May 2013

Monday, 27 May 2013

2013,Sep. 17-20,NanJing Taiwan Trade Fair

【EVENT】:NanJing Taiwan Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:September 20~23, 2013
【LOCATION】:NanJing International Expo Centre

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2013,Sep. 16-18,Green Architecture Exhibition

【EVENT】:4th Green Architecture Exhibition
【DATE & TIME】:September 16~18, 2013
【LOCATION】:Poly World Trade Center

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2013,Sep. 12-15,Dongguan Taiwan Trade Fair

【EVENT】:Dongguan Taiwan Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:September 12~15, 2013
【LOCATION】:Dongguan International Conference & Exhibition Center (Cross Junction of DongGuan Road and Hong Fu Road)

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Australian volunteers relieve suffering and accept responsibility with love and without fear-1

Photo: DA.AI Tech CEO director Lee Ding-Ming (left) with Gold Coast Australia Liaison Office CEO Wu Zhao-Feng (center) and her entourage, he thanks them for actively promoting humanities on environmental protection in Australia.Some twenty Tzu Chi volunteers from Gold Coast, Australia are working without fanfare yet tirelessly within the community to promote the missions of environmental protection, education, humanitarianism and vegetarian lifestyles. They spread seeds of love in the belief that "Good deeds won't happen without me.”  As the head of Gold Coast Liaison Office Sister Wu Zhao-Feng asserted: “Our personal vows to make a difference must be more powerful than any disaster; then they'll lift our wholehearted commitment to actively promote Tzu Chi's four missions and eight Dharma footprints.” Such vows become especially important when volunteers are in foreign lands, working in totally different cultures.  On March 22nd, DA.AI Technology invited these Australian volunteers, led by Sister Zhao-Fen, to Taiwan so they could share their experience in Australia supporting environmental protection.

The Australian volunteers' shared videos of a Thanksgiving tea party organized by the Australian State Emergency Service (SES) to show appreciation for their disaster relief efforts and exemplary spirit born of great wisdom. Volunteers prepared delicious vegetarian meals during the tea party, then distributed DA.AI Tech scarves so all attendees might feel Tzu Chi-style love and compassion. Mayor Paul Pisasale also came to speak on behalf of DA.AI Tech, introducing the story behind several products to the audience. Tzu Chi volunteers do everything, regularly explaining the humanitarian principles behind environmental protection to government officials. They also visit a local school campus and demonstrate recycling in order to engage with Ipswich high school students increasingly interested in cherishing resources and protecting Mother Earth. After years of constant giving and caring to the residents of Ipswich, Queensland, Tzu Chi has been warmly recognized by municipal government. So the next stop, to introduce the Dharma’s idealism, was to public servants in the police and military.

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Friday, 24 May 2013

LavaLava編織愛心 薩摩亞點石成金





當地的志工伊芙琳表示:「我們把礦泉水瓶集中運到台灣,熔解後變成不同顏色的塑膠顆粒做成纖維,然後編織成這個,叫做LavaLava的服飾,包在身上是薩摩亞人人日常所穿著的。」薩摩亞與慈濟的緣分始於2009年的大海嘯,當時國際救災組織帶來大量的瓶裝水,事後卻成了這美麗島嶼揮之不去的夢魘。因此隔年,美國聯邦緊急事務管理局一行人,前往花蓮精舍拜訪 證嚴法師,希望能夠將慈濟環保理念帶回當地生根,此行不僅解決島嶼上逾50萬支寶特瓶的污染,並且藉此建立「清淨在源頭」的與「生態永續」的觀念。


