
Inspired by the 2010 floods in Pakistan, the Jing Si folding bed was created as an innovative disaster relief solution. This year`s Red Dot Design Award selected the easy-to-transport and eco-friendly product as the winner of its Top Quality award category out of some 4,800 submissions from over 50 countries. Tzu Chi volunteer and chief designer of the bed, Marshall Siao, flew to Germany to receive the award on behalf of the Tzu Chi Foundation. 

2010年巴基斯坦,遭逢世紀洪患,淨斯多功能福慧床,應運而生,成為賑災最佳物資,2014年德國紅點設計大獎,頒發「最高品質」大獎,給慈濟研發的這款,攜帶便利又環保福慧床,「最高品質」大獎,在50多個國家,4,800多件參賽作品中脫穎而出,慈濟志工兼設計師 蔡昇倫,特地前往德國,代表慈濟領獎。
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