DA.AI’s “compassion and technology” showcased at the National Innovative Information Exhibition

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Caption:On the first day of the exhibition, Vice President Wu (center) listened to Tzu Chi’s Brother Jason Leou's explanation of Tzu Chi and DA.AI’s efforts in disaster relief mission and public welfare. (Photo reprinted from Tzu Chi website)This year, to highlight the Board of Science and Technology (BOST)'s “Advancing the Nation's Innovative Capacity” exhibition, Executive Yuan organized a special, large-scale area in the National Innovative Information Exhibition. Tzu Chi was offered an opportunity to showcase the “compassionate technology” it mobilizes during disaster relief missions around the world. The display included some of DA.AI Technology's eco-friendly products specifically designed for disaster relief purposes. Visitors also expressed appreciation of the ITRI Emergency Water Boat, Tzu Chi’s eco blankets, instant rice and prefab houses as examples of the love and care that Taiwan regularly sends to comfort those in need around the world—most recently, Typhoon Yolanda victims in the Philippines.

Caption:DA.AI Technology co-founder Brother Lin explained the Cradle-to-Cradle zero waste system to the General Manager of Chunghwa Telecom, and showed DA.AI’s gray scarves made of fabric scraps produced during Gray Eco Blanket assembly.Tzu Chi’s disaster relief teams are well-known for their large deliveries of DA.AI’s gray eco blankets to those in need. The success at bringing “compassionate technology” to people who often lost everything has gained international acclaim. During the exhibition's opening day, Vice President Wu paid a visit to the special Tzu Chi exhibition area. Tzu Chi Foundation's Brother Jason Leou gave details on Tzu Chi and DA.AI Technology's contributions to national and international disaster relief and public welfare programs. Nearby, DA.AI Technology co-founder Brother Fred Lin was introducing the company’s Cradle to Cradle zero-waste technology to Chunghwa Telecom General Manager Mr. Shi Mubiao. And students from Tzu Chi's College of Technology also came ready to learn.

Caption:Teacher Chen Huanghua (3rd from the right) led students from Tzu Chi College of Technology to learn green marketing. DA.AI staff member Jasmine Li explained to the students how it fits into DA.AI’s core values.“Love all creatures and show appreciation to the Earth” continues to be DA.AI’s motivation and aim. During disaster relief activities, showing how compassion and technology can overlap is a primary goal. This is only possible thanks to Tzu Chi brothers and sisters known collectively as “recycling Bodhisattvas,” business partners and many other dedicated supporters. The National Innovative Information Exhibition will travel to the North, Middle and South of Taiwan, after ending its run at Taipei International Trade Center between November 30 and December 8. DA.AI staff will be available to answer questions and give tours. See you there!

Reported by Faye Chong, Jasmine Li and Carey C. Giudici

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