Tuesday, 18 November 2014

大愛感恩精品 造時尚『心』生活

圖說:中央電視台《素造心生活》到場錄製節目,導演吳徽、主持王子兒師兄(背對鏡頭)訪談設計總監洪若岑師姊,闡述大愛感恩科技產品背後的心時尚設計精神理念與上人對大愛感恩期許。 (攝影者: 虞珊明)北京台灣名品博覽會大愛感恩科技展位前來了一群社區的大媽,帶領者賈蘭英,恰是髙健師兄在國企時的領導,兩人20多年沒見面因為慈濟相逢,真是因緣不可思議。昨天賈蘭英來參觀,王智慧師姊把握機會請賈蘭英邀約她們這群農展館周邊社區志願者骨幹到場交流。掛上臂章這群綠色生活大隊長們平常就關心社區環境維護與推動綠色生活,智慧師姊希望邀大家能夠從做為示範社區、走出來與其他社區或慈濟交流。這群綠生活愛好者非常讚歎慈濟環保理念及大愛感恩科技的成果,未來想訂大愛衫當作團服,表達支持的一份心力。

總務組陳豪情師兄與人文真善美韓淑艷是同修,一早剛進場豪情師兄請購夢寐以求的神奇白鞋後本來打算就離開,後來聽完虞珊明師兄簡單培訓強調人間菩薩招生才是參展目的,覺得很有意義且是自己能做的,於是改變心意留下來推廣,見人就邀約填寫志工表,一對從山東煙台來的年輕人,以及另一位住在北京南郊的參觀者被其熱情打動,留下志工申請表聯絡資訊。陳師兄表示當初並不贊成師姊參加慈濟,因為每次師姊有活動,師兄與小孩便得自己做飯吃。後來有一次師姊邀他去聽阮義忠老師的攝影課,自己對攝影有興趣,又聽了阮師兄分享用相機記錄 證嚴上人行腳過程中的感動,同時勉勵各位攝影同好運用相機可以看到、也可以做到好事,同時提到相機鏡頭後面的腦袋才更重要,一念美善的心就可以傳播世間真善美,豪情師兄因此受感動走進慈濟世界。現在與一群志同道合的同伴承擔總務組的工作,每次勤務都能法喜充滿,隨著小孩長大,兩人也很放心的參加活動。這就是 證嚴上人希望夫妻能同修才能彼此體諒,兩人真是令人羨慕的慈濟道侶。

圖說:掛著綠臂章這群綠色生活社區志願者骨幹(大隊長)到場交流。她們平常就關心社區環境維護,王智慧師姊希望邀大家能夠從做為示範社區、走出來與其他社區或慈濟交流。這群綠生活愛好者非常讚歎慈濟環保理念及大愛感恩科技的成果,未來想訂大愛衫當作團服,表達支持的一份心力。(攝影者: 虞珊明)中央電視台《素造心生活》到場錄製節目,主持王子兒師兄上午先來做功課,虞珊明師兄仔細說明大愛感恩科技展出目的與產品後,王子兒師兄當場構思出節目訪談大綱。導演吳徽下午到場後,設計總監洪若岑師姊接受訪談,闡述大愛感恩科技產品背後的環保 " 心 " 時尚設計精神理念與上人對大愛感恩科技期許。虞珊明師兄也錄製二分鐘關於神奇白褲的故事。為了節目活潑,王智慧師姊以走動方式呈現傳薪服飾質感,同時現身說法談她的感動與願力行的發心,希望邀約更多人能推動 上人環保理念與實踐簡約『心』生活。王超師兄更以消費者的角色談他對大愛感恩科技綠色產品的印象。整個下午錄製進行中,只見主持人王子兒師兄由原先一身便服,由上而下:超細纖維的刷毛外套、神奇白褲、防穿刺白布鞋,逐一換上環保再生科技織品,彷如脫胎換骨。

