Tuesday, 04 November 2014



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【時間】2014年11月3日(二)14:00 - 16:00
【地點】大愛感恩科技 (台北市內湖區洲子街63號1樓)

救苦救難祈三願 合心和諧聚大愛
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溫室氣體濃度 創80萬年來新高

近年來政府推行節能減碳,但根據聯合國發表的最新報告,地表溫室氣體濃度,已達到80萬年來的新高,對此聯合國正致力於推動,將溫室氣體排放量降到零,今天環保署表示,目前掌握國內百分之九十以上的溫室氣體排放源, 未來持續推動綠能減碳, 每年提升能源效率百分之二。



環保署執祕 簡慧貞:「 目前掌握了90%上的排放源, 至少有265到270個排放源, 它沒有申報的話, 我們查到會告發, 會以空污法的罰則, 罰十萬到一百萬元。」

進而引發氣溫升高 冰山融化 海平面上升 雨量改變及洪水頻率增加等危機,環保署表示,溫室氣體排放主要來自火力發電廠,石化等工業排放源占48.6%,環保署除了加強管制二氧化碳排放量,更鼓勵提升能源效率。

環保署執祕 簡慧貞:「天然氣是最乾淨(能源), 煤 再過來是油, 如果能夠用再生能源, 是最乾淨的, 再生能源也包括太陽能, 太陽光電 風力 水力,甚至生質能。」


蔡佩吟 梁家銘 台北報導

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分享清淨在源頭 智慧妙語獲共鳴



民眾 周素珍:「真的是源頭最重要,做那只是後續,如果大家在源頭開始就不用,不用的時候應該就不會有,這些需要去回收的,所謂資源回收這一塊。」

民眾 何佩華:「人類是地球上的癌細胞,讓我覺得很震撼,因為我們今生有這福氣當人,就應該做有利益社會大眾的事。」


福成社區理事長 鄭國賢:「比方說我們的淨溪還是說環保,我們會透過定期來主辦這些事情,到時請專業人士來講解。」


真善美志工 黃淑惠 張思思 台北報導

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National SME Award to DA.AI on its Work of Purification and Sustainability

CPATION: On October 28th, 2014, DA.AI’s general manager, James Lee, received the 23rd National Award of Outstanding Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in the ceremony from the hands of Taiwan Vice President, Mr. Wu Dun Yi. (Photo by: Shu Hao Tsao)“Great Love to all living beings, gratitude for what the world has given us; purify all hearts, and let the love and blessing be everlasting.” These are some of the principles that DA.AI Technology follows, and it is this unique business model that won the company the 23rd National Award of Outstanding Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). On October 28th, 2014, DA.AI’s general manager, James Lee, received the honor in the award ceremony from the hands of Taiwan Vice President, Mr. Wu Dun Yi, witnessed by 20 Tzu Chi environmental promoters – the true hero behind the DA.AI brand and protector of the Earth.

Over 1.3 million small and medium enterprises built up 90% of the Taiwanese economy are certainly the main foundation of the country. Thus, to give recognition and encouragement to the outstanding SMEs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs established this national award to promote the unique and great business models, and to bring inspiration to others. This year, 16 judges across all fields evaluated the nominees on level of corporate social responsibility, business model, growth stability, and contribution to Taiwanese economy and society, and awarded only 10 companies, DA.AI being one of them, as the highest SME achievement of the country.

CAPTION: DA.AI invited over 20 Tzu Chi environmental promoters to join the award ceremony, for they are the true hero behind the DA.AI brand and protector of the Earth. (Photo by: Shu Hao Tsao)“High quality SMEs reflects the overall class of the country, and forms the brand of Taiwan. With the power to innovate, we have the ability to create a new world and remarkable economy.” DA.AI, a non-profit company dedicated the past 6 years in environmental protection and global charity, not only revive recycled PET bottles into quality textile products, but also avoid after-dye to reduce pollution and energy consumption throughout the manufacturing process. Moreover, the company’s work following the Cradle to Cradle design model has received the world’s 2nd Silver Certificate, and aims to improve further in the future.

CAPTION: The National SME Award trophy reflects the wisdom of the Eastern culture, while the general shape comes from the armillary sphere, combined with abstract Chinese characters that represent “Taiwan” and “foundation.” The three vertical lines further express that the award is a interdisciplinary work from industry, government, and academia, and ultimately returning the benefit back to society and economy. (Photo by: Shu Hao Tsao)Apart from the extraordinary eco-friendly product and brand image, DA.AI also has a mission in raising corporate social responsibility awareness. “We wish to draw more corporate to sound with what we do, and protect the land together with love and wisdom,” as James Lee shared. Simple action such as picking up a piece of garbage on the ground can make a big difference, and everything comes from environmental protection education. DA.AI will continue on this path of education with its product and brand, and look forward to your cooperation.

DA.AI Reporter, San Ming Yu, Sandy Huang, Taipei

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2014, Oct., The 23rd National Award of Outstanding SME’s

CPATION: On October 28th, 2014, DA.AI’s general manager, James Lee, received the 23rd National Award of Outstanding Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in the ceremony from the hands of Taiwan Vice President, Mr. Wu Dun Yi. (Photo by: Shu Hao Tsao)“Great Love to all living beings, gratitude for what the world has given us; purify all hearts, and let the love and blessing be everlasting.” These are some of the principles that DA.AI Technology follows, and it is this unique business model that won the company the 23rd National Award of Outstanding Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). On October 28th, 2014, DA.AI’s general manager, James Lee, received the honor in the award ceremony from the hands of Taiwan Vice President, Mr. Wu Dun Yi, witnessed by 20 Tzu Chi environmental promoters – the true hero behind the DA.AI brand and protector of the Earth.

