移動山河(5)Check of retaining wall

Man-made engineering has always been there as a solution to conquer nature, however with the increasing damage natural disasters are bringing, citizens and government official are now taking an active stance to strengthening man-made engineering structures. For instance, in the hilly Taipei City, government officials have assigned an identification number for each retaining wall to keep track of its maintenance record. Here`s more. 

人類總覺得工程,就能更控制大自然,但是帶來的災害,卻越來越大,居民與政府更應該,化被動為主動,才能將風險降到最低,例如,在坡地多的台北,政府把每個 人工邊坡編上號碼,定期檢查,及時提醒,負責單位做維修。 

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