The Heart Purifying Mobile APP Reinvented DA.AI’s Eco Concepts

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CAPTION: Following the modern communication trend, DA.AI developed a mobile app on both iOS and Android to better broadcast the true meaning behind this brand. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)


Since 2008, DA.AI Technology has dedicated in turning recycled PET bottles into eco-friendly textile products to promote Culture of Environmental Protection, Cycle of Love, and Contribution to Society core values, with 100% net proceeds goes to charitable work and global disaster relief missions. It is more important to pass on the inspiring stories and spirits behind these green product rather than the articles themselves, thus, following the modern communication trend, DA.AI developed a mobile app on both iOS and Android to better broadcast the true meaning behind this brand.

DA.AI designed this “heart purifying” mobile app not only connects to its various social and media platforms, but also works with the new Eco Product Tag, letting customers see production history, energy saved, bottles used, and related environmental volunteer's story via their devices. With the concept of humanitarianism and environmental concerns, the user can scan the QR code on each eco-product tag, also made with recycled PET bottles, and see the production history, reduced energy consumption compare to virgin PET, the inspiring video of Tzu Chi recycling volunteers, and number of bottles that made this particular product. Also in the future, accumulate bottle numbers for you to see your planet protection result via DA.AI Membership will be possible.

Also, the app reinvented our Eco Concept Store. Now in DA.AI’s stores, learn the story behind DA.AI’s product and series by scanning the in-store QR codes, posters, or even, the innovative VLC light sources, and feel the humanitarianism behind the green brand. "Coexist with the Earth" has been DA.AI's slogan, indeed, it is our ultimate goal to invite the majority to join this path of protecting the planet and all sentient being together.

DA.AI Technology, Tom Yang, Taipei

CAPTION: Now in DA.AI’s stores, learn the story behind DA.AI’s product and series by scanning the in-store QR codes, posters, or even, the innovative VLC light sources, and feel the humanitarianism behind the green brand. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.) 

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