
921幸福起點一 山林保育篇 Living with the forests

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Although over 2,400 lives were lost on September 21st, 1999, in one of the nation`s most catastrophic earthquakes, it also demonstrated the willingness of Taiwan`s citizens to help one another in times of crises. Now 14 years on, we take a look at how some mountain forests which were left barren and desolate after the tremor, have been restored back to life.

雖然,1999年 9月21日在這場全國最大的災難之一,奪走2400多人生命卻也激發出台灣人互助互愛的精神,十四年後的今天,我們帶您深入曾經被九二一地震破壞的山林,現在已經恢復生機有幸福的結果。

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