Thursday, 07 August 2014

吉祥月宣導環保 仲夏夜勤做回收


盛夏的漳州市區街道,慈濟志工利用上班族下班後的時間,進行夜間環保,大家忙得汗流浹背,志工還不忘邀約過路民眾,一起參與吉祥月的宣導 。
民眾 與 慈濟志工:「我們在宣導環保 宣傳環保,歡迎您來聽 好嗎,我帶您過去 。」


志工 薛鳳發:「我把那些燒紙錢的那個錢,每個月有積三十塊,然後交給我們慈濟功德會,去救我們的那些窮苦的人,我是覺得那分功德 才是最真實的 。」

民眾 蘇月玲:「之前的話會讓我婆婆說,去買一點紙錢去燒,但是從現在開始 我可能,一下子沒辦法去改變,老人家一些觀念 但是說,我們可以從少一點 再少一點,再慢慢地 才能改變她這種觀念。」


民眾 陳培源:「其實新時代下 應該說,不管說響應環保的需求也好, 或者說新的形式下,我想說孝敬長輩的方式,咱們這個(影)片中所說的(方式值得我們去效仿 。」


真善美志工 陳莉菲 台北報導

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號召鄉親做環保 話劇表演破迷思



志工 黃彩芬:「趁著這個環保日也宣導吉祥月,就是讓孩子和父母也知道吉祥月的真正的意義,那麼我們就是,由這個話劇帶出來說,鼓勵大家不要燒紙錢。」


志工 李美吉:「傳統下來,要燒(紙錢),給那個路邊的鬼神,(保佑)出入平安,聽了師姊、師兄他們講,其實不環保,然後要,用另外一種方式回向,拿那些錢回向給,做善事啦。」


林惠婷 羅虢驄 馬來西亞報導

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NGO Taiwan Experience Group Experienced the DA.AI Humanism Spirit

CAPTION: The NGO Taiwan Experience Reporter Group consists of 6 editors, publishers, and reporters from Honduras, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Vietnam, and Palau visited DA.AI Technology to learn about the company and the largest NGO of the Asian culture, Tzu Chi Foundation, and what it has contributed in the field of environmental protection over the past 49 years. (Photo by: Howard Chiu)The NGO Taiwan Experience Reporter Group, consists of 6 editors, publishers, and reporters from Honduras, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Vietnam, and Palau, visit Taiwan from 7/22 to 7/27. The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged the visiting of Tzu Chi’s Guandu Recycling Station, Da Ai Television, and DA.AI Technology Headquarter in Neihu District to demonstrate the largest NGO group in the Asian culture, and what it has contributed in the field of environmental protection and humanism spirit over the past 49 years.

DA.AI was elected this year for the 1st Taiwan Presidential Innovation Award, which brought international media’s attention and eventually led to this NGO group visit. Throughout the visit, DA.AI staff, Lori Chen and Tom Yang, explained thoroughly of the company’s mission, core value, Eco Concept Store, and laboratory, which the guests applauded with amazement.

CAPTION: The founder and producer of Tia Belau of Palau, Moses Y. Uludong, wishes for DA.AI’s great product and ideology to spread and influence nearby countries, and eventually all over the world, so that more people can understand Tzu Chi’s missions and humanism spirit, and ultimately purifies everyone’s heart. (Photo by: Howard Chiu)Reporter from the El Nuevo Diario of Nicaragua, Daniela Abascal Olivas, believes that DA.AI’s eco-friendly textile apparel is not only functional, but also designful. “Purchasing a DA.AI clothing is not only buying a product, but also recognition of everyone’s participation and love throughout the process.” She found DA.AI’s production process amazingly interesting, because it “turns garbage into elegant product.” For example, the green color comes from the original green PET bottles, and the hard plastic bottle can be turned into the soft touch of fabric. Indeed, DA.AI apparel is not only a piece of clothing, but also the love of over 200,000 environmental promoters and 50 co-operative partners, which represents the humanism spirit derived from DA.AI’s core values.

