印尼環保睦鄰+馬草根婆婆Why the Duri Kosambi Tzu Chi Recycling Station is more than just a place where community members sort recyclables in Indonesia`s West Jakarta & sixty-year-old recycling volunteer Li Yueying from Broga Village, Malaysia

Sixty-year-old recycling volunteer Li Yueying from Broga Village, Malaysia, learned the importance of environmental protection through watching Da Ai TV. Determined to leave behind a healthy planet for future generations, she decided to join Tzu Chi`s recycling mission. But first, we go to Indonesia`s West Jakarta and learn why the Duri Kosambi Tzu Chi Recycling Station is more than just a place where community members sort recyclables. 

來自馬來西亞,武來岸的60歲慈濟環保志工 李月英,因為收看大愛電視,得知守護環境的重要性,決定就此加入環保的行列,希望為子孫們留下一片淨土,但首先我們到印尼西雅加達的,杜利 苟杉比 環保站,來了解為甚麼這裡是一個,不一樣的環保站。 

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