Sunday, 23 March 2014

讓大愛成為一股活泉 能夠生生世世回饋社會

圖說: 台北內科週報係內湖科技園區唯一的報紙,創刊至今已逾六年,3月20日至3月26日 刊出大愛感恩科技總經理 李鼎銘師兄人物專訪,主題為「李鼎銘善業傳愛」。(攝影者:蔡知穎)21世紀,大家所談的議題是環保節能減碳與企業社會責任,在台灣有一間企業為全國唯一、世界僅見的環保紡織公益企業,就是總部座落在內湖科際園區的「大愛感恩科技」,結合了辦公室、低碳概念館暨研發中心於一處,日日運籌帷幄,扮演著推動環保品牌於全球的樞紐中心。

內科週報係內湖科技園區唯一的報紙,日前大愛感恩科技總經理 李鼎銘師兄接受內湖週報的專訪報導, 鼎銘師兄分享到:「 證嚴上人期待企業家在大愛感恩無私平台下, 每個人能夠發揮專業良能做掘井人,大愛感恩科技就是一個活泉,希望能夠將大家的努力結果來永續的回饋社會。」跟其他企業不同的地方,環保人文 + 愛心接力 + 完全回饋為大愛品牌的核心價值,且將投資及盈餘100%完全回饋給慈濟,作為國內外賑災和社會公益之用。

圖說: 日前大愛感恩科技總經理 李鼎銘師兄接受內湖週報的專訪報導,鼎銘師兄分享到:「 證嚴上人期待企業家在大愛感恩無私平台下, 每個人能夠發揮專業良能做掘井人,大愛感恩科技就是一個活泉,希望能夠將大家的努力結果來永續的回饋社會。」(攝影者: 蔡知穎)「做任何事情一定有困難,化不可能為可能就是成功。」 鼎銘師兄分享大愛感恩科技推廣“軟體”是比較困難,因為現在人都是看中硬體部分,看到的是這一件「衣服」,然而這些環保織品有別於東大門或五分埔的快速時尚, 鼎銘師兄說:「我們大愛感恩所推的是服飾背後的環保人文,讓你知道每一件衣服背後所傳達的、環保菩薩默默付出的感人故事,也充分代表台灣的軟實力。」在推廣的過程難免會遇到一些現實問題,不過就如同 證嚴法師所說: 「一步一腳印」,步步踏實做,慢慢的就能讓更多人去瞭解與認同大愛品牌的價值。

『大愛感恩研發中心的實驗室跟一般實驗室不同的地方就是推動「搖籃到搖籃」的永續精神』,寶特瓶回收做成毛毯,之後可在回收這些舊毛毯為再生原料,這就是達到工業循環再利用的初步目標。」大愛感恩科技重要方向是環保再生,將一般人視為垃圾但實際應為”城市礦產”推動並落實「搖籃到搖籃」精神讓 “減廢”成為”零廢”大愛感恩科技【灰色環保毛毯】更取得全球第二張/亞洲第一家環保re-PET再製產品「搖籃到搖籃銀級認證CM」。不止寶特瓶,環保站的任何一項資源,像是其他塑膠類、玻璃、紙類、家電、三C產品等等都是未來研發回收再生利用的目標。大愛感恩科技努力研發掌握關鍵技術,並投資各項設備希望其他多元的回收原料也能研發再利用。未來更期待大愛感恩科技在有志之士的共同合作下讓大愛感恩科技這個內科的「三合一旗艦中心」成為人人愛心的「搖籃」。

大愛感恩科技 黃歆瑜 台北報導

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讓大愛成為一股活泉 能夠生生世世回饋社會

圖說: 台北內科週報係內湖科技園區唯一的報紙,創刊至今已逾六年,3月20日至3月26日 刊出大愛感恩科技總經理 李鼎銘師兄人物專訪,主題為「李鼎銘善業傳愛」。(攝影者:蔡知穎)21世紀,大家所談的議題是環保節能減碳與企業社會責任,在台灣有一間企業為全國唯一、世界僅見的環保紡織公益企業,就是總部座落在內湖科際園區的「大愛感恩科技」,結合了辦公室、低碳概念館暨研發中心於一處,日日運籌帷幄,扮演著推動環保品牌於全球的樞紐中心。

內科週報係內湖科技園區唯一的報紙,日前大愛感恩科技總經理 李鼎銘師兄接受內湖週報的專訪報導, 鼎銘師兄分享到:「 證嚴上人期待企業家在大愛感恩無私平台下, 每個人能夠發揮專業良能做掘井人,大愛感恩科技就是一個活泉,希望能夠將大家的努力結果來永續的回饋社會。」跟其他企業不同的地方,環保人文 + 愛心接力 + 完全回饋為大愛品牌的核心價值,且將投資及盈餘100%完全回饋給慈濟,作為國內外賑災和社會公益之用。

