Monday, 06 January 2014

慈青接棒傳遞人文 家族媒體匯聚清流

圖說: 大愛感恩科技執行董事 李鼎銘師伯於板橋秀泰影城分享,希望能藉由各行各業的力量,傳遞給各界人士,一同護持,讓我們的地球能夠永續美好。(攝影者:楊勝閔)一般人對於電影院的觀念大部分停留在娛樂服務業,單純提供人們一個休閒的場所,然而秀泰影城的經營方式不僅是給予大眾一般電影院的歡樂,更是時常為員工安排人文講座,邀請各界人士前來分享環保人文的理念與時事文化等主題,讓員工在工作之餘仍有機會提升心靈。大愛感恩科技執行董事 李鼎銘師伯於2013年12月底應總經理 廖偉銘師兄之邀,前往位於板橋的秀泰影城與同仁們分享大愛感恩科技背後的品牌理念與環保精神。除了 廖總與妹妹 廖語晴師姊親臨現場聆聽以外,另有員工四十餘人,皆為大愛感恩科技的環保科技與完全回饋的理念所感動。

曾經身為慈青的他對  證嚴上人所提倡的環保更是身體力行,除了隨身自備小水杯外,也節省紙張的使用,而外出時更是隨身攜帶環保筷。這樣的理念與大愛感恩科技所提倡的環保人文不謀而合,也同身在慈濟這個大家庭裡,廖偉銘師兄與大愛感恩科技的李鼎銘師兄牽起了一份緣,進而邀約前去為秀泰的員工分享。  李鼎銘師兄除了簡單分享自己走入慈濟的因緣與恆持的過程以外,也用淺顯易懂的方式向在場媒體人分享大愛感恩科技背後的環保人文與完全回饋等核心價值,最後,李師兄除了呼籲在場的聽眾能提起愛護地球的觀念外,亦開放現場熱烈Q&A問答。

在媒體界,能有這樣獨特又富有人文的經營理念,應歸功於 總經理廖偉銘的想法與人生背景, 廖師兄早期曾是美國紐約的慈濟大專青年聯誼會(慈青)幹部,曾參與慈濟海外第一批的翻譯志工,主要負責慈濟  證嚴上人的影音和書籍等作品的翻譯。如此特殊的因緣,讓廖偉銘得以接觸慈濟與佛法,更是堅定了日後把握機會宣導這些理念的使命感。因此,廖師兄於2003年回國接下家族事業,承擔起秀泰影城的總經理一職後,仍不忘時時於職場推廣慈濟理念,常邀請慈濟人去秀泰影城分享,藉此平台積極說法傳法,成為媒體清流。大愛感恩科技於板橋秀泰影城的分享持續一個多小時,在愉快的互動下畫下了句點,然而大愛感恩科技背後的理念與影響將持續下去,希望能藉由各行各業的力量,傳遞給各界人士,一同護持,讓我們的地球能夠永續美好。

大愛感恩科技真善美志工 楊竣翔 台北報導

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2014,Jan.18-19,Asian American Expo

【EVENT】:Asian American Expo
【DATE & TIME】:January 18 - January 19, 2014
【LOCATION】:Pomona Fairplex, L.A.(1101 W McKinley Ave, Pomona, CA 91768) Read more

2014,Jan.9-14,Information Technology Month (IT Month) -Tainan

【EVENT】:Information Technology Month (IT Month) -Tainan
【DATE & TIME】:January 9 - January 14, 2014
【LOCATION】:Commercial Exhibition Center Tainan Read more

With a Simple and Purified Mind, Restore our Environment to its Original Beauty (2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards Report #5)

Caption: The Earth Loving Blanket, with its penguin, seal, or polar bear logo design, expresses the urge to protect animals that heavily depend on the living environment that humans are gradually destroying. (Photo by: DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)The JingSi Aphorism: Life of Environmental Protection stated that in the world full of natural disasters, it is everyone’s duty to overcome such obstacle by amplifying kindness and love, as well as putting in practical effort and action to pacify the traumatized Earth. The mission lies on a base of spreading the right concept, which is what DA.AI Technology has been doing over the past years by designing daily necessities with recycled PET material with eco-friendly manufacturing process to cut down on pollution and water usage. The Eco Green-White Gift Set and the Earth Loving Blanket are both designed and made this way, and have won the 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards for the reason.

