
印母子做環保Meet a mother-son pair who in spite of their old age still dedicates themselves wholeheartedly to safeguarding the planet in Jakarta

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Over the years, Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia have been promoting the concept of recycling in various communities in Jakarta. Inspired by Tzu Chi volunteers’ effort, many residents decided to contribute their share on behalf of the planet. In our next report, we travel to Pluit Sakti residential area to meet a mother-son pair, who in spite of their old age still dedicates themselves wholeheartedly to safeguarding the planet. Let’s take a look. 

多年來,印尼慈濟志工在雅加達各社區推動資源回收,受到志工付出所感動,許多人決定投入保護大地的行列,下一則新聞,我們到珊瑚薩迪住宅區認識一對母子 ,雖然他們年紀很大,還是全心投入保護大地的行列,讓我們來看看。 

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