Tuesday, 30 December 2014





環保志工 廖麗香 與 民眾:「這個也可以回收 但是也是一樣, 因為要救地球愛環保, 所以這個東西, 我們也是在家裡先把它洗乾淨, 再拿來環保站。」


環保志工 廖麗香:「上人有個理念 清淨在源頭, 如果家裡有回收的東西, 都一定要弄好才到我們環保站。」


環保志工 廖麗香:「在這裡 師姊師兄分享他的, 一些心情 , 或講一些笑話給我們聽聽, 我們都做得好有趣, 每個禮拜就是期待這兩天到來。」


環保志工 廖麗香:「家庭都變得非常圓滿, 因為我們真的有聞法, 所以很感恩上人 讓我學習了很多, 開這條菩薩道讓我們走。」


林致均 簡鴻海真善美志工-台中報導

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Taiwan Excellence Award for 4 Consecutive Years

CAPTION: The 2015 Taiwan Excellence Award evaluation was based on R&D, design, quality, marketing, and made in Taiwan (MIT) aspects, and awarded 215 companies and 489 products from all the different industries in Taiwan. DA.AI Technology, with the Loving Planet T-shirt, Compassion Technology, and Heritage Series, has received once again the great honor for the 4th consecutive year in the “Fashion, Living, and Creativity” category.The 2015 Taiwan Excellence Award evaluation was based on R&D, design, quality, marketing, and made in Taiwan (MIT) aspects, and awarded 215 companies and 489 products from all the different industries in Taiwan. DA.AI Technology, with the Loving Planet T-shirt, Compassion Technology, and Heritage Series, has received once again the great honor for the 4th consecutive year in the “Fashion, Living, and Creativity” category, and follows by a series of exhibitions and promotional opportunities from the Bureau of Foreign Trade.

The logo of the Taiwan Excellence Award represents the meaning of “complete,” with 6 separate curve lines that enclose into a hexagon in the center. DA.AI’s environmental protection and charity platform shares the same meaning; with the help from over 60 separate partners, we form a selfless loving and unique business model to aid disastrous victims around the world. Apart from the high quality, aesthetic design, and inspiring R&D skills, DA.AI also pursues corporate social responsibility through this unique business model, which is one of the reasons that won us the award for the 4th year.

CAPTION: Combines environmental protection, technology, love, and contribution, DA.AI develops and designs the Compassionate Technology Series to protect the safety of international relief volunteers.Combines environmental protection, technology, love, and contribution, DA.AI develops and designs the Compassionate Technology Series to protect the safety of international relief volunteers; the Heritage Series further expresses the humanism spirits behind the brand through simple and elegant traditional Chinese apparel design; while the Loving Planet T-shirts reminds us to love and protect our only planet. These award winning DA.AI product series not only are eco-friendly, but also fit with the brand’s core value of putting the Great Love for Earth and all sentient into practical daily actions.

CAPTION: The Heritage Series further expresses the humanism spirits behind the brand through simple and elegant traditional Chinese apparel design. (For more information please refer to http://www.daait.com/ebook/collection20141/)DA.AI Reporter, San-Ming Yu, Taipei

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環保手套功能多 賑災保暖好幫手


誠如 證嚴上人慈示:「走入苦難深處擁抱眾生,慈悲尊重付出,智慧善巧帶動,作『救處、護處、大依止處』,來來回回,不說辛苦,甘願付出、樂此不疲,苦既拔已,復為說法;真正是菩薩精神。用願力擋業力,用愛心擋嚴冬,膚慰苦難眾生。為了讓國際賑災的志工們在天寒地凍救災時能保護自己的雙手,因而研發了防水防風又保暖的環保機能防水手套。在台灣,則是為了讓騎機車的一般民眾能抵抗冬天的寒意同時保護自身安全。



大愛感恩科技  台北報導 

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