Wednesday, 25 June 2014

永靖環保情+上人永靖魏家+魏應交發心Finding new meaning in life

In our next report, we go to Taiwan’s Changhua County. Seven years ago, entrepreneur Wei Yingchong and his brother Wei Yingjiao decided to provide a plot of land to Tzu Chi to establish the Yongjing Recycling Station and an office. Recently, Master Cheng Yen visited the local office and the Wei Family’s ancestral home which is embedded with the NGO’s environmental ideals and the concept of filial piety. Here’s more. 


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【時間】2014年6月25日(三) 09:00 -11:00
【地點】大愛感恩科技 (台北市內湖區洲子街63號1樓)

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The Environmental Protection “Oscar” Awards DA.AI of its Dedication

CAPTION: Winning the National Environmental Education Award is recognition for DA.AI, as well as a reminder of responsibility. DA.AI’s General Manager, James Lee, received the honor from Director Wei of the Environmental Protection Administration. (Photo by: Yujen Hsu)The 2nd National Environmental Education Award Ceremony, hosted by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), took place on June 23rd at the Taipei City Teenager Recreational Center. As EPA Director Wei stated, this award is like the “Oscar” in the environmental protection field, and after several stages of rigorous assessments, DA.AI was honored with such award among strong competitors dedicating in the field of environmental protection.

The main purpose of the National Environmental Education Award is to promote and encourage individuals and corporations to devote in protecting our environment, and is one of the highest honors within its field. Although without the Oscar red carpet, the award organizer arranged choir and orchestra, and brought a soothing atmosphere to the ceremony, symbolizing the award’s mission to sooth our environment. DA.AI Technology, out of strong competitors, was honored as one of the six non-governmental organizations to receive the Excellence Award. The trophy, made with glass and designed with a hand comforting the Earth, that was handed over to DA.AI also encourages the company to continue making improvement on this path of promoting environmental protection.

CAPTION: The 2nd National Environmental Education Award Ceremony, hosted by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), took place on June 23rd at the Taipei City Teenager Recreational Center. As EPA Director Wei stated, this award is like the “Oscar” in the environmental protection field. (Photo by: Yujen Hsu)DA.AI’s mission, except for environmental protection and education, is also to bring up a new business model combined with charity and contribution to the society. Winning the award is a milestone for the company, as well as a heavier responsibility to continue raising the public awareness to choose an eco-friendly living style and change the world. With everyone’s participation, DA.AI’s mission is made possible, and not only gives us a greater motivation to continue and believe in what we do, but also to drive the company to become the role model in environmental protection and corporate social responsibility.

DA.AI Reporter, Sandy Huang, Taipei

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【時間】2014年6月25日(三) 13:30 -16:30

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藍色星球瀕災厄 羊鹿牛車乘願行

圖說: 大愛感恩設計部特別為『淨斯三車』設計出寓意深遠的造型圖案,其中『淨斯小羊』寓意拿奶瓶的快樂羊寶寶,因為嬰幼兒還不能度人,如小乘一般只能自度。『淨斯小鹿』已是展開雙手迎接貴賓的靜思小志工,如中乘能自度、兼度親屬。『淨斯小牛』則是舉手發大願的靜思小志工,大乘不但能自度且能普度眾生。(設計者:許雅麗)地球,這個從外太空看藍色的美麗之星,可能是這個太陽系中唯一有生物的行星,她吸收了來自太陽的輻射熱能,在大氣、陸地和海洋之間交互作用,使這裡變成一個適合生命繁衍的地方。自從有人類以來,除了部分國家地區的人民,地球上這一代多數的人類,過著從來沒有的富裕生活,但是在生活富裕下,地球的環境也遭遇前所未有的劫難;如今這劫難,正在反撲我們,但大多數人仍渾然不自知。


圖說: 這一份人文的愛與心意,同時結合來自環保材質的數款織品,不但讓小志工將法入行,在生活中應用,更將心芽植入一方方心田,陪伴幼苗茁壯、乘願度人。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技提供)上人進一步解釋:「羊車是形容『聲聞乘』,只能自度,不能度他;鹿車是形容『緣覺乘』,能自度兼度親屬;牛車是形容『菩薩乘』,不但自度且能普度眾生,好像一輛大白牛車能運載許多的貨物。」為了喚醒更多人自度、度人,靜思人文設計出『淨斯三車』系列法品,期待用方便法讓更多人能接受,進而接引更多的小菩薩、大菩薩,達到接引眾生的目的。



大愛感恩科技 虞珊明 台北報導

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藍色星球瀕災厄 羊鹿牛車乘願行

圖說: 大愛感恩設計部特別為『淨斯三車』設計出寓意深遠的造型圖案,其中『淨斯小羊』寓意拿奶瓶的快樂羊寶寶,因為嬰幼兒還不能度人,如小乘一般只能自度。『淨斯小鹿』已是展開雙手迎接貴賓的靜思小志工,如中乘能自度、兼度親屬。『淨斯小牛』則是舉手發大願的靜思小志工,大乘不但能自度且能普度眾生。(設計者:許雅麗)地球,這個從外太空看藍色的美麗之星,可能是這個太陽系中唯一有生物的行星,她吸收了來自太陽的輻射熱能,在大氣、陸地和海洋之間交互作用,使這裡變成一個適合生命繁衍的地方。自從有人類以來,除了部分國家地區的人民,地球上這一代多數的人類,過著從來沒有的富裕生活,但是在生活富裕下,地球的環境也遭遇前所未有的劫難;如今這劫難,正在反撲我們,但大多數人仍渾然不自知。


圖說: 這一份人文的愛與心意,同時結合來自環保材質的數款織品,不但讓小志工將法入行,在生活中應用,更將心芽植入一方方心田,陪伴幼苗茁壯、乘願度人。(攝影者:大愛感恩科技提供)上人進一步解釋:「羊車是形容『聲聞乘』,只能自度,不能度他;鹿車是形容『緣覺乘』,能自度兼度親屬;牛車是形容『菩薩乘』,不但自度且能普度眾生,好像一輛大白牛車能運載許多的貨物。」為了喚醒更多人自度、度人,靜思人文設計出『淨斯三車』系列法品,期待用方便法讓更多人能接受,進而接引更多的小菩薩、大菩薩,達到接引眾生的目的。



大愛感恩科技 虞珊明 台北報導

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