由寶特瓶織成當地特有的薩摩亞傳統服飾,上面印著薩摩亞的花、草及島上原住民領袖才有的刺青圖騰。當地的織品設計師表示:「這些織染的圖案,提醒我們要敬愛大自然,如同  證嚴法師的教導,要愛我們的大地。」由此可見,當地的環保種子在眾人的愛心播種下,已經逐漸發芽,並帶動當地的居民一起投入環保的行列。慈濟在賑災的過程中,不僅救人、救心,更持續將永續救災的環保理念植入心田,並開啟愛的接力,運用回收當地本來會污染大地的垃圾,點石成金,教育薩摩亞人體驗並實踐「續物命,造福慧」的精神,透過海內外馳援,共同成就愛的循環,啟發當地人心中的善念,讓「與地球共生息」透過行動成為可以成就的事實,守護我們的大地。
大愛感恩科技同仁胡毓昇師兄,正親自測試操作要與薩摩亞當地民眾結緣的粉碎機,讓當地的當地的志工能夠運用這部機器將回收分類的寶特瓶粉碎成瓶片後運送回台灣製成紡織品。(照片來源:慈濟美國總會、夏威夷分會 ) 薩摩亞電力局長Andra Samoa穿上由大愛感恩科技的修賢系列服飾,直讚美觀又舒適,開啟了當地與大愛感恩科技的好因緣。(照片來源:慈濟美國總會、夏威夷分會 )

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Monday, 20 May 2013

Love relay to South Africa-Cultivating a field of blessing by burning the midnight oil

[Caption] Supporting the Tzu Chi Foundation’s winter distribution in June in South Africa, DA.AI Technology staff members joined Tzu Chi volunteers to prepare Gray Eco Blankets for South African cities of Cape Town and Durban.In March the northern hemisphere celebrates the arrival of spring flowers, but the southern hemisphere is braces for another cold winter. Tzu Chi people were typically busy with energetic preparations for winter distribution to South Africans. As with Tzu Chi Foundation’s June winter distribution, on March 11 DA.AI Technology staff members joined Tzu Chi volunteers in preparing DA.AI Gray Eco Blankets for shipment to Cape Town and Durban. “Having a will without action is like farming without sowing; life will just pass by in vain.” In contributing to Tzu Chi’s four missions, all volunteers came directly from work to Tzu Chi's Neihu Recycling Station to help load blankets into large shipping containers and send their message of love overseas.
Even at 7 PM, Neihu Recycling Station was ablaze with light. Over 40 volunteers had gathered to help load nearly 25,000 DA.AI ECO blankets into large containers for shipment to South Africa for winter distribution. Happily sharing the workload with Tzu Chi volunteers were nine DA.AI Technology staff members. A senior Tzu Chi volunteer, Brother Liang Liandeng, divided the volunteers into four groups, each responsible for one container. For many people, including several DA.AI Technology employees, this was their first experience of such an event. Brother Liang Yicheng of DA.AI Technology said “This is a great opportunity that I would do again if time permits. These blankets will bring warmth to the residents in South Africa, and I hope that such shipments will become unnecessary as the world one day becomes disaster free.”
[Caption] “Count me in when doing good deeds and show the volunteer spirit in daily work.” DA.AI Technology staffs celebrate every opportunity to show their love at events like this, hoping to spread their great love around the globe.Another DA.AI Technology staffer, sister Jasmine Li, brought her sister to be part of the action. “Master Cheng Yen's dharma is all-encompassing as love in practice, based on her deep compassion for the world. My family is too busy caring for their own families and careers to get involved personally in every domestic and international aid efforts. But when a special opportunity like this comes, they can show their love and compassion,” says Jasmine. This has also been a special experience for her sister Ruby, “I am so grateful for this activity. Witnessing the professionalism and efficiency of Tzu Chi volunteers and DA.AI staff as they fill four 40-foot shipping containers with nearly twenty-five thousands blankets in about one hour really amazed me! I have participated in international fundraising a number of other times, but this time is especially moving because I have made my wishes a reality.”