Over 1.3 million small and medium enterprises built up 90% of the Taiwanese economy are certainly the main foundation of the country. Thus, to give recognition and encouragement to the outstanding SMEs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs established this national award to promote the unique and great business models, and to bring inspiration to others. This year, 16 judges across all fields evaluated the nominees on level of corporate social responsibility, business model, growth stability, and contribution to Taiwanese economy and society, and awarded only 10 companies, DA.AI being one of them, as the highest SME achievement of the country.

CAPTION: DA.AI invited over 20 Tzu Chi environmental promoters to join the award ceremony, for they are the true hero behind the DA.AI brand and protector of the Earth. (Photo by: Shu Hao Tsao)“High quality SMEs reflects the overall class of the country, and forms the brand of Taiwan. With the power to innovate, we have the ability to create a new world and remarkable economy.” DA.AI, a non-profit company dedicated the past 6 years in environmental protection and global charity, not only revive recycled PET bottles into quality textile products, but also avoid after-dye to reduce pollution and energy consumption throughout the manufacturing process. Moreover, the company’s work following the Cradle to Cradle design model has received the world’s 2nd Silver Certificate, and aims to improve further in the future.

CAPTION: The National SME Award trophy reflects the wisdom of the Eastern culture, while the general shape comes from the armillary sphere, combined with abstract Chinese characters that represent “Taiwan” and “foundation.” The three vertical lines further express that the award is a interdisciplinary work from industry, government, and academia, and ultimately returning the benefit back to society and economy. (Photo by: Shu Hao Tsao)Apart from the extraordinary eco-friendly product and brand image, DA.AI also has a mission in raising corporate social responsibility awareness. “We wish to draw more corporate to sound with what we do, and protect the land together with love and wisdom,” as James Lee shared. Simple action such as picking up a piece of garbage on the ground can make a big difference, and everything comes from environmental protection education. DA.AI will continue on this path of education with its product and brand, and look forward to your cooperation.

DA.AI Reporter, San Ming Yu, Sandy Huang, Taipei

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“衣”起做公益 幸福“淨”鄉團





圖說:透過動手淨灘僅是做到『自然環保』,慈濟 證嚴上人更進一步希望人人做到『心靈環保』,心的行為能夠主導身體和語言的行為,每一個人的行為都能影響整體的環境;只要人的心靈在一念之間清淨平安,就會影響到周遭人物環境的清淨平安。(攝影者:黃歆瑜)長期旅居溫哥華的蔣熙是學者蔣勳的弟弟,經公會駱總幹事邀請下,也參與這次活動,「雖大家說溫哥華是花月城市、環境漂亮,但今天來參加,感受到台灣人心更漂亮。」正所謂『自然就是美』,回歸自然、簡樸於心,透過動手淨灘僅是做到『自然環保』,慈濟 證嚴上人更進一步希望人人做到『心靈環保』,心的行為能夠主導身體和語言的行為,每一個人的行為都能影響整體的環境;只要人的心靈在一念之間清淨平安,就會影響到周遭人物環境的清淨平安。具體作法每個人都可以做到,那就是『少欲知足、知恩報恩』,簡單的說,也就是慈濟四神湯「知足、感恩、善解、包容」,『知足最大富,感恩最大貴, 善解最大智,包容最大慧。』


大愛感恩科技 虞珊明、黃歆瑜 新北市石門報導


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“衣”起做公益 幸福“淨”鄉團





圖說:透過動手淨灘僅是做到『自然環保』,慈濟 證嚴上人更進一步希望人人做到『心靈環保』,心的行為能夠主導身體和語言的行為,每一個人的行為都能影響整體的環境;只要人的心靈在一念之間清淨平安,就會影響到周遭人物環境的清淨平安。(攝影者:黃歆瑜)長期旅居溫哥華的蔣熙是學者蔣勳的弟弟,經公會駱總幹事邀請下,也參與這次活動,「雖大家說溫哥華是花月城市、環境漂亮,但今天來參加,感受到台灣人心更漂亮。」正所謂『自然就是美』,回歸自然、簡樸於心,透過動手淨灘僅是做到『自然環保』,慈濟 證嚴上人更進一步希望人人做到『心靈環保』,心的行為能夠主導身體和語言的行為,每一個人的行為都能影響整體的環境;只要人的心靈在一念之間清淨平安,就會影響到周遭人物環境的清淨平安。具體作法每個人都可以做到,那就是『少欲知足、知恩報恩』,簡單的說,也就是慈濟四神湯「知足、感恩、善解、包容」,『知足最大富,感恩最大貴, 善解最大智,包容最大慧。』


大愛感恩科技 虞珊明、黃歆瑜 新北市石門報導


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王爺廟變環保站 惜福愛物敬天地



慈濟志工 呂中正:「王爺就說,你就做善事就好了,我就把這個情形回來跟家人說,我大兒子就說,不然我們來做慈濟。」


慈濟志工 呂中正:「我是遊玩十天回來後,可能是比較累的關係,加上不知道自己有高血壓,沒想到就中風了。」


慈濟志工 呂中正:「我們也認為說愛護地球,能讓子子孫孫有比較好的環境。」


蕭志傑 梁家銘 台北報導

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