香港志工拜訪街友Tzu Chi volunteers visited the homeless in Hong Kong

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At the end of the show, we stay in Hong Kong, Tzu Chi volunteers visited the homeless and brought them hot porridge and blankets to get through the cold nights. Volunteers also gathered to sing a few song, making the homeless feel like they are guests at a mini concert. Thank you for watching. See you next week.
節目最後,我們留在香港,慈濟志工拜訪無家可歸的街友,恭敬地送上熱粥以及毛毯,要讓他們 度過寒冬的夜晚,大夥還唱起歌,有街友說,好像是為他們舉辦的小型演唱會,感謝您的收看,我們下周再見。
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