Product Series Report #6: The Signature Eco-Blanket that Represents Love and Caring to the World and all Living Beings

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CAPTION: DA.AI’s Gray Eco-Blanket has evolved over the year into many other products, and has passed many strict global certifications and awards to prove that it is not only filled of love, but also high in quality. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)Cherish the goods that we have is what we should all do as world citizen, “if everyone can be thrifty and content, we can lower our carbon footprint, and have the power to change the world.” Indeed, the most extreme disasters originates from human desires, and if we can follow the principle of “knowing our blessing, cherishing our blessing, and create more blessing,” we can be purify from the origin and undo the pollution that humans did to the world.

Among the international visitors to DA.AI Technology, the Agricultural Minister of Kiribati expressed the strong urge to participate in environmental protection, for the country is facing an existence crisis and may disappear from the world map soon due to the rising sea level. The Ipswich Mayor from Australia also expressed concerned to the topic of environment, and was deeply touched by Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s teaching and what DA.AI Technology is doing to help the world. The Mayor showed us the picture of her grand-daughter holding DA.AI blanket every night to fall asleep, and told us his firm vow to become Master Cheng Yen’s best disciple in Australia to spread love and caring.

CAPTION: DA.AI’s eco blanket stands for “continuing material life, and create blessing and wisdom,” and reminds us that the only way to recover the environment to its peaceful form is to first purify our mind and lower our never ending desire. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)DA.AI’s eco-friendly product started with the Gray Eco-Blanket, and has become the signature of the DA.AI brand for environmental protection and charity. The blanket not only is made out of 100% recycled PET bottles and carried love from the environmental promoters and DA.AI’s co-operate partners, but also is sent off to disaster areas to comfort the victims worldwide, representing the company’s contribution to society and charity. Over the years, the Gray Eco-Blanket has evolved into many other products, and has passed many strict global certification and award to prove DA.AI’s blanket is not only full of love, but also high in quality.

We are all one of the world citizens with the same sky above us and connected ground below our feet, and all have responsibility to take care and love the world and all living beings in it. DA.AI (Great Love in Chinese) wishes to pass on the spirit of Great Love to everyone through its products, and reminds us that the only way to recover the environment to its peaceful form is to first purify our mind and lower our never ending desire.

DA.AI Reporter, Shirley Hu, Taipei

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