Saturday, 06 December 2014

環保人文入北科 校園說法身力行

圖說:北科大同學表現果然不同凡響,由兩位同學扮演的大愛感恩吉祥物『環保大愛狗』、『素食感恩貓』配合慈青社同學上台帶動活潑的健康操後,讓同學情緒瞬間飆到高點。(攝影者:趙于甄)「(結合) 慈濟的資源,把它落實到『勞作教育』這門課, 然後再推展開來,讓每個孩子心裡面都是清淨的,掃地掃地掃心地。」負責籌辦台北科技大學『勞作教育』這個課程的陳鳳隆教官表示。為了讓這堂課發揮實質效果,連續三年之人文講座,均邀請慈濟志工與大愛感恩科技分享,志工們課前也針對每年學生的回饋,設計不同的課程單元,以強調互動參與的方式,希望提供給同學們正面能量。陳教教表示他感受到,同學們也開始在生活中落實。

今年人文講座首先登場的是慈濟志工陳阿桃,做環保二十多年,一口台灣國語,有親切感,也很有說服力。台下,蔡明睿同學從小就看著阿嬤在回收站做環保,台上的分享者阿桃師姊,更是常聽家人提起、耳孰能詳的人品典範。現在明睿來到台北讀書,他就在宿舍落實資源回收。台北科技大學學生 蔡明睿:「針對寶特瓶還有塑膠類和紙類,牛奶盒之類去做簡單分類,到晚上十點垃圾車來時,再去丟各個回收箱。」

圖說:「(結合)慈濟的資源,把它落實到『勞作教育』這門課, 然後再推展開來,讓每個孩子心裡面都是清淨的,掃地掃地掃心地。」負責籌辦台北科技大學『勞作教育』這個課程的陳鳳隆教官表示。(攝影者:趙于甄)做環保救地球,已經是共識,講座中,有分享,也有知識,透過大愛感恩科技虞珊明師兄的《讓愛轉動整個宇宙》的互動分享及《環保常識大考驗》即問即答單元,學生也更有行動力。前身台北工專、創校102年的北科大,以「誠樸精勤」為校訓、培育出數十萬名的校友,果然不同凡響,由兩位同學扮演的大愛感恩吉祥物『環保大愛狗』、『素食感恩貓』配合慈青社同學上台帶動活潑的健康操,讓同學情緒瞬間飆到高點;在緊接著《環保心時尚》走秀中,同學們以即興環保RAP,更是讓全場Hi翻天。

台北科技大學學生:「環保杯大家可以隨時帶一個,可以更加環保,大家也不用花錢這樣子。」 台北科技大學學生:「東西應該要好好珍惜,不管是不是垃圾,可能在別人眼中這是垃圾,但在他人眼中是件很好的樣品。」


大愛感恩科技 虞珊明 及真善美志工林金龍、鄭詩瀚、江孟倩 台北報導

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環保人文入北科 校園說法身力行

圖說:北科大同學表現果然不同凡響,由兩位同學扮演的大愛感恩吉祥物『環保大愛狗』、『素食感恩貓』配合慈青社同學上台帶動活潑的健康操後,讓同學情緒瞬間飆到高點。(攝影者:趙于甄)「(結合) 慈濟的資源,把它落實到『勞作教育』這門課, 然後再推展開來,讓每個孩子心裡面都是清淨的,掃地掃地掃心地。」負責籌辦台北科技大學『勞作教育』這個課程的陳鳳隆教官表示。為了讓這堂課發揮實質效果,連續三年之人文講座,均邀請慈濟志工與大愛感恩科技分享,志工們課前也針對每年學生的回饋,設計不同的課程單元,以強調互動參與的方式,希望提供給同學們正面能量。陳教教表示他感受到,同學們也開始在生活中落實。

今年人文講座首先登場的是慈濟志工陳阿桃,做環保二十多年,一口台灣國語,有親切感,也很有說服力。台下,蔡明睿同學從小就看著阿嬤在回收站做環保,台上的分享者阿桃師姊,更是常聽家人提起、耳孰能詳的人品典範。現在明睿來到台北讀書,他就在宿舍落實資源回收。台北科技大學學生 蔡明睿:「針對寶特瓶還有塑膠類和紙類,牛奶盒之類去做簡單分類,到晚上十點垃圾車來時,再去丟各個回收箱。」

圖說:「(結合)慈濟的資源,把它落實到『勞作教育』這門課, 然後再推展開來,讓每個孩子心裡面都是清淨的,掃地掃地掃心地。」負責籌辦台北科技大學『勞作教育』這個課程的陳鳳隆教官表示。(攝影者:趙于甄)做環保救地球,已經是共識,講座中,有分享,也有知識,透過大愛感恩科技虞珊明師兄的《讓愛轉動整個宇宙》的互動分享及《環保常識大考驗》即問即答單元,學生也更有行動力。前身台北工專、創校102年的北科大,以「誠樸精勤」為校訓、培育出數十萬名的校友,果然不同凡響,由兩位同學扮演的大愛感恩吉祥物『環保大愛狗』、『素食感恩貓』配合慈青社同學上台帶動活潑的健康操,讓同學情緒瞬間飆到高點;在緊接著《環保心時尚》走秀中,同學們以即興環保RAP,更是讓全場Hi翻天。

