2013,3/20-23, SPO MODE (台北國際運動服飾、布料暨配件展)

【活動名稱】SPO MODE (台北國際運動服飾、布料暨配件展)

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2013,Mar.26-29,CHIC -The 21th CHINA Int'l Clothing & Accessories Fair

【EVENT】:CHIC 2013-The 21th CHINA Int'l Clothing & Accessories Fair
【DATE & TIME】:March 26~29, 2013
【LOCATION】:New China International Exhibition Center

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2013,Mar.20-23,SPOMode Taipei Int'l Sports Textile & Accessory Expo

【EVENT】:SPOMode Taipei Int'l Sports Textile & Accessory Expo
【DATE & TIME】:March 20~23, 2013
【LOCATION】:Area H, Exhibition Halll 1,2F,Taipei World Trade Center

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2013,Mar.14-16,ECO-Porducts International Fair 2013

【EVENT】:ECO-Porducts International Fair 2013
【DATE & TIME】:March 14~16, 2013
【LOCATION】:Sands Expo & Convention Center,SINGAPORE Read more

Thursday, 07 February 2013

2013,3/5-7, 9th 英國 ECO Building

【活動名稱】9th 英國 ECO Building
b_290_290_16777215_00___images_Announcements_20131001-2.jpg20131001-1.jpg Read more

2013,Mar.5-7,Ecobuild 2013 Int'l Exhibition for Design, Construction and Built Environment

【DATE & TIME】:March 5~7, 2013
【LOCATION】:ExCel,Lodon Read more

Friday, 01 February 2013





世足賽的鎂光燈,讓從事環保再生的環保品牌 - 大愛感恩科技股份有限公司浮出檯面。單看寶號,不難與尊奉證嚴法師為精神導師的慈濟基金會作聯想。的確,大愛感恩幾乎是由慈濟人組成,先前從事紡織研發,退休後來到大愛感恩研發部的洪碩廷博士說,自己是花蓮人,家中長輩也是慈濟的長期志工,在科技的時代,慈善志業更需要專業的灌溉──這樣的淵源下,讓他將原本的專業繼續發揚光大。













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Monday, 28 January 2013

年貨大街迎春節 做環保蛇我其誰


          本著 證嚴上人對於環保的堅持以及理念,大愛感恩科技以將”與地球共生息” 的核心價值落實至日常生活為己任,目前在環保品紡織領域上的成就及努力是獨特的領導者之一,除了將所得盈餘全部捐至慈濟基金會作為國際人道援助之用外,也多次獲得各方肯定,榮獲多項大獎(詳情可見大愛感恩官方網http://www.daait.com/index.php/tc/)

         參訪的遊客絡繹不絕,在台北市大同區的慈濟志工解說下,許多遊客流連忘返嘖嘖稱奇,也對環保理念以及最新的環保科技有更深一層的認識及體驗,更有許多慈濟會眾現場請購商品,希望也能加入這一個愛心清流的循環。大愛感恩科技期許未來的每一天都能為環保付出更多心力,與您相邀在迪化街一同為保護地球環境努力! Read more

靜思攤位宣導環保 年貨街人文風

台北年貨大街開跑,店家也再次提供攤位,推廣靜思文物,攤位上賣的,不單是實用的生活用品,還有環保回收的觀念,就連包裝商品用的袋子,也是回收的紙袋。 Read more

Wednesday, 02 January 2013

志工無償提供店面 推廣大愛環保織品

5位因慈濟結緣的企業老闆為推動環保,合資成立大愛感恩科技,訴求百分之百原料來自於回收的保特瓶,打造全球最環保的成衣品牌。慈濟志工鄭清河、林瑟霞夫婦無償提供新竹市住家一樓做店面,讓愛心接力,大愛感恩科技走入社區與消費者溝通,傳遞保護地球觀念。 Read more

逾九百萬辦跨年 煙火代價何其高


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