December 2013

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

2014, Jan.,The 2014 Taiwan Excellence Award of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)

b_290_290_16777215_00___images_news3_2014.jpgThe 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, hosted by the Taiwan Bureau of Foreign Trade, has long stood for the highest standard and role model of boutique product in Taiwan on many domains, including product development, design, quality assurance, marketing, and Made-in-Taiwan (MIT) production. It is also the only all-around award in the world, thus reflects Taiwan’s brand innovation value to rest of the globe. The country’s first green social enterprise, DA.AI Technology Corporation, was first awarded and recognized in 2012 with its iconic eco-friendly green and white non-dyed polo shirt, named DA.AI (Great Love in Chinese) Polo Shirt. The company continues to triumph in 2013 by winning awards on a total of 6 different series. Furthermore, in the recently announced 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology Corporation has once again proved itself with 10 different product series (a total of 59 products) including the Chinese traditional style Heritage Series, Fresh Sprout/Mascots (infants/kids) Series, Cultivated (leisure) Series, Vow into Action (disaster relief) Series, and the Home Gift Box Series that demonstrates the caring for environment, all living beings, and mother Earth. The company has also published numerous reports on the 2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards to tell the humanism stories behind the brand.

The DA.AI Technology’s Corporation differs from rest of the fiber textile industry in a sense that all of the company’s raw materials come from the plastic bottles that come into the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation’s recycling centers daily from all over Taiwan. Moreover, DA.AI Technology fully contributes its investment and net profit back to Tzu Chi Foundation, which is then utilized on local and international charity and disaster relief. The company is also looking to extend its product development technology into other raw materials, such as recycled paper, to better re-use all the unwanted resources.

Together with the global footprint of Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology had the chance to tag along and exhibit around the world. Thanks to this rare opportunity, people from different country and region were able to learn aboutTaiwan’s enlivened power of recycling, turning what was meant to be thrown away into useful resources. The company’s establishment is made possible by numerous recycling volunteers and entrepreneurs who contributed their time, money, and effort on theislandofTaiwan. DA.AI Technology wishes to carry out all these stories behind the brand and product to the world, and ultimately raises everyone’s awareness to love and cherish the land that we live on and to “coexist with the Earth.”

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The Heritage Series Promotes the Blessing and Wisdom Role Model Once Again. (2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards Report #1)

Caption: With its iconic and special surface finish, the Gentle Fleece fabric presents a feather-like soft and comfort texture, and together with its warm and fur-ball-less characteristics, it is the ideal material winter coat. The natural color grey provides a strong feeling of humbleness and stillness. The simple design also brings out the generous and elegant personality.(Photo by:DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)The 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, hosted by the Taiwan Bureau of Foreign Trade, has long stood for the highest standard and role model of boutique product in Taiwan on many domains, including product development, design, quality assurance, marketing, and Made-in-Taiwan (MIT) production. It is also the only all-around award in the world, thus reflects Taiwan’s brand innovation value to rest of the globe. The country’s first green social enterprise, DA.AI Technology Corporation, was first awarded and recognized in 2012 with its iconic eco-friendly green and white non-dyed polo shirt, named DA.AI (Great Love in Chinese) Polo Shirt. The company continues to triumph in 2013 by winning awards on a total of 6 different series. Furthermore, in the recently announced 22nd Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology Corporation has once again proved itself with 10 different product series (a total of 59 products) including the Chinese traditional style Heritage Series, Fresh Sprout/Mascots (infants/kids) Series, Cultivated (leisure) Series, Vow into Action (disaster relief) Series, and the Home Gift Box Series that demonstrates the caring for environment, all living beings, and mother Earth. The company has also published numerous reports on the 2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards to tell the humanism stories behind the brand.

The DA.AI Technology’s Corporation differs from rest of the fiber textile industry in a sense that all of the company’s raw materials come from the plastic bottles that come into the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation’s recycling centers daily from all over Taiwan. Moreover, DA.AI Technology fully contributes its investment and net profit back to Tzu Chi Foundation, which is then utilized on local and international charity and disaster relief. The company is also looking to extend its product development technology into other raw materials, such as recycled paper, to better re-use all the unwanted resources.

Caption: The Immaculate Product Series, with its bow-knot cuff, embroidered chest, and traditional button design, emits the beauty of classic and simplicity. The pure and clean white color also states the internal peacefulness and calmness, and reminds us of our compassion towards Mother Earth and our surroundings.(Photo by:DA.AI TECHNOLOGY CO.)The colors from the classic Chinese style Heritage Series, including Silence Black, Immaculate White, Accommodation Grey, and Gentle Fleece, all demonstrate a sense of internal elegance and human manner. Much like the traditional Chinese culture, the Heritage Series wishes to emphasize on the elegant, simple, and dignified virtues through its design. Ingeniously combine the Chinese style design with internal humanity, the Heritage Series also proved it technically possible that recycled polyester can be made into more than just sports clothing, while such innovation is applause by the general public.

