Tuesday, 08 April 2014

居安思危(四)Eco-friendly building

Currently in Taiwan, in just Taipei and New Taipei City alone, more than 26,000 new houses are built on a yearly basis. According to experts, many of these construction projects are built on fault lines, which can lead to serious problems if or when a disaster strike. Next, we meet Architect Sun Chongjie(孫崇傑), who built a house using natural materials that are not only eco-friendly but also earthquake proof. 


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澳底游枝桃At first afraid to recycle

In New Taipei City`s Aodi(澳底), we meet You Zhitao(游枝桃), who grew up with seven brothers and sisters, half of whom are mentally disabled. After her divorce, You(游) fell into a deep depression and had to take medication. Fortunately, her childhood friend, Li Jialing(李佳陵) introduced her to recycling and sutra study. Now, the dharma and recycling have become the pillars of You`s(游) life. 


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檳城校園募愛+馬幼兒惜水Sign up for campaign

As many areas in Malaysia have recenlty experienced a water shortage, Da Ai Educare centers in Kuala Lumpur and Malacca took the chance to teach their students about the importance of water resources. Meanwhile, in Penang, Wen Khai(文開) Elementary School students, who were inspired by the Million Bodhisattva Campaign, decided to donate a little of their love. 


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基隆訪三峽Keelung volunteers take a field trip

Recently over 30 Keelung(基隆) recycling volunteers visited the Tzu Chi Sanxia(三峽) Grounds to learn about organic farming and how to use kitchen refuse to create an enzyme cleaner. At the end of the day, the participants walked away with knowledge to help them keep the environment clean. 


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菲學校環保獎Keeping recyclables out of the garbage

Recently in the Philippines, schools in San Mateo held a competition to see which class was the most environmentally friendly. At the award ceremony, Tzu Chi volunteers were there to present the awards and encourage students to continue with the good work. 


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澎湖慈青關懷+南兒童節志工Laughter & joy at senior home

To celebrate Children`s Day in Taiwan which falls on April 4th, Tzu Chi Tainan(台南) Da Ai Kindergarten`s students, went to their local recycling center, to help Tzu Chi volunteers protect the environment. Meanwhile other youngsters in Penghu(澎湖) also volunteered at their recycling center and a senior center. 


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居安思危(二)杜絕海砂屋 A battle between conscience & profit

Recently in Taiwan, there has much concern regarding the issue of buildings constructed with concrete mixed with sand from the ocean. To help home buyers avoid purchasing what are being called “sea-sand buildings”, the government and the construction industry hope to establish a traceability system for all building materials. 


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診所環保站 & 馬斷指做環保 A recycling station in Wu Fen Pu & Simple but fulfilling life

Anyone can recycle and help the planet as long as they want to. Later, we meet an octogenarian in Malaysia who lost the use of her left hand when she was young but remains committed to conservation. First, however, we go to the bustling Wu Fen Pu in Taipei, Taiwan. 


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昆山環保日 & 馬社區環保 & 警專慈青環保 Raising environmental awareness & Recycling day in Perlis & Learn something new every time

The United Nations just issued a warning on the impact of global warming and climate change on Monday, which makes it ever more important to practice environmental conservation. Throughout the world, Tzu Chi volunteers are actively raising environmental awareness by visiting offices, homes, and schools in their community and also inviting people to visit their local Tzu Chi educational recycling centers for a hands-on learning experience. 


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水患賑災結緣 澳伊普市長秉愛訪

圖說:  澳洲黃金海岸及雪梨分會慈濟師兄姊,由於救災膚慰因緣(伊普市水患與藍山市森林大火),長期以來積極與澳洲當地合作,深耕慈濟精神與愛灑環保理念,伊普市市長保羅(前排右四)當起善的橋樑,帶領藍山市市議員   (前排右三)以及昆士蘭省教育部代表賽門(前排左四)一同來台深入參訪慈濟和大愛感恩科技,要將「清淨在源頭、環保精質化」的精神帶回澳洲,持續”生根”環保人文。(攝影者:蔡知穎)慈濟人國際援助的足跡,遍及數十個國家。而在2011年,澳洲一場嚴重水患,造成不少城鎮和民眾受害,當地慈濟志工展開援助和發放,愛的身影,感動了當時的伊普市市長保羅。隔年,帶著感激之情,來到台灣拜會證嚴上人,親口說感恩,返國之後,更積極推動素食和靜思語好話。今天,他再度來到台灣,還當起善的橋樑,帶著藍山市市議員,以及昆士蘭省教育部代表,也是伊普市高中校長賽門,前來深入參訪慈濟,是學習志工精神,還要將環保理念,帶回澳洲,徹底落實。


圖說:大愛感恩科技 李鼎銘師兄致贈結緣品予伊普市市長保羅,其中包含  證嚴上人靜思語的吉祥物書籤及環保隨身碟,以及獲得經濟部能源局大力推廣的節能減碳「夏日輕衫」,並藉由大愛 LED天燈點亮貴賓們的心,蘊含「慈悲喜捨」的大愛的心燈,向澳洲遠道而來的朋友傳遞最真摯的祝福。(攝影者:蔡知穎)二度來台,保羅市長,不只一人,同行的還有昆士蘭省教育部代表,以及藍山市議員,尤其是市議員唐恩,帶著太太,首度前來深入了解慈濟志業,源自去年底一場森林大火。

澳洲藍山市議員 唐恩:「慈濟人的的勇氣 慈悲,愛和同理心 我們所接受到的,對我們來說都很重要,特別是整個社區(受災居民)。」



澳洲昆士蘭省教育部代表 賽門:「我想要讓(伊普市高中),成為澳洲第一所高中,全校師生都穿(寶特瓶)環保制服,這樣對於(推動綠色環保),會更有力道,因為(環保)意識常被忽略。」


澳洲伊普市長 保羅:「身為一位市長,我是澳洲最棒的(靜思)弟子,我要讓慈濟在澳洲越來越茁壯,我更等不及,要再見見我的好朋友 證嚴上人。」


蕭志傑 李明華 台北報導 (2014.04.07)

連結: 內文轉載自大愛新聞  台灣慈濟  水患賑災結緣 澳伊普市長秉愛訪

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