
港素食嘉年華A vegetarian carnival was held at the historical Hakka house of Tsang Tai Uk in Hong Kong

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In Hong Kong, a vegetarian carnival was held at the historical Hakka house of Tsang Tai Uk.Tzu Chi volunteers were invited by the organizers of the event to provide some vegetarian food. Upon the conclusion of the carnival, volunteers also stayed behind to sort the recyclables collected. We will leave you with these images at the end of the show. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye. 

香港新界,擁有150年歷史的曾大屋 客家式古宅,舉辦一場素食嘉年華,慈濟香港分會志工也共襄盛舉,也在現場,分類回收物,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。

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