圖說: 日前大愛感恩科技總經理 李鼎銘師兄接受內湖週報的專訪報導,鼎銘師兄分享到:「 證嚴上人期待企業家在大愛感恩無私平台下, 每個人能夠發揮專業良能做掘井人,大愛感恩科技就是一個活泉,希望能夠將大家的努力結果來永續的回饋社會。」(攝影者: 蔡知穎)「做任何事情一定有困難,化不可能為可能就是成功。」 鼎銘師兄分享大愛感恩科技推廣“軟體”是比較困難,因為現在人都是看中硬體部分,看到的是這一件「衣服」,然而這些環保織品有別於東大門或五分埔的快速時尚, 鼎銘師兄說:「我們大愛感恩所推的是服飾背後的環保人文,讓你知道每一件衣服背後所傳達的、環保菩薩默默付出的感人故事,也充分代表台灣的軟實力。」在推廣的過程難免會遇到一些現實問題,不過就如同 證嚴法師所說: 「一步一腳印」,步步踏實做,慢慢的就能讓更多人去瞭解與認同大愛品牌的價值。

『大愛感恩研發中心的實驗室跟一般實驗室不同的地方就是推動「搖籃到搖籃」的永續精神』,寶特瓶回收做成毛毯,之後可在回收這些舊毛毯為再生原料,這就是達到工業循環再利用的初步目標。」大愛感恩科技重要方向是環保再生,將一般人視為垃圾但實際應為”城市礦產”推動並落實「搖籃到搖籃」精神讓 “減廢”成為”零廢”大愛感恩科技【灰色環保毛毯】更取得全球第二張/亞洲第一家環保re-PET再製產品「搖籃到搖籃銀級認證CM」。不止寶特瓶,環保站的任何一項資源,像是其他塑膠類、玻璃、紙類、家電、三C產品等等都是未來研發回收再生利用的目標。大愛感恩科技努力研發掌握關鍵技術,並投資各項設備希望其他多元的回收原料也能研發再利用。未來更期待大愛感恩科技在有志之士的共同合作下讓大愛感恩科技這個內科的「三合一旗艦中心」成為人人愛心的「搖籃」。

大愛感恩科技 黃歆瑜 台北報導

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Turning DA.AI Into a Well of Clear Stream to Support the Society for a Sustainable Living Environment

CAPTION: The Neihu Technology Park Weekly is a local newspaper founded 6 years ago, and has recently interviewed DA.AI Technology’s General Manager, James Lee, on the topic of “Spreading of Love” to share his personal experience. (Photo by: Austin Tsai)In the 21st century, when the topics of environmental protection and corporate social responsibility are becoming the trends, there is a company located in Neihu District of Taipei City dedicated in both fields starting from the beginning of 2008 - DA.AI Technology. With its own offices, Eco-Concept Stores, and research facility, DA.AI is the only company in the world devoting in both the fields of environmental protection and charity. For the past 5 years, DA.AI has been building its brand step by step, and wishing to promote and invite more people to join its ideology of coexisting with the Earth.

CAPTION: Throughout the interview, James Lee shared that “Dharma Master Cheng Yen, the founder of Tzu Chi Charity Foundation, wishes for entrepreneurs to express our Great Love, and exert each of our expertise to help the poor and needy. This is one of the purposes that DA.AI is founded, with a mission to become a “well of clear stream” to support Tzu Chi’s global charity works, so that everyone working in the company is the well digger.” (Photo by: Austin Tsai)Interviewed by the Neihu Technology Park Weekly, a local newspaper in the Neihu District, DA.AI’s General Manager, James Lee, shared with the interviewers that “Dharma Master Cheng Yen, the founder of Tzu Chi Charity Foundation, wishes for entrepreneurs to express our Great Love, and exert each of our expertise to help the poor and needy. This is one of the purposes that DA.AI is founded, with a mission to become a “well of clear stream” to support Tzu Chi’s global charity works, so that everyone working in the company is the well digger.” Thus, different from many of the profit driven companies, DA.AI’s core values are Culture of Environmental Protection, Circle of Love, and Contribute to Society, and donates 100% of its net income to support Tzu Chi’s charity work.

“Difficulty lies everywhere; however, able to turn what seems impossible to possible is called success,” James Lee stated throughout the interview, as he pointed out that DA.AI’s work in promoting the “software” (spiritual and humanism meaning) is quite difficult, since most consumers today in the fashion industry value more heavily on the “hardware” (design, price, etc.) Nonetheless, it is DA.AI’s job to overcome the difficulties and show everyone that the true value of DA.AI apparel lies in “the humanism culture behind the product and the story of Tzu Chi’s environmental promoters, which forms the soft power of Taiwan.” As Dharma Master Cheng Yen said, “take each step firmly,” DA.AI will continue on this difficult path step by step, and hope to draw more awareness to the brand and its priceless value along the way.

“DA.AI’s research facility is also unique from others, because it conducts research in the direction following the Cradle to Cradle Design Model,” James Lee said. DA.AI was the second in the world and first in ASIA to receive the Cradle to Cradle (CM) Silver Certification in the re-PET industry, and wishes to improve on this achievement by going from “low waste” to “zero waste.” Moreover, the company will expand its recycling technology, and eventually turn recycled plastic, glass, paper, and consumer electronic into useful products to extend material life span and lower Mother Earth’s bear. Under such meaningful mission, DA.AI invites experts from all fields to join the work together for a sustainable living environment.

DA.AI Reporter, Sandy Huang, Taipei
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馬六甲楊兌澄 Thank you Tzu Chi

Staying in Malaysia`s Malacca, we meet another Tzu Chi volunteer, Yang Duicheng who was diagnosed with a rare eye disease last year. Thankfully, with help from his counterparts in Japan, Yang made a full recovery and has also inspired his parents to join Tzu Chi`s recycling efforts. 


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