
缺水難解渴(1)旱況Water shortage in Taiwan

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Though the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan predicted the country should see more typhoons this year due to El Nino, to date only two typhoons have made landfall and neither brought much rain. This is actually bad news for the country’s reservoirs which had hoped to utilize the storms’ abundant rainfall to help discharge sediment accumulating in them which have reduced their capacity. 
雖然台灣的中央氣象局預估,因為聖嬰現象 ,今年應該會有比較多個颱風,但至今,只有兩個颱風登陸台灣,也沒有帶來豪大雨量,這其實對國內的水庫來說,是件壞消息,因為它們原本預定利用颱風豐沛的雨量來協助排淤,因為淤積嚴重,已經嚴重影響水庫的庫容量。 

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