Monday, 20 October 2014

維持生態平衡 鳥類保育刻不容緩


水雉生態教育園區保育員 李文珍:「農民又想出了一個辦法,就是在(種子)裡面放下毒餌,水雉牠因為一輩子,都是在這樣子,一個溼地裡面生活,牠吃種子,吃昆蟲,吃嫩芽,所以就會不小心,去吃到這樣的毒餌。」





水菱有機農場負責人 李价斌:「有機的菱角田裡面,就會有很多的水生的東西,包括一些蟲可以供給,水雉鳥去覓食,然後在這個區塊裡面,牠的下一代也可以在這裡覓食。」


大愛台記者 張澤人:「台南官田菱角田,占地400多公頃,是全台灣最大的溼地生態,隨處可見的菱角田,底下有很多豐富的水生植物,是候鳥覓食和棲息的生態樂園。」


水菱有機農場負責人 李价斌:「這是金花蟲,你看牠會把葉子都吃了,最希望的東西是什麼,青蛙跟水雉鳥,水雉鳥會去吃牠,我們是希望水雉鳥多一點。」




水雉生態教育園區保育員 李文珍:「所有的水雉寶寶都會,窩在水雉爸爸的翅膀下面,去在那邊躲雨,帶著牠們,然後顧著牠們安全。」


鳥王工作室主任 鄭建昌:「牠(白鷺鷥)為什麼會跑來這裡,其實就是牠原本的,繁殖的地方不見了,被我們人所破壞掉了,可是這樣子對牠們的後代來講,其實也是一個危險,很容易看到這些幼鳥的屍體。」


鳥王工作室主任 鄭建昌:「水泥化的東西,都非常的硬,有些鳥類要在土堤上築巢的,根本就沒辦法,所以在溪流這邊的翠鳥,就會減少很多。」


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落實清淨在源頭 惜護資源利回收



慈濟志工 與 民眾:「(踩得扁的就是鋁的)玻璃的。」


民眾 與 慈濟志工:「按照這個來分,這張要貼在冰箱上看,不要丟掉哦,謝謝。」


慈濟志工 與 民眾:「這個東西它就不能回收的,這個不能回收,還有這個。」


慈濟志工 與 民眾:「她是最標準的,她做得很好,(沒有、沒有)。」


民眾 胡建利:「其實我們在這個社會上得到太多,本來不是我們的東西,但我們得到很多資源。」


真善美志工 許石城 林博源 鄭惠美 丁瑟琴 台北報導

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馬地球小姐環保+家戶環保推廣Promoting environmental awareness

For the past year, Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien, Taiwan have been promoting conservation ideals in Shuiyuan Village`s indigenous tribes, and these concepts have really taken root with the residents there. Recently a tea gathering was held for residents where, besides reinforcing recycling concepts, residents were also invited to join Tzu Chi`s ranks. But first, Miss Malaysia Earth 2014 recently paid a visit to the Tzu Chi Ayer Keroh Industrial Park recycling station in Malacca. There the friendly and down-to-earth pageant queen got to know Tzu Chi a little bit better and commended the volunteers for their efforts in protecting our planet. Let`s take a look. 


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廈門佛事開展+廈門佛事預備Buddhist fair kicks off in Xiamen

The 9th China Xiamen International Buddhist Items and Crafts Fair officially kicked off at the Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center on October 15th. This year, 350 volunteers from Taiwan, Guangzhou and Suzhou came to lend a hand at what is considered to be one of the world`s biggest Buddhist fairs. Exhibitors from home and abroad are taking part in the event, including Tzu Chi`s very own Jing Si Publications and Da.Ai Technology. Let`s take a look. 


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上海嘉定環保Shanghai’s Dongzhan Elementary School recently visited the Tzu Chi Jiading Environmental Education Center

We go to China at the end of our show. To educate students on the importance of environmental protection, Shanghai’s Dongzhan (東展)Elementary School recently visited the Tzu Chi Jiading (嘉定)Environmental Education Center. We leave you with these images at the end of our show, thank you for watching. Goodbye. 

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台北紡織展18th TPE Innovative Textile Application Show

The 18th Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show opened its door this Wednesday. This year, 367 vendors from 11 countries came to demonstrate their products, marking the biggest participation in the show’s history. The theme this year is stylish, functional and eco-friendly garments. 
第18屆台北紡織展,在這周三登場,今年來自11個國家的參展廠商,共367家,攤位規模是歷年最大,而以環保 時尚功能性主打的布料,是這次展覽的主軸之一。 

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候鳥失樂園(三)Creating a new paradise for migratory birds

Migratory birds used to frequent Taiwan due to the island’s ample wetlands, which allowed the birds to breed and feed. But humans also relied on the wetlands for aquaculture such as oyster farms and fisheries. In today’s look at what has become a lost paradise for birds, we learn that such industries can actually help bring back the birds. 
台灣曾經被稱為候鳥天堂,因為有很多溼地和泥灘地可以供候鳥棲息覓食,但人類的漁塭養殖業也必須依賴溼地,例如魚塭與蚵架,今天的候鳥失樂園專題 ,帶您了解養殖業,其實可以和候鳥生態共存共榮。 

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馬紅溪河體驗Tzu Chi helped clean up Angke River

One perfect example of how Tzu Chi successfully helped restore the environment is the cleaning up of Angke River in Jakarta, Indonesia. To help their students take in the lesson of environmental conservation, teachers of the Da Ai Educare Center in Malacca, Malaysia, set up a reenactment of the garbage filled river for the students to experience what it was like to clean it up. 

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港閩環保日Recycling continues to gain popularity

Humans have the ability to destroy our environment, but we can also protect it if we choose to. That’s why Tzu Chi actively promotes recyclling, which is gaining acceptance in China and Hong Kong thanks in part to the efforts of local volunteers. In the city of Xiamen, China, volunteers are teaching members of the public how to sort their recyclables, while in Hong Kong, recycling volunteers have been urging members of the public to give items a second lease on life. Let’s learn more. 

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候鳥失樂園(二)Migratory birds, where have you gone?

Turning our attention now to the environment, we start with our series on the lost paradise for birds. In today’s episode, we learn more about what went wrong in Taiwan that caused the reduction in the migratory bird population. Again, the answers lie in human development. The birds have to first survive the wind turbines and transmission towers that occupy Taiwan’s west coast. Even if they manage to make it, their food source is seriously polluted due to illegal dumping of industrial waste. No wonder the birds are disappearing. 

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