Friday, 04 April 2014


【時間】2014年4月12日(六) 08:00 - 12:00
大愛心新聞: 深坑國中園遊會 環保蔬食“心”觀念
慈濟社區網: 馨深活運動會 環保結善法 

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【對象】中國紡織工業聯合會副秘書長 袁紅萍女士與貴賓
【時間】2014年4月8日(二) 9:30 - 11:30
大愛心新聞:  回饋社會從心做起 家用紡織心靈巡禮
慈濟社區網:  回饋社會 家用紡織從心做起 

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DA.AI Participates in the 2014 Green Rising Star Counseling Project to Become a Global Sustainability Role Model

CAPTION: DA.AI Technology has been selected to join the 2014 Green Rising Star Counseling Project, and with the help from PIDC, DA.AI will improve on eco-friendly product design and concept implementation, as well as CSR, to fulfill the new 3G (Green, Growth, and Grand) development directions. (Photo by: Airy Su)While the topic of environmental protection is becoming more serious each year, global corporations are taking the chance and providing products that fulfill the new 3G (Green, Growth, and Grand) as their development directions, hoping to counter this crisis and create a sustainable environment. In Taiwan, the Green Rising Star Counseling Project hosted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs is one of the great examples that the country is trying to guide small and medium enterprises to explore the fields of business continuity management (BCM) and corporate social responsibility (CSR), and hoping to create a sustainable framework for others to follow.

Up until now, the project has provide guidance to over 150 small and medium enterprises to upgrade their abilities in green manufacturing, design, and marketing, and eventually winning global recognition and awards. DA.AI Technology also participated in the 2014 Green Rising Star Counseling Project, and has been selected as one of the five corporations to receive green supply chain counseling. With the help of Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC), DA.AI has successfully fulfilled Taiwan’s CSR verification, and rooted deeper in its ability in eco-friendly design and concept implementation.

The PIDC Corporate Sustainable Department Manager, Zhang Jia Yuan, expressed his amazement towards DA.AI while visiting the company that “I feel quite obvious DA.AI is different from many of the corporations in a sense that the company is really dedicated in making recycled PET materials into eco-products, and has started to expand its fields onto other recycled materials. Hopefully with the help from PIDC on this project, DA.AI will soon be able to recycle and reuse materials such as PE and PP as well, and design them into eco-products to extend the material life span. Moreover, knowing that many of DA.AI’s products are designed for disaster preparedness, or used in national and international disaster relief occasions gives them a noble and compassionate meaning. Thus, it is important to work with DA.AI and expose them to the world as much as we can, and I certainly look forward to this chance to collaborate together.”

DA.AI’s core values include Culture of Environmental Protection, Circle of Love, and Contribution to Society, which makes it different from many of the profit driven corporations. Not only so, CSR is certainly one of the company’s main missions. Apart from guidance on improving the gray eco-blanket carbon footprint verification and re-PET eco-product manufacturing, CSR is also one of the major focuses on this project. Eventually, DA.AI wishes to become the leader and role model of CSR and Green Corporation, and raises the environmental protection awareness in the world.

DA.AI Reporter, Siewhui Chong, Taipei

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減碳推動國際觀 大愛清流綠標竿

圖說:大愛感恩科技藉由103年度經濟部中小企業「綠色小巨人輔導計畫之綠色供應鏈輔導」,由財團法人塑膠中心進行輔導,提高大愛感恩環保實踐力及導入企業永續力之綠色概念設計;今年將導入環保站其他資源回收再生(PE、PP)之特殊性綠色設計產品及企業社會責任報告書CSR之精進及第三方查證,全面打造企業綠化、成長與茁壯(3G產業發展策略),進而形塑社會型企業綠色標竿的形象。(攝影者: 蘇信方)對於企業來說,環保議題是危機也是轉機,是提供差異性產品或服務的一種策略。尤其近年來綠色生產力議題在全球發燒,貫徹綠色(Green)才能成長(Growth)與茁壯(Grand)的新3G產業發展策略,已是各國經濟政策方向,而率先以綠色創新作為差異化,將能換危機為契機。為此,經濟部中小企業處的「綠色小巨人計畫」透過優質企業(點)、大帶小(線)與公協會(面)等三種類型的輔導模式,導入中小企業綠色永續、營運持續管理(BCM)與企業永續報告書(CSR),向下建基盤與做培訓,向上進行獎勵與擴散,打造我國中小企業綠色永續成長的產業結構。



大愛感恩科技的核心價值 “環保人文、愛心接力、完全回饋”,使其有別於其他的民營企業, “全方位落實企業社會責任(CSR)” 一直都是大愛感恩的使命。此次與塑膠中心的合作,除了導入更多特殊意義的綠色設計外,也將會執行灰色環保毛毯之碳足跡盤查及驗證,以及依據國際標準GRI 最新一代的綱領G4之91項指標,將過往之績優歷程進行彙整歸納,並通過第三方公正單位驗證,將報告作為經營策略分析工具,持續強化公司在三重底限的能量,並成為台灣 ” 社會企業 ” 的標竿。大愛感恩科技將拓展更多的資源再生平台,並打造企業綠化、成長與茁壯,進而形塑綠色標竿之形象。

大愛感恩科技 張曉輝 台北報導 Read more