DA.AI’s Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty Become Trademark to Support the Company’s Mission to Protect the Earth

CAPTION: In June, 2013, DA.AI Technology’s mascots, Loving Puppy & Blessing Kitty, became officially registered trademark to help promote company’s environmental protection and vegetarianism ideologies.In June, 2013, DA.AI Technology’s mascots, Loving Puppy & Blessing Kitty, became officially registered trademark to help promote company’s environmental protection and vegetarianism ideologies. Carrying on DA.AI’s mission to protect the Earth, the Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty wish to bring up the awareness of the younger generations with their cute appearances, as well as to remind everyone of DA.AI’s philosophy of “Compassionate Great Love to all living beings, and be Grateful of Mother Nature.”

CAPTION: The cute appearances of Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty are not only attractive, but also acts as angels of environmental protection, wish to bring up everyone’s awareness to do recycling and become vegetarian.The origin of Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty comes from an Old English Sheepdog and a Persian Cat that lived in Tzu Chi’s JingSi Abode. The two animals came and resided in JingSi Abode in the early years, and followed the masters’ daily living schedule ever since. They both became vegetarian and showed compassion while living in the Abode; the English Sheepdog even helped with fundraising on several disaster relief occasions. Although they have passed away, DA.AI wishes to continue their spirits, and designed them into the company’s mascots to further help promoting environmental protection and vegetarianism. Also, Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty’s cute appearances hope to attract kids and shape their compassionate hearts and grateful attitudes starting from young age.

CAPTION: The Mascot Series of DA.AI Technology is full of product varieties, wishes to accompany children throughout their growth, and reminds them to become the protector of the Earth along the way.The Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty mascot wish to accompany kids throughout their growing stages, and plant the seed of goodness since childhood. The DA.AI staff and mascot designer, Ya-Li, shared “perhaps in the beginning, the parents and grandparents are the ones buying the Mascot Series products for their children, but eventually the kids will learn the meaning of ‘identify blessing, cherish blessing, and further create more blessings’ for themselves, and return such wishes to their elders.” This then becomes a cycle of love and goodness, which is one of DA.AI’s core philosophies the company wishes to carry out through its products, and to remind everyone that, behind every product, DA.AI wants to communicate a deeper meaning of compassion and environmental protection to all age groups. 
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