The Earth Loving Blanket, with its penguin, seal, or polar bear logo design, expresses the urge to protect animals that heavily depend on the living environment that humans are gradually destroying. Sharing the similar concept, the Green-White Gift Set, including backpack, handbag, slipper, apron, pencil bag, etc. also speaks to us to restore the Earth to its original form of natural beauty. Both series are designed with simple pattern and great functionality, and wish to remind us the concepts of loving the environment and all living beings.

Caption: The Green-White Gift set, made from the original colors of the green and white recycled PET bottles, speaks to us of restoring our environment to its original form by being simple and having a purified mind. (Photo by: DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)The DA.AI (Great Love) Gift Box, with label that shows the data on reduced carbon footprint and a gift card to record the sender’s blessing, also comes with the Dharma Master Cheng-Yen’s JingSi Aphorism bookmark, making it handy to grow wisdom while reading. Thus, giving the DA.AI Gift Box to others is not just sending out a hearty gift, but also passing on the message of eco-friendly, blessing, and great wisdom.

DA.AI Technology’s series of reports on the 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards wishes to communicate the environmental protection concept and humanism story behind the brand and product.  Ultimately, the rest of the world will recognize Taiwanese boutique with a deeper level of meaning.

DA.AI Technology Reporter, Sandy Huang, Jasmine Li , Tom Yang, Taipei

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Leisure, Cultivate, The DA.AI Boutique Displays Humanism Spirits (2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards Report #4)

Caption: Cultivate (leisure) Series is stands for the meaning of cultivating our spiritual mind through the clean and tidy outer appearance. Even being at home, we should incorporate the right manner and kindness attitude into our daily life, and cultivate our mind towards virtuous model every second that we preciously hold. (Photo by: DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)This year, the 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards rewarded a total of 514 boutique products, which DA.AI Technology has won over 10% of the total, with 59 products in 10 different series. The company is applauded on its innovative recycling method and aesthetic design. Moreover, by designing and introducing the daily necessity products since the company first started, DA.AI Technology wishes not to promote consumption, but rather to elevate everyone’s environmental protection consciousness. To further carry out its mission given by Dharma Master Cheng-Yen, DA.AI Technology also seeks to express the Tzu Chi humanism spirits through the methods of product design and marketing, and eventually purifies everyone’s heart and brings peace to the society.

The DA.AI’s Cultivate (leisure) Series stood out from its competitors this year. Including the DA.AI (Great Love) Eco Shirt, polo shirt, T-shirt, and much more, not only that the products are all designed from recycled PET materials, but also with special technology, provides a cool and refreshing feel to the skin while being eco-friendly. The five major color themes, green, white, black, grey, and blue, also demonstrates the elegant and classic humanism spirits through simplicity, and are compatible in almost all kinds of occasion.

As Dharma Master Cheng-Yen once said, “Spiritual practice should eventually be presented on the outer appearance; for one’s purified mind cannot be seen by others, yet can be proven through a clean and tidy appearance and action.” The Cultivate (leisure) Series of DA.AI Technology wishes to present such pureness and kindness through garment design. Even being at home, the tidy attitude should not be neglected, as we should also maintain the right manner, and constantly cultivate our spiritual minds towards virtuous model every second that we preciously hold.

DA.AI Technology Reporter, Sandy Huang, Tom Yang, Taipei

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Walking the Bodhisattva Path, and Putting the Great Vow of Charity into Action (2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards Report #3)

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Caption: The Vow-into-Action Coat, with reflective stripe design on both sleeves, protects Tzu Chi volunteer’s safety even when light source is limited. Moreover, the coat is made out of water resistance fabric, making it easier to work under wet and raining conditions. (Photo by:Austin.)Over the past years, DA.AI Technology has been working with Tzu Chi Foundation in transforming recycled PET material into greater use, and developing outfits for disaster relief. To elaborate the concept of comforting the poor and needy, DA.AI Technology further introduced a series of eco-friendly products, named Vow-into-Action (disaster relief) Series, to not only provides disaster victims with urgent needs, but also protects the safety of Tzu Chi volunteers out in the extreme conditions. As stated in the JingSi Aphorism, “People who help others in need are called Bodhisattvas; always keeping the willingness to give whenever chance is provided is the way to follow the Bodhisattva path in everyday life,” DA.AI Technology takes on the mission to protect these living Bodhisattvas, and eventually won the 2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards and recognition.