圖說: 為了節目活潑,王智慧師姊以走動方式呈現傳薪服飾質感,同時現身說法談她的感動與願力行的發心,希望推廣更多人能推動 上人環保理念與實踐簡約心生活。(攝影者:虞珊明)扮演路人甲的王超師兄敢於追求自我實現,高大圓滾滾的身材讓綠色推廣志工背心繃的緊緊的,後來換穿特大號精緻環保刷毛外套,好像一隻可愛的北極熊在展場宣導救地球。去年發願提供正面能量給與他接觸的人。非常有善根能親近佛法,因緣廣州朋友介紹,半年前開始接觸慈濟,非常喜歡。最近剛滿30生日,發願立刻守十戒,不必等培訓開始。一切由心起,相信大愛感恩科技環保精品創造心時尚最流行。

大愛感恩科技 虞珊明 北京報導

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脫下西裝做環保 實業家退休樂活


慈濟志工 陳國洲:「朋友說,啊,你在做環保,在慈濟做環保?我說,是啊。他們說,那你大概不用一個月,你大概就會回來了。我說,那很對不起。做了三個月以後,他又看到我,我說,還是在環保站。


以前的話是穿西裝打領帶,所以它們都笑我,他說,以前是拿筆的人,現在是在拿鋤頭。以前的話,我講實在話,不把錢當錢用。但是覺得在這裡,我卻看到,哇,他們這麼用心回收,而且在默默付出,也不計較金額的高低,大家回收了老半天,結果一車,像剛剛一整車出去,也才值幾百塊錢。後來我才知道,這個叫福從做中得歡喜 慧從善解得自在。


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大愛感恩精品 造時尚『心』生活

圖說:中央電視台《素造心生活》到場錄製節目,導演吳徽、主持王子兒師兄(背對鏡頭)訪談設計總監洪若岑師姊,闡述大愛感恩科技產品背後的心時尚設計精神理念與上人對大愛感恩期許。 (攝影者: 虞珊明)北京台灣名品博覽會大愛感恩科技展位前來了一群社區的大媽,帶領者賈蘭英,恰是髙健師兄在國企時的領導,兩人20多年沒見面因為慈濟相逢,真是因緣不可思議。昨天賈蘭英來參觀,王智慧師姊把握機會請賈蘭英邀約她們這群農展館周邊社區志願者骨幹到場交流。掛上臂章這群綠色生活大隊長們平常就關心社區環境維護與推動綠色生活,智慧師姊希望邀大家能夠從做為示範社區、走出來與其他社區或慈濟交流。這群綠生活愛好者非常讚歎慈濟環保理念及大愛感恩科技的成果,未來想訂大愛衫當作團服,表達支持的一份心力。

總務組陳豪情師兄與人文真善美韓淑艷是同修,一早剛進場豪情師兄請購夢寐以求的神奇白鞋後本來打算就離開,後來聽完虞珊明師兄簡單培訓強調人間菩薩招生才是參展目的,覺得很有意義且是自己能做的,於是改變心意留下來推廣,見人就邀約填寫志工表,一對從山東煙台來的年輕人,以及另一位住在北京南郊的參觀者被其熱情打動,留下志工申請表聯絡資訊。陳師兄表示當初並不贊成師姊參加慈濟,因為每次師姊有活動,師兄與小孩便得自己做飯吃。後來有一次師姊邀他去聽阮義忠老師的攝影課,自己對攝影有興趣,又聽了阮師兄分享用相機記錄 證嚴上人行腳過程中的感動,同時勉勵各位攝影同好運用相機可以看到、也可以做到好事,同時提到相機鏡頭後面的腦袋才更重要,一念美善的心就可以傳播世間真善美,豪情師兄因此受感動走進慈濟世界。現在與一群志同道合的同伴承擔總務組的工作,每次勤務都能法喜充滿,隨著小孩長大,兩人也很放心的參加活動。這就是 證嚴上人希望夫妻能同修才能彼此體諒,兩人真是令人羨慕的慈濟道侶。