台北科技大學學生:「環保杯大家可以隨時帶一個,可以更加環保,大家也不用花錢這樣子。」 台北科技大學學生:「東西應該要好好珍惜,不管是不是垃圾,可能在別人眼中這是垃圾,但在他人眼中是件很好的樣品。」


大愛感恩科技 虞珊明 及真善美志工林金龍、鄭詩瀚、江孟倩 台北報導

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樂齡!老有所用 發揮巧思延物命



志工 餘明娣:「把這個(袖子)山頭剪下來,丟掉了不是浪費了嗎,就做一個小包,可以放在包包裡面。」 



社區主任 劉建蘭:「大家在一塊聚一聚,也豐富我們社區老年人的,娛樂文化生活,也給子女減輕負擔。」 


志工程以明 與 居民:「手很冷耶,這樣暖和一點吧,沒關係的抱著(熱茶杯)就好。」 


真善美志工 程以明 許翠卿 湖北報導  Read more

Green Technology Turns Misplaced Resource into Circle of Love

CAPTION: James Lee, DA.AI’s general manager, hope for everyone to become environmental promoter, bend down and pick up all the misplaced resources on the ground, and we shall make a large difference with such simple and small action. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)Out of over 100 global eco-friendly and green corporations, DA.AI was nominated in the top 30 of the 2014 GCCA Later Stage Award. Moreover, on the award ceremony on 12/03 in Lausanne, Switzerland, DA.AI received the honor of Best in Waste Management category, and won the award as the top 10 eco corporations in the world.

Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) was founded by investors of Finland and Switzerland, dedicating in the promotion of top green technology and product worldwide, and providing a platform for green corporations and investors to meet and exchange idea and/or financial support. The Later Stage Award nominates uprising green corporations with well-established product line, business model, and optimistic revenue growth, and looking for further investment. Although DA.AI is not looking for foreign investment at this stage, it was certainly a great chance to show the world of Taiwan’s Great Love, and DA.AI’s practical action of protecting the planet and all living being.

CAPTION: Out of 3 Taiwanese green companies recommended by the Green Trade Project Office, DA.AI was the only one received the honor of GCCA Later Stage Award in the Best of Waste Management category due to its unique ideology that “waste is only misplaced resource.” (Photo by: Global Cleantech Cluster Association.)DA.AI’s definition of “garbage” is simply misplaced resource, and it is such eco-friendly ideology and consistent work that won us the “Best in Waste Management” in the 2014 GCCA Later Stage Award, and encourages us to continue on this path of turning recycle-able into resource to prolong our blessings. James Lee, DA.AI’s general manager, hope for everyone to become environmental promoter, bend down and pick up all the misplaced resources on the ground, and we shall make a large difference with such simple and small action. Let us all increase the strength of goodness in this world, and DA.AI Technology wishes to influence more groups and individuals to join this circle of love.

DA.AI Reporter, San Ming Yu, Taipei

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2014, Dec., GCCA Later Stage Award

CAPTION: James Lee, DA.AI’s general manager, hope for everyone to become environmental promoter, bend down and pick up all the misplaced resources on the ground, and we shall make a large difference with such simple and small action. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)Out of over 100 global eco-friendly and green corporations, DA.AI was nominated in the top 30 of the 2014 GCCA Later Stage Award. Moreover, on the award ceremony on 12/03 in Lausanne, Switzerland, DA.AI received the honor of Best in Waste Management category, and won the award as the top 10 eco corporations in the world.

Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) was founded by investors of Finland and Switzerland, dedicating in the promotion of top green technology and product worldwide, and providing a platform for green corporations and investors to meet and exchange idea and/or financial support. The Later Stage Award nominates uprising green corporations with well-established product line, business model, and optimistic revenue growth, and looking for further investment. Although DA.AI is not looking for foreign investment at this stage, it was certainly a great chance to show the world of Taiwan’s Great Love, and DA.AI’s practical action of protecting the planet and all living being.

CAPTION: Out of 3 Taiwanese green companies recommended by the Green Trade Project Office, DA.AI was the only one received the honor of GCCA Later Stage Award in the Best of Waste Management category due to its unique ideology that “waste is only misplaced resource.” (Photo by: Global Cleantech Cluster Association.)DA.AI’s definition of “garbage” is simply misplaced resource, and it is such eco-friendly ideology and consistent work that won us the “Best in Waste Management” in the 2014 GCCA Later Stage Award, and encourages us to continue on this path of turning recycle-able into resource to prolong our blessings. James Lee, DA.AI’s general manager, hope for everyone to become environmental promoter, bend down and pick up all the misplaced resources on the ground, and we shall make a large difference with such simple and small action. Let us all increase the strength of goodness in this world, and DA.AI Technology wishes to influence more groups and individuals to join this circle of love.

DA.AI Reporter, San Ming Yu, Taipei

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【時間】2014年12月6日(六) 09:00-11:30
【地點】大愛感恩科技 (台北市內湖區洲子街65號3樓)

歲末感恩茶會 環保"心"體驗
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