DA.AI Promotes Eco Spirit in the CHINA FIT 2017 in Beijing
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CHINA FIT 2017 Natural Organic and Health Nutrition Conference is a major trade fair in Beijing, featuring health and vegan related activities, exhibitions, and informative talks of environmental and global vegan movements, and eco-friendly news. The successful opening on Nov 14th in Beijing International Convention Center started the two-day event, where DA.AI Technology and Jing Si Books/Café also participated to promote eco-friendly garments and Jing Si food products and spiritual books.
DA.AI was honored to be invited by Beijing Tzu Chi volunteer Wang Zhi-hui to participate in the largest annual environmental and health conscious event of organic industry. DA.AI not only demonstrated the unique and green image of environmental protection, but also received great audience attention due to its humanistic booth atmosphere. DA.AI’s eco garments and accessories are functional, developed for both daily use and disaster relief mission. For example, the Eco Chair Backpack was designed to assist volunteers to carry needed supplies with ease, and allow them to get a quick rest or protect them from unexpected attacks. It was certainly an eye-catching product throughout the exhibition.
One of the visitors, Mrs. Tao, purchased DA.AI’s Eco Chair Backpack, and shared 'I am deeply in love with DA.AI’s concept of environmental protection, especially a social enterprise with its net proceeds donated to charity. I’ve always wanted to
establish social enterprises with my friends; therefore, I thought DA.AI is the role model worth of learning.'
After nearly a decade, DA.AI, founded by five Taiwanese entrepreneurs, continues to follow Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s advice of 'just do it' simple eco mind. As a social enterprise instead of profit-driven corporate, DA.AI inspires more individual
and business to serve a higher purpose for the greater contribution to humanity and this world.
DA.AI Technology, Jasmine Li, Taipei
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