The Great Love and Humanism Spirit of DA.AI Spreads to Russia

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CAPTION: During Happy Hour event, Mr. Walter Huang gave a welcome speech, following by a draw to pick two lucky winner to receive the DA.AI’s Eco Scarf. When the crowd learned that the scarf was made with recycled PET bottles, everyone was amazed and wanted this meaningful gift. (Photo by: Danny Wu)Ever since the Soviet Union dissolution in 1991, Russia finally made it into the WTO in 2012 as the 156th country; a good news for Russia, also a future challenge to integrate with the world’s economy. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is an important city that connects the Asian and European textile industries to fulfill needs of both sides. For such reason, Mr. Walter Huang, the Chairman of DA.AI Technology and Taiwan Garment Industry Association, led a group of textile manufacturers and retailers to join the 2014 TEXTILLEGPROM, the largest professional textile expo in Moscow.

This year, DA.AI Technology’s booth was located in the 75B hall of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, and attracted many people, including the local Russians and oversea guests, with its humanism exhibition. Among the crowd, Ms. Wong Kai Ling, sales representative from Aung Crown Caps of Shenzhen, was deeply touched by DA.AI’s Great Love for the environment and all human being. Ms. Cui Rong from Guan Jun Travel Agency also felt the same after listening to DA.AI’s ideology behind the product and brand, and bound to become a loyal supporter of the brand. The booth also encountered a pregnant mother who fell in love and wanted to purchase DA.AI’s Fresh Sprout Series; however, due to shipping restriction, we had to decline her offering with regret.

CAPTION: This year, DA.AI Technology’s booth was located in the 75B hall of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, and attracted many people, including the local Russians and oversea guests, with its humanism exhibition. (Photo by: Tom Yang)During Happy Hour event, Mr. Walter Huang gave a welcome speech to initiate the event, following by a draw to pick out two lucky winners to receive the DA.AI’s Eco Scarf. When the crowd learned that the scarf was made by recycled PET bottles, everyone was amazed by this meaningful gift. Also, through the Heritage Series presentation, DA.AI’s core values were carried out, and won everyone’s recognition and applause. Hopefully in the near future, the spirit of DA.AI will grow in Russia.

CAPTION: Among the crowd, Ms. Wong Kai Ling, sales representative from Aung Crown Caps of Shenzhen, was deeply touched by DA.AI’s Great Love for the environment and all human being. (Photo by: Tom Yang)Special thanks go to Ms. Liao Shui Jing, the Chairman of Taiwan Hat Exporter Association, and her brother for manufacturing DA.AI’s Eco Solar Power LED Hat, also to Ms. Zhang Jia Yen, the representative from Taiwan Sweater Industry Association, for being our model during the Happy Hour presentation. DA.AI certainly hopes for the TEXTILLEGPROM exposure had an impact on every participant’s mind, and will draw more people in to take action in protecting the Earth together.

DA.AI Technology, Tom Yang, Moscow

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