Caption: The Vow-into-Action vest, developed by DA.AI technology, looks simple and keeps volunteers warm in even the coldest regions around the world. The water resistance white pants and anti-puncture shoes are also developed to protect the safeties of these volunteers while out in the mission under harsh conditions. (Photo by: DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)Designed for the international relief Tzu Chi volunteers, the Vow-into-Action (disaster relief) Series aims to fit and protect them under harsh conditions. For example, the Vow-into-Action Vest, simple appearance in both color and style, is made to keep volunteers warm in even the coldest regions in the world. The Vow-into-Action Coat, with reflective stripes on both sleeves, keeps volunteers safe in the dark where light source is limited. The conditions of places after unfortunate disasters are usually hard to imagine, thus, DA.AI Technology designed these outfits to best accommodate the volunteers’ needs under these unimaginable situations, including special fabric and material to keep them warm and dry. In return, the volunteers can put their full attention in disaster relief without having to worry about other minor details.

The Magical White Shoes and White Pants in the Vow-into-Action Series are both made out of DA.AI’s special fabric, which is water resistant and easy to clean. Moreover, the Magical White Shoes’ anti-puncture technology qualifies the EU standard, and can stand up to 112kg of pressure and protects volunteer’s foot from nails and sharp objects. DA.AI wishes to protect every volunteer while contributing and walking on the Bodhisattva path, and the Vow-into-Action Series is bound to guard these purist vow and love with its special design and functionality, which is the best combination of compassion, technology, and caring.
DA.AI Technology Reporter, Jasmine Li, Tom Yang, Taipei

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DA.AI Technology’s Simple and Quality Design Reflects the Pure Mindset of Fresh Sprouts (2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards Report #2)

Caption:The Fresh Sprout Series includes infant/children home products, such as kid’s gown, backpack, warm slippers, blankets, and retractable chair. The main purpose is to plant the idea of protecting environment into children’s hearts and put this idea into action starting from early ages. (Photo by:DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)
Throughout the 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology’s Fresh Sprout (infant) Series was awarded and loved by all ages. Simplicity and high quality are the keys to the Fresh Sprout Series design, and combining the DA.AI’s Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty mascots, attracts not only children, but also takes the parents’ memory back to the simple childhood. The Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty design concept originated from the two animals, an Old English Sheepdog and a Persian Cat, that used to live in JingSi Abode and showed their compassionate hearts by helping out with fundraising and being vegetarian. Thus, DA.AI designed its mascots based on their impressions, and wishes to communicate to the public the importance of protecting the environment and promoting vegetarianism to counterbalance global warming and embrace the Earth.

Caption:The Fresh Sprout Gift Set contains a card that explains how much resources were saved by purchasing DA.AI’s recycled product compare to if it was made by virgin materials. The idea is to educate children with the correct mindset and encourage them to love the Earth. (Photo by:DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)The Fresh Sprout (infant) Series is designed for newborn infants up to 3 years old. The Mascot Series, including the Eco Cute Baby Wrap and the Eco Cute Baby Coverall, further expresses DA.AI’s blessing and parents’ love from the moment of birth. The Gentle Fleece fabric design used in these series is extremely comfortable and provides a gently soft touch. Made from micro-fiber material, not only the products are perfect fit for infants and children’s skin, but also states DA.AI’s tender caring for the Earth through its design detail and use of recycled material. The decorative dot design applied on children’s gown, home outfit, backpack, shoes, and several other products in the Series also accompanies newborn infants and children up to 3 years old. The DA.AI Fresh Sprout Series and Mascot Series wishes not only to provide kids with the perfect products throughout their early childhood, but also to raises simple living and eco-friendly awareness starting from early ages.

Caption:The Eco Cute Baby Wrap and Eco Cute Baby Coverall for infant are all made by the DA.AI signature micro-fiber Fleece, and with its gentle touch, designed to provide newborn babies with the best comfort and protection.(Photo by:DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)The purpose of DA.AI’s Fresh Sprout and Mascot Series is to spread the message of kindness and caring for our environment. The Loving Puppy and Blessing Kitty mascots also wish to take on the spiritual mission to not only guard children’s pure mindset, but also remind adults of the simplicity that we all had when we were children, and that life with less desire is the best living style for the environment. With such educational purpose, kids are certain to grow up as eco-friendly persons, and furthermore, influence people around them. As a result, DA.AI Technology wishes to create the circle of kindness in the world with our products, and spread the message that “We should Acknowledge, Cherish, and Cultivate our Blessing” always.

