馬銀髮做環保Meet 80-year-old recycling volunteer, Lin Shuzhu from Selangor in Malaysia

Next we go to Malaysia to meet 80-year-old recycling volunteer, Lin Shuzhu from Selangor, who gets up early every morning to collect recyclables in her community. Lin says practicing recycling has made her happier and worry-free. 

接下來的報導帶您認識,馬來西亞雪蘭莪有一位八十歲的環保志工林淑珠,她都利用清晨的時間到社區做環保,她說做環保,讓她健康快樂沒煩惱。 大愛村,多年來,慈濟志工提升了居民的環保意識,更啟發政府以大愛村為範本,興建國宅,讓我們一起來看看。

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