Monday, 10 March 2014

DA.AI Technology Continues its Sustainability Path with the “Cradle to Cradle” Certification Renewal

CAPTION: DA.AI Technology’s gray eco-blanket first received Asia’s first and world’s second Cradle to Cradle Silver Certification in rPET product in 2012. The honor continues in 2014, which shows DA.AI’s consistent dedication in sustainability and corporate social responsibility. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology)Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been promoting the “Cradle to Cradle” design model since 2010. The design model not only reduces raw material consumption, resource waste, and pollution, but also ponders on how to fully recycle the thrown away materials and turn them into useful products once again. DA.AI Technology, being an eco-friendly brand, has long been devoted in the Cradle to Cradle design model by building its own research facility to test upon the possibilities on each recycled resource, such as decomposing recycled plastic bags into boiler oil, and combining recycled plastic and wood flakes into wood bricks for housing building.

CAPTION: DA.AI’s R&D staff, Lori Chen, explained how the company fulfills Cradle to Cradle design model, and the future improvement direction. (Photo by: Austin Tsai)The relationship between “Cradle to Cradle” and DA.AI Technology can be dated back to 2011, when the company’s President, James Lee, and current R&D manager, Dr. Ting Hung, personally interviewed with one of the co-founders, Dr. Michael Braungart, of the design model to see how the idea can be applied onto DA.AI’s products. Dr. Braungart also visited one of Tzu Chi’s recycling stations in Taipei, and was deeply touched by Tzu Chi’s holistic and detailed recycling process. He expressed his gratitude to Tzu Chi, and believed that Tzu Chi has an important role in promoting the Cradle to Cradle design model to the world.

DA.AI Technology’s gray eco-blanket was the first in Asia and second in the world to receive the Cradle to Cradle Silver Certification in rPET products in 2012, and was renewed recently. The R&D staff, Lori Chen, explained the fact that DA.AI receiving the certification once again shows the company’s continuous and consistent effort in reviving recycled materials. Furthermore, DA.AI will keep on improving so that the company fulfills its core principles of environmental protection humanism and corporate social responsibility.

Thanks to Tzu Chi’s complete and detailed recycling system to support the company, DA.AI’s gray eco-blanket was able to receive the Silver Certification from the clean and high quality number 1 recycling bottles. As Dharma Master Cheng Yen said “Turning garbage into gold,” DA.AI will continue to search for these potential ‘golden’ materials and dedicate the company’s effort in re-making what is meant to be thrown away into useful products, and extend the material’s life span.

Appreciating the great significance behind Cradle to Cradle and following Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s teaching of “Doing what is right, and just do it,” DA.AI Technology will not only continue on improving its Cradle to Cradle research direction, but also spread the idea to all the different fields and industries to invite more participants to join this path of green inspiration.

DA.AI Technology Reporter, Sandy Huang, Taipei Read more

2014, Jan., Cradle to Cradle Certification Renewal (Gray Eco-Blanket)

CAPTION: DA.AI Technology’s gray eco-blanket first received Asia’s first and world’s second Cradle to Cradle Silver Certification in rPET product in 2012. The honor continues in 2014, which shows DA.AI’s consistent dedication in sustainability and corporate social responsibility. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology)Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been promoting the “Cradle to Cradle” design model since 2010. The design model not only reduces raw material consumption, resource waste, and pollution, but also ponders on how to fully recycle the thrown away materials and turn them into useful products once again. DA.AI Technology, being an eco-friendly brand, has long been devoted in the Cradle to Cradle design model by building its own research facility to test upon the possibilities on each recycled resource, such as decomposing recycled plastic bags into boiler oil, and combining recycled plastic and wood flakes into wood bricks for housing building.

The relationship between “Cradle to Cradle” and DA.AI Technology can be dated back to 2011, when the company’s President, James Lee, and current R&D manager, Dr. Ting Hung, personally interviewed with one of the co-founders, Dr. Michael Braungart, of the design model to see how the idea can be applied onto DA.AI’s products. Dr. Braungart also visited one of Tzu Chi’s recycling stations in Taipei, and was deeply touched by Tzu Chi’s holistic and detailed recycling process. He expressed his gratitude to Tzu Chi, and believed that Tzu Chi has an important role in promoting the Cradle to Cradle design model to the world.

