
ITRI Visible Light Communication Lights up DA.AI Concept Store and the World

  • 列印

CAPTION: Neihu Eco Concept Store, located at Zhouzi Street, is the first to demonstrate such technology with six wall size VLC posters installed, not only functional, but also provides a beautiful ambient lighting and high-tech atmosphere. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)Each DA.AI’s product series holds unique meaning and story behind. Now, other than verbal tour, visitors can also experience the beauty of humanities in DA.AI’s Eco Concept Store simply by downloading DA.AI app, and scan the lights to watch video. DA.AI designed this mobile application with Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in 2015, and built in the Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology. This innovative technology allows visitors to learn DA.AI’s product series by scanning LED posters, on products, and any VLC light sources to feel the humanitarianism behind the green brand.

VLC refers to the light spectrum frequency hidden in light source that can be traced with special reader, such as the DA.AI app. Visitor no longer need to scan QR code within an inconvenient close distance, but rather simply the light source from a visible and comfortable distance, then DA.AI app will ‘tell’ you a story through product related or other dynamic videos. Neihu Eco Concept Store, located at Zhouzi Street, is the first to demonstrate such technology with six wall size VLC posters installed, not only functional, but also provides a beautiful ambient lighting and high-tech atmosphere. Soon after, the Taichung Jing Si Hall, Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center in Guandu, Hualien Jing Si Hall, Kaohsiung Jing Si Hall, and some overseas locations and tradeshows will also display VLC technology.

CAPTION: DA.AI designed this “heart purifying” mobile app not only for innovative interaction, but also connects to its humanitarianism to touch and purify people’s mind. DA.AI’s ultimate goal is to invite all to join this path of protecting our planet and all sentient being together. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)Following the modern communication trend, DA.AI developed a mobile app on both iOS and Android to better broadcast the true meaning behind this brand. Users from China can download through Baidu space to experience this green technology. DA.AI designed this “heart purifying” mobile app not only for innovative interaction, but also connects to its humanitarianism to touch and purify people’s mind. DA.AI’s ultimate goal is to invite all to join this path of protecting our planet and all sentient being together.

DA.AI Technology, Tom Yang, Taipei

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