新山手語劇Malaysia`s Tzu Chi Academies in Johor Bahru, Kulai and Pontian worked together to perform a sign language musical with a message of going meatless

In helping to spread Tzu Chi`s message on the benefits of vegetarianism, Malaysia`s Tzu Chi Academies in Johor Bahru, Kulai and Pontian worked together to perform a sign language musical with a message of going meatless. This message reached over 1,500 audience members over the span of six performances throughout the month of November. Those participating in the musical kept to a vegetarian diet during rehearsals, and now that the performance is over, many have taken the message to heart and remained on a meatless diet. 

推廣環保和茹素的觀念,馬來西亞新山 古來和笨珍,人文學校,聯合舉辦了六場,一念之間的演繹,期間,也都要持續齋戒,11月份,六場演繹累積的觀眾人數,超過一千五百人,參與演繹的人,在演繹的期間,也都要持續齋戒,雖然表演結束了,許多人也持續茹素。 

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