Wednesday, 17 December 2014

有愛無礙護大地 勤做環保當復健



環保志工 楊國龍:「覺得很好,可以交到很多朋友,慈濟的朋友。」


環保志工 蔡美惠:「(你做環保幾年了)五年,(五年你覺得如何),很好很高興。」


真善美志工 邱瑞堂 張玉梅 戴敦仁 屏東報導

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慈濟志工 許銘城:「(會不會容易重心不穩),不會啊習慣了,(這樣練多久),騎了將近十年了。」



慈濟志工 許銘城:「站著比較快,拿比較快阿,(做的比較多)對。」


慈濟志工 許銘城:「那時候很不習慣,很不自然很辛苦,很難過也要忍耐。」


慈濟志工 許銘城:「做得比較歡喜,師兄師姊他們都很照顧啊,做對的事情做就對了。」


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棉蘭大米發放+賴索托發放Delivering rice to the less fortunate in Medan & spreading TC far and wide in Lesotho

Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers in Lesotho conducted aid distributions at four different farming villages helping a total of 810 households. Besides handing out bags of rice and blankets, volunteers also introduced the Buddhist NGO’s philosophy to locals. But first we go to Indonesia, where Tzu Chi volunteers in Medan handed out 48 tons of rice to 2,400 impoverished families. 


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廈門學童環保+深圳幼兒環保Students and parents of Lvcuo Elementary in Xiamen at their first recycling experience & the Shiyan Center Kindergarten invited Tzu Chi volunteers to show how to sort recyclables in Guangdong

In China’s Guangdong, the Shiyan Center Kindergarten recently invited Tzu Chi volunteers to show its students how to sort recyclables. First, however, let’s join teachers, students and parents of Lvcuo Elementary in Xiamen, Fujian at their first recycling experience. 


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台商十字路口(四)Tzu Chi volunteer Lin Mingzhang

Many of the Taiwanese doing business in China’s Dongguan struggle with feelings of isolation and homesickness. Lin Mingzhang who grew up in Taiwan’s Taitung, was no exception. Thankfully, Lin, has found a sense of belonging and purpose through the work of a recycling volunteer. 

台商在東莞 人數最多,必須克服離家的孤獨和無奈,在台東長大的林明章,也曾是如此,而成為環保志工後,找到家的歸屬感。 

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守護台灣(4)婆媽的綠色奇蹟Soap sterilizes & removes stains

In Taiwan’s New Taipei City, a group of women living by the Datun River still get up early in the morning to do their laundry by the river. Knowing the importance of environmental protection, the women use homemade, environmentally friendly soap when doing their laundry and are always up-to-date on the latest environmental DIY projects. 


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港素食嘉年華A vegetarian carnival was held at the historical Hakka house of Tsang Tai Uk in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, a vegetarian carnival was held at the historical Hakka house of Tsang Tai Uk.Tzu Chi volunteers were invited by the organizers of the event to provide some vegetarian food. Upon the conclusion of the carnival, volunteers also stayed behind to sort the recyclables collected. We will leave you with these images at the end of the show. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye. 

香港新界,擁有150年歷史的曾大屋 客家式古宅,舉辦一場素食嘉年華,慈濟香港分會志工也共襄盛舉,也在現場,分類回收物,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。

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新山手語劇Malaysia`s Tzu Chi Academies in Johor Bahru, Kulai and Pontian worked together to perform a sign language musical with a message of going meatless

In helping to spread Tzu Chi`s message on the benefits of vegetarianism, Malaysia`s Tzu Chi Academies in Johor Bahru, Kulai and Pontian worked together to perform a sign language musical with a message of going meatless. This message reached over 1,500 audience members over the span of six performances throughout the month of November. Those participating in the musical kept to a vegetarian diet during rehearsals, and now that the performance is over, many have taken the message to heart and remained on a meatless diet. 

推廣環保和茹素的觀念,馬來西亞新山 古來和笨珍,人文學校,聯合舉辦了六場,一念之間的演繹,期間,也都要持續齋戒,11月份,六場演繹累積的觀眾人數,超過一千五百人,參與演繹的人,在演繹的期間,也都要持續齋戒,雖然表演結束了,許多人也持續茹素。 

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台商十字路口(三)Tzu Chi volunteer Wu Jiashan

Taiwanese businessman Wu Jiashan has run a shoe factory in Dongguan, China for the past 20 years. Although he has recently decided to finally retire, Wu still kept the factory open on behalf of his employees and their family. The 60-year-old retiree has also decided to personally remain in Dongguan thanks to the spiritual home he has found in Tzu Chi. 


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美YWCA歲末Bringing warmth to YWCA in Dayton, Ohio

In the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers in Dayton, Ohio, have, for the past decade, been holding year-end blessing ceremonies at the local YWCA. This year, volunteers brought scarves and woollen hats as Christmas gifts for participants and encouraged children to boldly express their love to their mothers. 


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