圖說:掛著綠臂章這群綠色生活社區志願者骨幹(大隊長)到場交流。她們平常就關心社區環境維護,王智慧師姊希望邀大家能夠從做為示範社區、走出來與其他社區或慈濟交流。這群綠生活愛好者非常讚歎慈濟環保理念及大愛感恩科技的成果,未來想訂大愛衫當作團服,表達支持的一份心力。(攝影者: 虞珊明)中央電視台《素造心生活》到場錄製節目,主持王子兒師兄上午先來做功課,虞珊明師兄仔細說明大愛感恩科技展出目的與產品後,王子兒師兄當場構思出節目訪談大綱。導演吳徽下午到場後,設計總監洪若岑師姊接受訪談,闡述大愛感恩科技產品背後的環保 " 心 " 時尚設計精神理念與上人對大愛感恩科技期許。虞珊明師兄也錄製二分鐘關於神奇白褲的故事。為了節目活潑,王智慧師姊以走動方式呈現傳薪服飾質感,同時現身說法談她的感動與願力行的發心,希望邀約更多人能推動 上人環保理念與實踐簡約『心』生活。王超師兄更以消費者的角色談他對大愛感恩科技綠色產品的印象。整個下午錄製進行中,只見主持人王子兒師兄由原先一身便服,由上而下:超細纖維的刷毛外套、神奇白褲、防穿刺白布鞋,逐一換上環保再生科技織品,彷如脫胎換骨。

圖說: 為了節目活潑,王智慧師姊以走動方式呈現傳薪服飾質感,同時現身說法談她的感動與願力行的發心,希望推廣更多人能推動 上人環保理念與實踐簡約心生活。王超師兄更以消費者的角色談他對大愛感恩科技綠色產品的印象。(攝影者:虞珊明)扮演路人甲的王超師兄敢於追求自我實現,高大圓滾滾的身材讓志工背心繃的緊緊的,後來換穿特大號精緻環保刷毛外套,好像一隻可愛的北極熊在展場宣導救地球。去年發願提供正面能量給與他接觸的人。非常有善根能親近佛法,因緣廣州朋友介紹,半年前開始接觸慈濟,非常喜歡。最近剛滿30生日,發願立刻守十戒,不必等培訓開始。一切由心起,相信大愛感恩科技環保精品創造心時尚最流行。

大愛感恩科技 虞珊明 北京報導

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暮年光陰不空過 走出家門做環保



環保志工 江順娣:「你說打牌我也不會,麻將我也不會,來這裡做善事很好,我那些子女也很支持,來到這環保站 很開心,大家聚在一起,有緣千里來相會。」

泉州志工 施麗麗:「這個環保站真的是一個,很好的修行的道場,就像老菩薩不用去打牌賭博,不去浪費時間,這環保站真的像是,老菩薩的心靈依靠。」



環保志工 宋萍:「大家猜一猜 這是什麼做的,大家可以靠近一點,(塑料礦泉水瓶), 對 礦泉水瓶,它礦泉水瓶有大有小,那師姊就把它拼拼湊湊,透過她的智慧,那就是製成一個 這叫什麼,慈濟列車。」


真善美志工 陳紅衛 謝藝君 陳建華 福建報導

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【時間】2014年11月18日(五) 9:30 - 11:00 &13:00 - 14:30
【地點】大愛感恩科技 (台北市內湖區洲子街63號1樓)

晨光故事傳妙法 大愛媽媽汲人文

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DA.AI Technology Raising Awareness of Environmental Protection CSR

CAPTION: Dr. Hung from DA.AI’s R&D Department attended the award ceremony to receive the bronze award under the non-manufacturing group category, and shared that “we are pleased to obtain such honor, but all of DA.AI’s achievements should really go to the Tzu Chi environmental promoters for their selfless daily dedication in recycling and sorting of different resources. (Photo by: Yujen Hsu)DA.AI Technology, with its consistent “Great Love for all living being, gratitude for the planet” eco-friendly spirit, received the 23rd Annual Enterprise Environmental Protection Award. Director Wei, representative from the Environmental Protection Administration, handed the trophy to DA.AI to show his highest respect for the company’s dedication in protecting the planet and all living being.

