December 2013

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

(時光機)台有機茶溯源 First certified organic tea farmer

Staying in Taiwan, organic tea farming has become more popular over the past decade, thanks to the efforts of the Tea Research and Extension Station. Today, we meet the first tea farmer in Taiwan, to receive an official organic certification for his tea field, Liang Jinyi, who says organic tea farming probably won`t make one rich, but the spiritual fulfillment and connection to the land that comes with the job, is more than enough.

在臺灣有機茶的種植,在過去十年來十分流行,這都要歸功於,農委會茶業改良場,積極輔導茶農轉型,今天我們一起來認識,當年第一位獲得有機茶,認證的茶農 梁金義,他說種有機茶,雖然無法賺大錢,心靈卻是富足的,和大地之間的情感,對他而言已經足夠。

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Monday, 09 December 2013

Monetary relief aid to Typhoon survivors in Philippines

Caption:Minister Chang, of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, awarded the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” to James Lee, executive director of DA.AI Technology.DA.AI Technology strives to achieve its “green” mission by constantly improving the quality of its eco-friendly products. Its innovative approach includes actively promoting eco-fashion, using 100% recycled polyester content, and maintaining the original bottle color to reduce the need for polluting chemical treatments. DA.AI’s popular gray eco blanket was awarded the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” this year by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, in a ceremony held on November 22 at Taipei International Convention Center. Minister Chang, a Ministry official, was on hand to present award. In his comments he urged all corporations to try to follow DA.AI’s example and continuing to move forward toward a greener tomorrow.

In order to support innovative research efforts as a part of strategic business management, the SME’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, has been presenting the “SMEs’ Innovation Award” since 1982. Over those 20 years, 20th year, it has been recognized as the hallmark or key indicator for SME success. After a series of audits, DA.AI Technology was presented with this award for its green innovation.

Caption:DA.AI Technology deeply appreciates this honor, and will continue finding ways to create a sustainable green role model.This national award has proven to be an effective government incentive for corporations. In addition to sustaining a social welfare platform and serving as a role model, DA.AI Technology will continue improving on its famous product quality. And by deciding to donate its NT 300,000 in prize money for Philippines relief, the company once more demonstrates a commitment to address the effects of human disasters. Perhaps even more importantly, it constantly strives to raise consciousness and encourage more people everywhere to contribute to their societies.

Reported by Faye Chong and Jasmine Li 

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創新淨水艇 TC`s water purification system

To provide clean drinking water to disaster survivors, the Tzu Chi Foundation has teamed up with Taiwan`s Industrial and Technology Research Institute, to develop boats equipped with water purification devices. In addition, the research team also modified one of the boats to provide hot water, so that Tzu Chi volunteers will be able to prepare hot meals to disaster victims in the aftermath of any tragic event.


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Sunday, 08 December 2013

大愛組合屋Tzu Chi's prefabricated classrooms

In the aftermath of the 9/21 Earthquake in Taiwan, Tzu Chi built more than 1,000 prefabricated buildings, to give disaster survivors a temporary place to call home. To make sure students around the disaster areas, could continue their education, some of these prefabs were later transformed into classrooms. What is so special about Tzu Chi’s prefabricated classrooms? All of them are made with eco-friendly concepts in mind. Next, let’s learn more about these prefab classrooms.


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Saturday, 07 December 2013

蘇州義賣Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to attend a charity sale organized by a shopping mall at the Suzhou Industrial Park

We go to China at the end of the show; Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to attend a charity sale, organized by a shopping mall at the Suzhou Industrial Park. During the event, volunteers seized the chance, to promote environmental concepts to passersby. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


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Friday, 06 December 2013

抗癌心觀念(2)治療篇A new type of anti-cancer technology

Currently, the most common treatments for cancer both in Taiwan and worldwide, involve chemo-therapy and radiation therapy. However, such methods are most often, only effective for patients, with early-stage cancer, and will also kill off healthy cells in the body. Thus, the medical profession, has long sought to develop a treatment, which only targets cancer cells, without harming normal cells. In this direction, the Academia Si-ni-ca have recently developed, a new type of anti-cancer technology, whereby sugar molecules, from the surface of cancer cells, are syn-the-sized into anti-gens. Such anti-gens then allow the body’s immune system, to produce anti-bodies which can fight off cancerous cells.


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Thursday, 05 December 2013

菲助軍警+醫療團返台Thank the hard working Philippines soldiers for their dedication

In the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, many survivors continue to be in need of medical assistance. To help, on November 22nd, 55 medical staff from Taiwan’s Tzu Chi Hospitals and volunteers, traveled to the disaster zones, to conduct a five-day free clinic. Meanwhile, to thank the hard working Philippines soldiers for their dedication, Tzu Chi volunteers provided them with eco-friendly blankets, consolation cash and the much needed emotional support.


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Wednesday, 04 December 2013

杜絕反式How some food-makers in Taiwan have voluntarily restricted their use of trans fat

Over the past two days, we have learned how detrimental trans fat can be for our human body and how labeling of trans fat is a current issue here in Taiwan. In today’s report, we see how the general public has become more aware of the food they eat, how some food-makers in Taiwan have voluntarily restricted their use of trans fat, as well as ways to opt for a healthier diet.


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Tuesday, 03 December 2013

陝西物資發放Tzu Chi volunteers carry out a series of winter aid distributions in Shanxi

Moving to China, to help impoverished families get through the harsh winter, Tzu Chi volunteers from six regions gathered, to carry out a series of winter aid distributions. The first stop was in Shanxi Province, where they not only offered relief items but also free health checks for local residents.


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Monday, 02 December 2013

Touching hearts filled with love to help rebuild the Philippines

Caption:The Typhoon Haiyan caused devastation in the Philippines, leaving thousands of families homeless. DA.AI Technology, gratefully combining technology with compassion also took immediate action to alleviate problems in the Philippines. (Photo reprinted from DA.AI TV) The Typhoon Haiyan that recently devastated the Philippines destroyed massive buildings and entire towns, leaving thousands of citizens homeless. To assess the extent of this disaster's impact, a team of volunteers inspected the disaster area and offered free emergency medical treatment. DA.AI Technology, gratefully combining technology and compassion to help address the effects of such human disasters, especially on disaster victims, also took immediate action to alleviate problems in the Philippines.

Caption:DA.AI Technology hopes to raise consciousness and encourage more people everywhere to assist the Philippines' rebuilding efforts.Scheduled to receive the Ministry of Economic Affairs' “Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Innovation Research Prize” with $300,000 NTD in prize money, DA.AI Tech announced its intention to donate the prize money for Philippines relief. It is also launching a campaign to donate all retail sales revenue to a new “Touching hearts filled with love to help rebuild the Philippines” campaign. This is intended to raise consciousness and encourage more people everywhere to assist the Philippines' rebuilding efforts.

Reported by Faye Chong and Jasmine Li

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