Eco Nurse Outfits Demonstrate Compassion and Love of Medical Education

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CAPTION: To celebrate its 17th anniversary and “hat wearing” ceremony, DA.AI designed the The Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology (TCUST) is located in Hualien, the home of the Tzu Chi Foundation. The institute was originally founded by Dharma Master Cheng Yen in 1989 for nurse training, which then became a college of technology, and now a university. TCUST is the first university of its kind in the eastern Taiwan, and has shouldered the Tzu Chi’s humanistic culture within medical education on the east coast. To celebrate its 17th anniversary and “hat wearing” ceremony, DA.AI designed the "Eco Nurse Outfits" with Eco fabric for the institute, which also demonstrates the spirit and goal of Tzu Chi medical education system.

Over past years, DA.AI Technology has researched and developed disaster relief and preparation outfits for volunteers on different relief mission, including the breathable and quick-drying eco magical white pants. Now, using this very fabric, DA.AI designed the Eco Nurse Outfits and white pants/white shoes, which are easy to clean and helps to keep tidy images. Accidental blood, medical fluid, tea or water spill can be easily washed off by simply a hand swipe or water rinse due to outstanding water repellent characteristic of the magical fabric, so that nurses can dedicate full concentrations contributing to patients.

“The pronunciation of ‘clothing’ and ‘blessing’ is the same in Chinese; thus, what we wear should express blessing for ourselves, as well as respect for others.” Eco Nurse Outfits in white color represents the image of the Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) Bodhisattva. As the name suggests, she is the representation of Great compassion for anyone cries for help, she will come to aid. “Do mundane work with transcendent spirit” is the manner that Tzu Chi people follow, which also shows in nurses, and reflects through their white uniform.

Medical uniform should express Avalokitesvara’s spirit of “one thousand eyes to see the suffering in the world and one thousand hands to reach out and help.” Much like the bodhisattva’s compassion vow to all the sentient being, DA.AI’s apparel follows the same direction, wishing to bring immediate action of love to others through simple and neat design, and demonstrating the Tzu Chi humanitarianism of clothing to improve and deepen relationship between medical staff with patient.

DA.AI Technology, Jasmine Li, Taipei


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