The Annual Enterprise Environmental Protection Award praises companies that “practice corporate social responsibility, and promote practical environmental protection action.” During the award ceremony, Director Wei further elaborated that “I see many great volunteer groups in our society working together under the same principle of protecting the Earth. We should combine forces with them to form a mutual aiding society.” Hope with such idea, corporate and volunteer can work together in putting our environmental protection duty into real action.

CAPTION: Director Wei stated in the award ceremony that “I see many great volunteer groups in our society working together under the same principle of protecting the Earth. We should combine forces with them to form a mutual aiding society.” (Photo by: Yujen Hsu)Dr. Hung from DA.AI’s R&D Department attended the award ceremony to receive the bronze award under the non-manufacturing group category, and shared that “we are pleased to obtain such honor, but all of DA.AI’s achievements should really go to the Tzu Chi environmental promoters for their selfless daily dedication in recycling and sorting of different resources. It is only with their detailed and precise work that DA.AI is able to purchase such high quality raw material for our textile product.” Also, “we thank over 60 of our cooperative partners for their recognition of DA.AI’s ideologies, as we all work together on this platform of love, not putting revenue as our first priority, but the Great Love of protecting the planet and everyone living on it.”

“The most valuable in life is a healthy body, and it is even more valuable to put this healthy body into the correct life direction and meaningful dedication.” Every corporate and group is like a small society, for what we do will affect the society as a whole. DA.AI’s work is to make every individual and corporate realize our duty and responsibility toward the society, and to bring Great Love to this world that we live in. We hope the same motivation that drives DA.AI will also attract others, and we certainly look forward to your participation together.

DA.AI Reporter, Yujen Hsu, Taipei

Media Link: http://www.daai.tv/daai-web/news/content.php?id=949652

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2014, Oct., The 23rd ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection Award

CAPTION: Dr. Hung from DA.AI’s R&D Department attended the award ceremony to receive the bronze award under the non-manufacturing group category, and shared that “we are pleased to obtain such honor, but all of DA.AI’s achievements should really go to the Tzu Chi environmental promoters for their selfless daily dedication in recycling and sorting of different resources. (Photo by: Yujen Hsu)DA.AI Technology, with its consistent “Great Love for all living being, gratitude for the planet” eco-friendly spirit, received the 23rd Annual Enterprise Environmental Protection Award. Director Wei, representative from the Environmental Protection Administration, handed the trophy to DA.AI to show his highest respect for the company’s dedication in protecting the planet and all living being.

The Annual Enterprise Environmental Protection Award praises companies that “practice corporate social responsibility, and promote practical environmental protection action.” During the award ceremony, Director Wei further elaborated that “I see many great volunteer groups in our society working together under the same principle of protecting the Earth. We should combine forces with them to form a mutual aiding society.” Hope with such idea, corporate and volunteer can work together in putting our environmental protection duty into real action.

Dr. Hung from DA.AI’s R&D Department attended the award ceremony to receive the bronze award under the non-manufacturing group category, and shared that “we are pleased to obtain such honor, but all of DA.AI’s achievements should really go to the Tzu Chi environmental promoters for their selfless daily dedication in recycling and sorting of different resources. It is only with their detailed and precise work that DA.AI is able to purchase such high quality raw material for our textile product.” Also, “we thank over 60 of our cooperative partners for their recognition of DA.AI’s ideologies, as we all work together on this platform of love, not putting revenue as our first priority, but the Great Love of protecting the planet and everyone living on it.”

“The most valuable in life is a healthy body, and it is even more valuable to put this healthy body into the correct life direction and meaningful dedication.” Every corporate and group is like a small society, for what we do will affect the society as a whole. DA.AI’s work is to make every individual and corporate realize our duty and responsibility toward the society, and to bring Great Love to this world that we live in. We hope the same motivation that drives DA.AI will also attract others, and we certainly look forward to your participation together.

Media Link: http://www.daai.tv/daai-web/news/content.php?id=949652

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