Together with the global footprint of Taiwan Excellence Awards, DA.AI Technology had the chance to tag along and exhibit around the world. Thanks to this rare opportunity, people from different country and region were able to learn aboutTaiwan’s enlivened power of recycling, turning what was meant to be thrown away into useful resources. The company’s establishment is made possible by numerous recycling volunteers and entrepreneurs who contributed their time, money, and effort on theislandofTaiwan. DA.AI Technology wishes to carry out all these stories behind the brand and product to the world, and ultimately raises everyone’s awareness to love and cherish the land that we live on and to “coexist with the Earth.”

DA.AI Technology Reporter, Claire Lin, Tom Yang, Taipei

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傳薪清蓮心香溢 自淨身心品高潔

圖說: 「蓮花刺繡外套」,即傳達心性的美善與清淨,誠如靜思語所言:「大愛的心猶如一朵清淨的蓮花,不論在任何環境都能散發清香。」(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技傳薪系列中國風服飾,乃回溯中國復古之美,賦予人文新意,遵循  證嚴法師《禮儀之美》的慈示,藉由服儀人文之美,回歸人性的單純樸實。其中「包容系列」的設計就是以清明心念為主,日前上市傳薪心品--「蓮花刺繡外套」,即傳達心性的美善與清淨,誠如靜思語所言:「大愛的心猶如一朵清淨的蓮花,不論在任何環境都能散發清香。」




大愛感恩科技真善美志工  胡崇惠 台北報導

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圖說: 大愛感恩科技獲頒環保署年度推廣綠色消費優良單位,由發起人之一  林家和師兄(右)代表上台受獎,由管考處 蕭慧娟處長(左)頒贈獎座。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)環保署為表揚及感謝綠色業者對於政策及環保作為的貢獻,於12月24日「102年綠色消費宣傳暨綠色採購推動計畫成果發表會」 頒贈獎座,表揚推廣綠色消費與環保推廣優良單位。大愛感恩科技今年度參與「綠色妝聘禮推廣活動」將實用又有環保標章的環保紡織品,提供民眾作為聘禮嫁妝,希望新人們從構思婚禮到組成家庭都能帶入環保”心”生活,藉此引導民眾關切環保議題,也因而獲頒102年度推廣綠色消費優良業者。


圖說: 大愛感恩科技,教育消費者以「取代」代替「消費」的綠色行動,響應環保署「綠色妝聘禮」推廣活動。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技發起人之一 林家和師兄代表上台受獎,並於會後受訪表示:「我們的衣服是原色或不用後染的寶特瓶回收的環保再生材質製成。」 資源再利用,既天然又環保,推出綠色婚禮,鼓勵結婚也要用環保標章產品,期待更多業者加入綠色消費推動的行列,提升十方大徳綠色意識,讓環保習慣生活化,共同帶動全民綠色生活時代。

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大圍環保參訪Children recycle tapes

Moving to Hong Kong, at the Tai Wai(大圍) Tzu Chi Recycling Station, Tzu Chi volunteers recently taught a group of children how to properly sort recyclables into the right categories, allowing them to gain new knowledge, as well as hands-on experience.Let`s take a look.


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大愛毛毯迎新年 寒冬溫暖幸福感

圖說: 可愛的「大愛狗/感恩貓動物毛毯」,集「布偶、毛毯、披肩」多功能,一物多用,就是減少物資浪費,不易生螨的環保材質,是陪伴孩子童年時光的最佳愛心夥伴。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技吉祥物--「大愛狗」與「感恩貓」,所象徵的意義,誠如「大愛」、「感恩」之名,旨在孕育孩子大愛胸懷,這份愛心便是造福的種子;培養孩子心生感恩,懂得感恩便能啟發善良惜福的心性。迎接2014年,新一代的大愛感恩吉祥物,更被賦予心善行—「環保」大愛狗與「素食」感恩貓,因此最受小朋友喜愛的吉祥物環保毛毯心品,也以嶄新可愛的形貌上市,貼心附上收納提袋,方便外出時隨身提著走,將成為孩子們最期盼的聖誕禮及新年禮,在寒冬給予孩子溫暖的幸福感。



大愛感恩科技真善美志工 胡崇惠 台北報導

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大愛毛毯迎新年 寒冬溫暖幸福感

圖說: 可愛的「大愛狗/感恩貓動物毛毯」,集「布偶、毛毯、披肩」多功能,一物多用,就是減少物資浪費,不易生螨的環保材質,是陪伴孩子童年時光的最佳愛心夥伴。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技)大愛感恩科技吉祥物--「大愛狗」與「感恩貓」,所象徵的意義,誠如「大愛」、「感恩」之名,旨在孕育孩子大愛胸懷,這份愛心便是造福的種子;培養孩子心生感恩,懂得感恩便能啟發善良惜福的心性。迎接2014年,新一代的大愛感恩吉祥物,更被賦予心善行—「環保」大愛狗與「素食」感恩貓,因此最受小朋友喜愛的吉祥物環保毛毯心品,也以嶄新可愛的形貌上市,貼心附上收納提袋,方便外出時隨身提著走,將成為孩子們最期盼的聖誕禮及新年禮,在寒冬給予孩子溫暖的幸福感。



