災民當志工+民眾入慈濟From a receiver to a giver

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Following a series of underground gas explosions in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers and local residents immediately reached out with a helping hand. At the local Jing Si Hall, volunteers continued to pack bags of relief goods for blast survivors and were recently joined by several youngsters. But first, we meet Su Zhendi, who despite losing her livelihood to the explosion, still decided to join the volunteers’ ranks to help those in greater need. 

歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是廖珮如,感恩您的加入。台灣高雄氣爆意外後,慈濟志工和當地居民趕緊伸出援手,在當地的靜思堂,慈濟志工繼續打包要發給受災民眾的關懷祝福禮,許多年輕人也加入其中。但一開始,我們來認識在氣爆中失去店面的蘇珍娣,雖然受災,她還是決定加入志工的行列,一起幫助更需要的人 。 

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