Eco-friendly clothing, love knows no borders.
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Wisely use great love to cultivate wisdom,
Cherish the blessings of heavenly gifts,
Make the most of everything, finding treasures in all,
Be grateful for the abundance nature provides.
This is an era filled with gratitude and hope. Embracing a sense of thankfulness for life, we advocate for cherishing blessings and creating more blessings, letting environmental protection illuminate every step of the future with love and care. By adopting a sustainable lifestyle, we cherish every resource nature has bestowed upon us, transforming waste into treasure to maximize its value, and conveying endless love and care through our actions.
By taking action together, we turn our gratitude into concrete practice, deeply embedding the concept of sustainability in our hearts. Let’s work together to transmit love and hope through our actions, creating a better Earth for future generations and co-creating a sustainable future.
Newer news items:
- Honored with three gold awards, recognized for excellence, A social enterprise advancing sustainability. - 2024年08月08日
- Eco-Friendly Garments: Spreading Love - 2024年08月02日
- DA.AI Creating Blessings Together, Cherishing Resources, and Fulfilling Our Vows. - 2024年07月31日
- The 17th Anniversary of Da Ai TV Indonesia: Spreading the Beauty of Humanity and Goodness. - 2024年07月23日
- DA.AI Eco Compassion Technology Series:A Pillar of Support for Disaster Relief and Preparedness. - 2024年07月20日
Older news items:
- Corporates stride towards sustainability, continually advancing in environmental protection. - 2024年07月17日
- Bodhi sprouts sow seeds of goodness, spreading great love through environmental sustainability. - 2024年07月16日
- Seize the opportunity Tzu Chi practices sustainable great love - 2024年07月11日
- Sharing of environmental proteMarine Microfiber 2024 Malaysia MTE International Invention Exhibition and Invention Competition won the silver medal - 2024年03月04日