離島浩劫(8) 蘭嶼野溪整治 Progress vs. nature

Continuing with our series of reports on the offshore island of Lanyu(蘭嶼), otherwise known as the Pearl of the East, which has long been celebrated for its pristine natural environment and the abundant wildlife that inhabits here. The island of Lanyu has countless criss-crossed small creeks, that serve as the gathering points for the island`s wild and plant life. However, as part of the government`s reconstruction plans after Typhoon Tembin, many of these previously untouched creeks are now being dredged and fitted with cement dikes to prevent flooding in the face of future typhoons. Yet, the work are considered by many residents as overly invasive and destructive to both the land and the animals and vegetation that live nearby.

今天我們持續關注,天秤風災肆虐過後在蘭嶼進行的大型重建計畫,蘭嶼 台灣的「東方明珠」,擁有原始天然環境以及豐富的動植物生態,地形上,蘭嶼沒有大河流過,但卻有錯綜複雜的小溪交織,許多地方都是動植物的棲地,然而政府的重建計畫,使得原本為開發的小溪流都被挖掉了 ,避免未來颱風的淹水危機,雖然政府聲稱這是一項必要的工程,但就生態的考量上,在當地人的眼裡,這麼做是在破壞土地以及無數動植物的棲息地。

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