Honored with three gold awards, recognized for excellence, A social enterprise advancing sustainability.


Honored with three gold awards, recognized for excellence.
A social enterprise advancing sustainability.

To recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions of various sectors in implementing the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy held the "Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards." DA.AI Technology was once again honored for its efforts. The "Women’s Protection to Break the Cycle of Poverty" project received the Gold Award for "SDG 1: No Poverty." The "Transforming Waste Plastic Bags into a New Economy" project was awarded the Gold Award for "SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production," and the "Eliminating Marine and Land Waste to Reduce Microfibers" project won the Gold Award for "SDG 14: Life Below Water." DA.AI Technology continues to progress from CSR and ESG initiatives to localized and globalized SDGs, advancing steadily towards a sustainable future with net-zero emissions by 2050.

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