September 2019

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

DA.AI Recycle-To-Recycle® (R2R®) Series

DA.AI Technology has been dedicated to world sustainability since its establishment over a decade ago in 2008. With its eco-products crafted from recycled PET plastic bottles, the company helps to avoid potential environmental crises, as well as the burning and burying of un-recycled PET products. DA.AI Technology has now additionally set out to solve the growing problem of discarded and left-over clothing.


After obtaining Cradle to Cradle® certification, DA.AI Technology continued to pursue its course of research, and reached a milestone in July of 2015: transforming recycled fabric back to its PET chip form, thus, enabling the creation of new eco-products. A series of products is now available through this process, which consumes fewer resources and less energy than conventional means of production. One item created through this method is the DA.AI Technology eco-blanket. These special blankets made with love are then given to survivors of disasters by Tzu Chi volunteers during relief missions.


Following the patenting of DA.AI Technology's Recycle-To-Recycle® (R2R®) Series in Taiwan, the company officially shifted from a “waste reduction” green brand to a “zero waste” green global role model.

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DA.AI Technology Pressure Fabric

When a horrible explosion occurred in Taipei in 2015, nearly 500 of the young survivors were required to wear pressure suits for one or more years throughout rehabilitation. This was when DA.AI Technology endeavored to replace the uncomfortable traditional fabric used with a new design which focused on providing elasticity, breathability, and comfort, while still maintaining sufficient pressure.


Due to the patented cross-sectional Supernet® knitting method and cool yarn, DA.AI Technology’s new fabric was substantially more comfortable, breathable, and fostered better mobility. This lead to an increase in willingness to participate in rehabilitation. And indeed, DA.AI Technology wished to help these youngsters and all future burn survivors heal in such a time of need, and return to their livelihoods as soon as possible. This patent is additionally used in the development of long-term care products.

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DA.AI Technology Wise Eco-Plastic

According to a report released by the United Nations on World Environment Day in 2018, approximately 9 billion tons of plastics are manufactured each year. However, only a staggering 9% of that plastic is recycled. Thus, 8 million tons of plastic waste flows into our oceans annually. Companies are therefore encouraged to adopt production and consumption patterns of plastic materials that follow a “Circular Economy.” During the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-4) which took place in March of 2019, as many as 170 countries vowed to substantially reduce the amount of single-use plastic products by 2030.


DA.AI Technology's "Wise Eco-Plastic" series thereby utilizes recycled materials as a means of reducing plastic pollution. Recycled PET is transformed into everyday essentials from clothing to backpacks, and recycled polypropylene (PP) is used in the creation of stationery items. Through these innovative methods, DA.AI upholds its goal of supporting Mother Earth, lessening the burden that excessive municipal plastic waste places on our planet and all sentient beings.

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DA.AI Technology Eco- Wood

With the dawn of "fast fashion" clothing consumption has changed dramatically. According to a publication from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation titled "A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning fashion’s future", clothing production has roughly doubled from 2000 to 2015. However, only 13% of clothing materials were effectively recycled and reused. Nearly 73% ultimately ends up landfilled or incinerated.


The toxins and pollution produced from both the creation and disposal of these clothing items are detrimental to the environment. Therefore, DA.AI Technology is committed to improving the rate at which clothing is used and recycled, and has developed a unique composite material made of discarded fabrics and recycled plastics. DA.AI then transforms this composite material into durable DA.AI Eco-wood.

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DA.AI Compassion Technology: Providing Safety, Ease, and Comfort

Combine environmental protection with disaster relief, DA.AI develops a series of functional eco apparel and accessory, made from recycled PET bottles, to provide relief volunteer safety and convenience. Compassion Technology Series includes puncture-proof shoes to protect feet from sharp object, and solar powered accessories to provide light and renewable energy for charging. The design ideas came from rich disaster relief experience of Tzu Chi volunteers, and a compassionate heart of Dharma Master Cheng Yen.

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Inner richness comes from a simple life style

Live a simple life and love Earth with low carbon emission.

Protect the environment with inner contentment and live a life with true beauty.

Leave a clean planet for future generations.

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Clothing with Merit

The word ‘clothing’ and ‘merit’ shares the same pronunciation in Mandarin; thus, what we wear should show respect to others.

This is the reason that DA.AI’s Heritage Series was designed, to pass on traditional virtue and manner through simple and elegant cut, which demonstrates the wearer’s eco-friendly and Great Love spirits.

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Tuesday, 10 September 2019

慈悲蘊智慧 人文育科技


每年中秋佳節,是全球人醫回到心靈故鄉花蓮,與上人團圓的日子。 9月10日,超過三百多位全球各地的人醫菩薩齊聚東區會所,大愛感恩把握慈濟專列出發前的因緣,分享慈悲科技的成果與上人的期許,傳遞環保精質化的理念。 分享中,人醫成員們對為八仙塵爆燒燙傷病友,所研發、改良的壓力布,以及為解決二手衣問題,着手開發大愛塑木十分敬佩。


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慈悲蘊智慧 人文育科技


每年中秋佳節,是全球人醫回到心靈故鄉花蓮,與上人團圓的日子。 9月10日,超過三百多位全球各地的人醫菩薩齊聚東區會所,大愛感恩把握慈濟專列出發前的因緣,分享慈悲科技的成果與上人的期許,傳遞環保精質化的理念。 分享中,人醫成員們對為八仙塵爆燒燙傷病友,所研發、改良的壓力布,以及為解決二手衣問題,着手開發大愛塑木十分敬佩。


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Sunday, 08 September 2019

第七屆 CSR校園種子研習營 首創接軌國際SDGs融入循環經濟議題

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資誠永續發展服務公司與中華經濟研究院綠色經濟研究中心於2019年9月4日到6日首度攜手合辦「Camping for Good─永續 X 循環經濟 校園種子營」,在國泰金控、海龍離岸風電計畫、大愛感恩科技、歐萊德四家協力企業單位,以及台灣永續能源研究基金會、CSRone永續報告平台、BoniO幫你優與20多位永續領域產學專家的共襄盛舉之下,共吸引88位大專院校同學參加,成功打造一場接軌國際永續發展目標,深入探討循環經濟與創新企業永續策略的種子營隊。


Camping for Good校園種子營三天兩夜的主題與課程形式豐富度,兼具知性與感性,聚焦SDGs、氣候變遷、循環經濟、綠色金融、物質循環和永續能源等議題。大愛感恩不僅致力於環保教育深耕,藉此營隊一同參與臺灣的永續發展,激發出更多元的創意思維。 Read more