Turn Plastic Bottle Caps into Wisdom Stationeries

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CAPTION: Since 2014, DA.AI cooperated with Taiwan Plastics Industry Development Center to regenerate recycled No.2 (HDPE) and No.5 (PP) plastic bottle caps (blue, green, and white) into Eco Presentation Folder, Eco A5 Notebook, Eco A6 Notebook, Eco Accordion Folder, Eco File Folder, and Eco Binder. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)  Plastic is one of the most impactful scientific inventions of modern civilization, as we are compelled to use plastic products every day, which are extracted from petroleum with considerable amount of resources and energies. Society of Plastic Industry (SPI) of United States categorized plastics into 7 types; No.1 being Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), No.3 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), No.2 and 4 high and low density Polyethylene (PE), No.5 Polypropylene (PP), No.6 Polystyrene (PS), and No.7 as other.

Plastic has been assimilated into our lives, people benefit from its convenience and gradually ignore the disaster it brings. For example, large number of bottle caps not only created environmental pollution, but also destruction to ecology system. Many sea turtles and seabirds have died due to eating caps, or hermit crabs find caps as shelters. In order to deal with problem, DA.AI regenerated PET bottle caps into Eco Stationeries, also to extend material lives. Since 2014, DA.AI cooperated with Taiwan Plastics Industry Development Center to regenerate recycled No.2 (HDPE) and No.5 (PP) plastic bottle caps (blue, green, and white) into Eco Presentation Folder, Eco A5 Notebook, Eco A6 Notebook, Eco Accordion Folder, Eco File Folder, and Eco Binder. This is a milestone for us to influence more people to Coexist With The Earth.

These eco-friendly stationeries come from each environmental bodhisattva’s dedication, sorting and separating bottle by bottle, only to protect our planet. DA.AI turns them into Great Love, and hope all user carry this love with them at all time.

DA.AI Technology, Taipei 


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