November 2013

Monday, 11 November 2013

National Sustainable Development Award – Soft Power Innovation

Caption: DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd has won its 2013 National Sustainable Development Award. Auditors (from The National Executive Council’s National Development committee) visited DA.AI’ showroom earlier.To recognize DA.AI Technology's efforts to develop eco-friendly products and management, The Plastic Industry Technology Development Center has nominated DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd and won its 2013 National Sustainable Development Award. The National Executive Council’s National Development committee gives these awards to industries and organizations that continue to develop their potential, to advance localization within daily life.

DA.AI continuously invests in its product R&D program. First, it enthusiastically promotes its eco-brand regenerated products that were produced from recycled PET bottles. This helps with environmental protection and nature resource ecological action. Each year Taiwan recycles enough PET bottles, to be squashed and stacked up to 1,600 meters high, or equal to three Taipei 101 building. Such PET bottles won’t degrade in landfill for some 1,000 years. Incinerated, they will pollute the environment and speed up globe warming. In its five years, DAI.AI has helped transform over 300 million drinking water PET bottles into eco-friendly products. The energy saving is equivalent to growing 90,000 20-year trees; and saves enough water to satisfy the needs of 1.68 million Taiwanese people.

Through innovation, sustainable development and gaining environmental protection certificates, DA.AI's brand has earned a world-wide reputation for quality. DA.AI carefully followed Netherlands Peterson Control Union standards to process eco-product textiles, and received the Globe Recycle Standard (GRS) certificate. After years of effort, DA.AI’s eco-polyester received EPA’s environmental protection mark. This international mark means that DA.AI’s recycled poly chips, polyester and grey eco blankets have received water and carbon footprint certification from Germany’s TÜV Rheinland and Japan’s EPA. The company also received Cradle to Cradle Silver CertifiedCM by Cradle To Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII). More than 400 DA.AI eco-products have been certified with Taiwan MIT Smile Mark—more than any other textile brand in Taiwan. And as of this September, DI.AI’s quality control and site facilities are successfully BSI ISO 9001/14001 certified: proof that DA.AI technology fully meets the international standard.

With its focus on environmental, social responsibility and green generation missions, the corporation must constantly be upgraded to reflect the concept of “Small is beautiful, Beauty is practical.” and keep pace with bigger corporations.

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Friday, 08 November 2013

2013,Nov.,DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd has won its 2013 National Sustainable Development Award

20131210.jpgTo recognize DA.AI Technology's efforts to develop eco-friendly products and management, The Plastic Industry Technology Development Center has nominated DA.AI Technology Co. Ltd and won its 2013 National Sustainable Development Award. The National Executive Council’s National Development committee gives these awards to industries and organizations that continue to develop their potential, to advance localization within daily life.

Through innovation, sustainable development and gaining environmental protection certificates, DA.AI's brand has earned a world-wide reputation for quality. DA.AI carefully followed Netherlands Peterson Control Union standards to process eco-product textiles, and received the Globe Recycle Standard (GRS) certificate. After years of effort, DA.AI’s eco-polyester received EPA’s environmental protection mark. This international mark means that DA.AI’s recycled poly chips, polyester and grey eco blankets have received water and carbon footprint certification from Germany’s TÜV Rheinland and Japan’s EPA. The company also received Cradle to Cradle Silver CertifiedCM by Cradle To Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII). More than 400 DA.AI eco-products have been certified with Taiwan MIT Smile Mark—more than any other textile brand in Taiwan. And as of this September, DI.AI’s quality control and site facilities are successfully BSI ISO 9001/14001 certified: proof that DA.AI technology fully meets the international standard.

With its focus on environmental, social responsibility and green generation missions, the corporation must constantly be upgraded to reflect the concept of “Small is beautiful, Beauty is practical.” and keep pace with bigger corporations.

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澎湖環保宣導 From fruit peels to cleaning agent

Moving to the offshore island of Penghu, the county government recently invited Tzu Chi volunteers to introduce recycling concepts to their community volunteers. During the meeting, volunteers encouraged everyone to reduce the use of plastic bags, and also demonstrated how to make a natural cleaning agent out of fruit peels.

轉到臺灣離島 澎湖,當地政府社會局,邀請慈濟志工來教導社區志工環保概念,過程中,提醒大家少用塑膠袋,慈濟志工也教導大家,用果皮製作酵素清潔劑的方式。

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Tuesday, 05 November 2013

齊柏林看見台灣A view from above

Have you ever seen Taiwan from above? Qi Bolin(齊柏林), an aerial photographer who originally worked at the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, was in charge of recording highway construction from the air, and had since fallen in love with the job. Over the past two decades, the man has captured over 400,000 photos of Taiwan but was shocked by the images he recorded after Typhoon Morakot in 2009. It was then he was inspired to quit his job and spend the next three years to make a documentary on Taiwan. Here`s more.


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Monday, 04 November 2013

馬部落推環保 Promoting recycling

Staying in Malaysia, recently Tzu Chi volunteers visited a tribal village in Kampung Sugund to teach local residents of the many benefits of recycling and environmentalism.

