(時光機)台有機茶溯源 First certified organic tea farmer

Staying in Taiwan, organic tea farming has become more popular over the past decade, thanks to the efforts of the Tea Research and Extension Station. Today, we meet the first tea farmer in Taiwan, to receive an official organic certification for his tea field, Liang Jinyi, who says organic tea farming probably won`t make one rich, but the spiritual fulfillment and connection to the land that comes with the job, is more than enough.

在臺灣有機茶的種植,在過去十年來十分流行,這都要歸功於,農委會茶業改良場,積極輔導茶農轉型,今天我們一起來認識,當年第一位獲得有機茶,認證的茶農 梁金義,他說種有機茶,雖然無法賺大錢,心靈卻是富足的,和大地之間的情感,對他而言已經足夠。

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