CAPTION: DA.AI’s R&D staff, Lori Chen, explained how the company fulfills Cradle to Cradle design model, and the future improvement direction. (Photo by: Austin Tsai)DA.AI Technology’s gray eco-blanket was the first in Asia and second in the world to receive the Cradle to Cradle Silver Certification in rPET products in 2012, and was renewed recently. The R&D staff, Lori Chen, explained the fact that DA.AI receiving the certification once again shows the company’s continuous and consistent effort in reviving recycled materials. Furthermore, DA.AI will keep on improving so that the company fulfills its core principles of environmental protection humanism and corporate social responsibility.

Thanks to Tzu Chi’s complete and detailed recycling system to support the company, DA.AI’s gray eco-blanket was able to receive the Silver Certification from the clean and high quality number 1 recycling bottles. As Dharma Master Cheng Yen said “Turning garbage into gold,” DA.AI will continue to search for these potential ‘golden’ materials and dedicate the company’s effort in re-making what is meant to be thrown away into useful products, and extend the material’s life span.

Appreciating the great significance behind Cradle to Cradle and following Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s teaching of “Doing what is right, and just do it,” DA.AI Technology will not only continue on improving its Cradle to Cradle research direction, but also spread the idea to all the different fields and industries to invite more participants to join this path of green inspiration.

DA.AI Technology Reporter, Sandy Huang, Taipei Read more


【時間】2014年3月10日(三) 10:00 - 11:30

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【時間】2014年3月10日(三) 8:00~10:00
【地點】德式馬交誼廳 (台北市內湖區洲子街65號3樓)
大愛心新聞:魏導訪貧知苦難  喜捨付出勵良能


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【地點】大愛感恩科技 (台北市內湖區洲子街63號1樓)

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資源利用再醒思 永續循環"心"啟示 —「搖籃到搖籃」續證精神與展望(下)


圖說: 大愛感恩科技研發部同仁 陳意容師姊(右二)分享,除了材質再利用,循環性概念我們還需加強,但是企業社會責任、水資源管理和碳管理這些基礎,本來就是大愛感恩追求的方向,已經十足符合搖籃到搖籃的理念。(攝影者:蔡知穎)「搖籃到搖籃」觀念推廣至今,大愛感恩科技自2012年參與認證,是全世界第二個拿到此認證的綠色環保再生企業,同時大愛感恩科技【灰色環保賑災毛毯】取得全亞洲第一家環保rPET再製產品「搖籃到搖籃銀級認證CM」,以其永續性的精神在2014年一月再次續証完成。負責此認證的研發部同仁 陳意容博士分享:這次續證重新聲明我們的材料符合人類與生態安全性,製程不變所以再利用性沒問題,並且也開始朝著再生能源的目標前進。除了材質再利用,工業養分循環的概念我們還需再精進,而企業社會責任、水資源管理和碳管理這些基礎,本來就是大愛感恩追求的方向,已經十足符合搖籃到搖籃的理念。

『為何無需修改原始製程,而能得到「搖籃到搖籃銀級認證CM」』 意容師姊解釋,因為灰色毛毯100%來自回收的1號寶特瓶,本來就已經是回收再生材質、無後染加工製程和環保毛毯背後的完整慈濟回收體系,本質上就已經符合搖籃到搖籃的認證基礎。一般而言,商品要獲得搖籃到搖籃認證,都需要重新檢視產品原料、生產製程,或是從頭設計出一個新的產品來符合搖籃到搖籃理念,而大愛感恩科技當初成立製造出來的產品,就已經跟搖籃到搖籃的精神相近: 第一,主要不僅要節能減碳,也是要確保材質應用的安全性,這是我們正在做的。第二,我們本來就是想要資源變黃金,這不但是我們的概念,也正在行動與具體落實,我們積極從資源回收裡面尋找具有潛力”變黃金”的廢棄物,讓原本是廢棄物的原料賦予他們全新的生命,不只是追求再利用,而是追求更好的品質標準與更高的產品價值,因此我們得到許多認證,搖籃到搖籃可以幫我們思考產品再利用的永續性。