“Good actions require everyone’s effort.” DA.AI Technology staff members demonstrate Master’s teachings in their actions, seizing every opportunity to contribute by making DA.AI Gray Eco Blankets and other materials, each filled with blessings. The huge global village is really one community of life. There is little strength in the efforts of a few people; but by converging everyone’s team-spirited love and compassion, suffering of the poor can be partly relieved. This year the cold winter for Maseru of Lesotho, Ladybrand, Bir Taba or other poor isolated villages in South Africa, will be alleviated as love and blessings are delivered with our hopes that they'll be physically and mentally healthy and safe. It brings these suffering beings hope and encouragement.

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Friday, 17 May 2013

垃圾屋大變身 環保福田招募菩薩


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Monday, 13 May 2013

Eco-brand to Build Taiwan's Future: DA.AI Technology Earth Protection, Mind Purification, and Sustainable Management

This group photo commemorates the fourth annual DA.AI Technology celebration on Dec. 9, 2012. Far left: Ding-Ming Lee, Executive Director of DA.AI Technology. Next to him is Ms. Kai-Ting He, General Manager of EPEA Taiwan Branch. Third from the left is Brother Jia-He Lin, a corporate Founding Member. Next to him is Mr. Bodo Kretzschmar, Chief Operating Officer of the TÜV Rheinland Group's Taiwan Branch. In the center is Mr. Du, Zi-Jun, Deputy Chief of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs. To his left is Walter Huang, DA.AI Technology Chairman. And on the far right is Director Tang of Da Ai TV, representing the Tzu Chi Foundation.Great Love: Giving Without Asking for Anything In Return

Gratitude: Constant Cultivation of Wisdom 

On Dec. 9 DA.AI Technology, the world's first non-profit “Green” socially responsible enterprise, celebrated its fourth anniversary with volunteers and representatives from Tzu Chi Foundation, business partners, guests of honor and government officials. DA.AI Technology's core mission is to protect the environment and support international charity, donating 100% of net proceeds to Tzu Chi Foundation disaster relief and charitable work. Once several founding members told Master Cheng Yen that more funds should be raised for the company and she said with a smile: “Giving, not making profits, should be your goal.” DA.AI Tech was established to help many people give with a grateful heart, without expecting anything in return. That's why Master Cheng Yen named the company “DA AI” (“Great Love” in Chinese).

Mr. Walter Huang, company chairman, shared three wishes at the anniversary celebration party: (1) That everyone help protect Mother Earth, (2) That everyone adopt Tzu Chi Masters’ missions as their own missions and devote themselves to mind purification, and (3) That everyone actively promote and support DA.AI's efforts to make sure the eco-brand thrives--both as a business and as part of Tzu Chi's global movement. Combining eco-technology and charity, DA.AI Tech promotes Taiwan’s soft power on the global stage. In addition to donating all company net proceeds, a 2012 CSR annual report has been presented to a representative of Master Cheng Yen to reiterate its core mission— environmental protection and charity. DA.AI is already making a difference. Between 2009 and November 2012, DA.AI recycled 250 million PET bottles to produce eco-textile fabrics and products, reduced carbon emissions up to 16 million kilograms and energy usage equivalent to 4 million liters of oil, as well as saved 673 million liters of water.

An Eco-Brand That Enhances Taiwan's Global Reputation

The “Green” Movement Gets a New Role Model   

During the anniversary celebration party, DA.AI joined with leading-edge designers to showcase eco-friendly apparel made of recycled PET bottles. DA.AI products' unique combination of elegance, simplicity, environmental protection value and eco-education mean consumers can use eco-friendly apparel that also contributes to mind purification and a more peaceful society. Mr. Du, Zi-Jun, the Deputy Chief of Ministry of Economic Affairs, stated, “In the past, major barriers to Taiwan’s enterprises included the lack of raw materials, technology, product plan and branding. Now DA.AI is systematically implementing a compelling strategic brand and product plan. Every foreign guest to Taiwan who receives DA.AI’s eco-friendly products as gifts can come to know Taiwan’s tradition of humanism and personal warmth. DA.AI Tech is indeed the pride of Taiwan’s industry.”

