
撿回來的綠金(3)廢水An unique water treatment system

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In the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, disaster survivors have been struggling without food, shelter or safe drinking water. To help, Tzu Chi volunteers have sent three water purification systems to the disaster zones. Next, we learn more about the Q water purification system, which was designed and produced by Taiwan`s own Water Resource Agency and Industrial Technology Research Institute.

菲律賓遭海燕颱風重創,受災民眾缺乏食物、避難所及乾淨的飲用水,為了幫忙災民,慈濟志工運送三台Q water淨水器到災區,下一則新聞,我們來認識台灣水利署與工研院合作研發的Q water 淨水器。

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