
印尼火災發放Aid to fire survivors

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Times of disaster brings to light the capacity for true compassion. In Jakarta, Indonesia, faulty electrical wires triggered a fire in Penjaringan, which burned 28 houses to the ground. Shortly after, Tzu Chi volunteers readied blankets, drinking water, and toiletries among other daily necessities to tend to the fire survivors` immediate needs. 

從患難中,最能看見人間溫情,印尼雅加達 本札令安鎮,因為電線短路引發大火,燒毀了28戶住宅,慈濟志工緊急動員,備妥毛毯、飲用水,盥洗用品等物資前往發放,要解決災民現下最迫切的需求。 

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