大愛感恩科技真善美志工 胡崇惠 台北報導

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Monday, 30 December 2013

人文愛灑科技企業 菩提林立愛心湧現

圖說:聯華電子執行長顏博文師兄(左)致贈感恩結緣品予大愛感恩科技執董李鼎銘師兄(右),致贈的涵意非禮品本身,而是無形的致意與感恩,感恩能以「品人文,涵福慧,傳大愛」的人文精神傳遞給每位在場同仁,深表肯定與讚嘆。(攝影者:聯華電子職工福利委員會)台灣電子科技大廠---聯華電子、旺宏電子,特邀大愛感恩科技分享綠色環保與企業社會責任的落實,透過執董 李鼎銘師兄生動與感動的分享,在場的高級主管與同仁參與的不只是一場講座,而是感受如同一場人文愛灑、心靈饗宴,洗滌內心與淨化人心,同時也暸解一般企業講求業績分毫必爭的激烈競爭下,還有這獨負有使命感的“ 大愛感恩科技的綠色環保社會企業“ 為台灣社會來打拼及付出。

『一切都是好因緣!』,大愛感恩科技於11月、12月分別前往聯電 (南科廠/新竹廠)與主管、同仁分享,會有如此的因緣,即是聯電執行長 顏博文的夫人( 吳玫芬師姊),於去年在社區師兄師姊的邀請下,參與了七月吉祥月的活動,看著台前由108位師兄合心組隊的「行願法船」,被其中堅定的信心與願力所震撼,因而鼓勵顏博文師兄參加新竹地區「行願法船」的演繹。唐朝鑑真大和尚的東渡日本把佛法傳到日本的堅定「行願」精神,也深深絡印在顏博文心中。

圖說:旺宏電子邀約大愛感恩科技於新竹科學園區分享,與現場互動一家親,同仁像是從地湧現的菩薩,個個主動與執董 李鼎銘師兄進行Q&A。大愛感恩科技以科技結合慈悲,以環保結合愛心,以人文結合公益,期許成為世界環保愛心品牌的典範。(攝影者:廖栗瑄)顏博文師兄在接下聯電執行長一職後,由於期盼能實踐  上人「淨化人心、社會祥和、天下無災難」的三好願,積極的定期與不定期邀請社區志工,到公司舉辦愛灑與人文講座活動,大愛感恩科技在三次的分享中,部門主管與各部同仁參與近500位,每一場的分享都是「因為你 因為我」,才能彼此共結善緣,只要現場的一個人被一句話、一個影像所感動,進而想行善入人群、回饋社會,這樣的分享就是值得了。即有一位聯華電子專職的消防大隊隊員感動的分享,希望未來能投入慈濟志工見習的行列,進入慈濟大家庭、人間菩薩招生。

圖說:大愛感恩科技公司秉持「大愛眾生,感恩大地」的精神,是個無私愛心的公益平台,從環保菩薩資源回收、到實業家發揮專業良能的愛心接力、接續回饋社會,期盼成為拋磚引玉的先鋒,帶動更多有心投入環保的實業與團體,善盡社會企業責任。(攝影者:攝影者:廖栗瑄)執董 李鼎銘師兄會進入旺宏電子分享,以“續物命 造福慧”的主題,共同“化腐朽為神奇,化不可能為可能”,將慈濟環保人文精神帶入科技業。 要拯救地球,就是要先救心,啟發人人心中的愛,發揮「心室效應」,災難時刻,正是造福時刻,啟動一分愛,恆持一念善,讓「來不及」成為「來得及」。誠如靜思語所言:「疼愛大地,就是疼愛眾生」;「人人有愛,天、地、人就能調和,萬物自然生機蓬勃」。但願人人凝聚善念,即時行善,落實低碳生活,愛護地球,天下無災,人人才能安居樂業。

大愛感恩科技真善美志工 林慧萍 台北報導

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海汙事件簿(二)洋流垃圾At sea for 15 years

Did you know that land-based discharge of human-made debris, comprises the largest source of marine debris in oceans worldwide. And in the center of the Pacific Ocean is a gyre(G-i-er) of marine debris known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The surface area of the patch is estimated to be 39 times the size of Taiwan and is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of plastics. Let`s find out more in our next report.

您知道嗎?海洋汙染 大多都來自於人類的惡意排放之外,還有丟進海洋裡的垃圾,而在全世界有一座最大的海洋垃圾島,太平洋垃圾帶,它的面積有臺灣島的39倍大,而大多數的垃圾是塑膠,我們來看接下來的報導。

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Saturday, 28 December 2013

海汙事件簿(一)毒海岸Oceans have become a dumping ground

Taiwan`s economic boom in the 1960s gave rise to the rapid growth of industrial businesses. The development of these manufacturers also led to a significant amount of industrial waste, being discharged from factories into rivers and oceans. Over time, not only has this contaminated our rivers, it has also threatened the aquatic ecosystem along Taiwan`s coastlines. Just how dirty are our waters? Here`s more in our next report.


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