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屈尺素食推廣 Xindian’s Quchi community

In Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers and medical staff of the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital have been organizing regular free clinics and home visitations to Xindian’s Quchi community. Recently, the volunteers arrived at the community with delicious and healthy vegetarian food as they hope to encourage local residents to go meatless.  Read more

DA AI Technology Fulfills ISO Spirit: An Exemplary Enterprise

Caption: The consultant Mr. Wu Ji-Feng (bowing), was there when DA.AI Technology received its ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification. DA.AI Technology Executive Director Mr. Ding-Ming Lee (standing at the head of the table) reminded the room that “DA AI Technology hopes to leverage ISO certification to help us promote Tzu Chi’s spirit and great love. The certificate also encourages DA.AI staff members to continue making every effort to maintain high quality management standards.” Having successfully passed ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audits on September 25 and 26, DA.AI Technology received both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification, for quality management and environmental management systems respectively. ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for quality management practices. After the two-day audits--including BSI (British Standard Institute) on-the-spot checks—DA.AI Technology received high praise from three auditors. The team invited DA.AI Technology to share its experience at BSI's annual conference, and plans to recommend DA.AI's green products to international companies seeking ISO certification.

DA.AI Technology wishes to express the company's sense of great love and immense gratitude to sentient beings and the Earth. Led by consultant Mr. Wu Ji-Feng, it spent two years establishing a quality management system to meet ISO 9001 standards. The system includes establishing quality policies, writing quality documentation (a quality manual, procedures and forms), training staff members, and maintaining detailed improvement records.

Caption: External auditor Assistant Manager Xin-Zuo Lin (far left) and consultant Mr. Ji-Feng Wu (to his right) helped deliver DA AI Technology's ISO 9001 and ISO 14004 certification.ISO requires companies to demonstrate that they actually implement quality practices described in their documentation, in a way that promotes ISO certification aims by emphasizing team spirit and continuous improvement of quality systems and products as well as services. Mr. Ding-Ming Lee, Executive Director of DA.AI Technology, stated that “DA AI Technology hopes to promote Tzu Chi’s spirit and great love by being granted ISO certification. Certificate will also encourage DA.AI’s staff members to make quality management an ongoing goal of our company.” “It’s simply an entrance, not a graduate certification,” he stated. Huei-Ling Liao of the Design Department added, “Establishing standard operating procedures (SOP), providing constant internal training, producing quality green products and transforming DA.AI into an international Green brand are our achievable goals.”

Caption: Through establishing ISO quality systems, DA.AI staff members have learned about the concepts and implementation of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Over the five-year auditing process, their strong determination and efficiency has become the DA AI “brand.”  External Auditors: Manager Yu-Zhong Guo (on the far right) and Assistant Manager Xin-Zuo Lin (to his right). DA.AI Technology Internal Auditors: Brother Tsan-Kuo Chen (far left) and Brother San-Ming Yu (to his left). During the audit process, DA.AI Technology received many valuable suggestions and comments. As QC staff member Teng-Yu Hu put it, “My workload temporarily increased as a result of meeting ISO quality management standards; but going through the process allowed me to learn about SOP concepts and implementation. Workplace efficiency and quality control soon improved—along with internal cooperation. To more quickly reach the goal of ‘Co-exist with Mother Earth,’ we also promote the ISO 14001 standard for an environmental management system. Our staff's strong determination and practical approach throughout the five years to “do what DA.AI Tech says'--served as an inspiring sutra.”

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Sunday, 03 November 2013

有機綠屋頂+DIY綠屋頂The benefits of solar panels and green roofs

Moving to Kaohsiung, as the city gets an average of nearly 2,000 hours of sunshine per year, to ease the what is known as the urban heat island effect and reduce carbon emissions, the local government has been promoting the installation of solar panels and green roofs on buildings. To encourage members of the public to embrace this new concept, starting from next year, the government will provide subsidies to buildings interested in installing these green roofs. Next, we learn more about the benefit of solar panels and green roofs.


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Saturday, 02 November 2013

餘姚物資打包Tzu Chi volunteers are holding the aid distributions in Yuyao City

We go China at the end of the show, to help those devastated by Typhoon Fi-tow, Tzu Chi volunteers are currently, holding the second-round of aid distributions, at the Far East Industrial Park in Zhejiang ’s Yuyao City. It is estimated that, more than 5,000 households will receive Tzu Chi ’s help, in the three-day event. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


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Friday, 01 November 2013

美靜思語監獄 Tzu Chi volunteers are planning to bring words of wisdom into the prisons of Los Angeles County in California

Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States, continue to bring Jing Si Aphorisms into hotels throughout the US. Recently volunteers expanded the scope of their mission, by planning to bring these words of wisdom, into the prisons of Los Angeles County in California. Meanwhile, several members of the Los Angles Police Force, visited the Tzu Chi US Headquarters, to learn more about the buddhist NGO.


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