
DA.AI Finds Solutions of Turning Waste into “Great Love”

  • 列印

CAPTION: DA.AI constantly finds solutions to make these waste disposal into resource with love and wisdom. For example, DA.AI’s fleece scarf comes from trimmed blanket fabric, given leftover fabrics a second life. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)Taiwan famous for its textile industry; however, textile manufacturing process often yields certain amount of discarded textile leftovers inevitably, and causes significant negative impacts to the environment. Generally, the fabric leftovers will be treated as garbage, but DA.AI constantly finds solutions to make these waste disposals into resource with love and wisdom. For example, DA.AI’s fleece scarf comes from trimmed blanket fabric, given leftover fabrics a second life.

Following Tzu Chi’s disaster relief footprints, DA.AI’s eco blankets and the trimmed-fabric scarves were delivered to corners of the world to help people in need, and fulfills DA.AI’s wish to provide warmth to all. The scarves can be made by discarded textile leftovers, as well as revived waste blankets with our Recycle to Recycle (R2R) technology. DA.AI’s R2R Product Series includes fleece blanket, vest, scarf and some hard products such as 3D mask, protective goggle and Wood Plastic Composites (WPC). The R&D Department had successfully turned recycled Re-PET fabric/chip back into new eco garments and accessories to be applied in building and gardening.

Dharma Master Cheng Yen describes “true merits and virtues” are to “bring warmth to others during cold days, food to the hungers, and aid to the needy.” The purpose of DA.AI’s eco scarf is to keep people warm in cold days, provide environmental protection solution to the world, and follow Master’s teaching of Great Love. DA.AI turns Eco Scarf, made by eco-friendly material with thousands of green bodhisattva’s dedications, into a symbol of Great Love, and shows DA.AI’s effort in combining Tzu Chi’s environmental protection mission and charity work.

DA.AI Technology, Jasmine Li, Taipei

CAPTION: US Tzu Chi volunteer, Xu Xiu Ting, gave eco scarves to kid with blessing and love in the year-end care blessing activity hosted together with Dayton YMCA to bring warmth to domestic women and children who were violently treated. (Photo by: Lin Yunzhong)

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