意容師姊也分享了參與這次搖籃到搖籃認證的心得,她說:「搖籃到搖籃是非常有意義的方向,雖然很困難,對於企業來說更是要大量投資,而大愛感恩對此是義不容辭去做的,」就像是 證嚴上人慈示: 「對的事情,做就對了。」另外,搖籃到搖籃主要是針對產品,環保教育與社會企業責任更是不可或缺的方向,這份搖籃到搖籃的精神,也必然將朝業界多元並跨界去推廣,希望能邀請產/官/學/研各界,體驗並落實永續循環的"心"啟示。

大愛感恩科技 黃歆瑜 台北報導

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資源利用再醒思 永續循環"心"啟示 —「搖籃到搖籃」續證精神與展望(下)


圖說: 大愛感恩科技研發部同仁 陳意容師姊(右二)分享,除了材質再利用,循環性概念我們還需加強,但是企業社會責任、水資源管理和碳管理這些基礎,本來就是大愛感恩追求的方向,已經十足符合搖籃到搖籃的理念。(攝影者:蔡知穎)「搖籃到搖籃」觀念推廣至今,大愛感恩科技自2012年參與認證,是全世界第二個拿到此認證的綠色環保再生企業,同時大愛感恩科技【灰色環保賑災毛毯】取得全亞洲第一家環保rPET再製產品「搖籃到搖籃銀級認證CM」,以其永續性的精神在2014年一月再次續証完成。負責此認證的研發部同仁 陳意容博士分享:這次續證重新聲明我們的材料符合人類與生態安全性,製程不變所以再利用性沒問題,並且也開始朝著再生能源的目標前進。除了材質再利用,工業養分循環的概念我們還需再精進,而企業社會責任、水資源管理和碳管理這些基礎,本來就是大愛感恩追求的方向,已經十足符合搖籃到搖籃的理念。

『為何無需修改原始製程,而能得到「搖籃到搖籃銀級認證CM」』 意容師姊解釋,因為灰色毛毯100%來自回收的1號寶特瓶,本來就已經是回收再生材質、無後染加工製程和環保毛毯背後的完整慈濟回收體系,本質上就已經符合搖籃到搖籃的認證基礎。一般而言,商品要獲得搖籃到搖籃認證,都需要重新檢視產品原料、生產製程,或是從頭設計出一個新的產品來符合搖籃到搖籃理念,而大愛感恩科技當初成立製造出來的產品,就已經跟搖籃到搖籃的精神相近: 第一,主要不僅要節能減碳,也是要確保材質應用的安全性,這是我們正在做的。第二,我們本來就是想要資源變黃金,這不但是我們的概念,也正在行動與具體落實,我們積極從資源回收裡面尋找具有潛力”變黃金”的廢棄物,讓原本是廢棄物的原料賦予他們全新的生命,不只是追求再利用,而是追求更好的品質標準與更高的產品價值,因此我們得到許多認證,搖籃到搖籃可以幫我們思考產品再利用的永續性。

意容師姊也分享了參與這次搖籃到搖籃認證的心得,她說:「搖籃到搖籃是非常有意義的方向,雖然很困難,對於企業來說更是要大量投資,而大愛感恩對此是義不容辭去做的,」就像是 證嚴上人慈示: 「對的事情,做就對了。」另外,搖籃到搖籃主要是針對產品,環保教育與社會企業責任更是不可或缺的方向,這份搖籃到搖籃的精神,也必然將朝業界多元並跨界去推廣,希望能邀請產/官/學/研各界,體驗並落實永續循環的"心"啟示。

大愛感恩科技 黃歆瑜 台北報導

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