週一, 16 一月 2017

2017,01/16 工商時報採訪

【地點】大愛感恩科技 (台北市內湖區洲子街63號1樓)

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南里長推素 Xu Fumei promoted recycling and eating a vegetarian diet

We meet someone who’s actively promoting vegetarianism. Tainan’s North District Borough Chief Xu Fumei has been a vegetarian for 20 years and is eager to invite others to join her. Recently she arranged two bus loads of people to take part in a Tzu Chi activity to teach them about the importance of recycling as well as eating a vegetarian diet. 


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菩薩身影張治 Tzu Chi environmental protector, Zhang Zhi

66-year-old Zhang Zhi is a Tzu Chi volunteer in Taichung. Before she joined Tzu Chi, she suffered a stroke. After she started doing recycling with Tzu Chi volunteers, her condition improved. Now she lives her life with gratitude and contentment. 



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人醫謝素絨 Tzu Chi environmental protector, Xie Surong

Xie Surong suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for years with the joints on her limbs becoming deformed as she could no longer walk and became bedridden. With help from Tzu Chi volunteers, she went to Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan for surgery. Now with artificial joints, she can do recycling and even look after her parents. 

謝素絨在十六歲的時候,類風濕性關節炎開始對她展開攻擊,使的她的關節變形,雙腳也變得無力,甚至無法離床,後來有慈濟志工的幫忙,她來到大林慈院進行手術,換上人工關節,術後她不僅可以做環保,也可以照顧父母。 Read more

福鼎環保好 Fuding Taimushan Recycling Station promoted environmental values

The Taimushan Recycling Station located in Fuding City has gone through several expansions and relocations. At the newest location, volunteers decorated the station with environmental values in mind, which included secondhand glass doors and a lotus display made from plastic bottles.

福建省福鼎市的太姥山環保站,歷經多次搬遷,最後的新據點,志工運用回收材料用心布置,包含廚房玻璃牆與寶特瓶做的蓮花,要延續物命。 Read more

關渡歲末戴光輝 Tzu Chi environmental protector, Dai Guanghui

Among the volunteers that participated in the year-end blessing ceremony in Guandu is, Dai Guanghui, who is the exemplar of a filial son. When Dai’s father passed away, his mother fell into a deep depression, seeing his mother in that state, he encouraged her to join him in Tzu Chi activities to focus her grief elsewhere. Over time, his mother finally regained her smile. 


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印環保陳建仲 Tzu Chi environmental protector, Usman Sutanto

Let’s meet Usman Sutanto from Indonesiawho began walking the bodhisattva path in 2011. Let’s hear how he shares his path of cultivation with his family. 

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馬環保站瑜伽 Bemban recycling station provides yoga classes

To safeguard the health of recycling volunteers and help loosen up their muscles, the Bemban recycling station in Malacca, Malaysia, provides yoga classes for them. It was originally difficult for most of the elderly volunteers to bend and stretch their body, but after nearly two years of classes, all of them have felt the full benefits of the exercise. 
為了守護環保志工的健康幫助他們放鬆筋骨,馬六甲望萬環保站特別增設瑜伽班,剛開始對這些年長志工而言,曲身或伸展四肢並不容易,但經過近兩年的練習後,他們現在都能夠做瑜珈了。 Read more

日新年料理 Japanese prepared vegetarian meals for New Year

Prior to the New Year’s arrival, Tzu Chi volunteers in Japan held a cooking class to teach mothers how to prepare vegetarian meals for the holiday. Let’s see how their classes went and how the vegetarian dishes turned out. 

新年來臨前,慈濟日本分會開設料理班,教導媽媽們製作蔬食的日式年菜。 Read more

紐約蔬食發放 分享溫暖健康美味


世界蔬醒日,越夜越美麗,紐約慈濟志工與「一神普救教會」(Unitarian Church of All Souls)攜手,在曼哈頓發放熱食。 

志工 吉特:「我以前沒有參加過熱食發放,我一直很想參加,而且蔬醒日的想法也非常吸引人,我覺得對人們來說,知道自己吃的食物從哪兒來非常重要,考慮到環境問題,生產肉製品耗費很多資源。」 


慈濟志工 洪德華:「兩年前我們在加拿大的時候,我們是做那個素食便當,今天的菜單是非常豐富的,我們有日本沙拉,我們每一桌都有一籃全麥麵包,我們有咖啡和茶,然後我們主菜就出來了,那個盤子上面是有中式義麵。」 

一神普救教會熱食發放負責人 柯林斯:「我們一年提供三萬五千份熱食,但不是全素食的,所以今晚非常特別,我們以前並不知道只用蔬菜可做出如此美味的食物,種菜去餵養牛和雞,卻又殺害牠們,真的是很愚蠢的行為。」 

志工 狄克森:「每個人都想要再來一份,他們喜歡今天的素食,這很新奇,他們以往都要求吃肉,今天過後,也許就在下個星期一,或許他們就會開始說要吃素,也許這一晚就是他們成為蔬食者的開始。」 


周四月 徐凱鳴 美國報導 Read more