DA.AI’s Heritage Series Conveys “Eco-Fashion from Heart” Spirit
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China Good Design 2015-2017 Selected Exhibition, organized by Red Dot, joined the 2017 Wuhan Design Biennale during November 11th to 24th Wuhan, China. The exhibition demonstrated over 100 outstanding awarded design works accumulated over the past three years, included the DA.AI’s Eco Puncture-Proof Shoes Series and Heritage Series that actively promote “eco-fashion from heart” instead of fast fashion, and have just received the 2017 China Good Design Winner and Honorable Mention.
The exhibition aims to change the boring visual environment by delicate design and maintain the elegant, leisure and comfortable daily life of Chinese people under fierce global competition. It attempts to focus on the contradiction between spiritual and physical consumption, and takes effort to make better design products to become staples owned by more people. DA.AI’s Heritage Series illustrates the idea of “inheriting and spreading the spirit of traditional Chinese apparel and humanistic culture,” meets the spirit of China Good Design’s oriental philosophy, and lives up to international standards.
DA.AI’s Heritage Dragonfly Series conveys two major themes: Environmental Protection and Great Love. The overall design focuses on harmony and unity through simple color fabric and cut. The elegance, simplicity, and humbleness spirits are fully reflected through the design to demonstrate the Great Love for both people and environment. DA.AI’s Heritage Dragonfly Series not only shows respect to others and blessing to ourselves, but also brings peace and warmth upon this world.
DA.AI Technology, Jasmine Li, Taipei
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