DA.AI Technology Reporter, Polly Liao,Tom Yang, Taipei

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DA.AI Technology Awarded for EPA’s Green Life Promotion

Caption:Mr. Lin, one of the five founders of DA.AI Technology, accepted the award from the hands of the Taiwan EPA Director during the Green Living Campaign end of the year presentation. (Photo by:Austin)On December 24th, 2013, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan awarded DA.AI Technology for participating in the Green Living Campaign, and invited the company to join the end of the year presentation to view the results together. By providing the Taiwan EPA Green Label certified eco-friendly products made from recycled plastic bottles, DA.AI Technology wishes to show newly-wed couples an alternative to celebrate their happiness in a greener way. From the actual wedding to living necessities after the wedding, DA.AI introduces series of products to not only fulfill new couples’ daily needs, but also aims to bring the concept of “Green Living from the Heart” into their lives.

The Taiwan EPA awarded companies and organizations for their contributions in providing products and services from all living aspects, and wishes to communicate the urgent need to protect the environment through places such as restaurants, hotels, retail stores, and more. Green purchase was also one of the important elements, promoting consumers to purchase recycled and re-made products rather than complete new ones to lower energy and resource use. This is exactly what DA.AI Technology is looking to provide to newly-wed couples, and elevate everyone’s eco-protection awareness.

Caption:DA.AI Technology participated in the Taiwan EPA’s Green Living Campaign, not to promote consumption, but rather the idea of protecting the environment by providing alternative product replacement, such as product made from recycled plastic bottles, to save energy and resource.(Photo by:DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)Mr. Lin, one of the five founders of DA.AI Technology, represented the company to accept the award from Taiwan EPA, and further stated that the products are all made by recycled plastic bottles, and non-dyed, to avoid the high pollution dye process. The main purpose for DA.AI to provide eco-friendly products for green wedding and living is not to promote consumption, but rather trying to bring up everyone’s consciousness and responsibility to protect the environment, to put such idea into daily action, and further to influence people around and the society as a whole.

DA.AI Technology Reporter, Austin Tsai, Taipei Read more

南非慈青傳心燈 大愛綠色幸福學

圖說: 在大愛感恩科技執董 李鼎銘師兄(左一)帶領下,南非慈青藉由實做,深刻體驗到大愛的綠色幸福學。(攝影者:洪若岑)日前大愛感恩科技執董 李鼎銘師兄與設計部總監 洪若岑師姊,受邀參與大愛台綠色幸福學的節目錄影,1月2日這天,節目單位特別出外景錄製後續片段,拍攝大愛感恩的日常營運實況、與推廣環保紀實,希望能夠透過鏡頭將鼎銘師兄、若岑師姊每日生活化與全職志工的經驗呈現出來。外景團隊跟著鼎銘師兄,一起參與了公司主管晨間會議、研發部實驗室與低碳生活概念館門市日常運作,鏡頭紀錄著大愛感恩全體同仁每天如何落實品牌的環保人文意涵。


隨後更帶著南非慈青們走訪環保站的各個角落,了解環保分類流程,並一一向正在做環保的環保菩薩們感恩,場面倍感溫馨。臨別前鼎銘師兄再致贈學員們「大愛 LED心燈」,向與會學員們傳遞最真心誠摯的祝福。在鼎銘師兄的帶領下,南非慈青藉由實做,深刻體驗到大愛的綠色幸福學;學員們表示他們在幾個小時裡學到很多東西,對回收有更深一層的了解,寶特瓶回收能成為讓人感到溫暖的毛毯,均表示非常新奇和受用,未來大家也希望透過自己的力量,回去更努力推廣環保讓世界更美好。

大愛感恩科技真善美志工 蔡知穎 台北報導

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澳藍山再發放TC aids Blue Mts residents

We start today’s show in Australia. In October 2013, the Blue Mountains area in New South Wales suffered a forest fire that destroyed over 200 houses, zu Chi had previously held two aid distributions for disaster survivors, however as some residents had temporarily relocated out of the region, a few were unable to receive the much needed assistance. Thus Sydney Tzu Chi volunteers once again returned to hand cash cards and blankets to 12 households.


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