Mr. Ming-Shui Yeh, Executive Vice President of Taiwan External Trade Development Council, added: “DA.AI Technology, Taiwan's own eco-brand, produces outstanding eco-friendly apparel as a valued representative of Taiwan. Because each product meets stringent R&D, design, marketing and quality control standards, we can proudly promote DA.AI’s eco-friendly apparel all over the world. Each polo shirt, for example, has kept twelve PET bottles out of landfill. This is a clear sign of Tzu Chi eco-love. “DA.AI’s apparel is more than another high-quality Taiwan product. It also serves as a 'Green' industry role model. While applauding DA.AI Technology's eco-spirit, we urge Taiwanese industry to keep offering the world more eco-friendly products, kind hearts and humanistic spirit. Together they add to Taiwan's reputation as a world leader in more than one important area.”

Green Miracle: Gray Eco Blanket 

Sustainable Value: International Certificate

DA.AI's Gray Eco Blanket plays an important role in Tzu Chi's international relief efforts. This ground-breaking product recently received both the Water Footprint and Carbon Footprint Certifications from the TÜV Rheinland Group—making it the world’s first textile product to receive the coveted Water Footprint Certification. And this year the the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) also presented DA.AI with its own Carbon Footprint Certification. Some 600 thousand Gray Eco Blankets have already been delivered to disaster victims in nearly 30 countries, making it Taiwan’s true “Green” miracle and lifesaver.

Gray Eco Blanket fabric's use of recycled PET bottles and recycled fabric scraps promotes resource sustainability. DA.AI's sustainable closed-loop process has advanced industry recycling processing, so such scraps are easier to recycle, achieving the goal of “Cradle to Cradle ®” 

A beginning: Eco-friendly Apparel Made from PET bottles 

Tzu Chi Recruitment of Living Bodhisattvas

Mr. Ding-Ming Lee, DA.AI Technology Executive Director, has said: “Every DA.AI product brings consumers the story of Tzu Chi recycling volunteers' love and dedication. But we also remind the public that not using PET bottles at all is even better than recycling. DA.AI discourages consumption, encouraging people to protect the planet by using eco-friendly products. In addition to PET bottles, DA.AI also promotes the widespread recycling of six other types of materials including other plastic, paper, household appliances, and 3C products. We hope to recruit more Living Bodhisattvas to join our worldwide selfless celebration of human potential. Taiwan, just a small island, is overflowing with love. Everyone at DA.AI is committed to supporting Taiwan's global position by vigorously promoting its eco-brand around the world.”

After the anniversary celebration event, in response to Master Cheng Yen’s great compassion, DA.AI Technology has kept appealing for help to disaster victims in the Eastern United States. Everyone who makes this effort will become “a Bodhisattva on the spot.” DA.AI founding members, on behalf of the entire group, also matched dollar-for-dollar all revenue from the sale of DA.AI’s eco-friendly product on that day to increase relief donations, and wholeheartedly prayed as a group for each and every Hurricane Sandy victims.
Photo: Funding members along with Tzu Chi Representative and Director Tang renew their commitment to help recover natural materials and cultivate good fortune and wisdom, by preparing the 2012 Annual Report of Socially Responsibility especially for Master Cheng Yen. 

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Friday, 10 May 2013

2013,Sep.5-7, EMMA EXPO INDIA

【DATE & TIME】:September 5~7, 2013
【LOCATION】:Chennai Trade Centre Hall 3(Tamilnadu Trade Promotion Organisation, CTC Complex, Nandambakkam, Chennai, Chennai,India)

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2013,Aug. 30-Sep. 2,Dalian Taiwan Trade Fair

【EVENT】:Dalian Taiwan Trade Fair
【DATE & TIME】:August 30~September 2, 2013
【LOCATION】:Dalian World Expo Centre

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