
板橋塑膠袋回收&老菩薩環保Passion to safeguard our planet

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Safeguarding the environment is a job for all, and doing his bit to help has been 81-year-old Shen Qinan of Taichung, Taiwan. That same sort of passion can be seen in Banqiao, New Taipei City, as Tzu Chi volunteers hit the streets to educate members of the public on the different categories of plastic. Volunteers even made a chart to make it easier for local resident to remember. 

守護環境是大家的責任,住在台灣台中 81歲沈啟南也貢獻自己一點心力,這樣的熱心也在新北市板橋看得見,慈濟志工走入人群 宣傳塑膠種類的不同,志工還製作道具讓民眾短時間內記得回收的歸類。 

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