
2013,Sep.,DA.AI Technology received both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification

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Caption: Having successfully passed ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audits on September 2013, DA.AI Technology received both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certificationHaving successfully passed ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audits on September 2013, DA.AI Technology received both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification, for quality management and environmental management systems respectively. ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for quality management practices. The system includes establishing quality policies, writing quality documentation (a quality manual, procedures and forms), training staff members, and maintaining detailed improvement records.

ISO requires companies to demonstrate that they actually implement quality practices described in their documentation, in a way that promotes ISO certification aims by emphasizing team spirit and continuous improvement of quality systems and products as well as services. Mr. Ding-Ming Lee, Executive Director of DA.AI Technology, stated that “DA AI Technology hopes to promote Tzu Chi’s spirit and great love by being granted ISO certification. Certificate will also encourage DA.AI’s staff members to make quality management an ongoing goal of our company.” “It’s simply an entrance, not a graduate certification,” he stated.

During the audit process, DA.AI Technology received many valuable suggestions and comments. As QC staff member Teng-Yu Hu put it, “My workload temporarily increased as a result of meeting ISO quality management standards; but going through the process allowed me to learn about SOP concepts and implementation. Workplace efficiency and quality control soon improved—along with internal cooperation. To more quickly reach the goal of ‘Co-exist with Mother Earth,’ we also promote the ISO 14001 standard for an environmental management system. Our staff's strong determination and practical approach throughout the five years to “do what DA.AI Tech says'--served as an inspiring sutra.”

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