The founder and producer of Tia Belau of Palau, Moses Y. Uludong, shared that “even though there is an environmental protection plan in Palau for the past 5 years, recycling plastic bags and selling them to overseas countries, but I have not seen anything similar to what DA.AI is doing here; it is very attractive.” Mr. Uludong wishes for such great product and ideology to spread and influence nearby countries, and eventually all over the world, so that more people can understand Tzu Chi’s missions and humanism spirit, and ultimately purifies everyone’s heart.

DA.AI Reporter, Sandy Huang, Taipei

Media Link : 

Note: The term NGO (non-governmental organization) came from 19th century, representing international organizations founded by private groups or individuals. Tzu Chi Foundation, being the largest Buddhist charity foundation of the Asian culture, was founded in Taiwan 49 years ago, and has reached out to over 5 continents today. Dedicated on global humanitarian care, the foundation was officially registered as the United Nation NGO member on December 2013.

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奕光環科愛天然 環保人文互交流

圖說:奕光環科魏光前總經理 (前排左三) 與魏光耀副總 (前排左四) 兩兄弟,在高雄榮董副召集人楊銘欽師兄 (後排右一)陪同下,來到位於內湖科技園區的大愛感恩科技,參觀大愛感恩低碳生活概念館。(攝影者:黃歆瑜)「只要方向對了,做就對了!」站在 證嚴上人的照片前,一開場,大愛感恩科技總經理李鼎銘師兄將自己從航運業轉行投入大愛感恩科技與家人當起全職志工、天天都是在做利益眾生的事,與奕光環科魏光前總經理與魏光耀副總兩兄弟分享。日前魏氏兄弟在高雄榮董副召集人楊銘欽師兄陪同下,特地北上來到位於內湖科技園區的大愛感恩科技,參觀大愛感恩低碳生活概念館,也商討未來合作。當看到大愛感恩科技將單純環保回收做成再生織品,從原料的回收,製程,設計,研發,品牌行銷等完整的綠色供應鏈,讓垃圾(資源)循環再利用,生生不息,不管是實驗室的研發科技,抑或是環保再生織品背後人文意涵,都讓初次來到的魏氏兄弟處處驚艷。

奕光環科是以『天然、健康、環保』為理念,冀望能為地球盡一份關愛,如同達文西在《大西洋古抄本》(Codex Atlanticus)中,一語道盡生態系統的力量與自然的資源效率:「一切源於一切,一切是由一切組成的,一切轉變成一切,因為自然環境裡的一切皆由這些要素構成。」因此奕光環科講求『循環recycle』、『友善friendly』、『淨化purify』之目標,降低環境賀爾蒙的侵害,研發創新各類型天然清潔劑商品。

圖說: 「只要方向對了,做就對了!」站在 證嚴上人的照片前,一開場,大愛感恩科技總經理李鼎銘師兄自己從航運業轉行與家人投入大愛感恩科技當起全職志工、天天都是在做有意義的事,與魏氏兄弟分享。(攝影者:黃歆瑜)同樣都是做環保,魏總表示這次前來,知道大愛感恩科技這間國內第一家以環保品牌為宗旨的企業典範,認同大愛「環保人文、愛心接力和完全回饋」三大核心價值,希望未來有機會將自身研發科技與大愛環保再生紡織品做結合,也希望在這平台上,貢獻自己的一點力量。

先前莫拉克風災、菲律賓海燕風災,魏總看到全球慈濟志工在各地救災,各個都是走在最前,留到最後,到處都有藍天白雲的身影,這一切都很感恩且感動。本身與慈濟也有一段淵緣的魏總,參與過大愛親子班、母親在高雄靜思堂當志工, 小孩也在上大愛幼兒園,耳濡目染下,深刻感受到慈濟的美和善。更表示說:當初 證嚴上人一個小小發想,可以發展成現今成績和成果,這裡面匯聚大眾們智慧和愛心,未來也希望能盡自己微薄一分力。


大愛感恩科技 黃歆瑜 台北報導

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